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1. Assessment of immediate new born care –APGAR score

2. Drug secreted in islet cell—insulin
3. Examination of body tissues, cells and body fluid—pathology
4. Before 28 weeks of gestation is—Abortion
5. Asepsis—free from all microorganisms causing diseases
6. Clean wound—clean from inner to outer
7. Septic wound—clean outer to inner
8. Level of Hgb below normal—Anemia
9. Heart beat above the normal—Tachycardia
10. Gravida—Number of pregnancy
11. Para—Number of birth or delivery
12. Primigravida—First pregnancy
13. Nosocomial infections—Hospital acquired
14. Infants below 6 months—Exclusive BF
15. Infants above 6 months—Formula feeding
16. Maximizing the client effectively to high—Rehabilitation
17. Communication b/n the pt and doctor—Interpersonal communication
18. Low level of blood sugar—Hypoglycemia
19. To promote pt.discomfort, but not cure—Palliative care
20. Chain of infection transmission—Agent-Reservoir-Portal of exit-Mode of transmission-
Portal of entry- susceptible host
21. Pandemic disease—HIV
22. Light or heat sensitive vaccine—BCG,OPV &Measles
23. Vaccine give at the nine month—measles
24. Amoxicillin—Antibiotic
25. Incubation period—
26. Assessed and measured data—objective data(signs)
27. Felled by pt. it is self-reported—subjective data(symptoms)
28. Fungal diseases—candidaalbicans
29. Caused by clostridium diseases—Tetanus

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30. Bovine TB—cow to man
31. Malaria—Arthropods (vector born disease)
32. Amoeba –protozoa disease(E.hisolytica)
33. Live attenuated vaccine—BCG,MEASELS&POLIO
34. High level of glucose in the blood—Hyperglycemia
35. Steps of bed bath—Head-Eye-Trunk---------leg-perineum
36. Multigravida—more than 2 or more pregnancy
37. Grand multipara—women who has given birth 2 or more children
38. Intranasal medications—Nasal spray
39. Contraindication for oral medication—continuous vomiting
40. Destroying all microorganisms including spore forms—Sterilizations
41. Disinfection—chlorine solutions
42. Xerophthalmia—vitamin A deficiency
43. TB affect lung—P.TB
44. Not sign of severe dehydration—skin pinch go slowly
45. Gravid diseases—
46. Absence of menstruation—Amenorrhea
47. Pain during menstruation—Dysmenorrhea
48. First menses—menarche
49. Obstruction of air way—chocking
50. Lack of oxygen to tissue—cyanosis(hypoxia)
51. Inflammation of liver—Hepatitis
52. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation—CPR
53. Shock position—Trendelenburg position
54. APGAR score—Decline of mental ability
55. Postpartum examination of dead body by pathologist to find out the cause of death—
56. Blood test that detect the hemoglobin content in the RBC—Hematocrit
57. Protect the fetus from injury—Amniotic fluid
58. Viral communicable disease that suppress immune system—HIV
59. Nosocomial infection—Hospital acquired infection

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60. Care of old age—Geriatric nursing
61. Convulsion –Eclampsia
62. Interpersonal communication—Team work
63. Professional misconduct—Falsifying document
64. The challenges of small teams—Lack of motivation
65. Heimlich maneuver—Chocking
66. Fluid over load—pulmonary edema
67. Burn complication—Hypervolemia
68. Discoloration of a women’s face that is associated with hormonal change—chloasma
69. Expulsion of the fetus—second stage of labor
70. Improves performance outcomes—counseling
71. Peritoneal fluid taping—paracentesis
72. Primary stage of planning—situational analysis
73. Birth of a baby that has died through the process of labour in the womb—still birth
74. Hyperextension of fetal head—face presentation
75. Craving for unusual food items of very low nutritional—pica
76. Hypoxemia—inadequate oxygenation of blood
77. Identical twins—develop from one ova
78. Poly hydraminase—excessive accumulation of amniotic fluid
79. Urinary retention—inability to avoid
80. Gravidity—number of pregnancy
81. PPH—postpartum hemorrhage
82. A dynamic illus—lack of bowel motility
83. Hemorrhage—severe rapid blood loss
84. Air way occlusion—obstruction of circulation through lung due to blood clot
85. Fraternal twins—develop from two ova
86. APH—anti partum hemorrhage
87. Aseptic technique—surgical wound
88. Disease which is transmitted from person to person—communicable disease
89. Recommended for infant <6 months—exclusive breast feeding
90. More than 2 pregnancy—multigravida

