Tutorial 2b - Interconnection and Nine Days

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Interconnection - Writing Task - 60 minutes

Task: Pick a significant moment in your life and write a short narrative around it. You must include
a flashback to a different moment that impacted it, which, perhaps at the time, seemed
You should aim to write 500 words (one page handwritten)
- Plan: (15 minutes)
- Dot point your plot
- First paragraph should be about the setting (establishes mood)
- Middle section includes the significant moment
- Connect the flashback
- Conclusion includes the resolution of the moment
- Write (30 minutes)
- Seek feedback from peer/teacher (5 minutes)
- Refine (10 minutes)
- Submit for Week 2 Writing Task
Reflection on learning goals:
❏ To understand the concept of interconnection
❏ To develop a deeper understanding of the character ‘Kip’
❏ To respectfully participate in class discussions
❏ To follow the writing process to develop a written response on the theme of ‘interconnection’

Can you tick all of these off?

If not, you need to catch up at home. If so, what study can you do?

This weekend I need to: ...

Some ideas for study:

- Create a ‘Big ideas in Nine Days’ study sheet/add to big ideas sheet
- Create a quote bank/add to quote bank using the quotes from this week’s slides and your notes
- Complete one of the extension tasks from this week
- Refine a piece of writing completed this week
- Seek feedback on a piece of writing from someone else (peer, sibling, parent, guardian, teacher)

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