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Republic of the Philippines


College of Teacher Education
ACCESS Campus, EJC Montilla, Tacurong

Observation of Teaching-Learning with actual School Environment
First Semester, Academic Year 2023-2024


Cooperating School


Pre-Service Teacher



Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 2 ii


Title Page i
Table of Contents ii
Acknowledgment iii
Introduction iv


Autobiography v
Beliefs in Teaching and Learning (Pre and Post) vi


Learning Episode 1 1-24
Learning Episode 2 25-33
Learning Episode 3 34-54
Learning Episode 4 55-66
Learning Episode 5 67-77
Learning Episode 6 78-86
Learning Episode 7 87-96
Learning Episode 8 97-97
Learning Episode 9 114-124
Learning Episode 10 125-135

PART V: Documentation/Appendices 136

Pictures 137
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 3


I want to express my sincere gratitude to the people who have played a crucial role in my
journey towards success. It has been a challenging road, with sacrifices and unwavering
determination. Throughout my years in school, I have had the privilege of meeting amazing
individuals, gaining knowledge, and forming valuable friendships.

First, I would like to extend my heartfelt appreciation to Sultan Kudarat State University.
Being a part of this institution has taught me the true meaning of hard work, as I've encountered
various challenges that have shaped me into a more effective and knowledgeable future teacher.

I also want to acknowledge Dr. Samson L. Molao, the University President, for his
commitment to providing quality and relevant education. His vision and mission have been
instrumental in the university's growth.

My gratitude extends to Dr. Christine P. Abo, the Dean of the College of Teacher
Education, for granting me the opportunity to engage in the field of teaching. Her moral support
and encouragement have been invaluable.

I must mention my Practicum Supervisor Prof. Cristobal M. Ambayon, Ed.D, who

offered unwavering support and guidance during my internship and beyond.

Dr. Nancy D. Espacio and Prof. Adonis S. Besa who have consistently provided me with
moral support and gentle reminders to remain patient in all my endeavors.

I also want to thank Ma'am Teressita Escobia, the Head Principal of San Pablo National High
School, for her warm-hearted acceptance and kindness towards us.

Lastly, my Cooperating Teacher, Sir Jaderey Lasaga, deserves a special mention for his
support, trust, generosity, guidance, patience, and encouragement during my field study period.
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 4


Welcome to my portfolio. I am Hanna Marie L. Payba, a student from Sultan Kudarat

State University under the program of Bachelor of Secondary Education major in English.
Education is the key to unlocking the potential of every individual. As Nelson Mandela once
said, 'Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. This
portfolio is a reflection of my journey, observations, and learnings as a pre-service teacher at San
Pablo National High School, where I have had the privilege of being mentored by dedicated
educators and interacting with aspiring young minds.

My journey in the field of education has driven by a profound belief in the transformative
power of knowledge. Education is not merely about the transmission of facts; it is a dynamic
process that fosters critical thinking, nurtures creativity, and empowers individuals to envision
and create a better world. As an aspiring educator, I am dedicated to instilling this sense of
possibility in my students. My time as a pre-service teacher at San Pablo National High School
has provided me with invaluable insights into the challenges and rewards of teaching. It has
reinforced my belief that a teacher's role extends far beyond the classroom. We are not just
instructors; we are mentors, motivators, and role models for the next generation. I have had the
privilege of witnessing the spark of curiosity ignite in the eyes of my students, and it is a feeling
like no other. The importance of education in shaping the future cannot be overstated. It equips
individuals with the tools to solve problems, engage in meaningful dialogue, and contribute
positively to society. It is a bridge that connects people from diverse backgrounds and
perspectives, fostering understanding and empathy. Education transcends boundaries and
empowers us to be global citizens.

In conclusion, as a student educator my experiences has affirmed my unwavering

commitment to the field of education. I believe that education is not just a means to an end but a
lifelong pursuit of knowledge and personal growth. It is a continuous process of self-discovery
and enlightenment that enriches our lives and the lives of those we touch. As I move forward on
this path, I carry with me the profound words of Nelson Mandela, "Education is the most
powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." I am determined to be a part of this
change, to inspire, to nurture, and to empower the next generation. My portfolio stands as a
testament to my dedication to the art of teaching and my belief that education is the cornerstone
of a brighter and more equitable future.
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 5


My name is Hanna Marie L. Payba, I am currently studying at Sultan Kudarat State

Universiy under the course of Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English and I was born
into a loving family with my mother, Nancy L. Payba, and my father, Filbert V. Payba, who have
been my pillars of strength and unwavering support. I hail from a small town where the sense of
community and the value of hard work are deeply ingrained in our way of life.

Growing up, I developed a deep appreciation for the power of education, thanks to my
parents' encouragement and the nurturing environment they provided. Their dedication to my
academic journey and their belief in my potential have been instrumental in shaping my dreams.

One thing you should know about me is that my favorite color is black, a shade that
represents the depth and endless possibilities I associate with learning and personal growth. A
color inspires me to explore the uncharted territories of knowledge and to always strive for

What truly inspires me is the selfless dedication of my parents, who have worked
tirelessly to provide for our family and ensure that my siblings and I have the best opportunities
in life. Their sacrifices and love inspire me daily to pursue a career in teaching, as I dream of
becoming a LET (Licensure Examination for Teachers) passer, not only for myself but to give
back to my parents and make them proud. The dream of providing for them and easing their
burdens is a driving force in my life.

My aspiration to become a teacher is deeply rooted in my desire to make a meaningful

impact on the lives of students, just as my own teachers have influenced mine. The role of an
educator in shaping the future of individuals and society as a whole is a responsibility I
wholeheartedly embrace. I believe that education is the key to unlocking human potential and
fostering positive change, and I am eager to be a part of this transformative journey.
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 6


Before embarking on my journey as a student educator, I often contemplated what it

meant to be a teacher. I realized that teaching goes beyond delivering lessons; it is about building
connections, fostering a nurturing learning environment, and inspiring students to reach their full
potential. I believe in the power of empathy, patience, and adaptability as essential qualities for
an effective educator.

During my field study and pre-service teaching at San Pablo National High School, I
have had the privilege of witnessing the transformation that occurs when a teacher genuinely
cares about their students' success. This experience has reinforced my belief in the profound
impact teachers can have on their students' lives. It is not just about imparting knowledge but
also about igniting the flame of curiosity and guiding students on their educational journey.

In the pre-service phase, I immersed myself in the art of teaching, learning that it requires
not only academic knowledge but also an understanding of the individual needs and potentials of
each student. Every student is a unique book waiting to be opened, and as educators, we hold the
key to unlocking their stories and empowering them to write their own chapters. I believe in the
importance of fostering an inclusive, student-centered classroom that values diversity and
supports students in their pursuit of knowledge.

My journey as a pre-service teacher has reinforced my conviction that teaching is not just
a job; it is a vocation, a calling to make a positive difference in the lives of young learners. It is
about being a mentor, a guide, and a source of inspiration. It is about instilling the love of
learning and providing the tools for students to navigate the complexities of the world. Every
moment in the classroom is an opportunity to ignite the passion for knowledge and help students
discover their unique strengths and abilities.

In conclusion, my pre-service teaching experiences have deepened my understanding of

the profound impact teachers can have on the lives of their students. I am more committed than
ever to the belief that teaching is a noble endeavor, a journey of continuous learning, and an
opportunity to shape the future. My journey has reinforced my belief in the power of education
to change lives, and I am dedicated to being an educator who makes a positive impact on the
next generation. I look forward to continuing to learn and grow as an educator, guided by the
core values of empathy, patience, adaptability, and a passionate commitment to fostering the love
of learning in my students. As I venture into my future as a teacher, I am excited to be a part of
the transformative process that empowers individuals to unlock their potential and create a better
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 1


The School Environment

FS 1 1
SPARK Your Interest

This episode 1 provides an opportunity for students to examine and reflect on a school
environment that promotes learning and development.

TARGET Your Intended Learning Outcome

 At the end of this episode, I must be able to determine the characteristics of a school
environment that is safe, secure, and is supportive of learning (PPST 2.1.1).

REVISIT the Learning Essentials

1. A physical environment conducive for learning is one that has consistent practices that:
 Keep the school safe, clean, orderly and free from distraction;
 Maintain facilities that provide challenging activities; and
 Address the physical, social, and psychological needs of the students.

2. Display boards can be powerful in communicating information about the learning

environment. They help in building and establishing the school culture. Those boards
become one way for everyone to learn about the vision-mission, goals, and values that the
school upholds.

3. As a basic part of the school’s visual environment, display boards have for general

 Decorative- they offer visual stimulation and appeal to aesthetics. They set the social
and psychological atmosphere of the school.
 Motivational - they encourage students to perform better and have greater confidence.
An example would be the display of students’ outputs that show that each output is
recognized and valued. The bulletin boards help celebrate the learners’ growth and
 Informational - they are used as a strategy to readily disseminate information.
 Instrumental - they move students to respond and participate through interactive
displays. They get students to think about and communicate their learning.
4. The set of criteria for evaluating bulletin board displays includes effective
communication, attractiveness, balance, unity, interactivity, legibility, correctness,
and durability.
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 2


Activity 1.1 Exploring the School Campus

Resource Teacher: Sir Jaderey Lasaga Teachers Signature: ___________

School: San Pablo National High School Grade/Year Level: Grade 7
Date: September 28, 2023

To realize the Intended Learning Outcome, work my way through these steps:
1. Visit a school, look into facilities and support learning areas in the campus, then in the
2. Observe and use the checklist as you move around the school premises.
3. Analyze your gathered data about the school environment.
4. Reflect on the characteristics of a school environment that promotes learning.
5. Present your idea of a good school environment through any of these:
a) Descriptive paragraph b) Photo essay
c) Sketch or drawing d) Poem, song or rap


As you move around the campus, observations forms are provided for you to document
your observations. It is advised that you read the entire worksheet before proceeding to the
school site. A good understanding of the activities and tasks to be accomplished in the activity
sheets will yield better learning results.


Familiarize yourself with the different areas and facilities of the school. Check the
column to indicate their availability. Give a brief description of those that are available, and say
how each will contribute to the students learning and development.

Will it contribute to the students

Facilities / Description
learning and development? Why?

The principal office is small

yet impeccably clean and
neat. It contains two table: A clean and organized office sets a
one for the assistant good example for students, teaching
principal and the other is for them responsibility and attention to
the principal. The papers detail. However, I believed the
Office of the and documents are neatly principal office itself does not
Principal stored. The walls are adored directly impact the students learning
with few decorations, also and development. Therefore, t is
there are awards and more about the overall school
trophies, board displaying environment manage by the
informations about the principal teaching methods.
school, teachers profiles,
events and programs.

Library Based on our orientation, Turning the library into classroom

the school used to have could have mixed effects on
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 3

library. However, due to he

students. On the positive side, it
increase of students
might ease overcrowding, creating a
population in enrollment,
more comfortable learning
they decided to convert the
environment, but it could also limit
library into additional
the access to books and resources.
classroom for the seventh
Ultimately the impact on the
grade students. I believe the
learning and development depends
book from the library are
on how well the school adapts to
still present and have been
this changes by ensuring that books
placed and organized in the
remain accessible and that the new
rear section of the classroom
classroom provides a conclusive
which is also used as the
learning atmosphere.
office of teachers.

The counseling room is

wide, clean, and well- A clean and well-equipped
organized. It is well-lit, counseling room help students a lot.
equipped with electric fans. It is a good place for them to get
It contains wall display advice and support which makes
about comprehensive them feel better emotionally and do
sexuality education and better in school. Having a good
topics about mental health lighting comfortable seats and right
and wellness, and it is resources makes the counseling
furnished with tables o work well and help students grow
facilitate comfortable and personally and grow mentally
effective school counselling healthy in their education.
for students.

Not having a working school

canteen could also affects students.
The school have a canteen When school snacks are provided it
but it is relatively small and can help students to focus better and
currently sometimes not be healthier. A canteen can also be
operational. There are foods place where students socialized.
and snacks but only few However, not having one might
options available for encouraged to bring their own
Canteen/ students to buy. Sometimes snacks which can be also a good
Cafeteria their snacks are limited. A a thing but for some reason students
result most students bring who choose to buy snacks outside,
their own snacks and some it can also be dangerous because
choose to go outside to buy there are some student who make it
food from the nearby stores an opportunity to skip class.
located in front of the gate Regardless of that, it depends on
of school. how well students adapt and how
the school managed to keep healthy

Medical The school has a clinic with Having a good clinic in school help
Clinic all the necessary medical students by making sure they can
equipment for emergency is quickly get medical help if they
it is well lit and has fans to need it. This makes the school safer
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 4

maintain a comfortable
environment. The clinic
features a single bed
enclosed by curtains along
with washing area.
and more comfortable. It also
Additionally, there is a
means, it's a safe clinic since there
teacher serves as a school
is a nurse available to take care of
nurse responsible for
the students.
managing the facility and
monitoring students health.
Interestingly both the clinic
and counseling room share
the same room.

Audio No, it may hinder students learning

This school does not have
Visual/Learni development because they miss
an audio-visual room or
ng Resource valuable multimedia and
vacated learning center.
Center collaborative learning opportunities.

No, not having a science love can

also hinder the students learning as
Science The school does not have a
it limits hands-on scientific
Laboratory science laboratory.
experiments that they should
experiment and need in high school.

The school gym although not very

The school gymnasium is wide it help students and teacher
not that wide but it is learn and grow. It's a place where
Gymnasium adequate for school they can do activities, learn to work
activities it is well together and have fun at school
constructed and clean. events. Even though it's not huge
the gym is still good for students.

Yes, it can still benefit the students

They use the gymnasium for
learning by providing a large space
Auditorium the things like play and
for educational events and other

Outdoor/ The school outdoor garden Even though the garden is not in the
Garden is spacious but it has limited best shape right now, it still has the
varieties of flowers, plants potential to teach students about the
and vegetables. The planting importance of nature and making
looks disorganized, the the school look nicer. If it is taken
grass are tall and needs care and properly utilized, it can
cutting, and some parts of help student learn and grow and it
the area or a bit muddy. will become more valuable for
However, I noticed that in educational purposes.
other areas there are also
well-planted and pleasing
looking plants that makes
the school verbant and
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 5

abundant with plant life.

No, the absence of home economics

Home room may hinder students’ holistic
The school lack room for
Economics development by limiting their
their home economics.
Room exposure to important skills and
potential career interest.

No, the absence of industrial

Industrial The school does not have a workshop area may hinder student’s
Workshop room for their industrial development by limiting the
Area workshop area. exposure to important skills and
potential career interest.

Yes, since they use it to plan and

The PTA office is a place
talk about how to make the school a
where parents and teacher
better place for students. It benefits
PTA Office work together. Although
the students by making a supportive
they use gymnasium, you
environment and for enhancing
enough to settle meetings.
their school experiences.

There is only one CR in

school and it is intended for Limited and poorly maintained
both boys and girls to use comfort rooms with only one for
their comfort room as also both boys and girls could disrupt
Comfort quite small and the faucet is class affect hygiene and
Room for located outside voice inconvenience to student it can
Boys fortunately when we try potentially affect their focus and
using the CR, does not smell well-being, which in turn could
stinky however it still looks affect their learning and
like it was poorly development.

There is only one CR in the

school and it's intended for
No, limited and poorly maintained
both boys and girls to use
comfort rooms with only one for
there is no this admitted CR
both boys and girls could disrupt
Comfort in the classroom so when
class affect hygiene and
Room for student need to use it they
convenience to students can be
Girls have to go outside
uncomfortable due to the concerns
fortunately when I try to use
about privacy modesty and a sense
it doesn't smell stinky
of safety and vulnerability.
however it still looks like it
was poorly maintained.

Playground The students use the area in The wide spaces area serves as the
front of their buildings and playground of the student in San
classroom as their Pablo National High School and it
playground while it lacks contributes to student learning and
play structures like swings development. It serves as a space
or slides the space is wide where they can interact, foster
enough for students to play social skills, engage in physical
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 6

activities for their well-being, and

relieve stress. Despite the absence
of traditional play equipment, this
and have fun together.
open area can positively affect the
students enriching their overall
learning experience.

No, not having an ICT room in

school can hinder their learning in
The school does not have an
ICT Room terms of accessing to the
ICT room.
technology resources and
developing their digital skills.

The washing area at San Yes, the clean and well- equipped
Pablo National High School washing area of the school can
are clean, functioning and foster a healthy environment, it can
well-maintained spaces teach and promote importance of
design for student and proper hygiene habits all of which
teacher is to wash their contributes a student learning and
hands and maintain hygiene. development.

An Observation Guide for the CLASSROOM VISIT

Read the following statements carefully. Then write your observation report on the space

Guide Question Classroom Observation Report

San Pablo National High School, formerly known as San

Emmanuel National High School – Annex, is located in a
neighborhood surrounded by houses and establishments, and it is
1. Describe the conveniently close to the highway. The entrance to the school is
community or through a somewhat narrow pathway, and in front of the school
neighborhood where gate, there are a few stores. The surrounding neighborhood and
the school is found. the adjacent highway are generally peaceful and not very noisy.
The presence of a few trees adds to the tranquil atmosphere, and
the area is relatively free from pollution.

The campus of San Pablo National High School is not

2. Describe the school particularly spacious, and the predominant colors, mainly white
campus. What colors do
you see? What is the and green, create a somewhat dull ambiance. While some
condition of the classrooms have been painted and renovated, there are still
buildings? buildings under construction and in need of repairs.

3. Pass by the offices. When passing by the offices, my impression is that they appear
What impression do clean and well organized, and the teachers working inside seem
you have of these quite busy.
4. Walk through the The school halls or pathways primarily serve as connectors
school halls, the library, between different parts of the building and classrooms. The
and the cafeteria. Look library has been repurpose into a classroom for grade 7 students,
around and find out the
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 7

although the books are retain. The cafeteria has not seen
significant improvements, as it is not use for students to
purchase snacks. Other facilities like the gymnasium are utilize
for programs and physical activities. The classrooms are
other facilities that the adequately equipped with chairs, tables, and blackboards to
school has. facilitate comfortable learning. Unfortunately, the school lacks
additional facilities such as a science lab, audiovisual room, and
others conducive to students' learning, as the campus is still
undergoing construction and improvements.

Resource Teacher: Sir Jaderey Lasaga Teachers Signature: ___________

School: San Pablo National High School Grade/Year Level: Grade 7
Date: September 28, 2023
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 8

1. Look at the walls of the classroom. What are posted on the walls? What “I entered the
heroes, religious figures, lessons, visual aids, announcements, do you classroom
see posted? with the
conviction that
In the classrooms, there are post lists containing students' names
it was crucial
and other pertinent information. However, in terms of aesthetics and
for me and
vibrancy, there has not been any improvement. There are no additional
every other
designs or visual aids, such as pictures of heroes or religious figures, to
student to be
liven up the classroom environment.
an active
2. Examine how the pieces of furniture are arranged. Where is the teachers not a passive
table located? How are the tables and chairs/desks arranged? consumer.
Learning is a
The teacher's table is positioned at the rear portion of the place where
classroom; it was well covered with plastic cellophanes and placed at paradise can
the top of it with school related supplies like a small bookshelf and be created.”
flower vase while the students' chairs are arranged in horizontal rows,
facing the front blackboard.
-Bell Hooks,
Teaching to
3. What learning materials/equipment are present?
Regarding learning materials and equipment, there are still
limited resources available. However, a functional TV is use for lesson

4. Observe the students. How many are occupying one room?

In the classroom, there are 64 students.

5. Is the room well-lit and well-ventilated?

The room is brightly illuminated and not overly dim, thanks to

its large windows that allows the light outside and fresh air to circulate.
Additionally, the room is equipped with functioning fans to ensure
students remain comfortable and undisturbed by heat while learning

An Observation Guide for the CLASSROOM VISIT

Be guided by these tasks as you do your observation. Then accomplish the matrix to record your
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 9


Classroom Facilities
(Location, number, arrangement, condition)

There are two wall display in the room the first one is empty
while the other one contains the names and information of the
students, the classroom officers as well as the names of the
1. Wall Display cleaners for the day. However, the items on the wall are not
neatly arranged, there no decorations and are not displayed

There are two tables in the classroom. The first one is located in
front and is use to carry or place the TV. The other one is the
teachers' table is located at the back portion of the classroom and
2. Teacher’s Table near the door where she can see the students going in and out of
the classroom. It is well covered with plastic cellophane and
decorated with flower vase and placed on top with school
supplies own by the teacher.

They do not have learners’ desks but they have armchairs and
there are 65 chairs in the classroom, which perfectly
3. Learner’s Desks accommodate the number of students. These chairs come in two
types: wooden chairs, painted brown and plastic chairs in green.
However, it is worth noting that some of the chairs are in need of

The blackboard is a large, smooth, dark slate on the classroom

4. Blackboard wall, framed with wood. It is use by teachers to convey lessons
and is equipped with chalk and an eraser for instructional

Regarding learning materials and visual aids, teachers use their

5. Learning Materials/ laptops and connect them to a compatible connector that links to
Visual Aids a working TV. This setup greatly facilitates discussions and
enhances the learning experience for students.

There is a comfort room located within their building, but it is

currently in disrepair and requires fixing. As a result, students
6. Comfort Room have to use a comfort room located in another building, which is
two buildings away from their classroom. Notably, this shared
comfort room accommodates both boys and girls, as there is no
separate facility available.

7. Reading Area In their designated reading area, students exclusively read while
seated at their own chairs. However, the available books within
the cabinet are not organize effectively, as they are mix and lack
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 10

a specific arrangement by topics or categories.

In the personal care and grooming area, there is only one small
mirror available for students to use for self-examination and
8. Personal Care &
Grooming/Health personal grooming. Additionally, it would be beneficial to
Area consider adding other necessities for grooming and a bigger
mirror to accommodate multiple students simultaneously and
enhance the convenience of this space.

The classroom lacks a dedicated space for art or creative and

9. Art Area artistic exploration for students. Therefore, it can limit their
opportunities to engage in hands-on art activities.

The classroom does not have a special area for math activities
10. Numeracy Area and math related stuffs. However, they can still learn it inside
their classroom, within their seats.

The classroom does not have a special area for Drama room but
11. Drama Room they can still use their classroom as it has enough space to
perform such activities related to drama.

The classroom does not have any audiovisual area. Teachers

usually use the classroom since it has TV and they use it for
12. Audiovisual Area presentation, screening, audiovisual stuffs and multimedia elated

Write your observations report here.

The breaking
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfoliodown11 of
materials into
their component
Name of the School Observed: San Pablo National High School parts, examining
(and trying to
Location of the school: Purok San Jose, Brgy. San Pablo, Tacurong City, Sultan understand the
Kudarat. structure of)
such information
Date of Visit: September 26, 2023 to develop
MY OBSERVATION conclusions by
We began our deployment and our initial observations in line with our FS1 and motives or
FS2 subjects on September 26, 2023. I was both excited and nervous when I came to causes, making
the school along with other Pre-Service Teachers. Before conducting our formal the inferences,
and/ to finding
observations, we received an orientation on the school's rules and policies.
evidence to
The teachers and students extended a warm and respectful welcome to us. They generalizations.
also shared the school's history, revealing that it was previously the San Emmanuel It involves:
National High School annex. Ma'am Escobia, the principal of San Pablo National
⦁Seeing patterns
High School, had previously served as the principal of Tacurong National High
School. Her warm smile and inspiring words set a positive tone for our visit. ⦁organization of
Following the introduction, each of us was assign to a specific classroom to
observe various aspects of the student learning process. Our Practicum Supervisor ⦁recognition of
hidden meanings
instructed us to document everything related to our objectives. Our goal was to
become competent in assessing a school environment that fosters a supportive ⦁identification
learning atmosphere encompassing social, psychological, and physical elements. of components

Accompanied by my classmates. I toured the campus and diligently recorded

my observations in my notebook. Although the school's campus was small, I was ⦁Question Cues:
impressed by how the students interacted with us. Regarding the classrooms, some
buildings were still under construction. As for offices and facilities, they had limited separate, order,
resources. Notably, there was no auditorium, science lab, ICT room, or learning explain, connect,
resource center that could enhance the students' learning and development. classify, arrange,
Additionally, the school had only one shared restroom for both boys and girls. The divide, compare,
library had been repurposed as a grade seven classroom due to a sudden increase of select, explain,
infer (Bloom’s
students in enrollment. The exterior walls required repairs, indicating a need for
significant improvements in the school's infrastructure and campus facilities.

