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7th Grade / September 13th,2021

OA8. Demostrar conocimiento y uso del lenguaje en conversaciones, discusiones y exposiciones por medio de las siguientes funciones:
•Could/ must/ Don’t : expresar sugerencias, obligación y prohibición; por ejemplo: I must practice; you ,mustn’t ride without a helmet;
we could..; Don’t ...
Vocabulario: hábitos saludables.

We use certain modal verbs to express SUGGESTIONS, OBLIGATION and PROHIBITION.

1. Match the picture that goes with the structure.


1. YOU MUST STUDY - __b____

3. DON’T CROSS - _a____

a.Which sentence expresses OBLIGATION? __b_____

b. Which sentence expresses a PROHIBITION? __a_____
c. Which sentence expresses a SUGGESTION? ___c____

Modal Verbs

To express suggestions, we use SHOULD/SHOULDN’T , COULD or CAN

-The boys should train harder to get better results.
-She shouldn’t stay awake too late at night.
-We could work together in History class.
- They can go to the movies if they wear a mask
To express an obligation, we use MUST and HAVE TO/HAS TO.
-Sara is at home now because she HAS TO take care of her mother.
- You MUST study for the exam, your grades are not good to pass the class.

To express prohibition, we use DON’T/ MUSTN'T

- DON’T open the window, it’s too windy!
-We MUSTN’T go inside that room without our parents permission.

2. Decide if the sentences below express suggestion (S), obligation (O) or prohibition (P).

a. You must listen to your parents __o____

b. We could help clean the neighborhood _s____
c. Don’t throw trash on the streets! _p____
d. You mustn't speak loudly in the library. __p___
e. We could start soon. __s____
f. You shouldn’t spend many hours playing video games __s____
g. Don’t turn off your camera while doing MEET with your teacher. _p____
h. You have to wash your hands very often.s ____
i. We could help clean our neighborhood against COVID-19. _s____

3. Think and write about:

a) Write 2 sentences that express prohibition in your school.

1.we should not eat in classes
2.we should not draw on the table

b) Write 2 sentences that express obligation in your city.

1.could not throw garbage
2.could wear the mask

c) Write 2 sentences that express suggestions to a friend who wants to take up a healthier lifestyle.
1.friend you could eat more fruits
2friend you can exercise more

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