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91. Grand multi Para—giving birth for more than 5 times
92. Herpes zoster—viral skin disease
93. Disease prevention by administration of vaccine—immunization
94. Graves’ disease—hyperthyroidism
95. Infection processes—
96. Shortage of oxygen—expiration difficulty and loud
97. Exophthalmoses—bulging of eye
98. Fungus—mycosis
99. Burn injury mgt—dressing with Vaseline gauze
100. Drugs used to prevent INH induce neuralgia
101. Care after death –post mortem care
102. Displacement of bone at joint—sprain
103. Fungus—conidian albican
104. Shortage of oxygen—cyanosis
105. Transmitted from cows to man—bovis tuberculosis
106. Given at nine month—measles
107. Pregnancy outside of the uterine cavity—ectopic pregnancy
108. Corrective and investigative activities—supervisor
109. Administration of insulin—subcutaneous
110. Protozoa—amoeba
111. Vaccine more sensitive to light--polio

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1. What is a common goal of discharge planning in all care setting?
A. Provide the financial resources needed to ensure proper care
B. Prolong hospitalization until the client can function independently
C. Prevent the need for further medical follow up
D. Teach the client how to perform self-care
2. A client who is unconscious needs frequent mouth care. When performing a mouth care, the
best position of a client is

A. Trendelenburg C. fowlers
B. supine D. side laying

3. Which assessment is most important for the nurse to make before advancing a client from
liquid to solid food?
A. chewing ability B. appetite C. food preferences D. Presence of bowel sounds
4. What history not more relevant you include? A. current labour frequency,intensity&duration
B. current pregnancy history C. gynecological history D. medical history

5. Advantage of breast feeding A. prevent infection B. Difficult to prepare C. Expensive

D. Decrease mother to child bonding

6. A client receives meperidine(Demerol),50 mg IM for relief of surgical pain. Thirty minutes

later the nurse asks the client if the pain is relieved. Which step of the nursing process is the
nurse using? A. nursing diagnosis B. assessment C. implementation D.evaluation

7. An employer has established a physical exercise area in the work place and encourages all
employees to use it. This is an example of what level of health promotion?

A. secondary prevention B. passive prevention C. Tertiary prevention D. primary prevention

8. A client with a fecal impaction typically exhibits which clinical manifestation?

A. loss of urge to defecate D. liquid or semi liquid

B. increased appetite stools
C. hard brown formed stools

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8. The nurse is preparing to take vital sign in an alert client admitted to the hospital with
dehydration secondary to vomiting and diarrhea. What is the best method used to assess the
clients temperature? A. oral B. auxiliary C. radial D. heat sensitive tape

9. Which of the following addresses the client’s rights to information informed consent and

treatment refusal? A. patients’ bill of rights B. Standards of nursing practices

c. Nurse practice art D. code for nurses

10. Which question by the nurse would be most helpful when obtaining a health history from a
client admitted with acute chest pain?

A. do you need anything now? B. why do you think you had a heart attack?

C. what were you doing when the pain started? D. has anyone in your family been sick lately?

11. an employer has established a physical exercise area in the work place and encourages all
employees to use it.This is an example of what level health promotion?

A. secondary prevention B. Primary prevention C .Tertiary prevention

12. Two days after undergoing a modified radical mastectomy, a client tells the nurse “,Now I
won’t be sexually attractive to my husband” , based on this statement which nursing diagnosis is
most appropriate?