The Next day, we returned to the school to continue our observations. I

completed a matrix that assessed the school's facilities and managed to answer the
questions related to our learning Episodes.
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 12

How do the school campus and the classroom in particular impact the learning of the students
going to school? What are your conclusions?
Based on what I observed, the school and classrooms can really affect how students learn.
When there no enough facilities and things such as buildings and technology, it would makes it
harder for students to learn and grow. For example, not having a place like an auditorium, a lab
for science, a room for technology, or a place with lots of learning materials can hinder and limit
what students can learn and do. Also, having just one restroom for both boys and girls can be
tough for students, especially when they're growing up and if the school's buildings are not in
good shape, it can even be unsafe and distract students from learning.

How does this relate to your knowledge of child and adolescent development?
Having a good school with enough things for learning, like buildings and learning
materials, can make a big difference in how students learn and grow. It can be related to the topic
of the Impact of a Safe School Environment and Access to Complete Learning Materials on
Child and Adolescent Development. A secure school environment and ensuring students have
access to adequate learning material. From what I know about child and adolescent development,
they need a place that is safe and caring to develop their skills and grow and I believe that a
school with the right facilities can help students a lot.

How does this relate to your knowledge of facilitating learning?

As a future teacher, I need to understand how the school affects students and make sure it
helps them learn and grow. I should make sure the school is a good place for students, with
things, they need to learn, and that I teach in a way that helps them succeed. That is how I can
really help them grow and learn.


1. Would you like to teach in the school environment you just observed?
Why? Why not?
Certainly, even though the school's condition has not improved yet, I am still
eager to teach the students. As a future educator, one of my core principles is to give my
best when teaching children, whether using modern teaching methods or traditional ones.
The lack of materials should not hinder a teacher's ability to educate. Moreover,
considering we are in an era of advanced technology, I believe that someday this school
will also enhance its facilities and receive government funding to provide a quality
education for all its students.

2. What kind of school campus is conducive to learning?

A conducive school campus creates an inviting atmosphere making learning
enjoyable. It has thoughtfully designed to provide study areas that are not messy. Inside
the classroom, there are gadgets that make learning enjoyable and have access to Wi Fi
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 13

for watching educational videos or for conducting research. Additionally there are areas
students can enjoy and run around and library to read books or relax in spaces. When
hunger strikes students and teachers have a variety of nutritious food options to choose
from the canteen. Safety is paramount; therefore, friendly guards are present along with a
security plan. In essence, an ideal school campus will serve as your sanctuary, for
learning and personal growth.

3. What kind of classroom is conducive to learning?

A conducive classroom is one that is comfortable organized and well equipped. It
feels like a haven where you are treated with respect and can focus on your studies. The
classroom provides a number of seats, desks and supplies to cater to activities. There is a
chalkboard or whiteboard along, with bulletin boards. Communication in the classroom is
clear between the teacher and students. Naturally, the classroom should always maintain
cleanliness and tidiness in order to have an effective learning and personal development
for students.

4. In the future, how can you accomplish your answer in number 3?

To accomplish an ideal and conducive classroom based on my answer stated above, as a
teacher it is crucial to regularly maintain and upgrade the design or look of the classroom and
learning equipment. Additionally, I will foster clear communication and mutual respect
between my students and teachers since it is one of the key to have a conducive learning for
students. Finally, I will place importance in cleanliness and organization greatly because i
believe it also contributes to a conducive learning environment.

5. Write your additional learning and insights here.

I do not have that much learning insights to add but I believe that fostering
communication will make learning easier and can create a great classroom and school
campus. Moreover, it's better if the school is clean and organized because it can make us
focus better. In addition, being respectful helps everyone feel happy and ready to learn. In
addition, we can all achieve this ideal learning environment if we as a teacher took our
profession with passion and commitment.
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 14


Activity 1.2 Observing bulletin board displays

Resource Teacher: Sir Jaderey Lasaga Teachers Signature: ___________

School: San Pablo National High School Grade/Year Level: Grade 7
Subject Area: English
Date: September 28, 2023

The display board, or what we are commonly refer to as bulletin board, is one of the most
readily available and versatile learning resources.

To achieve the Intended Learning Outcomes, work your way through these steps: 1.
Examine for bulletin board displays. Include samples of those found at the entrance, lobby,
hallways and classrooms. 2. Pick one and evaluate the display. 3. Propose enhancements to make
the display more effective.


As you look around and examine board displays, use the observation guide and forms
provided for you to document your observations.

An observation Guide for BOARD DISPLAYS

Read the following carefully before you observe.

1. Go around the school and examine the board displays. How many board displays do
you see?

2. Where are the display boards found? Are they in places where target viewers can see

3. What is the display about? What key message do they convey? What images and color
do see? How are the pieces of information and images arranged?

4. What are the displays about? What key messages do they convey? What images and
colors do you see? How are the pieces of information and images arranged?

5. What materials were used in making the displays? Is border used?

6. Do you notice some errors? (Misspelled words, grammar inconsistencies and the like)

7. Is the message clear and easily understood?

8. Think about what got your attention. Why did it get you attention?

9. Take a photo of the display boards (if allowed).

Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 15

Based on the questions on the observation guide, write you observation report:

The classroom board is plays a role in facilitating teaching and learning within the
classroom. There are total of six-board display I have notice that are intentionally design to
enhance teaching and learning. The board is printed on tarpaulin and it is place in an area
where the target viewers can see them. The display contains information about floods,
landslides and comprehensive sexuality education. They also have transparency board, which
contains information about MODE, PTA, Donations, Canteen, Donated resources and IGP.

The board also has colors but the combination of color does not hurt the eye of the
viewers. It is also adorn with range of ideas and valuable information. It also has image and
illustration that contributes to the visual appeal of the topic. As I further observed, there are no
errors with regard to the spellings, grammars and no inconsistencies. The message is clearly
understandable and it caught my attention because it was also big and the information about it
can be stated clearly and can be easily grasp. It proves beneficial in facilitating teaching and
learning process.

From among the board displays that you saw, pick the one that you got most interested in
Evaluate it using the evaluation form below.


Topic of the Board Display

Location of the Board Display in School

Check the column that indicates your rating. Write comments to buck up your

4-Outstanding 3-Very Satisfactory 2-Satisfactory 1-Needs Improvement

Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 16

Criteria Comments
1 2 3 4

Effective It effectively conveys the intended message

communication and ideas.

It conveys the
message easily and

Attractiveness It could benefit from some important

improvements in visual appeal.
Color and
arrangement catch
and hold interest.

Balance It maintains a harmonious distribution of ideas

and elements.
Objects are arranged
so stability is

Unity There are issues with cohesion and consistency in

the design. It needs improvement.
Repeated shapes or
colors or use of
borders display

Interactivity The interactivity of the board display needs

improvement. It lacks in engaging elements or
The style and user interaction.
approach entice
learners to be
involved in engage.

Legibility The legibility of the project is very satisfactory.

The text and visuals are clear and easy to read.
Letters and
illustration can be
seen from a good

Correctness The correctness of the board display is very

satisfactory. It is free from errors and
It is free from inaccuracies.
grammar errors,
misspelled words, and

Durability The durability is very satisfactory. It appears to be

well made and long lasting.
It is well constructed;
items are securely
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 17

Bulletin Board Evaluated by: Hanna Marie L. Payba

Location: San Pablo National High School / Clinic Room

Brief Description of the Bulletin Board: The board display is all about comprehensive
education. It provides information about sexual health and well-being.


Strengths Weaknesses

Description of the Bulletin  It is concise and to the  It does not have

Board Layout point. additional designs or
 It looks inviting and materials on the
friendly with the use board.
of color and positive  It looks plain.
Evaluation of educational  It promotes a positive  Does not mention who
content, and other aspects and respectful the target audience
approach to sexuality are.
Recommendations or Suggestions for improvement:

It can be improve by mentioning specific visuals and topics on the board and
specifying the target audience. In addition, add artistic or unique designs especially
with its border to make it look lively, not plain or boring.

Signature of evaluator over Printed Name:

Hanna Marie L. Payba

Based on your suggestions, make your board display lay-out. You may present your output
through any of these:
 A hand-made drawing or layout
 An electronic (computer) drawing/illustration or layout
 A collage

Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 18


What do you think was the purpose of the board display?

I believe the purpose of the board display here at San Pablo National High School is to
inform us about important topics and to support teachings, meetings, and sharing interesting
information. Throughout the hallways, I have seen board display that provides information about
various topics such as proper garbage disposal, trash segregation, as well as guidelines for
preparedness in natural disasters like tropical storms, landslides, and floods. It also displays how
to be secure and handle yourself during these calamities. In the clinic area, there are board
displays that cover comprehensive sexuality education and information on maintaining healthy
adolescents, details about HIV/AIDS prevention and more. Outside the principal's office, I found
a board display with important information about school related matters including the parent-
teacher association or PTA, the school donations and available resources. The board displays I
believe have a way to serve and share information and capture the people's attention.

Did the board display design reflect the likes/interest of its target audience? Why? Why not?
Yes, I believe the board display appears to reflect the interests of its target audience,
including students, visitors, and teachers because it provides relevant information on topics like
garbage disposal disaster, preparedness and comprehensive sexuality education. It also addresses
practical concern and educational needs making it in engaging and useful for those it aims to

Was the language used clear and simple for the target audience to understand? Why? Why not?
Yes, I believe the language that is use in board display appears to be clear and simple for
the target audience. The descriptions in the provided text are straightforward and it convey
information in a concise manner. This simplicity help ensure that a broad audience can easily
understand the messages and information presented on the board display, making them effective
for communication and education.

Did the board display effective? Why? Why not?

Based on my observation, the board displays are likely effective because the language
that is used is clear and simple making the information easily understandable for the target
audience. Additionally, the board display cover a range of important topics that can be valuable
for awareness in environment or the learning progress and development of the students. The
placement of board display like in hallways and clinic shows that people are likely to see and
benefit from the information. However, I also believe that the effectiveness of the board display
are also influence by how often they are change or updated and whether they make people want
to do something or get involve.
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 19

What suggestions can you make?

For suggestions, I believe in order to enhance the effectiveness of the board display; they
should also consider putting artistic and unique designs to make it more lively and eye-catching.
In addition, they should consider updating the board display regularly and add topics that are
more valuable. Moreover, add another board display displaying every clubs and activities of the
school to make it more interactive and engaging with audience better.

Based on your suggestions, propose an enhanced version of the display board. Use the form

My Proposed Board Display


Latest Updates with regards to the Students Activities and Achievements.

Board Title: “Celebrating Students Success”

Rationale :( Purpose)

The purpose of the board display is to display and celebrate the achievements and activities of
our students, fostering a sense of pride and motivation within the school community.


 Recognize and appreciate student accomplishments.

 Encourage healthy competition and motivation among students.
 Create a positive and inspiring atmosphere within the school.
 Keep the students, teachers, and parents informed about recent achievements and

Best Features of my proposed bulletin enhancement:

 Eye-catching design with vibrant colors.

 Regular updates to keep the content fresh.
 Inclusion of photos and quotes from students.
 Easy to read format with concise information.
Content Resources (Name each needed resources and give each a brief description):

1. Student achievements – a record of students’ achievement and activities.

2. Students Photos – high quality images capturing students’ success.
3. Inspirational Quotes – quotes from students, teachers, or famous figures.
4. News and Updates – relevant news articles or announcements.
5. Art Supplies – materials for decorating and enhancing the board.

Materials for aesthetic enhancement:

Foe materials and aesthetic enhancement, I can use colorful papers or construction paper for
border and other designs. In addition, bulletin board pins, markers, and fonts for creative
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 20


1. Name at least five skills that a teacher should have to be able to come up with effective board
displays. Elaborate on why each skill is needed.
I believed teacher’s need to have creativity skills because being with imaginative and
unique ways not just in teaching but also inside the classroom to make it look more
interesting. Second is being organized, having an organizational teacher arrange things over
the content on the board neatly. They also need to be good in terms of communication
because it is essential for conveying information concisely and clearly. Next be attention to
detail, having this skill for a teacher can prevent any errors in spelling, grammar and design.
Lastly, time management skill, having this still is crucial for teacher especially in terms of
planning and updating board displays regularly.

2. Which of the skills you named in # 1 do you already have? Recall your past experiences
in making board displays. How do you practice these skills?

I think the skills that I already have that I have applied In making board display is that
being creative, In the past I used experience in making a board display in terms of decorating
it and making it look eye-catching. Next in having good organizational skills to which 2 have
applied in arranging its content.

3. Which skills do you need to develop? What concrete steps will you take on how you can
improve on or acquire these skills?
I believe I still need to work on improving my creativity and communication skills for
designing visually. I should plan to attend workshops in graphic designing appealing and
informative displays and to be able to do this, a collaborative projects with people who these
type of areas of skills because practice and learning from others will be my concrete step to
acquire these skills.

LINK Theory to Practice

Directions: Read the items given below and encircle the correct answer.

1. With the PPST as guide, an ideal learning environment should have the following
characteristics, EXCEPT ____________.
A. the learning environment promotes fairness
B. is safe and conducive for learning
C. builds many professional linkages
D. establish and maintain consistent standards of learner’s behavior

2. Which facilities are present in a health-promoting school environment?

I. Canteen that sells all kind of food including junk food
II. Comfort rooms common for boys and girl
III. Sanitary drinking fountains
IV. Safe playground
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 21

A. II, III and IV C. I and II

B. I, II, III, and IV D. III and IV

3. Which physical school environment supports learning?

A. Availability of flexible classroom furniture
B. Presence of spacious classrooms
C. Prominence of bulletin boards in every building
D. Tall school buildings
4. Examine the bulletin board display. This bulletin board fulfils which primary purpose?
A. Instructional-interactive
B. Informational
C. Motivational
D. Decorative
5. Examine the bulletin board display. This bulletin board fulfills which primary purpose?
A. Instructional-interactive
B. Informational
C. Motivational
D. Decorative
5. Examine the bulletin board display. This bulletin board fulfils which primary purpose?
E. Instructional-interactive
F. Informational, decorative
G. Motivational, decorative
H. Instructional, informational

SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

My Personal Illustration of an Effective School Environment

Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 22

Let your Creativity Shine!

On the opposite box, present and "An Effective School Environment"

illustration showing your idea of
an effective school environment
through any of these: A school that promotes team-building activities,
A Descriptive Paragraph where teachers can inspire their class with ease,
A Photo Essay where staff and students work together Ride by side,
A Sketch or Drawing Successful learning can be realize.
A poem, song or rap

A place filled with acceptance and trust,

Where student can ask their question without Fuss.

A universal understanding and respect,

Ensuring all students can wait their turn to reflect.

No matter the culture, religion, or race

In such effective school, no one would impede other’s pace.

Where we each find the ability to understand

that this school together we all can stand.

EVALUATE Performance Task

Evaluate Your Work Task, Field Study 1 – The School as a Learning Environment
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 23

Learning Outcome: Determine the characteristics of a school environment that provides social,
psychological, and physical environment supportive of learning.

Name of FS Student: Hanna Marie L. Payba Date Submitted: November 10, 2023

Year & Section: 4-B Course: BSED English

Very Needs
Learning Excellent Satisfactory
Satisfactory Improvement
Episode 4 2
3 1

All observation One (1) to two Three (3) Four (4) or more
questions/tasks (2) observation observation observation
completely questions/tasks questions/tasks questions/tasks
answered/ not answered/ not answered/ not answered/
accomplished. accomplished. accomplished.

Analysis All questions All questions Questions were Four (4) or more
were answered were answered not answered observation
completely; completely; completely; questions were
answers are with answers are answers are not not answered;
depth and are clearly connected clearly connected answers not
thoroughly to theories; to theories; one connected to
grounded on grammar and (1) to three (3) theories; more
theories; spelling are free grammatical/ than four (4)
grammar and from errors. spelling errors. grammatical/
spelling are free spelling errors.
from error.

Reflection Profound and Clear but lacks Not to clear and Unclear and
clear; supported depth; supported shallow; shallow; rarely
by what were by what were somewhat supported by
observed and observed and supported by what were
analyze. analyzed. what were observed and
observed and analyzed.

Learning Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is not Portfolio is not

Artifacts reflected on in reflected on in reflected on in reflected on in
the context of the the context of the the context of the the context of the
learning learning learning learning
outcomes; outcomes; outcomes; outcomes; not
complete, well- complete; well complete; not complete; not
organized, highly organized; very organized, organized; not
relevant to the relevant to the relevant to the relevant
learning learning outcome learning
outcome. outcomes

Submission Submitted before Submitted on the Submitted a day Submitted two

the deadline deadline after the deadline (2) days or more
after the deadline
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 24

Comments Over-all Rating

score (Based on



Score 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7-below

Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00

99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-below

Hanna Marie L. Payba November 10, 2023

Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date

FIELD STUDY 1 LEARNING Learner Diversity

Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 25

FS 1 2 Development Characteristics, Needs and Interest

SPARK Your Interest

Episode 2 provides me with an opportunity to observe learners of different ages and

grade levels. It highlights the differences in their characteristics and needs. As a future teacher, it
is important for me to determine my learners’ characteristics and needs so that I will be able to
plan and implement learning activities and assessment that are all developmentally appropriate.

TARGET Your Intended Learning Outcome

 At the end of this Episode, I must be able to describe the characteristics, needs and
interests of learners from different developmental levels. (3.1.1).

REVISIT the Learning Essentials

Here are major principles of development relevant to this Episode:

1. Development is relatively orderly. Development follows directional patterns such as, from the
head to the toe (cephalocaudal), and from the center of the body then outwards (proximodistal).
2. Development takes place gradually.
3. All domains of development and learning physical, social and emotional, and cognitive are
important, and they are closely interrelated, (NAEYC, 2009).
4. Development proceeds toward greater complexity, self-regulation, symbolic or
representational capabilities, (NAEYC, 2009).


Activity 2.1 Observing learner characteristics at different stages

Resource Teacher: Sir Jaderey Lasaga Teachers Signature: ___________

School: San Pablo National High School Grade/Year Level: Grade 7
Date: September 29, 2023

To realize the Intended Learning Outcomes, I will work your way through these steps.
Step 1 Observe 3 groups of learners from different levels (preschool, elem., and high school).
Step 2 Describe each of the learners based on my observations.
Step 3 Validate my observation by interviewing the learners.
Step 4 Compare them in terms of their interests and needs

Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 26

Use the observation guide and matrices provided for you to document your observations.
An Observation Guide for the Learners Characteristics

Read the following statements carefully. Then write your observation report on the provided
space. Your teacher may also recommend another observation checklist if a more detailed
observation is preferred.

1. Observe their gross motor skills how they carry themselves, how they move, walk, run, go up
the stairs, etc.
2. Are gross movements clumsy or deliberate/smooth?
3. How about their fine motors skills? Writing, drawing, etc.

1. Describe how they interact with teachers and other adults.
2 Note how they also interact with peers. What do they talk about? What are their concerns?

1. Describe the emotional disposition or temperament of the learners (happy, sad, easily cries,
mood shifts).
2. How do they express their wants needs? Can they wait?
3. How do they handle frustrations?
4. Describe their level of confidence as shown in their behavior. Are they self-conscious?

1. Describe their ability to use words to communicate their ideas. Note their language
2 Describe how they figure out things. Do they comprehend easily Look for evidence of their
thinking skills.
3.Were there opportunities for problem solving? Describe how they showed problem solving

Learners Development Matrix

Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 27

Record the data you gathered about the learners’ characteristics and needs in this matrix. This
will allow you to compare the characteristics and needs of learners at different levels. The interns
under each domain are by no means exhaustive. These are just sample indicators. You may add other
aspects which you may have observed.

Domain High School
Indicate age range of children observed


Gross motor skills The students are very attentive, alert, active, and energetic but there are
tendency that they can be clumsy sometimes.

Fine motor skills They can write gracefully but a lot of them still need to learn how to read
and pronounce words correctly and also need more practice in terms of

Self-help skills
Students can feed themselves without assistance they can do their own
personal hygiene can dress properly can do their own homework and
communicate well with others.


Interaction with Teachers They can interact with the teacher with confidence, with no hesitation
and with respect.

Interaction with They you love to share gossips and stories and love to play with each
Classmate/friends other they can also get easily in trouble.

They love to play. Girls usually are interested with makeup or something
Interests that is related with music. In addition, boys, they are more interested in
playing with their mobile phones and running around.

Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 28

They know how to support and encourage each other. For instance, when
one cannot answer the given question by the teacher, the student would
say "ma'am gusto ko siya tulongan sa pag answer". They are also
respectful when it comes to religions of one another.


Moods and temperament, They are happy, active, and sensitive or can easily cry. However, there is
expression of feelings also one student I noticed that is very temperament when he gets teased
by his classmates over small things.

Emotional independence They know how to make decisions about the emotions and actions and
likely have their own beliefs and personal identity. They feel happy
when they play with their classmates and they express their emotions
when crying.

Others They are always positive and can share their feelings with others.


Communication Skills They enjoy talking a lot and some students are diverse there are
Christians Muslims, Ilonggos and Tagalog. Students can speak Tagalog
very well and they use it when they are asked by their teacher during
class. For Muslim students they speak Islam when talking with their
likes. However, they are still having problems when it comes to
pronouncing words in English.

They can critically think and are often creative when they start to talk
Thinking skills
about jokes or tell stories they want to share with other teachers or

Majority of the students are still not good in terms of problem solving,
Problem-solving only few of them have this skills especially in solving math problems.
Overall, they still need to be thought and more practice in order for them
to develop and can use it for their learning progress.

Students are well communicators. They know how to seek help

whenever they find something difficult in terms of solving math
problems and other matters.

Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 29

Write the most salient developmental characteristics of the learners you observed. Based on these
characteristics, think of implications for the teacher.

Level Salient Characteristics Implications to the
Observed Teaching-Learning Process
Age range of learners
observed 3-4

Level Salient Characteristics Implications to the

Observed Teaching-Learning Process
Age range of
learners observed
___3__-4 __

Age range of
learners observed

High School
Age range of  They like to move a lot. Therefore, teachers should adapt easily and
learners observed  They are very noisy. match the students energy and also not expect
13-UP  They are very attentive and or for students to be calm most of the time,
active in the class. because they are naturally mischievous and
 They like to participate in they can be very active and loud when
class activities. participating. Therefore, as teachers, patience
 They like to talk to share is the key and it is essential to practice or think
stories in the things they and plan a good strategy to maintain discipline
like. among the students. Then we can employ
 They do not behave most these strategies with our teaching and learning
of the time and likely get process in order to produce better learners and
into trouble easily. conducive learnings.
 They are expressive and
sensitive over small thing


1. While you were observing the learners, did you recall your own experiences when you were their
age? What similarities or differences do you have with the learners you observed?

While observing the learners, I recall my own experience. At their age, I recall how
enjoyable it was to be carefree, young and learn new things just like them. Watching them made
me realize how much I have grown physically, mentally and emotionally. I also noticed some
similarities between the learners and myself. Like me, they also love to be curious about things
they do not understand and are quite creative. However, I also notice differences. For instance,
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 30

the students exude confidence I did not have back when I was in grade seven. They confidently
participate and answer the teachers question even when they do not know the answer. They are
eager to try and are open with their teacher. Another difference is that, although there were
advanced technologies like android phones and computers when I was their age, I did not spend
much time using them during break time. I preferred playing bonding and talking with my
friends. Nowadays, students seem to spend a lot of their break time in technology like playing
games on their phones rather than playing outside or bonding with their friends. This experience
was an opening for me and made me realize how much I have I changed and grown.

2. Think of a teacher you cannot forget for positive or negative reasons. How did she/he help or not
help you with your needs (physical, emotional, social and cognitive)? How did it affect you?

I cannot forget my grade seven teacher Mrs. Annaliza Ambrosio for a reason. she was an
excellent teacher who truly cared about her students. Mrs. Ambrosio was always ready to help
when students need it, and she was a great listener who offered guidance and support. She was not
bias in terms of her student’s capabilities and she really understood as very well. A teacher like
her motivated us to give our best efforts. Not only did he teaches important academic lessons but
she also imparted valuable life lessons to us. Mrs. Ambrosio had a significant impact on my life
as a student. Without her, I would not have learned something so valuable and useful which have
helped me get to where I am today.

3. Share your other insights here.

I watch the seventh grade students and remembered how I felt at their age. They seem
confident and use technology more than I did back then. I also remembered my Great grade
seven teacher who cared a lot about us and thought as important life lesson. Some of the students
I observed are lively and participative, while there are others that are shy and mischievous. Jonah
Mae Custodio and Princess Nicole Serbito were standout students. One being optimistic the other
smart and active in a class, but there were also naughty boys who didn't pay attention and made
jokes during class discussions. I believe this challenging students can be better when given
attention and proper guidance. Moreover, these observation remind me of important role teachers
play in shaping students’ lives and a potential for growth in every student to matter their

LINK Theory to Practice

Directions: Read the items given below and encircle the correct answer.
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 31

1. A 14-year-old felt ignored by her crush whom she believes is her one true love. She is crying
incessantly and refuses to listen and accept sound advice that the teacher is offering. Her
refusal to accept is because_____________.

