Ee128 sp19 hw1

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ME C134/EE C128 Spring 2019 Professor: Somayeh Sojoudi

Homework 1
Due: Feb. 7th, Thu at 11:30am Homework box #2 on Etcheverry 1st floor

1 Block Diagram - 5 points

The human eye has a biological control system that varies the pupil diameter
to maintain constant light intensity to the retina. As the light intensity
increases, the optical nerve sends a signal to the brain, which commands
internal eye muscles to decrease the pupil’s eye diameter. When the light
intensity decreases, the pupil diameter increases.
Draw a functional block diagram of the light-pupil system indicating the
input, output, and intermediate signals; the sensor, the controller; and the

2 Laplace Transform Review - 10 points

A system can be modeled using the following differential equation:

d4 w d3 w d2 w dw d3 r d2 r dr
2 4 + 17 3 + 6 2 + 8 + 3w = 3 + 3 2 + 2 + 7r
dt dt dt dt dt dt dt
Determine the transfer function from R(s) to W (s).

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3 Inverse Laplace Transform Review - 25 points

For each transfer function below determine h(t)

(a) H1 (s) = s2 +4s+20
(b) H2 (s) = s2 +4s+20
(c) H3 (s) = s2 +4s+20
(d) H4 (s) = s2 +4s+20
(e) H5 (s) = (s+1)2 (s−3)

4 Electrical Network - 20 points

Find the transfer function that describes the voltage output across the in-
ductor (VL (t)) with the voltage source (Vs (t)) as the input.

5Ω 5Ω

VS (t) − 3H VL (t)


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5 Electrical Network - 20 points

Vo (S)
Find the transfer function, G(S) = , for the following operational am-
Vi (S)

100 kΩ

100 kΩ 5 µF
v1 (t)
vi (t) −
100 kΩ 5 µF vo (t)

6 Mechanical Systems - 20 points

Find the transfer function, G(s) = X2 (s)/F (s), for the translational mechan-
ical network below.

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