A. body image disturbance B .altered sexuality pattern C. anxiety

13. The chamber of the heart that receives oxygenated blood from the lungs is the? A. left
ventricle B. Left atrium C. right atrium D. right ventricle

14. Which assessment findings by the nurse would prohibit application of a heating pad?

A. edematous lower leg B. purulent wound drainage

C. reddened abscess D. active bleeding

15. Which action by the nurse is essential when cleansing the area around a Jackson Pratt wound

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A. seems to be mad at the doctor B. Client had a good day C. Small decubitus ulcer noted on
left leg D. Skin moist and cool

16. It best describe as a systematic, rational method of planning and providing nursing care for
individual , families , groups and community

A. assessment B. diagnosis C . Implementation D. nursing process

17. A muscular enlarges pouch or sac that lies slightly to the left which is used for temporary
storage of food.

A. lungs B. Gallbladder C. Stomach D. Urinary bladder

18. A nurse obtained a client’s pulse and found the rate to be above normal .The nurse document
this finding as;

A. tachypnea B. Bradycardia C. tachycardia

19. The nurse anticipates that after administration of penicillin, which type of shock? A. septic
B. Neurogenic C. cardiogenic D. anaphylactic

20. Which one of the following medication is administered intravenously?

A. ceftriaxone B. bezantine penicillin C. TAT D. procaine penicillin

21. Which one is true order in abdominal examination?

A. percussion-inspection-palpation-auscultation

B. palpation- inspection- auscultation- percussion

C. inspection- auscultation- percussion-. Palpation

D. percussion- palpation- inspection- auscultation

Set by Chala.B
22. During medication administration the following information should be explained for the
client, except

A. route of the medication C. purpose of the drug

B . Drug metabolism D. Medication side effects

23. Components of the chain of infection includes, except

A. medication B. Portal of entry and exit

C. Infective agent D. reservoir and susceptible host

24. Which one of the following comes first in first aid care of an electric burn?

A. Initiating CPR C .locating entrance and exit wound

B. separating the victim carefully from the D. Opening air way

electrical source

25. One of the following is not the characteristics of the ethical nurse

A. privacy C. sympathy

B. confidentiality D. empathy

26. A term that refers to factors that relieve or reduce intensity of uncomfortable symptom but
not to produce a cure

A. contributing C. Palliative

B. precipitating D. Predisposing

27. Which waste receiver is used for pharmaceutical waste?

A. red C. white

B. blue D. black

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28. Which of the following is not an open wound?

A. Laceration C. contusion

B. Abrasion D. puncture

29. which part of the eye structure is useful for about 75% of refraction?

A. conjunctiva C. cornea

B . Sclera D. Lens

30. An inflammatory and allergic condition of the skin caused by irritant substance which comes
in to direct get in touch with the skin is?

A. contact dermatitis C . Scabies

B .Eczema D. Acne vulgaries

31. One of the following is the care given for disabled patients?

A. Home based care C. secondary care

B. primary care D. Tertiary care

32. Acute bacterial inflammation without pus, wound with heavy contamination and evidence of
infection is?

A. Aseptic wound C. contaminated wound

B. dirty and infected wound D. clean wound

33. Except one others do require notification to health authorities?

A. schistosomiasis

B. malaria

C. yellow fever

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34. Effective communication can lead to the following except?

A. reduce patient and family satisfaction C.Decrease the length of hospital stay

B. improved information flow D. more of effective for intervention

35. The reason that giving emphasis for maternal health is except

A. is not issue of health sector

B. the problem of high maternal mortality and morbidity in developing countries

C. maternal mortality is largely preventable

36. All of the following are management of burn except

A. maintains ABC and if necessary provides oxygen

B. cool the burn C. Un extinguish the flame

37. In developing countries a women may not directly die from one of the following cause?

A. Anemia C. Abortion

B. Ectopic pregnancy D. Bleeding

38. -----------is an inflammation of the parenchyma lung tissue?