A. she thinks what she feels is to special and unique, that no one has felt like this
B. the teenager's favorite word is “no”, and she will simply reject everything the
teacher says
C. 14-year-olds are not yet capable of perspective taking and cannot take the
teacher's perspective
D. teenagers never listen to adult advice help or it affect

2. A preschool teacher is thinking about how best to develop the fine motor skills of the 4-year-
olds. Which of the following should be best consider?
A. Provide daily coloring book activities
B. Ask the children to do repeated writing drills everyday
C. Encourage children to eat independently,
D. Conduct a variety of fun and challenging activities involving hand muscles daily.

3. Science Teacher Rita showed her class a glass of water with an egg in it. She asked the class:
"What happens to the egg 1 add three-tablespoon salt to the glass of water?” This is
hypothesis formulation. What can you infer about the cognitive developmental stage of
Teacher Rita's class?
A. Formal operational stage
B. Concrete operational stage
C. Pre-operational stage
D. Between concrete and formal operational stage

SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

Which is your favorite of development. How can this guide you as a future teacher? Clip some
readings about this theory and paste them here.
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 32

As a future teacher, my favorite aspect of development is cognitive development.

Understanding how students' thinking processes evolve and adapt over time enables me to tailor my
teaching methods to their cognitive abilities and needs. By recognizing and accommodating their
cognitive growth, I can create more effective and engaging lessons, helping students reach their full
potential. Additionally, acknowledging the interplay between cognitive and social development equips
me to foster a supportive classroom environment where students can both learn and develop socially,
ultimately enhancing their overall educational experience.

EVALUATE Performance Task

Evaluate Your Work Task. Field Study 1: Episode 2: Learner Diversity: Developmental Characteristics,
Needs, and Interests
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 33

Learning Outcome: Determine the characteristic, needs and interests of learners from different developmental
Name of FS Student: Hanna Marie L. Payba Date Submitted: November 10, 2023

Year & Section: 4-B Course: BSED English

Learning Excellent Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Needs

Episode Improvement
Accomplis All observation One (1) to two (2) Three (3) Four (4) or more
hed questions/tasks observation observation observation
Observatio completely questions/tasks questions/tasks not questions/tasks not
n Sheet answered/accomplis completely answered/accomplis answered/accompli
hed. answered/accomplis hed. shed.
Analysis All questions were All questions were Questions were not Four (4) or more
answered answered answered observation
completely, answers completely, answers completely, answers questions were not
are with depth and are clearly are not clearly answered, answers
are thoroughly connected on connected to not connected to
grounded on theories, grammar theories; One (1) to theories, more than
theories, grammar and spelling are free three (3) four (4)
and spelling are free from error. grammatical grammatical
from error. spelling errors. spelling errors.
Reflection Profound and clear; Clear but lacks Not so clear and Unclear and
supported by what depth, supported by shallow, somewhat shallow, rarely
were observed and what were observed supported by what supported by what
analyzed. and analyzed. were observed and were observed and
analyzed. analyzed.
Learning Portfolio is reflected Portfolio is reflected Portfolio is not Portfolio is not
Artifacts on in the context of on in the context of reflected on in the reflected on in the
the learning the learning context of the context of the
outcomes; Compete, outcomes; Compete, learning outcomes; learning outcomes;
well organized, well organized, very Compete, not not compete, not
highly relevant to relevant to the organized, relevant organized, not
the learning learning outcome. to the learning relevant.
outcome. outcome.
Submissio Submitted before Submitted on the Submitted a day Submitted two
n the deadline deadline after the deadline (2) days or more
after the deadline
Over-all Score (Based on


Score 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7-below
Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-Below

Hanna Marie L. Payba November 10, 2023

Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date
FIELD STUDY 1 LEARNING Focus on Gender, Needs, Strengths, Interests,
EPISODE Experiences Language, Race Culture, Religion, Socio-
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 34

FS 1 3 economic Status, Difficult Circumstances, and

Indigenous Peoples

SPARK Your Interest

Episode 3 provides an opportunity to observe how differences and gender, racial, cultural
and religious backgrounds, including coming from indigenous groups influence learner behavior,
interaction, and performance in school. One will also analyze and reflect on practices that
teachers used in leveraging diversity in the classroom. It also provides an opportunity to observe
how differences in abilities affect interaction in school and learn about strategies that teachers
used in addressing the learners needs toward effective teaching and learning.

TARGET Your Intended Learning Outcome

At the end of this Episode, I must be able to:

 describe the characteristics and needs of learners from diverse backgrounds:

 identify the needs of students with different levels of abilities in the classroom:
 identify best practices in differentiated teaching to suit the varying learner needs in a
diverse class (PPST 3.1.1): and
 demonstrate openness, understanding, and acceptance of the learners' diverse needs and

REVISIT the Learning Essentials

Here are principles and concepts relevant to this episode:

1. Principles of Development
a. Development and learning proceed at varying rates from child to child, as well as
uneven rates across different areas of the child's functioning. (NAEYC 2019)
b. Development and learning are maximized when learners are challenged to achieve
at a level just above their current level of mastery, and also when they have many
opportunities to practice newly acquired skills.
c. Differentiated instruction is a student-centered approach that aims to match the
learning content, activities and assessment to the different characteristics,
abilities, interests, and needs of the learners.

2. The PPST highlighted the following factors that bring about the diversity of learners:
a. Differences in learners’ gender, needs, strengths, interests, and experiences
b. Learners' linguistic cultural socioeconomic and religious backgrounds
c. Learners with disabilities, giftedness, and talents
d. Learners under challenging circumstances which include geographic isolation,
chronic illness, displacement due to armed conflict, urban resettlement or
disasters, child abuse, and child labor.
Effective teachers are knowledgeable about how issues related to the factors mentioned
affect learners. The teachers develop in them sensitivity and empathy. They remember that the
learners respond and perform at different levels. The teachers assure the students that their
gender identity, culture and religion are respected, their strengths are recognized, and their
needs will be met. These teachers declare to all that everyone has the chance to learn and
succeed. They create a learning community where everyone can work together and contribute
regardless of their abilities, capacities and circumstances.
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 35

Teachers who celebrate and leverage student diversity in the classroom:

 use strategies to build a caring community in the classroom

 model respect and acceptance of different cultures and religions
 bring each of the student's home culture and language into the shared culture of
the school
 provide more opportunities for cooperation than competition

3. Focus on Indigenous Peoples

A young teacher's approach to indigenous peoples starts with a keen awareness of
one's own identity, including one's beliefs and cultural practices. Through serious
reflection one may realize that the self is a product of all the influences of key people in
one's life and the community, real and virtual. Similarly, learners from indigenous groups
carry with them their beliefs, views and cultural practices. One's attitude needs to be that
of openness and respect. Come in not with the view that one's own culture is superior.
We approach with the sincere willingness and deep interest to know and understand the
indigenous peoples' culture. We aim to make teaching-learning facilitative rather than
a. From your professional education subjects/courses, most likely you have discussed
indigenous peoples in the Philippines. You learned that our country has about 110
ethno-linguistic groups, majority of which is in Mindanao, some in Northern Luzon
and fewer in the Visayas. (UNDP Philippines, 2010). They represent about 10-20% of
our total population. There are two big indigenous peoples’ groups which have
several smaller ethnic groups within them, the non-muslim groups called the Lumads
in Mindanao, and the lgorots in Northern Luzon. Among others, we have the
Badjaos. Ati and Tumandok, Mangyans, and Aetas.
b. Republic Act 8371 (1997), the Indigenous Peoples' Rights Act, recognizes and
protects the rights of indigenous cultural communities (ICC) and indigenous peoples
(IP). Our country was admired by other nations for enacting this law. However, years
later, so much still has to be done to improve the lives of millions of people from
indigenous groups. (Reyes, Mina and Asis, 2017)
c. Guided by RA8371, in 2015 Dead Issued DO 12. 2015, Adopting the Indigenous
Peoples Education (IPED) Curriculum Framework. Most useful for you as a
future teacher to remember in the 5 Key Elements of an Indigenous Peoples
Education Curriculum (DO 32, s.2015 enclosure. pp. 15-18)
1. Curriculum Design, Competences and Content. Interfacing the national
curriculum with Indigenous Knowledge are systems and practices (IKSPs) and
Indigenous Learning systems (ILS) the desire of a culturally appropriate and
responsive curriculum has the following features:
a. Anchors the learning context on the ancestral domain, the community's work
view, and its indigenous cultural institutions.
b. Includes and respects the community's expression of spirituality as part of the
curriculum context.
c. Affirms and strengthens indigenous cultural identity,
d. Revitalizes, regenerates, strengthens, and enriches IKSPs, ILS, and indigence
e. Emphasizes competencies that are needed to support the development and
protection of the ancestral domain, the vitality of their culture, and the
advancement of indigenous peoples' rights and welfare.
f. Supports the community's efforts to discern new concepts that will contribute
to the community's cultural integrity while enabling meaningful relations with
the broader society.

2. Teaching Methodologies and Strategies. A culturally appropriate and

responsive curriculum employs teaching methodologies and strategies that
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 36

strengthen, enrich and complement the community's indigenous teaching-learning


3. Learning Space and Environment. A culturally appropriate and responsive

curriculum recognizes that the ancestral domain where IKSPs are experienced,
lived and learned is the primary learning environment and learning space of
indigenous learners

4. Learning Resources. Instructional materials, and other learning resources shall

be developed and utilized in line with the described curriculum content and
teaching learning processes.

5. Classroom Assessment. Assessment shall be done utilizing tools appropriate to

the standards, competencies, skills, and concepts being covered. Their design and
use shall address the needs and concerns of the community and shall be developed
with their participation.


Activity 3.1 Observing differences among learners' gender, needs, strengths, Interests,
and experiences; and differences among learners' linguistic, cultural, socio-
economic, religious backgrounds, and difficult circumstances.

Resource Teacher: Sir Jaderey Lasaga Teachers Signature: ___________

School: San Pablo National High School Grade/Year Level: Grade 7
Date: September 29, 2023

The learners' differences and the type of interaction they bring surely affect the quality of
teaching and learning. This activity is about observing and gathering data to find out how student
diversity affects learning.
To realize the Intended Learning Outcomes, work your way through these steps:
Step 1. Observe a class in different parts of a school day. (Beginning of the day, class time,
recess, etc.)
Step 2. Describe the characteristics of the learners in terms of age, gender, and social and
cultural diversity.
Step 3. Describe the interaction that transpires inside and outside the classroom
Step 4. Interview your Resource Teacher about the principles and practices that she uses in
dealing with diversity in the classroom.
Step 5. Analyze the impact of individual differences on learners’ interactions.
The observation form is provided for me to document my observations.
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 37


An Observation Guide for the Learners’ Characteristics

Read the following carefully before you begin to observe. Then write your observation
report on the space provided on the next page.

1. Find out the number of students. Gather data as to their ages, gender, racial groups
religious, and ethnic backgrounds.
During class:

1. How much interaction is there in the classroom! Describe how the students interact with
one another and with the teacher. Are there groups that interact more with the teacher
than others.
2. Observe the learners seated at the back and the front part of the room. Do they behave
and interact differently?
3. Describe the relationship among the learners. Do the learners cooperate with or compete
against each other?
4. Who among the students participate actively? Who among them ask for most help?
5. When a student is called and cannot answer the teacher's question, do the classmates try
to help him? Or do they raise their hands, so that the teacher will call them instead?

Outside class:

1. How do the students group themselves outside class? Homogeneously, by age, by

gender? By racial or ethnic groups? By their interests? Or are the students in mixed social
groupings? If so, describe the groupings.
2. Notice students who are alone and those who are not interacting. Describe their behavior.
Interview the teachers and ask about their experience about learners in difficult
circumstances. Request them to describe these circumstances and how it has affected the
learners. Ask about the strategies they use to help these learners cope.

Ask the teachers about strategies they apply to address the needs of diverse students due
to the following factors

 Gender, including LGBT

 Language and cultural differences
 Differences in religion
 Socio-economic status
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 38


The School Observed: San Pablo National High School

School Address: Prk. San Jose, San Pablo, Tacurong City, Sultan Kudarat

Date of Visit: October 2, 2023

The teachers and grade seven students of San Pablo National High School have shown an
impressive level of bond and engagement in the classroom. Upon observation, I have noticed that
the number of students is around sixty-four, with thirty-six males and twenty-five females, range
of ages from 13 and up. Students are also divided in two religions, which is Catholics, and Islam
The students were seen to interact with each other and with the teacher quite actively during class
time. The connection between students is very strong, with those in the front of the class tending to
join the conversation more often and participate while those at the back tended to do their own
business and some do not listen to the teacher. I also noticed that the students actively cooperate
with each other and display a team spirit when working on tasks together. Although as teacher, you
need to repeat what you say or else they will be disorganized, because there are some students who
do not listen.

I was also pleased to see that during class, participation was high among the students with all
members taking part in class activities or answering questions. I also noticed that when a student
was unable to answer the teacher’s question, the classmates were supportive and eager to help. The
teacher was also very patient and ensured that the student felt comfortable and able to participate
without fear of judgement. In addition, I also noticed that the students typically gather in
heterogeneous groups outside the classroom during breaks. They are usually seen in groups of two
to four that are mixed by gender and interests. There were also times when students were alone,
seemingly deep in thought or detached from the environment. I noticed some students who did not
interact with the other students, but this was only observed in few cases.

I talked to the teachers while I was there and asked them how they deal with students who come
from tough economic backgrounds. They told me that these students often show different
behaviors like feeling lonely or insecurity and in order to address these they make students feel
accepted and promotes equality in the classroom. The teachers said they use different methods
depending on each student's situation. They have specific approaches for boys and girls, students
who speak different languages, like the Muslims who speaks Islam, as well as those who have
different family incomes. Especially with student who are consider gay and are subjects of
bullying sometimes. In addition, it is a good thing that there are rare or no cases of discrimination
among these students. Their goal is to help these students feel at ease and get along well with
others at school.

Overall, my observation of San Pablo National High school yielded positive results. The
students appear to have a friendly and supportive environment that encourages diversity and
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 39

1. Identify the persons who play key roles in the relationships and in and interactions in the
classroom. What roles do they play? Is there somebody who appears to be the leader, a
mascot/joker, as attention seeker, a little teacher, a double pessimist?
What makes the learners assume these roles? What factors affect their behavior!
Based on what I have noticed among the 64 students, they all have their own unique
personalities and roles. In the class, a leader serves as the classroom president. Sometimes, she
may not fully meet her leadership role, but she always tries her best and maintains good
relationships with her classmates. I could not pinpoint one specific student as the class joker, but
it seems like many of them have a great sense of humor. There are also a few students who seek
attention, but this is not necessarily a negative trait. They are smart kids, and it is natural for
them to want some attention. After all, they are still young, and that is understandable.
Additionally, a student acts like a little teacher. She is entertaining and fun to be around.
Surprisingly, I could not find a pessimistic student among them. Based on my interactions with
them, they generally have a positive outlook on things, which I find quite likable. I believed that
the students take on the roles because of who they are and what they like and this can be shaped
by how they were raised, whom they hang out with, and their personal qualities.

2. Is there anyone you observed who appear left out? Are students who appear “different?”
Why do they appear different? Are they accepted or rejected by the others? How is this
What does the teacher do to address issues like this?
How does the teacher influence the class interaction considering the individual differences of the
While I appreciate the students' positive outlook on life, it is also important to note that some
students seem to be left out or appear different. This is not because they have disabilities, but it's
noticeable based on their poor attitude and poor intellectual capacity as well as their poor
hygiene. Perhaps this is because their parents neglect them or facing issues in home or outside of
school. Thankfully, the majority of students are friendly and kind, and they do not behave rudely
towards these students. They do not reject or isolate them. I believed that teacher can helps
address issues like this by making sure the class is a friendly and inclusive place and by talking
with the students about being kind and understanding to everyone, no matter how different they
may seem. The teacher also gives extra help to these students who need it, especially in a way of
discipline and teaching them properly so everyone feels like they belong. This way, the teacher
will be set as a good example and makes sure the class is nice to each other and understands that
everyone is different.

3. What strategies does the teacher use to maximize the benefits of diversity in the classroom?
How does the teacher leverage diversity!
In my experience during observation, it seems that the teacher makes the most of the
different students in the class by telling them to be nice and understanding, helping when
someone needs it, and showing them how to be accepting. In addition, this makes the classroom
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 40

a happy and welcoming place where everyone's differences are appreciated, making learning
more interesting for everyone.


1. How did you feel being in that classroom? Did you feel a sense of oneness or unity
among the learners and between the teacher and the learner?

In that classroom, I genuinely felt a strong sense of unity among both the learners and the
teacher. It was evident that the classroom was more than just a physical space; it was a
community of individuals working together towards a common goal. The learners shared a
sense of camaraderie, supporting one another in their academic endeavors, and there was a
palpable bond of trust and respect between the teacher and the students. This unity created a
positive and inclusive atmosphere where everyone felt comfortable, respected, and motivated
to actively participate in the learning process. It was clear that the teacher had fostered an
environment that encouraged collaboration and a sense of belonging, ultimately contributing
to the overall success of the classroom.
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 41

Activity 3.2 Observing differences among learners with disabilities, giftedness, and

Resource Teacher: Sir Jaderey Lasaga Teachers Signature: ___________

School: San Pablo National High School Grade/Year Level: Grade 7
Date: October 04, 2023

To realize the Intended Learning Outcomes, work your way through these step.
1. Observe at least two of these classes
a.SPED class with learners with intellectual disabilities
b. SPED class with acts with physical disabilities
c.SPED class for the gifted and talented
d. a regular class with inclusion of learners with disabilities
2. Note the needs of the learners that the teacher should address
3. Interview the teachers to find out more about the learners.
4. Write your observation report
5. Analyze your observation data
6. Reflect on your experience


Use the observation guide provided for you to document your observations

An Observation Guide for the Learners' Characteristics

Read the following carefully before you begin to observe. Then write your observation report
on the space provided

1. Observe the class to see the differences in abilities of the learners.

2. Try to identify the students who seem to be performing well and those that seem to be
3. Validate your observations by asking the teacher about the background and needs of
the learners.
4. Observe the behavior of both regular students and those with special needs. Note their
dispositions, pace in accomplishing tasks, interaction with teacher and interaction with
5. Observe the teacher's method in addressing the individual learning needs of the
students in his/her class.
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 42

Name of the School Observed: San Pablo National High School

School Address: Purok San Jose, Brgy. San Pablo, Tacurong City

Date of Visited: October 4, 2023

When I visited San Pablo National High School and observe the students, I
noticed that some are better at learning than others are. We also interview the teacher to learn
more about the students backgrounds and needs, and according to her there are students that
learn well and other are some student who needs proper guidance and attention. However,
there are no student with special needs among the grade 7 class that I have observed.

I also observed how regular students and those who struggle to behave in
class. They have different attitudes, and work and learn at different speeds, they interact
differently with the teachers and with each other. Although there are really times that students
do not get along with each other and often leads into fighting. The teacher would intervene,
separate them and address the conflict calmly. Thus, the teacher is able to maintain a
harmonious environment inside the classroom.

I also watch how teacher help individual student in the class. She
communicates well with them and gives them personalized feedback and guidance. the teacher
also provide strategies to help students overcome any difficulties the experience during class

Overall, my experience at san pablo national high school was positive. I learn
about the students different abilities and how the teachers meet their needs.



1. Did your observation match the information given by the teacher?

Yes, I believe my observation is aligned with the information shared by the teacher. I also
noticed varying ability levels among students, and teachers’ effort to address their diverse
needs were consistent with her description.

2. Describe the differences inability level of the students in the class? What practices or
strategies are done or should be done to differentiate instruction to meet the needs of the

The students have different skills and abilities in the class. Some were really good
and others found it harder to keep up with others. To help them cope up teachers use
strategies or different ways of teaching them. Like before discussing the lesson teachers will
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 43

get their attention. Teachers also use inductive and deductive method for teaching to make
learning for students interactive. Therefore, serum is it makes the class lessons motivating to
learn for students. Moreover teachers also make the class fun and educational putting them in
groups giving them different assignments or daily plants to maintain the daily homework and
activities they are about to do and helping or give attention to those who struggle so they
won't feel like they are neglected or left out in the class.

3. Describe the methods used by the teacher in handling the students’ differences in abilities.
How did the students respond to the teacher? Did the teacher use differentiate instruction? If
yes, describe how?

The teachers at the school I have observed did a good job with the student who have
different styles and levels of learning. They can be easily adaptable and open student respond
to them with respect. Although, there are student who was not listening well, teachers are
able to keep them focus by creating an interactive class. They are nice to all of them and
made sure everyone is engage in class. In terms of instructions, they employ different
methods like by repeating it, or after discussing the lesson, they provide questions to ask
them if they have learned something. Students would raise their hand and respond to them
with confidence. They also give personal advice, changing their way of teaching when
students can catch up and helping someone who struggle to understand the lesson in class.
The students like this and may learn better this way.


1. Recall the time when you were in elementary or high school. Recall the high and low
achievers in your class. How did your teacher deal with differences in abilities? Was your
teacher effective?
When I was in elementary and high school, I noticed that some teachers tended to
favor the high-achieving students while neglecting those who were struggling. This bias
and favoritism among teachers should allow because as future educators, they should
treat all students fairly. I remember this issue well because based on my experience I also
know what it feels like to struggle in school and get out of my comfort zone. I consider
myself an average student, not exceptionally smart, active or participative in class,
mainly due to my social anxiety. However, I am grateful that some teachers noticed this
and encouraged students like me to be brave. They often said it is better to try to make
mistakes than regret not trying because nobody is perfect. Therefore, based on my
experience this is how teachers’ deal students and that is by encouraging students with
different abilities and by motivating us to try, learn from mistakes, and not fear
imperfection. I found this approach effective in building confidence for students who are
struggling and promoting a positive learning environment.
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 44

2. What dispositions and traits will you need as a future teacher to meet the needs of the

I believe to be a good teacher, I need to be patient and understand that each

student learns differently. I also have to be flexible and change how I teach to help all
students. It is important to care about my students and listen to them. Being excited about
what I am teaching can make students interested too. In addition, by planning fun and
useful lessons not just about academics but also to relate it in real life situations to make
it more engaging and prepares them for the challenges and opportunities that they will
encounter their future careers and personal lives. In addition, I must always work on
getting better and keeping up with new ways or engaging methods of teaching to help my
students learn well and make their learning progress effective and valuable.


Activity 3.2 Observing the school experiences of learners who belong to Indigenous

Resource Teacher: Sir Jaderey Lasaga Teachers Signature: ___________

School: San Pablo National High School Grade/Year Level: Grade 7
Date: October 06, 2023

To realize the Intended Learning Outcomes, work your way through these steps.

1. Ensure that you have reviewed the no. 3 Focused on Indigenous peoples in the Learning
essentials of Episode 3.
2. Observe in a school with a program for IP learners. Below are some suggested schools:
a. Ujah School of Living Traditions, Hungduan, Ifugao
b. Sentrong Pamang mga Agta. General Nakar, Quezon
c. Sitio Tarukan Primary School, Capas Tarlac
d. Mangyan Center for Learning and Development, Naujan, Oriental Mindoro
e. Paaralang Mangyan na Angkop sa Kulturang aalagaan (PAMANAKA), San Jose
Occidental Mindoro
f. Tubuanan Ati Learning Center, Balabag, Boracay Island
g. Balay Turun-an Schools of Living Traditions, Brgy Garangan and Brgy.
Agcalaga, Calinog. Iloilo
h. Tboli School of Living Traditions, Lake Sebu, South Cotabato
i. Daraghuyan-Bukidnon Tribal Community School, Dalwangan, Malaybalay,
j. Talaandig School of Living Traditions, Lantapan, Bukidnon
k. Bayaniban Elementary School, Marilog, Davao
l. Lumad Bakwit School, UP Diliman, Quezon City

Please note: Ensure proper coordination of your college/university to obtain permission from
these schools before you visit.

If an actual visit is not feasible, consider a "virtual visit through social media. And if still not
feasible consider a "virtual field study through watching Indigenous Peoples in the Philippines
videos. There are several available at Youtube. You can start with this video by DepEd:
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 45

DepEd Indigenous Peoples Education Office National Indigenous Month (October) Video.
Retrieved, 2013 from: https://www.com/watch?v=FsMjgQN2Y

3. Write your observation report.

4. Analyze your observation data using the Indigenous Peoples Education Framework
5. Reflect on your experience.

Use the observation guide provided for you to document your observations.

An Observation Guide for indigenous Peoples Education

Read the following carefully before you begin to observe. Then write your observation report
on the space provided

If you are watching videos you searched, instead of actually visiting a school, have these
question in mind as you are watching the videos. You can try to get in touch with the creator
of the videos and interview them too.

