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Thank You

Dear Kate Alfred ,

I want you to know that you have been a big part of my life. I can say
that I will have a hard time without you; you are more than the person I
expect to be my support. I'm thankful because you're always by my side. In
my rants in life, you are there to listen, even though sometimes I know I
can hear you because of my noise in life. our wanderings, the things we
do together, I'm thankful for the memories we've made, I hope there will
be many more and I hope you don't get tired of me, I hope no matter what
happens, our bond will not be broken, I'm thankful because even though
I'm the oldest, we're siblings and you are the youngest of your siblings, of
us both you are the eldest, I am thankful you came into my life, you are the
type of person that I don't want to let go no matter what happens even
though sometimes we don't understand each other and we have our own
moods swings, our association is like that, our association is getting
deeper and deeper and I hope it will never end. I am thankful that I met
you. I always love you.

With love,

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