A. tuberculosis C. laryngitis

B. pneumonia D. bonchialAsthma

39. Which one is the leading cause of maternal death in Ethiopia?

A .Obstructed labour B. Abortion C. Hemorrhage D. sepsis

40. Which one is the largest vein?

A. Jugular vein B. pulmonary vein

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C. carotid vein

41. Which one is not the desired characteristic of ideal anesthesia?

A. Low toxicity C. increase blood flow

B. rapid blood flow onset D. good anesthetic efficacy

42. Which one is not the clinical manifestation of severe dehydration?

A. skinpinch go back slowly C. very sunken eye

B. Unconscious D. Lethargy

43. Atobezabih has injured with accident and suffer from a puncture compound wound involve
deeper structure which could not be the management of the case?

A. gives tetanus prophylaxis

B. evaluate the depth of damage

C. excise damage tissue and cover with antibiotics

D. don’t remove pricking or other foreign bodies

44. Which one is the first stage of dying patients?

A. bargaining C. denial

B. depression D. accepting

45. Which one is not correct?

A. DPT and BCG can be frozen D. measles and polio can be frozen

B. BCG and pertussis are live vaccines C. tetanus vaccine

46. One of the followingis not professional quality of nurses

A.confidentiality B.respect to clients

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C.empathy D.diclose client’s information

47. Primary goal in withholding food before surgery is to prevent

A, aspiration C.distention

B.obstruction D.infection

48. One of the following is not personal value for effective team work?

A.direspecting the team norms C.carryout their roles and responsibility

B.maintainig the mutual trust D.tackling new or emerging problems


49.One of the following is the purpose of documentation

A.quality imjprovent not expected C.for communication and continuity of care

B.for the best benefits of health


50. One is anticonvulsant drug of choicefor both the prevention and treatment of eclampsia

A. diazepam C. magnesium sulphate

B. phenobarbital D. phenytoin

51. In a vertex presentation, the position is determined by the relationship of what fetal part to
the mother’s pelvis

A. mentum C. Acromian

B. sacrum D. occiput

52. What is the rate of flow NS if the physician orders 1000ml to run over 8 hrs, provided drop
factor of the IV set are 20drops/mi?

A. 55 drop per min B. 40drop per min

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C. 42drop per min D. 58drop per min

53. Which type of implanted contraceptive method used for 3 yrs protection?

A. implano C. jaddle

B. Norplant D. Sino plant

54. The last menstrual period was June 30; the expected date of delivery (EDD) is

A.March10 C. April 10

B. April 5 D. March 5

55. Select correct steps of processing equipment’s in infection prevention

A. cleaning—HLD/sterilization—Decontamination

B. Cleaning —Decontamination—sterilization/HLD

C. Decontamination—cleaning--HLD/sterilization


56. A client with a fecal impaction typically exhibits which clinical manifestation?

A. loss of urge to defecate C. hard, brown formed stool

B. increased appetite D. liquid or semi-liquid stools

57. Which one is true about infected wound?

A. it is cleaned only with NS

B. the cleaning principle is from more contaminated to least contaminated

C. it has foul odour and necrotic tissue

D. all

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58. Patient and nurse communication must be?

A. One way C. Two way

B. Only non-verbal D. Written

59. Which one the correct emergency management technique?



60. From the following which one is the purpose of positioning unconscious patient?

A. to facilitate Aspiration C. to prevent aspiration

B. to induce sleeping D. all

61. __________is a preferable position during NGT feeding is?

A. lateral position C. fowler position

B. supine position D. prone position

62._____is a female reproductive organ, were fertilization is takes place?

A. fallopian tube C. cervix

B. uterus D. all

63. The order is erythromycin suspension 250 mg PO; the pharmacy delivers 100 ml bottles with
labels stating 5 ml containing 125 mg of erythromycin. Calculate the amount to administer?

A. 5ml C. 10ml

B. 3ml D. 4.5ml

64. A duration, the patient to be placed in the sitz bath

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A. 10-15 min
B. 15-20 min
C. 1 hr.

D. 20-30 min

65. ______is a process of collecting and

analyzing data

A. nursing assessment

B. nursing diagnosis

C. nursing plan

D. nursing intervention

66. A vital sign that decide death of the

patient –pulse rate

67. Most common infection prevention

technique for nurses client are? Hand

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