1. Before you observe, read about the specific IP group in the school you will visit. Know
their norms and customary greetings. This will help you blend in the school
Community and act with respect
2. Observe and not the different parts or areas of the school environment. How are
learning spaces arranged?
3. What activities do they do in these different areas of the school?
4. Who are the people who manage the school? Who are involved in teaching the
5. Observe how the teaching-learning process happen. Describe the learning activities
they have and the caching strategies that the teacher uses.
6. Describe the interaction that is taking place between the teacher and learners, among
the teacher, and in the school in general
7. What instructional materials and learning resources are they using?
8. Interview the teacher or principal about the curriculum. Find out the curriculum goals.
You can use the questions found on the Analysis part of this activity
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 46


(You may include photos here)

Name of school observed: University of southeastern Philippines Pamulaan center for

indigenous people education.

School Address: Davao, Mindanao

Date of Visit: October 6, 2023

After watching an inspiring video about Pamulaan indigenous university I am deeply

intrigued by the profound impact it has on be serving the indigenous cultures and fostering
education, I learned that the school being a home for education for various indigenous people
around the Philippines. From the video, I also remembered and learn about the customs and
how they greet each other respectfully. Furthermore, I noticed that the school was set up with
different areas for different groups of students, which made them feel united.

Inside the school the students were doing many activities related to their culture like
talking, listening to stories, play indigenous games, and singing songs, the teachers and
principal were also very involved in teaching. The school and educational technologies where
they create instructional materials, they have to books, worksheets and other materials that can
be useful to and help with learning and teaching.

In addition, since I have not talked to the principal in our school but thankfully from the
video that I watch where various speakers include the teachers, students, and indigenous elders
of the university are sharing about their school history and the programs it offers to learner to
foster and provide a quality learning for them. Moreover, it was revealed that the curriculum is
focus on teaching the indigenous people’s language, traditions and culture. Additionally, their
curriculum aims to provide insights on sustainable learning practices aligning with indigenous

To conclude, I saw that the Pamulaan university cares a lot about teaching indigenous
cultures. They use good methods and materials to help students learn and be proud of their
heritage. This is also in line with the law in the philippines that supports indigenous education.
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 47


Curriculum Design,
Competencies and Content
Answer each question based on your observation and interview

1. Does the school foster a Yes, I believe in the school fosters a strong sense of belonging
sense of belonging to to one's ancestral domain and on deep understanding of
one's ancestral domain, a communities' beliefs and practices. Example, students engage
deep understanding of
in activities like listening to traditional stories and play
the community's beliefs
and practices? Cite indigenous games that connect them with their cultural
examples heritage.

2. Does the school show Yes, the school shows respect for community’s expression of
respect of the spirituality. Students are actively involved in activities like
community's expression singing traditional songs, which are often deeply rooted in the
of spirituality? How?
community's spiritual beliefs.

3. Does the school foster in Yes, the school fosters a deep appreciation of the identity
the indigenous learners a among the indigenous learners. The curriculum focuses on
deep appreciation of their teaching the indigenous peoples language, tradition and
identity? How?
culture, allowing students to embrace the heritage.

4. Does the curriculum Yes, the curriculum teaches indigenous learners skills and
teach skills and knowledge to support your ancestral culture and land. It also
competencies in the emphasized eco- friendly practices that match indigenous
indigenous learners that
values focus on caring the environment.
will help them develop
and protect their
ancestral domain and
5. Does the curriculum link Yes, the curriculum connect new ideas and skills to the
new concepts and everyday life and traditions of the indigenous community. It
competencies to the life makes learning relevant to their own experiences.
experience of the

6. Do the teaching Yes, the teaching strategies enhances to the indigenous

strategies help teaching style within the community. Teachers use visuals and
strengthen, enrich, and encourage two-way conversations, which align with how the
complement the
community like to learn.
community's indigenous

7. Does the curriculum Yes, the curriculum makes the most of the communities land
maximize the use of the and activities as valuable learning settings. Example, students
ancestral domain and have discussions that relate what they learn in class to their
activities of the
real-life experiences.
community as relevant
settings for learning in
combination with
sessions? Cite examples
8. Is cultural sensitivity to Yes, cultural sensitivity is observed and applied in the
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 48

uphold culture, beliefs development and use of instructional materials and learning
and practices, observed resources. The curriculum development involves consultations
and applied in the with indigenous elders and knowledge barriers to ensure the
development and use of
materials align with cultural values and practices.
instructional materials
and learning resources?
How? (For example,
Culture bearers of the
Indigenous Peoples are
9. Do assessment practices Yes, assessment practices considered community values and
consider community cultures. Teachers assess students understanding through
values and culture? discussion and questions that relate to indigenous culture and

10. Do assessment processes Yes, assessment processes include application of higher order
include application of thinking skills. Students are encouraged to engage in
higher order thinking discussions and critical thinking, allowing them to apply their
knowledge in meaningful ways that benefit to the community.

What do you think can still be done to promote and uphold the indigenous people’s
knowledge system and practices and rights in schools?

I believe that in order to promote and uphold the indigenous peoples knowledge system,
practices, and rights in school, it is important to have diversity of teachers who bring a variety of
cultural and have experience to the work. It is also important to work towards realistic programs
and successful outcomes for all students regardless of their background and culture. This could
include hiring, funding, and training for indigenous teachers to educate about their topics.
Additionally, it is important to make places where indigenous students feel safe to celebrate their
cultures and beliefs. This can include letting them where the traditional clothing, and offering
classes or clubs where they can learn in their native language.


Reflect based on your actual visit or videos that you watched.

1. What new things did you learn about indigenous peoples?

What I learn about indigenous people is the rich cultural diversity, red connection to the
land, an importance of preserving their traditions and knowledge for future generations.
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 49

2. What did you appreciate most from your experience in visiting the school with indigenous
learners? Why?
What I appreciate most from visiting the school with indigenous learners was very strong
sense of community and the way they incorporate their cultural heritage into their education.
It was inspiring to see how their culture was not just respected but celebrated in the learning
environment, making it more meaningful experience for the students.

3. For indigenous learners, as a future teacher, I promise these three things:

3.1 Be open to and respect indigenous people Cultures, their perspective, fostering a
welcoming and inclusive classroom.

Uphold and celebrate their culture, beliefs, and practices by integrating them into curriculum and
creating opportunities for students to share their culture.

Advocate for indigenous people’s education by Supporting and promote equitable access to
quality education.
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 50

SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

With the principle of individual differences in mind, what methods and strategies will
you member in the future to ensure that you will be able to meet the needs of both the high
and low achievers in your class? Make a collection of strategies on how to address the
students' difference ability levels.

Teaching Strategies

As a future teacher, I will remember to:

 Invest time in getting to know each of my students so that I will be able to know their
strengths, weaknesses, interests, and objectives in life for me to build rapport and respond
to their needs since they are all different from each other.
 Reduce pressure impose to them but rather make motivating and enjoying activities for
them to have fun while learning.
 Allow the use of Filipino and English language for recitations or question and to answer
inquiry so that all my students will be given an opportunity to share their ideas, learnings,
and opinions with less pressure.
 Vary the subject related activities and tasks into individual, group, and pair work so that
students have an opportunity to interact, communicate, forms relationship and learn from
their classmates for them to be able to relate with one another.
 Pay close attention to the low achievers in class and conduct a counseling to discover
their problems, difficulty and even hindrances to their focus in learning so as a teacher
one will be able to address it accordingly.
 Use different teaching methods and style such as direct instruction, flipped classroom,
kinesthetic learning, differentiated instruction, inquiry-based learning, exploratory
learning, game-based learning, and students-center learning to match the multiple
intelligence of the students: verbal-linguistic, logical-mathematical, intrapersonal,
interpersonal, and naturalistic.
 Use different learning resources such as:
 Written materials like textbooks, magazines, newspapers, journals, thesis, etc.
 Digital materials like pictures, videos, documentaries, gifts etc.
 Internet resources search engines like Google, Encarta, online websites,
articles, e-books etc.
 Actual experience such as visiting museums, other schools, science centrums,
gallery, work immersion, etc.
 Provide an inclusive learning environment for all the students to feel that they are belong
and cared despite of their individual differences.
 Make sure that there is no discrimination and to treat everyone with fairness and equality.
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 51

LINK Theory to Practice

Directions: Read the items given below and encircle the correct answer.

1. Which statement on student diversity is CORRECT?

B. The teacher must do his/her best to reduce student diversity in class.
C. The less the diversity of students in class the better for the teacher and students.
D. The teacher should accept and value diversity.
E. Student diversity is purely due to students' varied cultures.

2. Which student thinking behavior indicates that he/she values diversity?

C. He/She regards his culture as superior to other's cultures.
D. He/She regards his culture as inferior to other's cultures.
E. He/She accepts the fact that all people are unique in their own way.
F. He/She emphasizes the differences among people and disregards their

3. What is a teaching-learning implication of student diversity?

A. Compare students.
B. Make use of a variety of teaching and assessment methods and activities
C. Do homogeneous grouping for group activities.
D. Develop different standards for different student groups

4. All are features of the Indigenous Peoples Education Curriculum, EXCEPT _______.

A. Affirms and strengthen indigenous cultural identity

B. Makes education exclusive to the indigenous culture
C. Revitalizes, regenerates, and enriches IKSPS and indigenous languages
D. Anchors the learning context on the ancestral domain, the community's world
view, and its indigenous cultural institutions

5. All are best practices in using learning resources for indigenous learners, EXCEPT ____.
A. Culturally generated learning resources only include indigenous group's artifacts,
stories, dances, songs, and musical instruments.
B. The language used in instructional materials, especially in primary years, which
C. Cultural sensitivity and protocols are observed in development and use of
instructional materials
D. The indigenous community's property rights are upheld in publishing learning
6. All are best practices for assessment in the Indigenous Peoples Education Framework.
EXCEPT ________.
A. Including the practice of competencies in actual community and family
B. Applying higher order thinking skills and integrative understanding across subject
C. Using informational context in the assessment standards and content faithfully
without modification
D. Including community-generated assessment processes that are part of indigenous
learning system
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 52

7. Read the following comment by the teacher. Which of these comments will most likely
make a child try harder, rather than give up?

A. Sinuwerte ka ngayon ditto sa test, ha?

B. Hindi ka talaga magaling dito sa paksang ito, no?
C. Nakita ko na kailangan mong maglaan ng mas mahabang panahon sa paksang uto,
para lubos mong maunawaan ito.
D. Nahihirapan ka sa paksang ito maari kitang tulugan.

8. Which of the following demonstrations differentiated instruction?

A. The teacher groups the learners by their ability level and makes the groups work
with the same topic but assign a different task appropriate for each group to
B. The teacher divides the class into three heterogeneous groups and assign the same
activity for each group to work on.
C. The teacher groups the learners by their ability level and assign deferent content
topics for the group to work on.
D. The teacher groups the learner by ability level and assign each group a different
tack on the same topic, and then request three different teachers, each to assess one
of the groups.

9. Which teaching practice gives primary consideration to individual differences?

A. Allowing children to show that they learned the stages of mitosis in a way where
they feel most comfortable
B. Allowing children to show that they learned the stages of mitosis in a way where
they feel most comfortable except by lecturing
C. Preparing two different sets of examination, one for the fast learners and another
for the slow learners
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 53

D. Applying two sets of different standardsEVALUATE Performance Task

Evaluate Your Work Task, Field Study 1, Episode 3 Focus on Gender, Needs, Strengths,
Interests, Experiences Language, Race Culture, Religion, Socio-economic Status, Difficult
Circumstances, and Indigenous Peoples
Learning Outcome: describe the characteristics and needs of learners from diverse backgrounds;
identify the needs of students with different levels of abilities in the classroom; identify best
practices in differentiated teaching to suit the varying learner needs in a diverse class (PPST
3.1.1): and demonstrate openness, understanding, and acceptance of the learners' diverse needs
and backgrounds

Name of FS Student: Hanna Marie L. Payba Date Submitted: November 10, 2023

Year & Section: 4-B Course: BSED English

Very Needs
Learning Excellent Satisfactory
Satisfactory Improvement
Episode 4 2
3 1

Accomplished All observation One (1) to two Three (3) Four (4) or more
Observation questions/tasks (2) observation observation observation
Sheet completely questions/tasks questions/tasks not questions/tasks
answered/ not answered/ answered/ not answered/
accomplished. accomplished. accomplished.

Analysis All questions All questions Questions were not Four (4) or more
were answered were answered answered observation
completely; completely; completely; questions were
answers are with answers are answers are not not answered;
depth and are clearly clearly connected answers not
thoroughly connected to to theories; one (1) connected to
grounded on theories; to three (3) theories; more
theories; grammar and grammatical/ than four (4)
grammar and spelling are free spelling errors. grammatical/
spelling are free from errors. spelling errors.
from error.

Reflection Profound and Clear but lacks Not to clear and Unclear and
clear; supported depth; shallow; somewhat shallow; rarely
by what were supported by supported by what supported by
observed and what were were observed and what were
analyze. observed and analyzed. observed and
analyzed. analyzed.

Learning Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is not Portfolio is not

Artifacts reflected on in reflected on in reflected on in the reflected on in
the context of the the context of context of the the context of
learning the learning learning outcomes; the learning
outcomes; outcomes; complete; not outcomes; not
complete, well- complete; well organized, relevant complete; not
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 54

organized, organized; very to the learning organized; not

highly relevant relevant to the outcomes relevant
to the learning learning
outcome. outcome

Submission Submitted before Submitted on Submitted a day Submitted two

the deadline the deadline after the deadline (2) days or more
after the deadline

Comments Over-all Rating

score (Based on



Score 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7-below

Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00

99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-below

Hanna Marie L. Payba November 10, 2023

Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 55

Learner Diversity: The Community and Home

FS 1 4

SPARK Your Interest

Episode 4 provides opportunities for you to have more in-depth look into the factors that affect
the development of a learner. Focus will be on the early experiences and characteristics of the leaner
as described by the family and other significant others. You will also focus how the teacher links
with the community to maximize the learning and development of students.

TARGET Your Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of this Episode, I must be able to:

 describe the influencing factors in the home environment that affect the students learning.
 seek advice concerning strategies that build relationships with parent’s guardians and the
wider community (6.2.1); and
 identify effective strategies on how teachers can work together with the family.

REVISIT the learning Essentials

1. Urie Bronfenbrenner’s bio-ecological model presents the learner within the context of layers of
relationship systems that make up the learner's environment. The layers are:
Microsystem Mesosystem Exosystem Macrosystem Chronosystem
includes the the connection the bigger Outmost layer the element of
structure such between the social system which includes time patterns of
one's family structures in the which includes cultural values stability and
school and microsystem the city customs and pacing of the
neighborhood government, the laws child's everyday
workplace, and life
the mass media

The model helps the teacher investigate every aspect in the learner's environment to understand
his behavior. The teacher's important role is not to replace what is missing at home (if any), but to
work so that the school becomes an environment that welcomes and nurtures families. The teacher
works to create work to create a partnership with the family and the community to bring out the best
in every learner.

2. Baumrind's Parenting Styles

Authoritarian. Parents are very firm with their child and expect unwavering and unquestioning
obedience. Rules are set by parents and misbehavior is met with withdrawal of affection,
physical punishment or threats.
Permissive. Parents are not firm or controlling. They have few expectations. May be warm and
caring but appear to be uninvolved and uninterested.
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 56

Rejecting-Neglecting. Parents are disengaged with children. Neither demanding nor responsive to
children. Provide no structure, supervision, support or guidance.
Authoritative. Parents achieve a good blend. They are firm yet loving. Have clear and reasonable
expectations and limits for their children. Treat children with respect and warmth. Make children
understand consequence of their behavior.

Children of:
Authoritarian Parents; are often unhappy, fearful, withdrawn, inhibited, hostile and aggressive.
They have low self-esteem and difficulty with peers.
Permissive Parents: believe that their parents do not care for them. They are often impulsive,
aggressive luck self-control that they have low levels of independence and responsibility.
Rejecting-Neglecting Parents; are found to be the least competent in their overall functioning and
Authoritative Parents: are socially competent, self-reliant, and have greater ability to show self-
control. They have higher self-esteem and are better adjusted.
-Based on Child Development by Santrock 2001


Activity 4.1 Observing the learner's community and home environment

Resource Teacher: Sir Jaderey Lasaga Teachers Signature: ___________

School: San Pablo National High School Grade/Year Level: Grade 7
Date: October 11, 2023

To realize my Intended Learning Outcomes, I will work my way through these steps:

1. Select a learner from the class which you have previously observed.

2. Interview the teacher about the learner's characteristics and the community.

3. Conduct a home visit to your selected learner's residence.

4. Interview the parents about

a. the rules they implement at home concerning their child's schooling

b. the learner's activities and behavior while at home.

5. Write the Learner's Profile.

6. Analyze your observation and interview data.

7. Reflect on your observation experience.

Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 57

Use the activity form provided for you to document your observations.

Read the following carefully before you begin to observe/interview. Then write your
observation report on the space provided.

The Learner
1. Make a general observation of the learner. Describe him/her in each of the domains of
 physical- body built and height (thin, chubby, underweight, overweight), level of physical
activity (fast, slow, lethargic, active, etc.)
 social interaction with teachers and classmates (loner, shy, sociable, friendly, get into
fights, liked by others, etc.)
 emotional moods, temperament, cries easily, loses temper, happy, shows enthusiasm,
excited, indifferent, etc.)
 cognitive (appears to understand lessons cope with the lessons, excel, lags, shows
reasoning skills, turn in assignments and requirements, etc.)

Interview the Teacher

1. What are the most noticeable characteristics of the learner? (Emotional disposition, behavior
and discipline, sense of responsibility study habits, academic performance, relationship with
peers, relationship with adults, social adjustment)
2. How does the teacher communicate with the parents? How often? What do they discuss"
How do they decide of the best course of action to resolve issues of problems?
3. How does the teacher while resources in the community to support the teaching-learning
process? How does the teacher utilized work with the community to meet the needs of the

Interview with Parents

1. Conduct a home visit. Once there observe the home set-up, Home is orderly.
family pictures in the living room, etc.)
2. Use the Interview Questions on the next page. Just ask the questions with which
you feel comfortable
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 58

An Observation/ Interview Guide for Home-School Link

Suggested Parent Interview Guide

Your teacher may ask you to use a more detailed interview guide. Be free to translate the
questions, if necessary.

Name of Learner:

Date of Birth: Age:

Grade/Year Level: Gender

Number of Siblings:

Birth Order:


Age: Occupation: Educational Attainment:

Father: Occupation: Educational Attainment:

Learner’s Physical Aspect:

1. Mother's Health during pregnancy with the learner.
2. Ailments or health problems of the learner as a child.
3. Age of the learner when he started to walk/talk.
4. Food preferences of the learner as a child and at present
5. Who took care of him/her as a child?
Learner's Social Aspect:

1. Describe your child's sociability (friendly, outgoing, or shy, loner).

2. Who were the learner's playmates?
3. As a child then, was he/she allowed to play outside?
4. Is he/she allowed to go out with friends?
5. Do you have rules for him/her to follow regarding going out?
6. What are these rules?

1. What are your expectations of your child?
2. How do you provide a nurturing environment for your child?
3. Does your child go to you when she/he feels down or has a problem? What do you do to meet
his/her emotional needs?
4. What do you do when he/she is not successful in something?
How do you discipline your children?
1. Do you have rules in the house? What are they?
2. How do you impose the rules?
3. What are the consequences of breaking the rules?
Learner's Cognitive Aspect:
1. What are the child's interests?
2. What is he/she good at in school?
3. In what subject/s does he/she have difficulty?
4. How do you monitor his/her performance in school? How do you motivate him/her?
5. Do you have rules at home to help him develop good study habits?
6. What are these rules? How are they implemented?
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 59

After you have gathered all the necessary data, Write the learner’s development profile
using the outline below. Type the profile on a separate sheet and attached it to this learning


The Learners Development Profile

Name of the Learner: Jhona Mae N. Custodio

School: San Pablo National High School
Date of Home Visit:
Date of Birth: July 17, 2011
Age: 12
Grade/Year Level: Grade 7
Gender: Female

Family Profile
Number of Siblings: 3
Birth Order: 1st

Mother: Cristy N. Custodio
Age: 39
Occupation: Housewife
Educational Attainment: High School Graduate

Father: Jonathan A. Custodio

Occupation: Laborer
Educational Attainment: Elementary Label

Physical Development

The learner's physical aspect is quite promising. Firstly, the mother has a good health
during pregnancy, which contributed to the child's well-being. The child did not experience
any health problems during their early years, indicating a strong physical condition. They
began walking and talking at the age of one year and six months, showing normal
development. As a child and even now, the learner has a fondness for durian, a unique food
preference. During their early years, the child received care from both their parents and their
grandmother, ensuring a nurturing and supportive environment.

Social Development

In terms of the learner's social aspect, she comes across as quite friendly, enjoying
interactions with others. Her playmates include her friends, cousins, and her sister, which has
likely contributed to her sociable nature. During her childhood, she is allowed to play outside
on occasion. As she has grown older, there are times when she has permit to go out with
friends, but there are also rules she must follow. These rules include coming home on time, not
staying out late, and not venturing anywhere without permission from her parents. These rules
help ensure her safety and well-being when spending time with friends and exploring the
world outside.
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 60

Emotional-Moral Development

When it comes to how the child feels and what is right and wrong, the mother has
certain expectations. She wants her child to do well in school, finish their studies, and get a
good job in the future. To make sure the child feels safe and cared for; the family keeps their
home peaceful, does chores, and follows the rules. If the child ever feels sad or has a problem,
they can talk to their mother. The mother gives them advice, saying that it is okay to make
mistakes, and there are always more chances to do better next time. It is normal to feel down
sometimes, and that is okay. If the child does not do well at something, the mother tells them
that it has all right to fail sometimes because they can learn from it and try again to do it better.
This way, the child learns to see mistakes as opportunities to get better.

Moreover, the mother’s approach in disciplining her child focuses on encouraging

them to do things correctly and resolving conflicts between them in a positive manner. In their
household, they have rules that help maintain order and harmony. These rules include limits on
cellphone usage, encouraging them to help each other with chores, and allocating time for
studying. To ensure that these rules are followed, she regularly remind her children about
them. This gentle and consistent reminder helps them understand the importance of following
the rules and encourages a sense of responsibility. In case the rules are not followed, there are
consequences. For instance, if the rule about cellphone usage is violated, the cellphone may be
temporarily taken away. Additionally, if they become lazy and neglect their responsibilities,
they may receive a scolding as a reminder to be more diligent.

Cognitive Development

When it comes to the learner's cognitive development, her interests revolve around
completing her education and finding a better job to help lift her family out of poverty. In
school, she excels by actively participating, answering questions, and expressing her opinions
in class, displaying her strong academic engagement. However, she occasionally faces
challenges in English, particularly depending on the topic. To monitor her performance, her
mother, whenever she returns home, inquires about her day at school. This consistent support
and praise for her efforts serve as a motivating factor, reinforcing her belief in her abilities. At
home, there are rules in place to foster good study habits. These rules include limiting
cellphone use and providing assistance with homework, projects, or assignments, particularly
when she encounters difficulty. This approach helps the learner stay focused and perform well
academically, aligning with her aspirations for a brighter future.


The findings show that the child is doing well in different aspects of their life.
Physically, they are healthy and developing normally. Socially, they are friendly and follow
rules when they play with friends. Emotionally and morally, their mother wants them to do
well in school and learn from their mistakes. Finally, in terms of learning, the child is
interested in education and gets help from their family with their schoolwork. This means they
have a well-rounded and supportive environment for their growth.
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 61


In conclusion, the child is doing well in different areas of their growth. They are
physically healthy and meeting their developmental milestones. She is friendly, play well with
others, and follow the rules, which is good for their social development. Their emotions and
morals are also developing nicely because of their supportive family, willingness to learn from
mistakes, and encouragement to keep trying. Lastly, when it comes to learning, they show a
strong interest in school, participate actively in class, and have family rules that help them do
well academically.


Recommendations for further improvement include continued support for the learner's
academic pursuits, especially in areas of difficulty like English, to boost their confidence and
performance. Encouraging open communication within the family about emotions and
problems can further enhance emotional development. In terms of social development, the
family should maintain the positive rules that ensure safety while encouraging age-appropriate
independence and social skills. Overall, maintaining the current nurturing environment while
addressing specific areas of need will contribute to the learner's continued growth and success.

