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Mr J Nelson
28 Blackhorse Lane

16th December 2022

Our Ref: 01546492/1/LSCTIRT
Your Ref: 1328982 Direct Dial: 0330 053 9418
Always quote our reference

Dear Mr Nelson

Claim Against: XPO Logistics

Incident Date: 11th November 2022

UK Independent Medical have confirmed your appointment date with Dr M Ahmed for the 13th February
2023 at 09:50. The location of the appointment is Marco Polo House, 3-5 Landsdowne Road, Croydon,
CR0 2BX.

If you are unable to attend your appointment please inform UK Independent Medical on 0333 414 1988
as a matter of urgency in order that they may arrange a more convenient date.

The evidence provided in the medical report by the expert must contain all details of your claim for these
items to be successfully recovered against the other side. In addition to ensuring that you discuss all
aspects of the actual injury you sustained in the accident with the expert it is also important you make
sure the expert is made aware of other possible heads of claim which are caused by your injury. It is
essential you also discuss with the expert any relevant previous medical history or accidents you may
have been involved in, as it may prejudice your claim if you fail to do so.

I have therefore enclosed a checklist of typical heads of claim caused by an injury. Not all of these
heads of claim maybe applicable to your specific claim however I would strongly recommend that you
read through this checklist prior to the appointment and take a copy of it with you to the appointment
to ensure that all the items that apply to you are discussed with the expert.

Please note that you may be charged a cancellation fee if you fail to attend the appointment without
giving sufficient notice to the medical expert.

I hope that the examination goes well and would normally expect to receive the medical report around a
month from the appointment date.

When I send you the medical report I will be asking you to update your financial losses. In the meantime,
I would be grateful if you could gather together details of any further financial losses you have incurred,
which I may not be aware of.

Please of course feel free to contact me should you have any queries.

Yours sincerely

Injury Response Team


Personal injury medical examination checklist

Before your medical examination please take the time to read through this checklist to ensure that you
discuss with the medical expert all possible heads of claim arising from the injury.

1. Loss of earnings
In the event that your injuries have prevented you from attending work please remember to tell the expert
what type of job you do and why you were unable to do it. You may also have missed overtime shifts in
addition to your normal working hours. Please tell the expert how long you were off work for and in the
event that you are still off work when you envisage being able to return to work.

Please also confirm whether your own G.P. has signed you off work and if so provide the relevant dates. If
you are worried that your injuries may have a long term affect on your ability to work please remember to
discuss these concerns with the expert. It is important to mention any time taken from work even if you
have received full sick pay during this absence.

2. Care and assistance

Your injuries may have prevented you from carrying out your normal day to day activities such as laundry,
vacuuming, ironing, food preparation, washing-up etc. You may also have been unable to carry out
childcare or look after others due to your injuries.

In these scenarios you may have relied upon friends and family members to assist you with these
activities. You maybe able to make a claim for their time despite the fact that you probably did not pay
anyone for their assistance. Please therefore make sure you tell the expert what activities you have
struggled with and who has assisted you with them. The expert may ask you how long these activities
took your friend and family members per day/week to carry out on your behalf.

In the event that you are continuing to require this assistance at the time of the examination please give
the expert an indication of how much longer you feel this assistance will be necessary.

3. Rehabilitation treatment
You may have received some form of treatment since the accident to assist your recovery such as
physiotherapy, chiropractic/osteopathic treatment etc. In this scenario please remember to tell the expert
what treatment you had and how many treatments were received by you.

The expert will need to state whether he/she agrees that the treatment you received was reasonable in
light of your injuries which will hopefully allow us to recover the cost of this treatment as part of your

If you have not received any treatment to date but would be interested in trying rehabilitation please
remember to tell the expert this and he/she will confirm whether treatment would assist your recovery.
The cost of this future treatment can then be included in your claim.

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