Your findings and recommendations in the Learner Development Baumrind's Parenting Styles
Profile will help you answer the questions here.
Authoritarian. Parents are very
firm with their child and expect
unwavering and unquestioning
obedience. Rules are set by
1. From your home visit and interview, what do you think is the parents and misbehavior is met
style of parenting experienced by the learner? Explain your with withdrawal of affection,
answer. physical punishment or threats.
Permissive. Parents are not firm
or controlling. They have few
-The style of parenting experienced by the learner is expectations. May be warm and
characterize by a combination of authoritative and supportive caring but appear to be
parenting. The parents set rules and expectations while uninvolved and uninterested.
Rejecting-Neglecting. Parents are
providing emotional support, encouragement, and disengaged with children. Neither
understanding, which helps in the child's overall development. demanding nor responsive to
children. Provide no structure,
supervision, support or guidance.
Authoritative. Parents achieve a
2. Relating your data with what you learned from child good blend. They are firm yet
development, what family factors do you think contribute to the loving. Have clear and reasonable
development and over-all adjustment of the learner in school? expectations and limits for their
children. Treat children with
-Family factors contributing to the learner's development respect and warmth. Make
children understand consequence
include a nurturing and supportive environment, clear rules, of their behavior.
open communication, and a focus on education. These factors
positively influence the child's physical, social, emotional, and Children of:
Authoritarian Parents; are often
cognitive development. unhappy, fearful, withdrawn,
inhibited, hostile and aggressive.
They have low self-esteem and
3. Does the communication between the home-school influence difficulty with peers.
Permissive Parents: believe that
the learner? If yes, what are these effects?
their parents do not care for them.
They are often impulsive,
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 62

-Yes, communication between the home and school does aggressive luck self-control that
they have low levels of
influence the learner. It helps in monitoring the child's independence and responsibility.
performance, provides support, and ensures a consistent Rejecting-Neglecting Parents;
approach to education and behavior, reinforcing the child's are found to be the least
competent in their overall
growth and learning. functioning and adjustment.
Authoritative Parents: are
socially competent, self-reliant,
4. How can the teacher partner with the community to contribute and have greater ability to show
to the development and learning of the students? Who are the self-control. They have higher
self-esteem and are better
people or which institutions can the teacher tap to seek advice adjusted.
regarding the development and learning of students -Based on Child Development by
Sontrock 2001
- I believe that Teachers can partner with the community by
engaging with parents and educational institutions to support
students' development and learning. In addition, seeking advice
from school counselors, community leaders, and educational
experts can provide valuable insights into addressing students'
needs and enhancing their educational experience.

1. Reflect on your own development as a child. What type of parenting did you experience? How
did it affect you?

Looking back at my own childhood, I can see how my parents followed traditional
parenting values. They had strict rules, and if I did not follow them, I would face punishment and
this kind of upbringing had both good and bad effects on me. On the positive side, it taught me
discipline and respect for authority. However, I could not freely express question or myself my
parents' decisions and this limited my creative and analytical development during my teenage
years. I did not get many chances to think outside the box or be innovative. In the end, traditional
parenting gave me a strong foundation for life, but as an adult, I had to work on developing new
skills to be successful.

2. As a future teacher, how would you establish good home-school collaboration? How can you
work well with the parents? How can you help them? How can they help you?

As a future teacher, I plan to create a strong partnership between home and school and I
will do this by building a friendly and open relationship with parents. I will stay in touch with
them regularly, so they know how their child is doing in school both academically and socially.
Then I will explain why it is important for them to be involved in their child's education and
offer any help they might need. I will also include parents in decisions about their child's
education and be open to their suggestions and ideas. In addition, of course, lastly it is important
to express my gratitude for their support and acknowledge their role in their child is learning
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 63

LINK Theory to Practice

Directions: Read the items given below and encircle the correct answer

1. Which are most likely the kind of children raised by authoritarian parents?

I. Fearful
II. Inhibited
III Hostile
IV. Withdrawn

A. I and II B. I, II and III

C. II and III D. I, II, and IV

2. If a child was raised by authoritative parents, how will most likely will he/she behave in class?

A. Relates well to classmates

B. Is suspicious of others
C. Quarrels often with classmates
D. Has low level of independence

3. Which parenting styles contribute/s to the development of children who have low level of

A. Authoritarian
B. Authoritative
C. Permissive
D. Neglecting and permissive
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 64

SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

Color Your
1. Make an artistic,
colorful, and creative
visual expression of
your insights or
H ome is where families come together and love abounds feelings about the
influence of the
O pening doors to a life of hope and dreams
home and school and
M emories of laughter and joy will never be forgotten community to the
E ach day brings new adventures in the morning sun learners.

S chool is a place of learning to grow and know Then, write a few

C reativity is encouraged in every way statements on the
H elping one another to learn and understand space below about
your visual art
O pportunities to discover strengths and talents
O pen minds to explore different paths ahead
L ifelong friendships will never be out of reach

C ommunity is where all are welcome and accepted

O pening our hearts to many possibilities Stick
M erging together to build a better future with
M indful of peace and prosperity for all
U nited in one common goal to bring harmony 2. make a reflection
N urturing each other's growth and potential acrostic about the
I n harmony we belong and home, school and
T ogether we are strong community.
Y earning for a better world
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 65

EVALUATE Performance Task

Evaluate Your Work Task. Field Study 1: Episode 4: Learner Diversity: The Community and
Home Environment
Learning Outcome: Describe the influencing factors in the home environment that affect the
students’ learning *seek advice concerning strategies that built relationships with
parents/guardians and the wider community (6.2.1) and *identify effective strategies on how
teachers can work together with the family.

Name of FS Student: Hanna Marie L. Payba Date Submitted: November 10, 2023

Year & Section: 4-B Course: BSED English

Learning Excellent Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Needs

Episode Improvement
Accomplis All observation One (1) to two (2) Three (3) Four (4) or more
hed questions/tasks observation observation observation
Observatio completely questions/tasks questions/tasks not questions/tasks not
n Sheet answered/accomplis completely answered/accomplis answered/accompli
hed. answered/accomplis hed. shed.
Analysis All questions were All questions were Questions were not Four (4) or more
answered answered answered observation
completely, answers completely, answers completely, answers questions were not
are with depth and are clearly are not clearly answered, answers
are thoroughly connected on connected to not connected to
grounded on theories, grammar theories; One (1) to theories, more than
theories, grammar and spelling are free three (3) four (4)
and spelling are free from error. grammatical spelling grammatical
from error. errors. spelling errors.
Reflection Profound and clear; Clear but lacks Not so clear and Unclear and
supported by what depth, supported by shallow, somewhat shallow, rarely
were observed and what were observed supported by what supported by what
analyzed. and analyzed. were observed and were observed and
analyzed. analyzed.
Learning Portfolio is reflected Portfolio is reflected Portfolio is not Portfolio is not
Artifacts on in the context of on in the context of reflected on in the reflected on in the
the learning the learning context of the context of the
outcomes; Compete, outcomes; Compete, learning outcomes; learning outcomes;
well organized, well organized, very Compete, not not compete, not
highly relevant to relevant to the organized, relevant organized, not
the learning learning outcome. to the learning relevant.
outcome. outcome.
Submissio Submitted before Submitted on the Submitted a day Submitted two
n the deadline deadline after the deadline (2) days or more
after the deadline
Over-all Score (Based on


Score 20
19- 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7-below
Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 66

99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-Below

Hanna Marie L. Payba November 10, 2023

Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date

FIELD STUDY 1 LEARNING Creating an Appropriate Learning Environment

Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 67


FS 1 5
SPARK Your Interest
This learning Episode provides an opportunity to mine how classrooms are structured or
designed to allow everyone's maximum participation for effective learning. You should be able to
examine how classroom management practices affect learning. This Episode enhances the
application of the theories learned in the following professional subject such as Facilitating learner
Centered-Teaching and The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles
TARGET Your Intended Learning Outcome

At the end of this Episode, I must be able to:

 plan on how to manage time, space, and resources; and
 provide a learning environment appropriate to the learners and conducive to learning.

REVISIT the Learning Essentials

The classroom climate that is conducive for learning is one that is non-threatening yet business-
like. It is a classroom where, when creating audio-visual presentations, the following are observed:
 Specific classroom rules and procedures are clear
 Classroom rules and procedures are discussed within the first few days of the school.
 Students are involved in the design of rules and procedures
 Techniques to acknowledge and reinforce acceptable behavior are employed.
 Clear limits for unacceptable behavior are established and negative consequences for such
are communicated
 Classroom processes are democratic


Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 68

Activity 5.1 Managing Time, Space and Learning Resources

Resource Teacher: Sir Jaderey Lasaga Teacher's Signature:_________

School: San Pablo National High School Grade/Year Level: VII
Date: October 11, 2023

Observe and use the observation sheet provided for you to document your observations

1. As you observe the class, investigate the characteristics of the learners. Note their ages.

2.How many boys are there? How many girls?

3.Focus on their behavior. Are they already able to manage their own behavior?

4.Can the learners already work independently?

5.Describe their span of attention.

During the observation of the classroom, it is note that the learners varied in age, with
36 boys and 25 girls. While some students demonstrated the ability to manage their own
behavior and work independently, the majority appeared to lack independence, often
exhibiting naughty and loud behavior, indicating the need for consistent guidance and
discipline. Moreover, their attention span was limited, as they easily became distracted,
frequently engaging in unrelated activities, walking around, and conversing with peers during
class discussions. These findings suggest a need for improved behavior management and
attention span enhancement strategies to create a more conducive learning environment in the

Analyze and answer these questions on observed classroom management practices. It is also
good to ask the teacher for additional information, so you can validate your observation. Write
your notes below; and then organize your data in the Table that follows.

1. Are there areas in the classroom for specific purposes (storage age of teaching aids, books,
students' belongings, supplies, etc.). Describe these areas. Will it make a difference is
these areas for specific purposes are not present?

- In the classroom I observed, there are areas for different things. There are cabinets where
they keep books, a first aid kit, and teaching stuff. They also have a divan where they
store cleaning tools and a trash can for throwing away garbage. These areas help keep the
classroom tidy and make it easier to learn. Without these areas, the classroom might get
messy and make it hard to find things when you need them. Therefore, these areas are
important to keep the classroom organized and make learning better.
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 69

2. Are there rules and procedures posted in the room? List them down. Do these rules
reinforce positive behavior?

- In the classroom, even though there are no signs with rules, which has been post, the
teacher helps students behave well by reminding them about some important things. These
things include being polite to others, raising their hand when they want to talk, following
the class schedule, paying attention when the teacher or classmates speak, doing their
homework on time, and keeping the classroom clean. When students follow these rules
and guidelines, the teacher says positive things to encourage them to keep doing the right
thing. The teacher also sets a good example by following these rules too

3. Did the students participate in making the classroom rules? If the Resource Teacher is
available, ask him/her to describe the process. What's the effect of student’s participation
in rulemaking on student's behavior?

- No, since they are still grade seven and are quite young to be able to make rules and
decisions, so the teacher is the one who mostly made all the rules but they also have small
contributions in making it by sharing their concerns with the teacher. This made a good
impact on how they behaved in class because they felt responsible for following the rules
and being more involved. Therefore, including the students in making the rules helped
them behave better and be more engaged in class.

4. What are the daily routines done by the Resource Teacher? (Prayer, attendance,
assignment of monitors, warm-up activities, etc.) How are they done?

- Each day, the Teacher begins with a morning prayer and checks who is in class. The
teacher choose students to be in charge of tasks like collecting assignments and organizing
things. To get everyone ready for learning, there are warm-up activities, like quick
exercises or talking about a topic. These routines make sure the class is well organized
and everyone is ready for the lessons.

5. Is there a seating arrangement? What is the basis of this arrangement? Does this help in
managing the class?

- In the classroom, students have assigned seats, and these seats are arrange in a way that
helps the teacher keep the class running smoothly. The teacher can see all the students
well the seats also have names of the students in it, the arrangement is designed to reduce
distractions and make it easier for everyone to concentrate on learning. This seating plan
helps the teacher manage the class effectively by making it easier to communicate with
students, maintain order, and prevent disruptions, which creates a better learning

6. Observe the noise level in the classroom. How is this managed?

- The classroom can sometimes get noisy, but the teacher has ways to handle it. The
teacher keeps an eye on the noise and tells students when it is time to be quiet. They might
talk to the class about when it is okay to talk at a regular volume and when they need to be
quiet for focused work. If the noise gets too loud, the teacher can say good things about
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 70

students who are quiet or use consequences if the noise keeps interrupting learning.
Therefore, the teacher uses different methods to make sure the class stays in control and
good for learning.

7. If a learner is not following instruction or is off task, what does the Resource Teacher do?
Describe the behavior strategies used.

- When a student does not listen to the teacher or gets distracted, the Teacher uses
different ways to help. For example, if the class gets too noisy, the teacher might ask a
student to write down the names of noisy students as a reminder to be quieter. During
class discussions, if a student is not paying attention or makes noise, the teacher might
have them raise their hand. If they continue to be noisy or not follow instructions, the
teacher keeps their hand up until they behave properly. These are just some of the
methods the teacher uses to keep the class focused and well behaved, but there are other
strategies too. The goal is to create a good learning environment while dealing with
behavior issues.

8. What does the Resource Teacher do to reinforce positive behaviors? (Behavior strategies)

- The Teacher does several things to make students behave well. She say nice things
when students do something good to encourage them. Sometimes, she offer rewards or
treats to students who keep being good. She also use charts or tokens to show how well
students are doing, which makes students feel proud of their good behavior. This helps
create a friendly and encouraging classroom that motivates students to keep being good.

Reflection as a future teacher

1. Why do you need to enforce positive discipline?

Positive discipline is important to help students behave well, be responsible, and have
good relationships with their parents as well as their teachers. It means setting clear rules and
having consequences if students do not follow them. When use positive discipline, it teaches
students to take responsibility for their actions and can fix any problems in the teacher - student
relationship caused by bad behavior. Positive discipline also helps students learn to understand
and control their feelings better. It is a way for parents to show they care a lot about their
students. Positive discipline involves using kind words, praising good behavior, and being
supportive and understanding. It also helps students learn to be considerate and respectful of
others, making the school and community a nicer place to be.
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 71

Activity 5.2 Identifying the Different Aspects of Classroom Management Resource Teacher

Resource Teacher: Sir Jaderey Lasaga Teachers Signature: ___________

School: San Pablo National High School Grade/Year Level: Grade 7
Date: October 11, 2023


Observe a class and accomplish the given matrix.

Aspects of Classroom Description Effect on the Learners
Management (to be filled out after you
answer the analysis
1. Specific Areas in the How students are arranged in A well-thought-out seating
classroom the classroom can affect their arrangement can encourage
engagement and interaction active participation and foster
with each other. a conducive learning

2. Classroom Rules The classroom rules set the The classroom rules benefit
foundation for positive learners by fostering
learning environment by discipline respect focus and
promoting respect conducive learning which
attentiveness punctuality help learners with their
cleanliness and educational experience.
responsibilities like keeping
the classroom clean.
3. Classroom Procedures The classroom procedures or The classroom procedure
establish routines that ensure help learners by making
efficient learning things organized, reduced
environment by guiding destruction and teach
actions such as reminding the important skills like be on
students about the rules like time and be responsible.
the early clean the room and
listen well.
4 Daily Routines In the classroom daily The daily routines teach
routines are like schedules students how to manage your
that help student know what time stay focus and get things
to expect each day from done. It also help them to be
morning attendance lesson more independent and
breaks and assignments. responsible.
5. Seating Arrangement Classroom seating It impacts learners
arrangement refers to how engagement interaction and
students chairs are position in focus it also promote active
the classroom of for grade participation and
seven the chosen seating plan collaboration in a case of
influence students grade seven student San
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 72

engagement and learning. Pablo National High School ,

putting names on it, students
can be easily recognize by
6. Handling misbehavior/off- Pictures address on behavior It helps the learners feel
task behavior by talking to students respected and supported
privately offering guidance promoting a better classroom
and setting clear expectations environment and encouraging
for fostering positive improved behavior for
relationship. students.
7. Reinforcement of Positive Reinforcement of positive It motivates earners to
Behavior behavior means continue their positive
acknowledging and conduct and create a more
rewarding good actions. positive and productive
learning environment.

1. How did the classroom organization and routines affect the learners' behavior?

Setting up the classroom neatly and having regular routines can really help students
behave well. When the classroom is organized, students can easily understand how things work
and what is expected of them. This keeps them on track and reduces distractions. It also makes it
easier for teachers to manage the class. Having routines helps students switch between different
activities smoothly, making it easier to learn. It creates a safe and good learning atmosphere
where students feel secure and are more likely to cooperate. When teachers organize the
classroom this way, it can have a long-lasting effect on how students behave.

2. What should the teacher have in mind when she/he designs the classroom organization and
routines? What theories and principles should you have in mind?

I believe that a teacher needs to have a well-thought-out plan for how the classroom runs
and how things are organized. As a teacher, we should also think about important ideas like
making sure students behave well, teaching in a way that involves the students, and creating a
supportive place for learning. There’s a theory that I can think of that would be useful is the
Social Learning theory of Albert Bandura, if a teacher demonstrates and enforces classroom rules
in a consistent and fair manner, students are likely to follow those rules because they observe the
teacher as a role model for behavior. This theory underscores the importance of teachers being
consistent and setting a positive example in the classroom to encourage students to obey the rules
and maintain a well-organized learning environment.

It is important for the teacher to consider how all of this will make learning a good
experience for everyone. This means having fun activities and using different ways of teaching
in the classroom. They should also have clear and fair rules so that all students know how they
should behave.
3. Which behavior strategies were effective in managing the behavior of the learners? In
motivating students? Why were they effective?

To make sure students behave well, a teacher should use a few effective strategies. Like
for instance, giving reward for student who have a good behavior with things like praise or small
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 73

prizes, this will make students want to keep being good. Then, explain why good behavior is
important, how it helps everyone, and how it affects students themselves. Lastly, make sure to
tell students exactly what behavior they expect from them so that students know what to do.
These strategies help create a well-behaved and organized classroom.

Reflect on the following and write your insights.

1. Imagine yourself organizing your classroom in the future. In what grade year level do you see
yourself? What routines and procedures would you consider for this level. Why?

If I were a teacher, I would want to start the school year by setting up some clear routines
and rules. These would include things like keeping track of whose present, making sure class
transitions are smooth, and having a well-organized plan for teaching. I would also want to
create a list of expectations for both my students and myself. These expectations would cover
things like being respectful and polite to each other. I would emphasize how important it is for
everyone to feel safe and happy in our class. I would focus on teaching in a way that involves the
students and I would make sure to keep parents in the loop about how things are going in class. I
would also have a fair way to grade students' work.

Overall, I believe I can make our classroom a place where learning is exciting and where
students know I care about their success. My goal is to inspire a love for learning and create a
classroom where everyone respects, understands, and accepts each other.

2. Make a list of the rules you are likely to implement in this level. Why would you choose these

1. Be Kind and Respectful

2. Join in and Share Your Thoughts
3. Listen When Others Talk or listen when a teacher is having a class discussion
4. Follow Instructions
5. Be On Time
6. Do Your Homework and Hand in Assignments
7. Raise Your Hand when you want to speak
8. Solve Problems Nicely

I believe that these rules are chosen to make sure our classroom is a great place for learning
and where everyone feels respected and safe. They help keep things organized and positive so
students can enjoy learning.

3. Should learners be involved in making the class rules? Why?

I believe that getting students involved in making classroom rules is important. It makes
them feel like they also belong in the classroom and relevant and aligned to their needs, it helps
create rules that actually make sense for the class, and teaches them about how rules work and
how to learn successfully together.
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 74

LINK Theory to Practice

Direction: Read the items given below and encircle the correct answer.

1. Focusing on natural consequences of students’ behavior develops more self-regulation in the

students. Which of the following teacher statements demonstrates focusing on natural
A. “Those who were noisy today during seatwork will not be allowed to play games in the
computer later.”
B. "If it takes you longer to finish the seatwork because time is wasted with chatting, then we
won't have time to go to the playground anymore.”
C. "Those who are well-behaved in class will be given plus 5 points in the quiz.”
D. If you get a grade of 95 or higher in the first two assignments, you will be exempted from the
3rd assignment.

2. Learners are more likely to internalize and follow classroom rules when _________.
A. the teacher clearly explains the rules she prepared
B. the learners know the punishments for not following the rules
C. the learners participate in the rule-making process
D. the teacher gives additional points for those who follow the rules

3. For a teacher to establish and maintain consistent standards of learner’s behavior, they should do
all EXCEPT ___________.
A. give immediate feedback to reinforce appropriate behavior of learners
B. be open to exceptions each time a learner misbehaves in class
C. communicate and enforce school policies and procedures clearly and consistently
D. handle behavior problems promptly and with due respect to learners' rights
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 75

SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

Paste pieces of evidence of classroom rules that work in class. You may also put pictures to the
physical space and learning stations which contribute to the effective implementation of classroom

In this picture, we can see ow the classroom rules are effectively implement during the
flag ceremony for the grade seven students. It is a great example of students following
instructions by lining up neatly and attentively listening to the proceedings. This demonstrates
their discipline and respect for the rules not only in the classroom but also during important
events like the flag ceremony. It reflects the school’s commitment to instilling values and
orderliness in students from a young age, which can positively affect their overall behavior and

In this picture, we see how the classroom rules affect the grade seven students. The
teachers’ rule is simple if students are too loud; they have to stand with their hands up. It teaches
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 76

students to be quite and attentive during class discussions. His rule also helps the students to
learn about responsibility and respect, making the classroom a better place for everyone.

In this picture, we can see how classroom rules positively affects students’ behavior
during class discussion. The rule implemented here is simple; if student participates well they
receive rewards this encourage students to be more attentive in class. It shows that when rules
include positive reinforcement, students become more engage and motivated to learn. This can
lead to better understanding and retention of lessons creating a more vibrant and interactive
learning environment.
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 77

EVALUATE Performance Task

Evaluate Your Work Task. Field Study 1: Episode 5: Creating an Appropriate Learning
Learning Outcome: Plan on how to manage time space, and resources. Provide a learning environment
appropriate to the learners and conducive to learning.

Name of FS Student: Hanna Marie L. Payba Date Submitted: November 10, 2023

Year & Section: 4-B Course: BSED English

Learning Excellent Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Needs

Episode Improvement
Accomplis All observation One (1) to two (2) Three (3) Four (4) or more
hed questions/tasks observation observation observation
Observatio completely questions/tasks questions/tasks not questions/tasks not
n Sheet answered/accomplis completely answered/accomplis answered/accompli
hed. answered/accomplis hed. shed.
Analysis All questions were All questions were Questions were not Four (4) or more
answered answered answered observation
completely, answers completely, answers completely, answers questions were not
are with depth and are clearly are not clearly answered, answers
are thoroughly connected on connected to not connected to
grounded on theories, grammar theories; One (1) to theories, more than
theories, grammar and spelling are free three (3) four (4)
and spelling are free from error. grammatical spelling grammatical
from error. errors. spelling errors.
Reflection Profound and clear; Clear but lacks Not so clear and Unclear and
supported by what depth, supported by shallow, somewhat shallow, rarely
were observed and what were observed supported by what supported by what
analyzed. and analyzed. were observed and were observed and
analyzed. analyzed.
Learning Portfolio is reflected Portfolio is reflected Portfolio is not Portfolio is not
Artifacts on in the context of on in the context of reflected on in the reflected on in the
the learning the learning context of the context of the
outcomes; Compete, outcomes; Compete, learning outcomes; learning outcomes;
well organized, well organized, very Compete, not not compete, not
highly relevant to relevant to the organized, relevant organized, not
the learning learning outcome. to the learning relevant.
outcome. outcome.
Submissio Submitted before Submitted on the Submitted a day Submitted two
n the deadline deadline after the deadline (2) days or more
after the deadline
Over-all Score (Based on


Score 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7-below

Grad 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00
e 0
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-Below
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 78

Hanna Marie L. Payba November 10, 2023

Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date
Management and
FS 1
6 Classroom Routines

SPARK Your Interest

This Episode focuses on the classroom structure and routines performed by teachers in
class to provide a safe, friendly non-threatening and caring environment. Effective classroom
routines ensure order and discipline to help the students to stay calm and focused in their daily

TARGET Your Intended Learning Outcome

At the end of this episodes, I must be able to

 identify the classroom routines set by the teachers; and

 observe how the students execute the various classroom routines.

REVISIT the Learning Essentials

Routines are the backbone of daily classroom life. They facilitate teaching and learning
routines don't just make the life of the teacher easier. The save valuable classroom time. Efficient
routines make it easier for students to learn and achieve more.

Establishing routines early in the school year:

 To run your daily activities, run smoothly.

 Ensure you to manage time effectively.
 Help you maintain order in the classroom.
 Make you more focused on teaching because you spend less time in giving directions/
instructions; and
 Enable you to explain to the learners what are expected of them.
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 79


Activity 6.1 Observing Classroom Management and Routines

Resource Teacher: Sir Jaderey Lasaga Teachers Signature: ___________

School: San Pablo National High School Grade/Year Level: Grade 7
Date: October 11, 2023


Observe the classroom of the Resource Teacher by accomplishing the given checklist
Checklist on Classroom Routines

Check Yes ( ) if observed and ( ) if not observed.

Classroom Routines Observed ( ) Not Observed (


1. Movement into the classroom

2. Transition in classroom activities

3. Movement out of the classroom

4. Use of lavatories/comfort room / washrooms

5. Passing of papers

6. Passing of books

7. Working with pairs/groups

8. Tardy students

9. Absent students

10. Submission/Collection of materials

11. Submission of projects

12. Asking questions during lessons

13. Asking for assistance

14. Joining classroom activities

15. Lining up
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 80

16. Walking in line

17. Fire drill/ emergencies

18. Movement between activities

19. Use of classroom supplies

20. Checking of assignments


Analyze the routines set by the Resource Teacher by answering the following questions.

1. Were the routines effective in ensuring discipline and order in the class? Why? Why not?

Absolutely, routines can help make sure a class is well behaved and organized but
whether they work or not can be different. Routines work well because they make things
organized and predictable, which help student know what is expected and feel at ease in a class.
But if routines aren't used well or or aren't right for the class and students, they might not work.
If routines are consistent or are too strict they might not be good at keeping the class in order.

2. Which of those routines where systematic and consistently implemented? Explain your

I believe that both routines of checking the attendance and keeping the classroom clean
where systematic and consistently implemented. For attendance, the teacher follow a set of
procedure every day. At the beginning of each class, a teacher would call out the names of the
student and mark their attendance. This systematic approach ensures that attendance was
consistently monitored without any lapses. Similarly, for keeping the classroom clean, there was
a systematic schedule in place the teacher and student had daily, where the designated specific
task to maintain cleanliness such as assigning different students to clean the board, floor, and
empty the trash, arrange chairs and clean the hallways. This routine is consistently followed
that's why the classroom is consistently clean.


Reflect on the various routine observe.

1. Which of the routine will you most likely apply in your class? Why? Why not?

In my class, there are two important routines that I will use these are taking attendance
and maintaining a tidy classroom. Checking attendance helps; we keep track of how students are
doing, ensures their safety, and let us communicate with parents or guardians when needed.
Keeping the classroom clean is also essential for creating a good learning environment that help
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 81

students focus and feel comfortable. I believe that these routines can teach responsibilities and
discipline while making the classroom organized and inviting for learning. I would also like to
add a morning meeting routine into my class because it does not only promotes academic growth
but also nurture the well-being of my students

Activity 6.2 Listing Down Classroom Rules

Resource Teacher: Hanna Marie L. Payba Signature: ___________

School: San Pablo National High School Grade/Year Level: Grade 7
Date: October 11, 2023


Observe a class and list down the classroom rules formulated by the Resource Teacher.
Cite the importance of these rules.

Classroom rules are imperative and must be reinforced for learners' safety and security.
Rules also teach discipline and self-control. Rules eliminate stress and will provide a more
pleasant, secured and non-threatening environment. Rules in sure the students' engagement and
focus in their classroom activities.

Classroom Rules Importance

Being on time is important when students are

punctual they learn to be responsible show
respect to other people's time and understand
Come to class on time the need to be ready it also helps them avoid
missing important information are causing
disruption by being late to the class.

Respect is important for a good learning place

in students respect their teacher and
classmates it makes everyone feel safe and
Respect your teacher and fellow trusted. It helps people talk openly work
classmates together and creates a happy classroom where
everyone feels important and listen to.

This will help make classroom discussion fair

and organize it gives everyone a chance to
share their ideas and questions instead of just
a few people talking all the time. It also
Raise your hand before speaking teaches the value of waiting for your turn and
listening to others.

A tidy and it classroom help students focus

better and learn well it also teaches students
to be responsible for their shared space. A
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 82

clean and organized place can reduce things

Keep the classroom clean and tidy that might take away attention and make it a
or organized better place for learning.

Being honest is important not just in the

classroom. When student are taught to be
truthful, it helps build integrity
Be honest and avoid cheating trustworthiness and a strong sense of what's
right. Cheating is a problem because it's top
students from really learning and using they
are supposed to learn

1. Analyze each given rules. What circumstances led to the formulation of the to the k rule?
Following the classroom rules has many important benefits. Being on time help students
learn about being on time, and managing their time and being responsible. It also helps them
learn without is disruptions. Respecting teachers and classmates make the classroom a nice place
where everyone can trust each other and get along well. Raising your hand before speaking keeps
things organized and fair and it teaches patience. Keeping the classroom clean and neat helps
everyone learn better and teaches responsibilities and being organized. Finally being truthful and
not cheating is important because it make sure that test and assignments are fair and it teaches us
to be honest and do the right thing.

2. Are classroom rules important?

Classroom rules or indeed essential. They create structures and order in the learning
environment, ensuring a focus and disruption free space. These rules foster a positive atmosphere
where values like respect, honesty and cleanliness are valued, promoting effective learning and
collaboration. The rules also teaches vital life skills such as punctuality, responsibility, respect,
and integrity that are applicable in various life situations. Moreover, this classroom rules
establish clear expectations for behavior reducing confusion and help instill ethical values that go
beyond the classroom impacting students personal and professional lives positively.


Reflect on the various classroom rules set by the Resource Teacher. Will you have the same
rules? If not, what rules are you going to employ? Explain your answer.

As a teacher I get most of the same classroom rules because they helped create a good
learning environment but I also make some changes because on what way student needs
being on time is important but I understand if some students have trouble with that
sometimes. Everyone should respect each other, and I will teach how to be kind and listen to
others. Raising hands before talking is a good rule but I also want students to feel free to talk
at the right time. Keeping the classroom clean and organized is also important. I will teach a
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 83

student how to take care of the classroom together. Lastly being honest and not cheating is
very important, and I will explain why it is crucial to do your work honestly. Therefore,
overall my purpose is I want to make sure the classroom is a welcoming place for my student
and that they learn not just academically but how to be a good people.

SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

Take some snapshot of the classroom routines employed by the Resource Teacher which are
worth emulating. Tell something about the pictures.
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 84

EVALUATE Performance Task

Evaluate Your Work Task, Field Study 1 – Classroom Management and Classroom Routines

Learning Outcome: Identify the classroom routines set by the teacher; and observe how the
students execute the various classroom routines.

Name of FS Student: Hanna Marie L. Payba Date Submitted: November 10, 2023

Year & Section: 4-B Course: BSED English

Very Needs
Learning Excellent Satisfactory
Satisfactory Improvement
Episode 4 2
3 1

Accomplis All observation One (1) to two (2) Three (3) Four (4) or more
hed questions/tasks observation observation observation
Observatio completely answered/ questions/tasks not questions/tasks not questions/tasks not
n Sheet answered/ answered/ answered/
Accomplished accomplished. accomplished. accomplished.

Analysis All questions were All questions were Questions were Four (4) or more
answered completely; answered not answered observation
answers are with depth completely; completely; questions were not
and are thoroughly answers are clearly answers are not answered; answers
grounded on theories; connected to clearly connected not connected to
grammar and spelling theories; grammar to theories; one (1) theories; more than
are free from error. and spelling are to three (3) four (4)
free from errors. grammatical/ grammatical/
spelling errors. spelling errors.

Reflection Profound and clear; Clear but lacks Not to clear and Unclear and
supported by what were depth; supported shallow; somewhat shallow; rarely
observed and analyze. by what were supported by what supported by what
observed and were observed and were observed and
analyzed. analyzed. analyzed.

Learning Portfolio is reflected on Portfolio is Portfolio is not Portfolio is not

Artifacts in the context of the reflected on in the reflected on in the reflected on in the
learning outcomes; context of the context of the context of the
complete, well- learning outcomes; learning outcomes; learning outcomes;
organized, highly complete; well complete; not not complete; not
relevant to the learning organized; very organized, relevant organized; not
outcome. relevant to the to the learning relevant
learning outcome outcomes

Submissio Submitted before the Submitted on the Submitted a day Submitted two (2)
n deadline deadline after the deadline days or more after
the deadline

Comments Over-all Rating

(Based on
score transmutation)
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 85


Score 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7-below

Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00

99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-below

Hanna Marie L. Payba November 10, 2023

Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 86

LINK Theory to Practice

1. What term applies to the established ways of managing a classroom into more organized and
systematic structure?

A. Classroom routine

B. Positive discipline

C. Classroom discipline

D. Classroom management

2. When is the best time to establish classroom routines?

A. At the start of the year

B. At the end of the class

C. At the start of the activity

D. At the start of the class discussion

3. What is the primary reason for the establishment of classroom routines?

A. To ensure order sent

B. To eliminate stress

C. To be always fair

D. To control the class

4. To ensure order in the transition activities, what must be done? sent

A. Assign a leader

B. Post the rules sent

C. Let students work in groups

D. Set the rules before activity

5. What routine must be set to guarantee the safety of the students?

A. Assign a leader

B. Let them work in pairs

C. Let them work individually

D. Set the do's and don’ts in every activity

Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 87


Physical and Personal
Aspects of Classroom

FS 1 7 Management

SPARK Your Interest

This Episode tackles classroom management and discipline. It focuses on the personal
physical aspects of classroom management which are central to teaching and therefore must be
consistently implemented.

TARGET Your Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of this Episode, I must be able to:

 identify the two (2) classroom management; and

 determine the classroom management strategies that the Resource Teacher
employed in his/her class.

REVISIT the Learning Essentials

Classroom management refers to the wide variety of skills and techniques that teachers
use to keep students organized, orderly, focused, attentive on tasks and academically productive
in class.

Importance of Effective Classroom Management

 increases chance of student success.

 paves the way for the teacher to engage students in learning.
 helps create an organized classroom environment.
 increases instructional time - creates consistency in the employment of rules and
 aligns management strategies with school wide standards.
 decreases misbehavior in the classroom.
 gives student boundaries as well as consequences
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 88

Two aspects of Classroom Management.

1. Personal Classroom Management consists of managing your own self to ensure order
and discipline in your class. It includes:
1.1 . voice
1.2 . personal grooming
1.3 . attendance
1.4 . punctuality
1.5 . personal graciousness

Managing yourself as a teacher contributes to the order and well-being of your class.

2. Physical Classroom Management consists of managing the learning environment.

Attending to these physical elements of the learning environment ensures the security
and order in the class. It includes:
3.1. ventilation
3.2. lighting
3.3. acoustics
3.4. seating arrangement
3.5. structure / design of the classroom
3.6. physical space/learning stations
Some Effective Classroom Management Strategies

1. Model to the students how to act in different situations.

2. Establish classroom guidelines
3. Document the rules.
4. Refrain from punishing the entire class
5. Encourage initiative from class
6. Offer praise and rewards
7. Use non-verbal communication
8. Take time to celebrate group effort
9. Let students work in groups
10. Interview students to assess their needs
11. Address bad behavior quickly
12. Consider peer teaching
13. Continuously engage the students
14. Assign open-ended project
15. Write group contracts

Identifying Personal and Physical Aspects of Classroom

Activity 7.1 Management
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 89

Resource Teacher: Jaderey Lasaga Teachers Signature: ___________

School:___San Pablo National High School Grade/Year Level: Grade 7__
Date: October 13, 2023


Observe a class and interview the Resource Teacher. Ask how the personal and physical
aspects of classroom management ensure proper classroom management and discipline. Check if
these aspects were observed in the classroom.


1. Personal Classroom Management
1.1 Is the teacher well-groomed that he/she demands respect from the

1.2 Is the teacher’s voice modulated and can be heard by the entire class?

1. 3 Was the teacher present in class?

1.4 Did the teacher arrive on time in class?

1.5 Does the teacher exude a positive attitude towards in teaching?
2. Physical Classroom Management

2.1 Is the classroom well-ventilated?

2.2 Is the lighting good enough?
2.3 Is the classroom free from noise?
2.4 Does the seating arrangement provide better interaction?
2.5 Is the design/structure of the room inviting to classroom activities?
2.6 Is the physical space/learning station clear from obstruction?


Analyze the different elements of personal/physical classroom management and answer the
following questions?

1. How does the voice of the teacher affect classroom instruction?

The teacher's voice is important. If the teacher's voice is clear and not too quiet, it helps
students understand what is being taught and keeps them interested. If the teacher's voice is hard
to hear or not clear, it can confuse students and make it harder to learn. Based on my
observation, since the noise is the one main problem in the classroom, the teacher is using a
device with small microphone and speaker in order for students to hear the teacher’s voice
clearly in the class.

2. How does the punctuality of the teacher affect classroom discipline?

Being on time is important for the teacher and students. Base on my observation, the teacher
always come on time but sometimes students come early at school to do their duty, which is to
clean the classroom and area. When the teacher comes to class on time, it shows that they care
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 90

about teaching. It also helps to keep the class organized. If the teacher is late, it can disrupt the
class and make students feel like the teacher does not care, which can lead to behavior problems.

3. Why do we need to check on the physical aspects of classroom management?

It is essential to check the physical aspects of the classroom in order to create a

comfortable and effective learning environment. A well-ventilated and well-lit classroom
helps students feel more comfortable and focused. Keeping the classroom quiet is important
because noise can be distracting and disrupt learning. The way the desks and chairs are
arrange can make it easier or harder for students to work together and learn. A classroom that
looks inviting and well organized can make students feel more positive and excited about
learning. Ensuring that the classroom is free from obstructions is crucial for safety and easy
movement. All these physical aspects contribute to a better learning environment.

Reflect on the aspects of personal and classroom management.

1. What does this statement mean to you as a future teacher? Explain.

“No amount of good instruction will come out without effective classroom management”.

As a future teacher, the statement means that even if I have great lessons to teach, they
will not work well if I cannot control and organize the class. Imagine you have a treasure map
with amazing treasures hidden on it, which is like having great lessons to teach. However, if you
do not have a good plan and the right tools to find the treasures (that is effective classroom
management), you might get lost and not find the treasures. Therefore, as a future teacher, I need
to make sure I have a solid plan to manage my classroom well, just like a skilled treasure hunter
who knows how to follow the map to find the hidden gems of knowledge.

2. What are your plans in ensuring effective classroom management?

My plan to ensure effective classroom management is to be well prepared and organized.

I will set clear rules and expectations for my students so they know how to behave. I will use a
kind and firm approach, like a friendly coach, to guide them. If there are any problems, I will
address them calmly and consistently. I will also create a positive and welcoming classroom
environment so that students feel happy and excited to learn. Good classroom management is
like having the right recipe to make learning successful.
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 91

Activity 7.2: Demonstrating knowledge of positive and non-violet discipline in the

management of learner behavior.

Resource Teacher: Jaderey Lasaga Teachers Signature: ___________

School:___San Pablo National High School Grade/Year Level: Grade 7__
Date: October 13, 2023


Observed the classroom management strategies that your Resource Teacher employs in
the classroom. You may also conduct an interview to substantiate your observation.

Check the management strategies employed by Resource Teacher.

Check (/) observed, put an (X) if not observed and 0 for no opportunity to observed.

Effective classroom management strategies Observed Not Not

observed opportunity
to observe

1. Model to the student how to act in

different situation

2. Establish classroom management

3. Document the rules

4. Refrain from punishing the entire class

5. Encourage initiative from class

6. Offer praise and rewards.

7. Use non-verbal communication

8. Take time to celebrate group effort

9. Let students work in group

10. Interview students to assess their needs

Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 92

11. Address bad behavior quickly

12. Consider peer teaching

13. Continuously engage the student

14. Assign open-ended project

15. Write group contacts


16. Teamwork

17. Peer Support Programs

18. Data Tracking and Progress Monitoring


Analyze the checklist you have accomplished and answer the given questions.

1. How many strategies were employed by the Resource Teacher? Did these contribute better
classroom management? Explain your answer.

The Resource Teacher employed 10 out of the 18 listed strategies. These strategies
included modeling behavior, establishing classroom management, documenting rules,
encouraging initiative, offering praise and rewards, using non-verbal communication, celebrating
group effort, letting students work in groups, interviewing students to assess their needs, and
addressing bad behavior quickly. These strategies likely contributed to better classroom
management by creating a positive and structured learning environment, fostering student
engagement, and addressing individual student needs.

2. What were not used by the Resource Teacher? Were these important? What should have been
used instead? Explain.
I will not say that the Resource Teacher do not use these strategies, but as an observer,
we haven’t got the opportunity to observe it in class especially that we have different schedules
also to tend to. However, I believe these strategies included refraining from punishing the entire
class, considering peer teaching, assigning open-ended projects, and writing group contracts.
While these strategies can be important in certain situations, their absence may not necessarily
mean poor classroom management. Instead, the Resource Teacher might have found success
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 93

with the strategies they did employ, suitable to the specific needs and dynamics of their

As a future teacher, reflect on the observation then answer the given question.

1. What classroom management strategies do I need to employ to response to diverse types of


As a future teacher, I need to employ a combination of classroom management strategies

to address diverse types of learners. This means using strategies like modeling behavior, setting
clear rules, encouraging student initiative, offering praise and rewards, addressing behavior
issues promptly, and continuously engaging students. It is important to be flexible and adapt
these strategies to meet the unique needs of each student, ensuring that the classroom is a
positive and inclusive environment where everyone can learn effectively.


Show piece(s) of evidence of learning to capture the classroom management strategies used by
your Resource Teacher.

Here is a piece of evidence of learning in the classroom management. The strategies used by the
Resource Teacher is captured where here she let the students work in-group. She also encourage
students to share their ideas and work together on tasks. This strategy helps students in many ways
too. It makes them feel more comfortable, so they can talk to each other and learn together. It also
helps them to understand things better because they can help each other if they have questions.
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 94

EVALUATE Performance Task

Evaluate Your Work Task. Field Study 1: Episode 7: Physical and Personal Aspects of Classroom
Learning Outcome: identify the two (2) classroom management; and determine the classroom
management strategies that the Resource Teacher employed in his/her class.

Name of FS Student: Hanna Marie L. Payba Date Submitted: November 10, 2023

Year & Section: 4-B Course: BSED English

Learning Excellent Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Needs

Episode Improvement
Accompli All observation One (1) to two (2) Three (3) Four (4) or more
shed questions/tasks observation observation observation
Observati completely questions/tasks questions/tasks not questions/tasks
on Sheet answered/accompl completely answered/accompl not
ished. answered/accompli ished. answered/accom
shed. plished.
Analysis All questions were All questions were Questions were Four (4) or more
answered answered not answered observation
completely, completely, completely, questions were
answers are with answers are clearly answers are not not answered,
depth and are connected on clearly connected answers not
thoroughly theories, grammar to theories; One connected to
grounded on and spelling are (1) to three (3) theories, more
theories, grammar free from error. grammatical than four (4)
and spelling are spelling errors. grammatical
free from error. spelling errors.
Reflection Profound and Clear but lacks Not so clear and Unclear and
clear; supported depth, supported shallow, shallow, rarely
by what were by what were somewhat supported by
observed and observed and supported by what what were
analyzed. analyzed. were observed and observed and
analyzed. analyzed.
Learning Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is not Portfolio is not
Artifacts reflected on in the reflected on in the reflected on in the reflected on in
context of the context of the context of the the context of the
learning learning outcomes; learning learning
outcomes; Compete, well outcomes; outcomes; not
Compete, well organized, very Compete, not compete, not
organized, highly relevant to the organized, organized, not
relevant to the learning outcome. relevant to the relevant.
learning outcome. learning outcome.
Submissio Submitted before Submitted on the Submitted a day Submitted two
n the deadline deadline after the deadline (2) days or more
after the deadline
Over-all Score (Based on


Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 95

Score 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7-below

Grade 1. 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00
0 0
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-Below

Hanna Marie L. Payba November 10, 2023

Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 96

LINK Theory to Practice

1. How will you prevent truancy among students?

A. Check attendance regularly.

B. Allocate budget for each student.

C. Improve sanctions on absentees

D. Always prepare and teach your lessons effectively.

2. What will be the most effective way of dealing with non-participative

A. Let them do what pleases them

B. Refer the matter to the Guidance Counselor.

C. Employ engaging and enjoyable activities.

D. Give them the grader they deserve based on their performance.

3. How will you help the shy and timid students in your class? A. Treat

them naturally.
B. Let them be as they are.

C. Refer them to the Guidance Office.

D. Encourage them to join as many activities as possible in class.

4. How will you put to optimum use the leadership skills of your students?

A. Recognize their leadership skills.

B. Let them just do what they please.

C. Refrain from calling them all the time.

D. Empower them to initiate activities in class.

5. To discipline unruly students, Teacher Helen always tells her students

"Remember I am the person in authority here. I have the power to pass or
fail you." Do you agree with Teacher Helen's reference to power?
A. We need more data to give a categorical answer.

B. Yes, passing and failing are in the hands of a teacher.

C. Yes, one may use the power given you to blackmail students.

D. No, teacher authority is not meant to be used to pass or fail students.

Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 97

Understanding the School Curriculum

FS 1 8 Close Encounter with the School Curriculum

SPARK Your Interest

Formal education begins in school. Schools are institutions established to design total learning
activities appropriate for each team in each grade level. Thus, schools have recommended
curriculum which is the enhanced K to 12 curricula. The recommended curriculum was translated
into written curriculum like books, modules, teachers' guides, and lesson plans which are the basis of
the taught curriculum. A teacher who implements the curricula needs support materials (support
curriculum) to enhance teaching and learning so that the written and the taught curricula can be
assessed (assessed curriculum) to determine if learning took placed (learned curriculum). However,
there are so many activities that happen in schools but are not deliberately planned. This refers to the
hidden curriculum.

A classroom teacher plans, implements, and evaluates school learning activities by preparing a
miniscule curriculum called a lesson plan or a learning plan. The teacher then puts life to lesson plan
by using it as a guide in the teaching-learning process where different strategies can be used to
achieve the learning objectives or outcomes. There are many styles of writing a less plan, but the
necessary parts or elements such as (a) Learning Outcomes (b) Subject Matter (c) Teaching --
Learning Strategies, and (d) Evaluation or Assessment should always be included.
All of these elements should be aligned so that at the end of the teaching-learning episode,
learning will be achieved with the classroom teacher is a guide.

TARGET Your Intended Learning Outcome

At the end of this Episode, I must be able to.

 identify the different curricula that prevail in the school setting.
 describe how the teacher manages the school curriculum by planning, implementing lessons
through different strategies and assessment of learning outcomes; and
 analyze if the teacher aligns the objectives to subject matter, to teaching strategies and

REVISIT the Learning Essentials

School Curriculum: What is this about?

From a broad perspective, curriculum is defined as the total learning process and
outcomes as in lifelong learning. However, school in this course limits such definition of total
learning outcomes to confine to a specific learning space called school. Schools are formal
institutions of learning where the two major stakeholders are the learners and the teacher.
Basic education in the Philippines the Department of Education or DepEd and the
recommended curriculum is the K-12 Enhanced Basic Education Curricula of 2013. All basic
education schools offering kindergarten (K) elementary (Grades 1 to 6) and Secondary (Grades 7-10,
Junior High School and Grades 11 to 12, Senior High School) adhere to this national curriculum as a
guide in the implementation of the formal education for K to 12.
What are the salient features of the K to 12 Curriculum? Here are the features. It is a
curriculum that:
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 98

1. strengthens the early childhood education with the use of the mother tongue,
2. makes the curriculum relevant to the learners. The use of contextualized lessons and addition
of issues like disaster preparedness, climate change and information and communication
technology (ICT) are included in the curriculum. Thus, in-depth knowledge, skills and
values, attitude through continuity and consistency across every level and subject,
3. builds skills in literacy. With the use of Mother Tongue as the main language in studying and
learning tools from K to Grade 3, learners will become ready for higher level skills,
4. ensures unified and seamless learning. The curriculum is designed in a spiral progression
where the students learn first the basic concepts, while they study the complex ones in the
next grade level. The progression of topics matches with the developmental and cognitive
skills. This process strengthens the mastery and retention,
5. gears up for the future. It is expected that those who finish basic education in Grade 12 will
be ready for college or tech voc careers. Their choice of careers will be defined when they go
to Grade 11 and 12,
6. nurtures a fully developed youth. Beyond the K to 12 graduates the learner will be ready to
embark on different career paths for a lifetime. You will recall that a school curriculum is of
many types for the kindergarten to Grade 12 in the country.

• The enhanced curriculum K to 12 curriculum is the Recommended Curriculum. It is to

be used nationwide as mandated by Republic Act 10533.
• When the curriculum writers began to write the content and competency standards of the
K to 12 Curriculum it became a Written Curriculum. It reflects the substance of RA
10533 or the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013. In the teacher's class it is the lesson
plan. A lesson plan is a written curriculum in miniscule.
• What has been written in a lesson plan has to be implemented. It is putting life to the
written curriculum, which is referred to as the Taught Curriculum. The guidance of the
teacher is very crucial.
• A curriculum that has been planned, and taught needs materials, objects, gadgets,
laboratory, and many more that will help the teacher implement the curriculum. This is
referred to as the Supported Curriculum.
• To find out if the teacher has succeeded in implementing the lesson plan, an assessment
shall be made. It can be done in the middle or end of the lesson. The curriculum is now
called the Assessed Curriculum.
• The result of the assessment when successful is termed as Learned Curriculum.
Learned curriculum whether small or big indicates accomplishment of learning outcomes.
• However, there are unplanned curriculums in schools. These are not written, nor
deliberately taught but they influence learning. These include peer influence, the media,
school environment, the culture and tradition, natural calamities and many more. This
curriculum is called Hidden Curriculum or Implicit Curriculum.

So, what will be the roles and responsibilities of the teacher in the relations with the school
curriculum, specifically in the K to 12 or the enhanced curriculum for basic education?
Teachers then should be multi-talented professionals who

• know and understand the curriculum as enumerated above.

• write the curriculum to be taught.

•plan the curriculum to be implemented.

•initiate the curriculum which is being introduced.

•innovate the curriculum to make it current and updated.

• implement the curriculum that has been written and planned; and
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 99

• evaluate the written, planned and learned curriculum.


Activity 8.1 Curricula in the School Setting
It’s time to look around. Discover what curriculum is operating in the school setting. Recall the
types of curricula mentioned earlier. Can you spot where these are found? Let’s do a hunting


Resource Teacher: Jaderey Lasaga Teachers Signature: ___________

School:___San Pablo National High School Grade/Year Level: Grade 7__
Date: October 13, 2023

1. Locate where you can find the following curriculum in the school setting. Secure a copy,
make observations of the process, and record your information in the matrix below. Describe
your observations.
Type of Curriculum Where found Description
1. Recommended  DepEd Website These are the official guidelines
Curriculum (K to 12  Typically found in for what students should learn
guidelines) official school or from kindergarten to 12th grade.

2. Written Curriculum  School This is the lesson plan created by

(Teacher’s Lesson Plan) the teacher, which outlines what
students will learn in class.

3. Taught Curriculum  Classroom It is what students actually learn

(Teaching Learning Process) through the teaching and learning
process in the classroom.

4. Supported Curriculum  School This refers to the subject textbooks

(Subject textbook) and materials that help students

5. Assessed Curriculum  School This is how teachers evaluate and

(Assessment Process) test what students have learned.

6. Learned Curriculum  School It is what students have

(Achieved Learning successfully learned and achieved
Outcomes) in terms of outcomes. These are
the abilities or knowledge that you
may be able to impart to the
learners via activities like
trainings, seminars, etc.
7. Hidden Curriculum  School It includes the lessons that are not
(Media) explicitly taught in the classroom,
often influenced by the media and
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 100



Which of the seven types of curriculums in the school setting is easy to find? Why?

The recommended curriculum is relatively easy to find in the school setting because it is
publish in official documents by the school, district, or state education department. These
documents are typically accessible online and in print. It serves as a broad guideline for what
students should learn at each grade level, making it readily available and easily accessible to
educators, parents, and the public.

Which is difficult to observe? Why?

The hidden curriculum is hard to see because it is not written like other school plans. It is
a document or value that students learn from things around them, like how they should act, what
is cool, and what they see in the media. These lessons are not obvious and cannot easily
measured. To understand the hidden curriculum, you need to talk to students and others to find
out what they think and feel, as it is a complex and hidden part of their learning experience.

Are these all found in the school setting? How do curricula relate to one another?

Yes, each of these curricula makes reference to the students' learning. They all focus on
students' learning and are like different parts of a bigger educational picture.

Draw a diagram to show the relationship of one curriculum to the other.





Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 101

Make a reflection on the diagram that you have drawn.

The Recommended Curriculum sets the foundation and guidelines for what students
should learn, influencing all other curriculum types. The Written Curriculum is the lesson plans
created by teachers based on these guidelines. The Taught Curriculum is what actually happens
in the classroom as teachers follow their written plans. The Supported Curriculum includes
textbooks and materials aligned with the written and taught curriculum. The Assessed
Curriculum evaluates student learning, reflecting the quality of teaching and support. The
Learned Curriculum represents what students take away from their education. The Hidden
Curriculum subtly shapes students' values and beliefs, although it has not explicitly planned. In
this diagram, it highlights the interconnectedness of the various types of curriculum within the
educational system. It emphasizes that the recommended curriculum forms the basis for all other
aspects, but the hidden curriculum plays a more subtle and indirect role, impacting students in
less obvious ways. Understanding these relationships can help educators design more effective
and holistic educational experiences for students.
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 102

Activity 8.2 The Miniscule School Curriculum: The Lesson, A closer Look

Resource Teacher: Jaderey Lasaga Teachers Signature: ___________

School:___San Pablo National High School Grade/Year Level: Grade 7__
Date: October 13, 2023

This activity requires a full les observation from Motivation to Assessment.
1. Secure permit to observe one complete lesson in a particular subject, in particular grade/year
2. Keep a close watch on the different components of the miniscule curriculum: the lesson
3. Follow the three major components of a curriculum (Planning. Implementing and Evaluating/
Assessing. Observe and record your observation.

Observe and Record Observation on the Following Aspects Major Curriculum

Major Curriculum Key Guide for Observation (Carefully look for the
Components indicators/behavior of the teacher along the key points. Write your
observation and description in your notebook.)
A. Planning 1. Borrow the teacher's lesson plan for the day. What major parts do
you see? Request a copy for your use.
Answer the following questions:
a. What are the lesson objectives/learning outcomes?
b. What are included in the subject matter?
c. What procedure or method will the teacher use to implement the
d. Will the teacher assess or evaluate the lesson? How will this be

B. Implementing Now it's time to observe how the teacher implemented the prepared
lesson plan Observe closely the procedure.
a. How did the teacher begin the lesson?
b. What procedure or steps were followed?
c. How did the teacher engage the learners?
d. Was the teacher a guide at the side?
e. Were the learners on task? / Or were they participating in the
class activity?
f. I Was the lesson finished within the class period?

C. Evaluating/Assessing Did learning occur in the lesson taught? Here you make observations
to find evidence of learning.
a. Were the objectives as learned outcomes achieved?
b. How did the teacher assess/evaluate it?
c. What evidence was shown? Get pieces of evidence


Write a paragraph based on the data you gathered using these key questions?
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 103

1. How does the teacher whom you observed compare to the ideal characteristics or
competencies of global quality teachers?

The teacher I observed exhibited many of the ideal characteristics and

competencies of a global quality teacher, including effective communication,
adaptability, student engagement, and a strong knowledge of the subject matter.

2. Was the lesson implemented as planned? Describe.

The lesson was implemented mostly as planned. It was so well-organized that

the students actively participated in class since it was so engaging from the start.

3. Can you describe the disposition of the teacher after the lesson was taught? Happy and
eager? Satisfied and contented? Disappointed and exhausted?

The teacher appears happy and content despite not finishing the task because she
believes the students have understood the lesson. This positive outlook encourages the
teacher to continue with confidence in her teaching approach.

4. Can you describe most students' reactions after the lesson was taught? Confused? Happy
and eager? Contented? No reactions at all.

The students are enthusiastic and upbeat, particularly because some of their
activities involve performance tasks, and they are eager to observe their own performance
and learn from the results.


Based on your observations and tasks in Activity 2 how will you prepare your lesson
plan? Make a short paragraph on the topic.

Based on the observations and insights from the teacher I observed and the engagement
of students in the lesson, I will incorporate seven different curricula, three of which have the
same primary purpose and are aiming towards the same curriculum, which is the curriculum that
was advice to followed. Additionally, more elements of effective communication, adaptability,
and engagement into my lesson plan. It is clear that a well-organized lesson plan can greatly
affect student participation and enthusiasm. Additionally, I will emphasize the importance of
evaluating student understanding and providing opportunities for them to assess their own
performance, as this seemed to contribute to their enthusiasm and learning. The positive
disposition of the teacher after the lesson is a valuable reminder of the importance of maintaining
optimism and confidence in teaching. Therefore, my lesson plan will focus on creating an
engaging, organized, and adaptable learning environment, and I will prioritize assessing both
student understanding and his or her own performance to enhance their enthusiasm and learning
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 104

Activity 8.3 Constructive Alignment of the Components of a Lesson Plan

Resource Teacher: Jaderey Lasaga Teachers Signature: _________________

School:___San Pablo National High School Grade/Year Level: Grade 7__
Date: October 13, 2023

Using the diagram below fill up the component parts of a lesson plan

I. Title of the Lesson: Exploring the Differences: Imaginative Writing vs.

Technical/Academic/Other Forms of Writing
II. Subject area: Creative Writing

III. Grade Level: Grade 11

Outcomes Teaching Method Assessment

In this lesson, I will
introduce different types of
writing and their respective
purposes. We will then delve
In this lesson, students into a comparison and Assessment in this lesson
will gain an contrast discussion, using will encompass the
understanding of the real-life examples to evaluation of student
differences between underscore the distinctions participation and their
imaginative writing and between imaginative and comprehension of the
technical/academic technical/academic writing. discussed concepts, with a
writing. They will also An interactive activity will specific focus on their
learn to identify the involve analyzing sample ability to distinguish
unique characteristics and texts from both styles. between imaginative and
purposes of each type of Guided practice will technical/academic
writing. Additionally, encourage the collaborative writing. Moreover, assess
they will apply their creation of an imaginative the quality of
knowledge by producing piece, emphasizing creativity technical/academic writing
examples of both and the use of literary pieces, considering aspects
imaginative and devices. For independent of clarity, organization,
technical/academic practice, students is task and adherence to
writing. with technical/academic conventions. In addition,
writing, focusing on clarity the assessment will
and structure. Peer review encompass the evaluation
will follow, allowing of imaginative writing
students to exchange work pieces, emphasizing
for constructive feedback. creativity, use of literary
Finally, the lesson will devices, and originality.
conclude with a group Furthermore, students will
discussion to explore be assessed on their
observations and challenges aptitude for providing
in various writing styles. constructive feedback to
their peers, encompassing
both imaginative and
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 105

Answer the following questions based on the diagram.

1. Are the three components constructively aligned? Explain.

Yes, the three components are constructively align. The teaching methods
are design to support the outcomes, ensuring that they match the intended
goals and assessment.

2. Will the outcomes be achieved with the teaching methods used? Why?

Yes, the outcomes are likely to be achieved with the teaching methods
used. The methods are directly related to the outcomes and help students
understand the differences between imaginative and technical/academic

3. What component would tell if the outcomes have been achieved?

The component that would tell if the outcomes have been achieved is the
assessment. It allows for the evaluation of student understanding and
performance in distinguishing between different writing styles.


What lessons have you learned in developing or writing a lesson plan?

When developing a lesson plan, it is crucial to take into account the setup and
organization of the classroom. This is significant because it plays a vital role in ensuring that
students are focused and engaged with the material. Even if your lecture is captivating and well
prepared, an inappropriate classroom arrangement can hinder their ability to pay attention and
actively participate, making it less likely that they will be motivated to do so.

What value will it give to the teacher if the three components are aligned?

The instructor will get the value of success if the three components are aligned. This
alignment ensures that the material is delivered in a way that engages students, the classroom
setup supports the teaching methods, and the objectives are clear and achievable. This, in turn,
results in increased student engagement, better time management, and improved classroom
management, making the teaching process more efficient and productive for both the teacher and
the students.
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 106

SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

Learning Artifacts for Activity 1-3

Present an artifact for Activity 1, 2, and 3.
Activity 1 Artifact
1. Present evidence for each kind of curriculum operating in the school setting. This can
be pictures, documents, or others.

Given that the students are under the K to 12

1.Recommended Curriculum (K to 12

2.written Curriculum (Teacher’s Lesson Plan)

Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 107

3.Taught Curriculum (Teaching Learning


4.Supported Curriculum (Subject Textbook)

5.Assesed Curriculum (Assessment Process)

6.Learned Curriculum (Achieved Learning

Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 108

7.Hidden Curriculum (Media)

Activity 2: Artifact

1. Present a sample curriculum in a form of a Lesson Plan

A Semi- Detailed Lesson Plan

Creative Writing

Content Standard: By the end of the lesson, students will demonstrate an understanding of
the key differences between imaginative writing and technical/academic/other forms of
Performance Standard: Performance Standard: Students will be able to apply this knowledge
to identify and create examples of both imaginative and technical writing.
Learning Objective:
a) Students will define and explain the characteristics of imaginative writing.
b) Students will define and explain the characteristics of technical/academic/other forms of
c) Students will differentiate between imaginative writing and technical/academic/other forms
of writing.

I.Subject Matter:
Topic: Exploring the Differences: Imaginative Writing vs. Technical/Academic/Other Forms
of Writing
Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, Videos
Value Integration: Active Participation and Attentiveness and Cooperation

 Daily Check of Attendance
 In Prayer/National Anthem
 Lesson Introduction
 Lesson Content Discussion (slide Presentation)

III.Discussion/ Lesson Proper INTRODUCTION

1. Purpose:
- Imaginative Writing: This form of writing is primarily focused on creative expression. It
aims to entertain, inspire, or provoke emotions in the reader. Common examples include
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 109

fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction.

- Technical/Academic Writing: This type of writing is primarily informational and
analytical. It serves to convey facts, theories, and arguments in a clear and concise manner.
Common examples include research papers, essays, and technical reports.

2. Audience:
- Imaginative Writing: The audience for imaginative writing is often a general readership.
Writers aim to engage the reader's imagination and emotions, so the focus is on storytelling
and creating a vivid, sensory experience.
- Technical/Academic Writing: The audience for technical and academic writing is typically
experts, scholars, or those with a specific interest in the subject matter. Clarity, precision, and
the use of specialized terminology are essential in this context.

3. Style and Tone:

- Imaginative Writing: This form allows for a more creative and expressive style. Writers
can use literary devices, figurative language, and vivid descriptions to create a mood or
atmosphere. The tone can range from poetic and lyrical to humorous or dark, depending on the
author's intentions.
- Technical/Academic Writing: The style is typically more formal and objective. The focus
is on conveying information accurately and logically. The tone is often neutral and detached,
with an emphasis on data, evidence, and analysis.

4. Structure:
- Imaginative Writing: The structure in creative writing is flexible and can vary widely
depending on the genre and the author's creative choices. It may follow traditional narrative
structures, or it may experiment with non-linear or fragmented storytelling.
- Technical/Academic Writing: There is a standardized structure in academic and technical
writing, typically following a format that includes an introduction, literature review,
methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion. This structure ensures that the information is
presented in a logical and systematic manner.

5. Language:
- Imaginative Writing: Creative writers have more freedom to play with language. They can
use metaphor, simile, and other literary devices to enhance their prose and create vivid
- Technical/Academic Writing: The language used in academic and technical writing is more
formal and precise. Jargon and technical terms are common, but they should be defined or
explained when necessary to ensure clarity.

6. Sources and Citations:

- Imaginative Writing: Creative writers do not typically rely on external sources and
citations. Their work is a product of their own imagination and creativity.
- Technical/Academic Writing: Academic and technical writers rely heavily on external
sources and must follow specific citation styles (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago) to give credit to
the original authors and provide evidence for their claims.

In addition to these differences, it's important to note that there are other forms of writing, such
as business writing, journalistic writing, and persuasive writing, each with its own unique
characteristics and purposes. The choice of writing style and approach depends on the writer's
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 110

goals and the intended audience for the piece.


Individual Activity: Provide an academic research paper or article abstract and identify the
elements that make it technical/academic writing.

Group Activity: "Imaginative vs. Technical Writing Scavenger Hunt"

 The class is divided into small groups.
 Each group is given a list of excerpts from various texts, which include examples of
both imaginative and technical writing.
 The groups are instructed to carefully read these excerpts and categorize them as either
imaginative or technical writing while providing justifications for their categorizations.
 After a designated time, each group shares their categorizations and justifications with
the class, fostering discussion and debate among students to enhance their
understanding of the distinctions between these writing styles.

− Multiple Choice 1−10

Create both an imaginative piece, choose from a poem, short story, or character sketch and In
analytical essay, choose a research topic, gather relevant information, and structure your essay
with a clear introduction, thesis, supporting evidence, and conclusion. Follow formatting and
citation guidelines, and submit both pieces as typed documents. This assignment demonstrates
your skills in imaginative and analytical writing.

Prepared by:


Pre-Service Teachers

Activity 3: Artifact
19. Present a matrix to show the constructive alignment of the three components of a lesson

a. Example:
IV. Lesson Title: Exploring the Differences: Imaginative Writing vs.
Technical/Academic/Other Forms of Writing
Subject Area: Creative Writing
Grade Level: 11

Lesson Outcomes Teaching Methods Evaluation

Students should be able to Introduction: Discuss types of Evaluate students' participation

understand the distinctions writing and their purposes. and understanding of the
between imaginative concepts discussed during the
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 111

Comparison and Contrast:

writing and Highlight differences between lesson, including their ability
technical/academic/other imaginative and to distinguish between
forms of writing. technical/academic writing imaginative and
with real-life examples. technical/academic writing.
Students should be able to
recognize the specific Interactive Activity: Analyze
characteristics and sample texts from both styles. Assess the quality of students'
purposes of each type of technical/academic writing
Guided Practice: Create an pieces in terms of clarity,
writing. imaginative piece as a class, organization, and adherence to
emphasizing creativity and conventions.
Students should be able to
literary devices.
practice and apply their
Evaluate students' imaginative
knowledge by creating Independent Practice: Assign writing piece, focusing on
examples of both technical/academic writing, creativity, use of literary
imaginative and focusing on clarity and devices, and originality.
technical/academic structure.
writing. Assess students' ability to
Peer Review: Exchange work provide constructive feedback
for feedback. to their peers on both
imaginative and
Group Discussion: Conclude technical/academic writing.
by discussing observations and
challenges in writing styles.
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 112

EVALUATE Performance Task

Evaluate Your Work Task. Field Study 1: Episode 8: Close Encounter with the School Curriculum
Learning Outcome: Identify the different curricula that prevail in the school setting. *Describe
how the teacher manages the school curriculum by planning, implementing lessons
through different strategies and assessment of learning outcomes.
*Analyze if the teacher aligns the objectives to subject matter, to teaching strategies and
Name of FS Student: Hanna Marie L. Payba Date Submitted: November 10, 2023

Year & Section: 4-B Course: BSED English

Learning Excellent Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Needs

Episode Improvement
Accomplis All observation One (1) to two (2) Three (3) Four (4) or more
hed questions/tasks observation observation observation
Observatio completely questions/tasks questions/tasks not questions/tasks not
n Sheet answered/accomplis completely answered/accomplis answered/accompli
hed. answered/accomplis hed. shed.
Analysis All questions were All questions were Questions were not Four (4) or more
answered answered answered observation
completely, answers completely, answers completely, answers questions were not
are with depth and are clearly are not clearly answered, answers
are thoroughly connected on connected to not connected to
grounded on theories, grammar theories; One (1) to theories, more than
theories, grammar and spelling are free three (3) four (4)
and spelling are free from error. grammatical spelling grammatical
from error. errors. spelling errors.
Reflection Profound and clear; Clear but lacks Not so clear and Unclear and
supported by what depth, supported by shallow, somewhat shallow, rarely
were observed and what were observed supported by what supported by what
analyzed. and analyzed. were observed and were observed and
analyzed. analyzed.
Learning Portfolio is reflected Portfolio is reflected Portfolio is not Portfolio is not
Artifacts on in the context of on in the context of reflected on in the reflected on in the
the learning the learning context of the context of the
outcomes; Compete, outcomes; Compete, learning outcomes; learning outcomes;
well organized, well organized, very Compete, not not compete, not
highly relevant to relevant to the organized, relevant organized, not
the learning learning outcome. to the learning relevant.
outcome. outcome.
Submissio Submitted before Submitted on the Submitted a day Submitted two
n the deadline deadline after the deadline (2) days or more
after the deadline
Over-all Score (Based on


Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 113

Scor 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13- 11 10 9-8 7-below

e 12
Gra 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.2 2.50 2.75 3.0 3.5 5.00
de 5 0
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-Below

Hanna Marie L. Payba November 10, 2023

Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date
LINK Theory to Practice

Choose the correct answer from the options given

1. When we say school curriculum it only refers to the K to 12 curricula.
A. This statement is true
B. This statement is not true
C. This statement is half true
D. This statement is silly

2. A professional teacher should skills to address the need for a curricularist EXCEPT one.
Which one is NOT?
A. Knower of the curriculum
B. Believer of the curriculum
C Implementer of the curriculum
D. Writer of the curriculum

3. The influence of multimedia, peers, community tradition, advancement in technology, though

not deliberately taught in the lessons will influence the curriculum. This is referred to as ______.
A. written curriculum
B. recommended curriculum
C. implemented curriculum
D. hidden Curriculum

4. Which two components of the lesson plan (as a miniscule curriculum) should be aligned?
I. Outcomes and Assessment
II. Assessment and Teaching Methods
III. Outcomes and Teaching Methods

A. I only B. II only C. III only D. I, II and III

5. What is the most important why there should be constructive alignment of the components of
the curriculum?
A. For case of correcting by the school principal
B. To assure that each component contributes to the attainment of the learning outcomes
C. As a required template when starting to write a lesson plan
D. As a model of other lesson plans written and published
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 114


Preparing for Teaching and Learning

FS 1 9
SPARK Your Interest
This Episode gives emphasis on the principles of learning which must be applied to
ensure quality instruction. It also focuses on the intended learning outcomes which set the
direction of the lesson. They must be (SMART) Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and
Time-bound) and formulated in accordance with time-tested principles. It also determines the
teaching method used by the Resource Teacher whether (inductive or deductive) which is the
practical realization or application of an approach. This episode dovetails with the course on
Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching.

TARGET Your Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of this Episode, I must be able to:
► identify the teaching-learning practices that apply or violate the principles of teaching
► determine the guiding principles on lesson objectives/learning outcomes applied in
► judge if lesson objectives/intended learning outcomes are SMART.
► determine whether the intended learning outcomes are achieved at the end of the lesson.
► observe the teaching methods used by the Resource Teacher, and
► differentiate the different methods of teaching

REVISIT the Learning Essentials

These are the time-tested principles of teaching and learning

1. Effective learning begins with setting clear expectations and learning outcomes,
2. Learning is an active process, "What I hear, I forget; what I see, I remember; what I do, I
3. Learning is the discovery of the personal meaning of ideas. Students are given the
opportunity to connect what they learn with other concepts learned, with real world
experiences and with their own lives.
4. Learning is a cooperative and a collaborative process.
A teaching method consist of systematic and orderly steps in teaching-learning process. It is the
practical realization or application of an approach. All methods of teaching can be classified
either as deductive (direct) or inductive (indirect).

Begins with a rule, Begins with the
generalization, concrete, experience
abstraction and ends details, examples
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 115



Activity 9.1Demonstrating an Understanding of Research-Based Knowledge
Principles of Teaching and Learning

Resource Teacher: Jaderey Lasaga Teachers Signature: ___________

School:___San Pablo National High School Grade/Year Level: Grade 7__
Date: October 13, 2023

Observe class with the use of the principles of learning given in Revisit the Learning Essentials. I
will identify evidence of applications/violations of the principles of learning. I can cite more than
one evidence per principle of learning.
What did the Resource Teacher do to
Principles of Learning apply the
principle of learning
1. Effective learning begins with the
setting of clear and high expectations The resource teacher introduce the objective
of learning outcomes of the lesson first.

2. Learning is an active process

The resource teacher employ a student-
centered activity like by using engaging
teaching strategies and encouraging students
to participate actively in the learning process.

3. Learning is the discovery of personal

meaning and relevance of ideas The teacher utilize the Generalization
Process. This involves helping students
extract the broader concepts or key takeaways
from the lesson. Moreover, the resource
teacher also utilize student reflection on the

4. Learning is a cooperative and a

collaborative process. Learning is Student engagement through a group
enhanced in an atmosphere of discussion to explore observations and
cooperation and collaboration challenges, and through presentations and
group projects.


1. What principles of learning were most applied?

Most Applied
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 116

The learning principle that is frequently put into practice is "learning is a

cooperative and collaborative process." The resource teacher consistently structured the
class in a way that encouraged students to share their thoughts comfortably. They
engaged in discussions, exchanged ideas, and presented their solutions collectively.

Least Applied

The learning principle that saw the least application is "learning is the discovery
of personal meaning and significance of concepts." This is because the instructor
predominantly dominated class time by sharing their own opinions and discussing the
topic, leaving limited room for students to explore and find personal meaning in the

Give instances where this/these principle/s could have been applied?

The principle of cooperative and collaborative learning can be applied in

instances such as group projects, class discussions, and peer teaching, fostering a
collaborative learning environment. The principle of discovering personal meaning and
significance of concepts can be implemented when students relate the subject matter to
their own lives, choose research topics aligned with their interests, and engage in self-
reflection, making the learning experience more meaningful and personalized.


From among the principles of learning, which one do you think is the most important?

I agree that both learning with personal meaning and relevance and
collaborative learning are essential. The first principle is crucial because when students
find personal meaning and relevance in what they are learning, they are more motivated,
engaged, and likely to retain and apply the knowledge. This principle makes learning
more meaningful and applicable to their lives. The second principle, which emphasize
cooperation and collaboration, is also vital because it promotes a supportive and
interactive learning environment where students can learn from each other and build
essential social and problem-solving skills. These principles, when applied together,
create a holistic and effective learning experience.

Activity 9.2 Identifying Learning Outcomes that are aligned with Learning Competencies
Resource Teacher: Jaderey Lasaga Teachers Signature: ___________
School:___San Pablo National High School Grade/Year Level: Grade 11-12__
Date: October 13, 2023

Observe class, this time focusing on how the learning outcomes were stated. Determine if
the learning outcome/s was/were achieved or not. Give evidence.

1. Write the learning outcomes stated in the lessons.

Learning Outcomes (SMART Achieved

Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 117

1. Analyzing pictures
2. Sketch and paint a mural using
colors and shapes
3. Make a paragraph from picture
4. Paints a landscape using colors
and shape
5. Realize the choice of colors and

2. Cite pieces of evidence that these learning outcomes were achieved.

1. The learners output.

2. The paragraph they presented.

3. Picture of student using colors and shape.

4. Students task to make an observation report on their work.

5. The pupils will need to comply their requirement as their projects on time, the
project is making a task.


1. Do SMART objectives make the lesson more focused?

Yes, SMART objectives make lessons more focused because they are realistic and
achievable for students. They also relate to things we do in our everyday lives.


Reflect on the

Lesson learned in determining SMART learning outcomes

Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 118

The lesson I learned in determining SMART learning outcomes is the importance of

setting clear and specific goals, it should deal and touch our life achievable and very
timely. By making objectives Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-
bound, it becomes easier to stay on track and ensure that learning is effective. This
approach helps students and educators focus on what needs to be achieved and provides a
sense of direction. It also highlights the relevance of the goals to real-life situations,
making learning more practical and meaningful. In essence, the SMART framework serves
as a valuable tool for enhancing the quality and effectiveness of education.

Activity 9.3 Distinguishing Between Inductive and Deductive Methods of Teaching

Resource Teacher: Jaderey Lasaga Teachers Signature: ___________

School:___San Pablo National High School Grade/Year Level: Grade 11-12__
Date: October 13, 2023

I will observe one Resource Teacher with the use of this observation sheet. Using the guide
questions, I shall reflect on my observation and analysis.

Teacher-centered Student-centered

Did teacher lecture all the time? Were students involved in the teaching-
learning process? How? Were they mere
-No, from what I have observed, the teacher passive recipients of instruction?
does not exclusively rely on lecturing. -Students actively participate in the teaching-
Instead, they incorporate various instructional learning process and are not mere passive
methods, such as facilitating activities and recipients of instruction. Students are
encouraging students to engage in encouraged to ask questions, express their
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 119

thoughts and opinions, and collaborate with

brainstorming, ask questions during the their peers.
lecture, or participate in similar interactive
Was the emphasis on the mastery of the Was the emphasis on the students’
lesson or on the test? Prove. application of the lesson in real life? Give
-The emphasis was on mastering the lesson
because the teacher provided detailed -Yes, the emphasis was on students'
explanations of what the students needed to application of the lesson in real life. This is
know. evident when the students actively participate
and share their experiences when the teacher
asks about real-life applications of the lesson.

Was class atmosphere competitive? Why? Was class atmosphere collaborative? Why?
-Yes, the class atmosphere was collaborative
-Yes, the class atmosphere was competitive because students worked together, shared
because of active student participation. ideas, and supported each other in their

Did teacher focus only on one Did teacher connect lessons to other
discipline/subject? disciplines/subjects?

-No, the teacher incorporated another subject -Yes

into the teaching.

What teaching-learning practice shows that teaching approach was:

a) Constructivist-connected to experience of learners; learners constructed new lesson


b) Inquiry-based

c) Developmentally appropriate-learning activities fit the developmental stage of children

d) Reflective

e) Inclusive- No learner was excluded; teacher taught everybody.

f) Collaborative- Students worked together

g) Integrative- Lesson was multidisciplinary- e.g. In Science, Math concepts were taught
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 120


1. What are possible consequences of teaching purely subject matter for mastery and for the

I believe that the consequences of teaching purely for subject mastery and tests
could lead to rote memorization and a lack of practical application. Students might
struggle to connect what they learn to real-life situations and may not develop critical
thinking skills.

2. If you were to reteach the classes you observed, would you be teacher-centered or
student-centered? Why?

If I were to reteach the observed classes, I would adopt a student-centered

approach. This approach encourages active engagement, critical thinking, and real-world
application, which are essential for effective and meaningful learning.


Reflect on
Principles of teaching worth applying

The principles of teaching worth applying encompass a student-centered approach,

emphasizing active engagement, critical thinking, and real-world application. These
principles promote a dynamic learning environment where students take ownership of
their education, fostering a deeper understanding of the material and better preparing
them for life beyond the classroom. By embracing these principles, educators can inspire
a lifelong love for learning and empower students to thrive in an ever-evolving world.
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 121

LINK Theory to Practice

Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer

1. Teacher Rose believes that students need not know the intended learning outcome of the
lesson. She proceeds to her learning activities at once without letting them know what they
are supposed to learn for the day. Which principle of learning does Teacher Rose negate
a. Effective learning begins with setting clear expectations and learning Outcomes
b. Learning is an active process
c. Learning is the discovery of the personal meaning of ideas
d. Learning is a cooperative and a collaborative process
2. Teacher Lil avoids drills out of context. She gives real-world Math problems for students to
drill on. Teacher Lil is very much convinced of which principle of learning?
a. Learning is an active process
b. Learning is the discovery of the personal meaning of ideas.
c. Learning is a cooperative and collaborative process
d. Effective learning begins with setting clear expectations and learning outcomes
3. For meaningful teaching and learning, it is best to connect the lesson to the life of students by
integrating a relevant value in the lesson. Which principle is applied?
a. Lesson objectives intended learning outcomes must integrate 2 or 3 domains-
cognitive, skill and affective or cognitive and affective or skill and affective.
b. Begin with the end in mind.
c. Share lesson objectives /intended learning outcomes with students.
d. Write SMART lesson objectives intended learning outcomes
4. Teacher Ruben wanted his students to rate their own work using the scoring rubric which he
explained to the class before the students began with their task. Based on revised Bloom's
taxonomy, in which level of cognitive processing are the students?
A. Evaluating C. Applying
B. Synthesizing D. Analyzing

5. You are required to formulate your own philosophy of education in the course, The
Teaching Profession. Based on Bloom's revised taxonomy, in which level of cognitive
processing are you?
A. Analyzing C. Creating
B. Applying D. Evaluating
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 122

SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

Post proofs of learning that you were able to gain in this Episode. You may attach the
lesson plan (s) used by your Resource Teacher to show intended learning outcomes and the
method used in class.

As a pre-service teacher, my experience with the 4A's lesson plan has taught me the
importance of clear, measurable learning objectives and the need to align activities and
assessments with these objectives. It underscores the value of being organized, adaptable, and
reflective in lesson planning. Through my observations, I have learned that effective teaching
involves more than just delivering content; it is about engaging students, assessing their progress,
and continuously improving teaching methods to ensure meaningful learning experiences. This
structured approach not only benefits students but also helps me grow as an educator by
promoting thoughtful, goal-oriented teaching.

EVALUATE Performance Task

Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 123

Evaluate Your Work Task. Field Study 1: Episode 9: Preparing for Teaching and Learning
Learning Outcome: Identify the teaching-learning practices that apply or violate the principles of
teaching learning; determine the guiding principles on lesson objectives/learning outcomes
applied in instruction; judge if lesson objectives/intended learning outcomes are SMART;
determine whether or not the intended learning outcomes are achieved at the end of the lesson;
observe the teaching methods used by the Resource Teacher and differentiate the different
methods of teaching.

Name of FS Student: Hanna Marie L. Payba Date Submitted: November 10, 2023

Year & Section: 4-B Course: BSED English

Learning Excellent Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Needs Improvement


Accomplish All observation One (1) to two (2) Three (3) observation Four (4) or more
ed questions/tasks observation questions/tasks not observation
Observation completely questions/tasks answered/accomplishe questions/tasks not
Sheet answered/accomplish completely d. answered/accomplish
ed. answered/accomplish ed.
Analysis All questions were All questions were Questions were not Four (4) or more
answered completely, answered completely, answered completely, observation questions
answers are with answers are clearly answers are not were not answered,
depth and are connected on theories, clearly connected to answers not
thoroughly grounded grammar and spelling theories; One (1) to connected to theories,
on theories, grammar are free from error. three (3) grammatical more than four (4)
and spelling are free spelling errors. grammatical spelling
from error. errors.
Reflection Profound and clear; Clear but lacks depth, Not so clear and Unclear and shallow,
supported by what supported by what shallow, somewhat rarely supported by
were observed and were observed and supported by what what were observed
analyzed. analyzed. were observed and and analyzed.
Learning Portfolio is reflected Portfolio is reflected Portfolio is not Portfolio is not
Artifacts on in the context of on in the context of reflected on in the reflected on in the
the learning the learning context of the learning context of the
outcomes; Compete, outcomes; Compete, outcomes; Compete, learning outcomes;
well organized, highly well organized, very not organized, not compete, not
relevant to the relevant to the relevant to the organized, not
learning outcome. learning outcome. learning outcome. relevant.
Submission Submitted before the Submitted on the Submitted a day after Submitted two
deadline deadline the deadline (2) days or more after
the deadline
Over-all Score (Based on


Score 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7-below
Grade 1. 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00
0 0
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-Below

Hanna Marie L. Payba November 10, 2023

Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date

FIELD STUDY 1 LEARNING The Instructional Cycle

Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 124


FS 1 10
SPARK Your Interest
This Episode centers on the guiding principles in the selection and use of teaching
methods. It will also tackle lesson development in the OBTL way. The K to 12 curriculum and
teacher education curriculum are focused on outcomes, standards, and competencies. This means
that lessons must be delivered with focus on outcomes. Likewise, this Episode dwells on types of
questions, questioning and reacting techniques that teachers make use of. The type of questions
that teachers ask and their manner of questioning and reacting to student responses have a
bearing on class interaction. This Episode strengthens the theories learned in the course,
Teaching Methods, and Strategies and in other professional subjects in Education.

TARGET Your Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of this Episode, I must be able to.
►identify the application of some guiding principles in the selection and use of teaching
►determine whether or not the lesson development was in accordance with outcome-based
teaching and learning
►identify the Resource Teacher's questioning and reacting techniques
►outline a lesson in accordance with outcome-based teaching-learning

REVISIT the Learning Essentials

These are the guiding principles in the selection and use of teaching methods.
1. Learning is an active process
2. The more senses that are involved, the more and the better the learning
3. A non-threatening atmosphere enhances learning.
4. Emotion has the power to increase retention and learning
5. Good teaching goes beyond recall of information
6. Learning is meaningful when it is connected to students' everyday life.
7.An integrated teaching approach is far more effective than teaching isolated bits of

Realizing the importance of these guiding principles in teaching and learning, the
Department of Education promotes Standards and Competency-Based teaching with its K to
12 Curriculum Guide. The Technical Education Skills Development Authority (TESDA) has
been ahead of DepEd and the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) in the practice of

Standards-Based Teaching and Assessment. CHED requires all higher education

institutions in the country to go Outcome-Based Education (OBE) in the CHED Memo 46, s.
2012. Outcome-Based teaching and learning (OBTL) is OBE applied in the teaching-learning
process. It is equivalent to competency-Based and Standards-Based teaching and learning in
the K to 12 Curriculum.
When you apply OBTL, you see to it that the teaching-learning activities (TLAs) and in
turn the Assessment Tasks (ATs) are aligned with the intended learning outcomes. In other
words, is OBTL you first establish your intended learning outcomes (lesson objectives). Then
you determine which teaching learning activities (TLAs) and also assessment tasks (ATs)
you would have to use to find out if you attained your ILO’s.
In lesson planning, the ILOs are our lesson objectives, the TLAs’ are the activities we use
to teach and the ATs are the evaluation part.
OBE and OBTL are not entirely new. They are importantly new. With mastery learning
of Benjamin Bloom (1971), we were already doing OBE and OBTL.
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 125

Likewise, it is also important that teachers must be able to have the mastery of the art of
questioning and reacting techniques to ensure the effective delivery of instruction.
These are the types of questions that teachers ask.

Types of questions that Teachers Ask

1. Factual/Convergent/Closed/Low Who, What, Where, When questions with
level one acceptable answer

2. Divergent/Open-ended/High Open-ended; has more than one acceptable

level/Higher order/Conceptual answer
Have you learned something from our
a. Evaluation

e.g., When the phone rang and Liz picked it

b. Inference up, she was all smiles. What can you infer
about Liz?

What is the difference between sound and

c. Comparison silence

d. Application Create a video of proper handwashing.

e. Problem-solving What can you do to be healthier?

3. Affective e.g., How do you feel?

These are also some of the reacting techniques that teachers use:

1. Providing acceptance feedback

2. Providing corrective feedback
3. Giving appropriate and sincere praise
4. Repeating the answer
5. Explaining the answer/ expanding the answer
6. Rephrasing the question
7. Asking follow up questions
8. Redirecting questions to other pupils
9. Soliciting student questions
10. Encouraging through non-verbal behavior
11. Criticizing respondent for his/her answer
12. Scolding for misbehavior or for not listening
13. Overusing expressions such as “okay”, “right”
14. Activity 10.1 Applying the Guiding Principles in the Selection and Use of Strategies

Resource Teacher: Jaderey Lasaga Teachers Signature: ___________

School:___San Pablo National High School Grade/Year Level: Grade 7__
Date: October 13, 2023

Observe one class with the use of the observation sheet for greater focus then analyze my
observation with the help of the guide questions.
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 126

e.g., Teacher used video on how

1. The more senses that are involved, digestions takes place and a model of the
the more and the better the learning. human digestive system.

The teacher encouraged students to

actively participate in class discussions,
2. Learning is an active process. ask questions, and work on hands-on
activities to promote active learning,
rather than passively listening to lectures.

The teacher created a supportive and

inclusive classroom environment where
students felt comfortable expressing their
3. A non-threatening atmosphere opinions and making mistakes without
enhances learning. fear of judgment, fostering a non-
threatening atmosphere for effective

The teacher used storytelling and real-life

examples to evoke emotions in students,
making the subject matter more relatable
4. Emotion has the power to increase
retention and learning. and memorable, thereby harnessing the
power of emotions to enhance retention
and learning.

The teacher emphasized critical thinking,

problem-solving, and application of
knowledge, ensuring that students not
only memorized facts but also
5. Good teaching beyond recall of
information. understood the concepts and their
practical significance, demonstrating that
good teaching extends beyond mere
information recall.

The teacher related classroom lessons to

students' everyday experiences and
6. Learning is meaningful when it is
connected to students’ everyday interests, showing them how the subject
life. matter was relevant to their lives, making
learning more meaningful and relatable.

The teacher structured the curriculum to

connect different subjects and concepts,
highlighting the interconnectedness of
knowledge, which helped students see
7. An integrated teaching approach is
far more effective than teaching the bigger picture and grasp the
isolated bits of information. relationships between various topics,
demonstrating that an integrated teaching
approach is more effective than teaching
isolated pieces of information.
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 127


What is the best method of teaching? Is there such a thing?

The question of the best method of teaching is a complex and often debated one.
There is not a one-size-fits-all answer because the effectiveness of a teaching method can
vary based on factors such as the subject matter, the age and learning style of the
students, the educational goals, and the context in which teaching takes place. What may
work well for one group of students or in a particular situation may not be as effective in
another. Effective teaching methods often involve a combination of approaches and
strategies to cater to the diverse needs of students. It is essential to be adaptable and use
different methods based on the learning objectives, the students' preferences, and the
resources available.


Reflect on this question.

How do we select the appropriate strategy for our lesson?

To choose the right teaching strategy for a lesson, think about what you want your
students to learn, how they learn best (seeing, hearing, doing), the subject, and the
resources you have. Consider your classroom environment and your expertise as a
teacher. Be open to feedback and adjust your methods if they are not working well. In
short, there is no one best method, but you should pick strategies that fit your situation
and goals while keeping your students in mind.

Activity 10.2 Determining Outcome-Based Teaching and Learning

Resource Teacher: Jaderey Lasaga Teachers Signature_________ ___________

School:___San Pablo National High School Grade/Year Level: Grade 7__
Date: October 13, 2023

Observe a class and answer the following questions.

1. Did the teacher state the learning objectives/intended learning outcomes (ILOs)
beginning of the class? Did he/she share them with the class? How?
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 128

Yes, the teacher clearly stated the learning objectives at the beginning of the class
and shared them with the students. This was done by writing them on the board and
discussing them briefly.

2. What teaching-learning activities (TLEs) did he/she use? Did these TLAs help
him/her attain his/her lesson objectives/ILOs? Explain your answer.

The teacher used a variety of teaching-learning activities, including interactive

discussions, hands-on experiments, and group work. These TLAs were highly
effective in helping students achieve the lesson objectives/ILOs because they engaged
students actively and allowed them to apply what they were learning.

3. What assessment task/s did teacher employ? Is/are these align to the lesson

The teacher employed well-aligned assessment tasks, such as quizzes and a final
project. These assessments closely aligned with the lesson objectives/ILOs, providing
students with the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding and skills in a way
that directly related to what they had been taught.


What are your thoughts about Outcome-Based Teaching and Learning (OBTL)?

Outcome-Based Teaching and Learning (OBTL) is a valuable approach because it

places a strong emphasis on defining what students should know or be able to do by the
end of a lesson or course. Clearly stating learning objectives at the beginning of the class
helps provide a roadmap for both the teacher and the students. Assessment tasks that are
closely aligned with the objectives provide meaningful feedback on students' progress.
However, in the observed class, there could have been more explicit alignment between
the objectives, teaching activities, and assessment tasks.


Reflect on the use of OBTL.

OBTL is an approach that helps ensure that education is goal-oriented and
focused on achieving specific outcomes. To make the most of OBTL, it is essential for
teachers to clearly communicate learning objectives at the beginning of the class and
design teaching activities and assessments that directly align with these objectives. This
alignment creates a cohesive and effective learning experience for students, as they know
what is expected of them and can see how their activities and assessments relate to their
learning goals. In the observed class, there was room for improvement in terms of explicit
alignment between these elements, which could enhance the learning experience for the
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 129

Activity 10.3 Applying Effective Questioning Techniques

Resource Teacher: Jaderey Lasaga Teachers Signature: ___________
School:___San Pablo National High School Grade/Year Level: Grade 7__
Date: October 13, 2023

Observe a class activity. You shall focus on the questions that the Resource Teacher asks
during the classroom discussion. Write the questions raised and identify the level of

Examples of Questions that the resource

Types of Question
teacher asked

1. Factual/Convergent/Closed/Low What is the past tense of the verb 'run' in

level English?"

Divergent /Higher order/Open-ended/Conceptual

Do you think using descriptive language in a
a. evaluation story makes it more interesting? Why or why
What can you infer about the character's
b. inference
feelings based on their actions in the text?
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 130

Compare and contrast the main characters in

c. comparison two short stories you have read in terms of
their personalities and motivations.
How would you apply the rules of punctuation
d. application in English to make your writing clearer and
more effective?
Imagine you are a character in a story. How
e. problem-solving would you resolve a conflict using effective
How does reading a captivating English novel
2. Affective make you feel, and why do you think stories
can evoke such emotions?


1. Neil Postman once said: “Children go to school as question marks and leave school as
periods! “Does this have something to do with the type of questions that teachers ask
and the questioning and reacting techniques that they employ?

Yes, Neil Postman's statement highlights the impact of educational practices,

particularly the types of questions teachers ask and their approach to fostering
curiosity. When teachers predominantly use closed, factual questions with clear
answers, it can discourage students' inquisitiveness and reduce them to passive
recipients of knowledge, transforming them into 'periods' - accepting the information
as final. In contrast, if teachers encourage open-ended, thought-provoking questions
and employ techniques that stimulate critical thinking and curiosity, they can help
students retain their 'question mark' nature, fostering a lifelong love of learning and


Reflect on
The importance of using various reacting techniques

Using a variety of reacting techniques is important. It helps in different situations

because not all situations are the same. Reacting techniques are like tools for good
communication and problem-solving. They include skills like listening well, speaking up
confidently, showing empathy, and adapting to the situation. By using different
techniques, you can choose the right one for the moment. For example, in a fight,
listening and being understanding can help calm things down. However, in a negotiation
or a leadership role, being confident and clear is often better. Using these techniques
helps you build better relationships and make smarter choices in your personal and
professional life.

Moreover, using different reacting techniques is super important for growing as a

person and doing well in your job. When you can change how you communicate
depending on the situation, you are more likely to succeed in your personal relationships
and at work. For example, at work, knowing when to be confident and when to listen
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 131

carefully can make the difference between a successful deal and a bad one. In personal
relationships, being understanding and showing empathy can make your bonds stronger
and help you solve problems more peacefully. Therefore, the key is to use various
reacting techniques to handle different parts of life well.

SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

Show proofs of learning that you were able to gain in the Episode by interviewing at least two
teachers on their thoughts on OBTL.
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 132

EVALUATE Performance Task

Evaluate Your Work Task. Field Study 1: Episode 10: The Institutional Cycle
Learning Outcome: Identify the application of some guiding principles in the selection and use of
teaching strategies; determine whether or not the lesson development was in accordance with
outcome-based teaching and learning; identify the Resource Teacher's questioning and reacting
techniques; and outline a lesson in accordance with outcome based teaching-learning.

Name of FS Student: Hanna Marie L. Payba Date Submitted: November 10, 2023

Year & Section: 4-B Course: BSED English

Learning Excellent Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Needs

Episode Improvement
Accomplis All observation One (1) to two (2) Three (3) Four (4) or more
hed questions/tasks observation observation observation
Observatio completely questions/tasks questions/tasks not questions/tasks not
n Sheet answered/accomplis completely answered/accomplis answered/accompli
hed. answered/accomplis hed. shed.
Analysis All questions were All questions were Questions were not Four (4) or more
answered answered answered observation
completely, answers completely, answers completely, answers questions were not
are with depth and are clearly are not clearly answered, answers
are thoroughly connected on connected to not connected to
grounded on theories, grammar theories; One (1) to theories, more than
theories, grammar and spelling are free three (3) four (4)
and spelling are free from error. grammatical spelling grammatical
from error. errors. spelling errors.
Reflection Profound and clear; Clear but lacks Not so clear and Unclear and
supported by what depth, supported by shallow, somewhat shallow, rarely
were observed and what were observed supported by what supported by what
analyzed. and analyzed. were observed and were observed and
analyzed. analyzed.
Learning Portfolio is reflected Portfolio is reflected Portfolio is not Portfolio is not
Artifacts on in the context of on in the context of reflected on in the reflected on in the
the learning the learning context of the context of the
outcomes; Compete, outcomes; Compete, learning outcomes; learning outcomes;
well organized, well organized, very Compete, not not compete, not
highly relevant to relevant to the organized, relevant organized, not
the learning learning outcome. to the learning relevant.
outcome. outcome.
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 133

Submissio Submitted before Submitted on the Submitted a day Submitted two

n the deadline deadline after the deadline (2) days or more
after the deadline
Over-all Score (Based on


Score 20 19- 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7-below
Grade 1. 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00
0 0
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-Below

Hanna Marie L. Payba November 10, 2023

Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date
LINK Theory to Practice
Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer. Episode 1

1. Learning is an active process. Which one is an application of this principle?

A. Avoid drills which are out of context.
B. Teach your content from multidisciplinary perspective
C. Group students for work or project, the way project becomes less expensive.
D. Let students learn the steps in opening a computer by making them follow the steps

2. The more senses that are involved, the more and the better the learning which practice is
aligned with this principle?
A. Employ cooperative learning.
B. Teach using mostly verbal symbol.
C. Invite parents as resource speaker in class.
D. Bring students to field trips with consent of school and parents.

3. In OBTL, upon which should my assessment be based?

A. Content C. Scope of subject matter
B. Intended Learning Outcome D. Teaching and Learning Activity

4. Which type of question will least promote interaction among students?

A. Divergent Convergent
B. Conceptual D. Inference

5. To obtain well-thought-out answers, which questioning behavior helps?

A. Allowing sufficient time
B. Asking open-ended questions
C. Asking non-direction question
D. Involving as many as possible
Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 134

Hanna Marie L. Payba FS 401 Portfolio 135


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