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PNC Bank Operations Interns Summer 2011

Front Row: Joe Pfeifer, Mitchell Robinson, RaLonda Brown, Courtney Briggs, Elvin Marmol, Ryan Hays Middle Row: Gabriel Sawhney, James Baric, Nicholas McDaniel, Zachary Witmer, Jared Rogers, Anthony Lyon Back Row: Casey Totten, Andrew Roche, Kevin Rezzetano, Blake Davis, John Matta

Twenty College Interns Throughout: Retail Operations Treasury Management Operations Lending Services

Managers: After being privileged enough to be a member of the first class of interns in PNC Bank Operations, I thought it would be useful to share the accomplishments of the operations interns throughout the past ten weeks. Since we have been in different operations departments which include Retail Operations, Treasury Management Operations and Lending Services, I thought it would be beneficial for everyone to learn about the responsibilities of each intern this summer. Throughout our internships, we have been fortunate enough to gain valuable experience by completing daily responsibilities, long-term projects, presentations, attending meetings and other various activities. Regardless of our department, we learned an exceptional amount about the banking industry. We had several opportunities to expand our knowledge by attending Lunch and Learn sessions, taking tours, and listening to numerous speakers including executives. It was great to feel like a valuable employee and know that our work was meaningful. While still being as young as a sophomore in college, we were able to improve our communication skills, presentations, time management, work ethic, and gain a feel for a typical analyst role. The fact that PNC treated us so well and allowed us this experience was incredible. We are all thankful to be given such a valuable opportunity. Not only did we receive meaningful assignments to complete, but we had a great time with the other 357 interns. Being a part of PNCs largest intern class allowed us to socialize and make friends that will last a lifetime. There were countless activities provided for us from the recruiting team which made this summer unforgettable. All of the operations interns have been fortunate enough to have weekly intern meetings to present the numerous diverse segments and learn what each of our fellow interns do. Working in Retail Operations has exposed me to a great variety of knowledge and experience that will be useful going forward in my career. Although I have learned a lot through projects and assignments, I learned the most from observing and working with others in my department. I strive to seize every opportunity that I have the chance to, and to be able to intern for one of the nations top banks was an exceptional experience. Personally, as a rising junior in college, I would be honored to work for PNC Bank again next summer. One final note, on behalf of the Class of 2011 PNC Operations Interns, we would like to extend a thank you to all of the managers, employees, recruiting team, and everyone else for making us feel welcome. We had a great summer and will hopefully be full time members of PNC Bank in the near future.

Courtney Briggs Retail Operations Intern

Andy Roche
Department: Manager: School: Year: Major: Anti-Money Laundering Abbie Skupien Temple University Sophomore Marketing

What is your department specifically responsible for? AML is responsible for compliance with government regulations regarding monitoring and reporting suspicious activity that is indicative of terrorist financing or criminal activity. What are some daily responsibilities that you worked on? My day to day tasks were in Imbedded Country Database, a collection of all wires sent between PNC customers and high-risk jurisdictions like Saudi Arabia or Nigeria. I was responsible for analyzing 150 wires daily & deciding if they were suspicious based on research including account activity, people databases, & public information. What were some long term projects you worked on? My long term projects all involved the Imbedded Country Database. I was part of the testing team to roll out Phase II of the database which greatly improved the processing speed of analysts. I also created a new procedure for my team which increased total wires analyzed per day by 25%. What do you like best about PNC? The opportunity. I was able to come in with little experience with AML and still made a lasting impact on the department. PNC really supports employees creativity and encourages bringing new ideas to the table. I feel that this is what really gives PNC its competitive advantage. Did you meet your goals for this internship? Please cite examples. And then some. My original goal was To see how one person can make a difference in such a large company. Not only did I see that goal all the way through, but I learned more about finance and banking than I ever could have learned in a classroom setting. How did your manager help make the internship successful for you? I want to thank not only my manager but also Steve Obranovich for being my unofficial mentors during this internship. They both helped me whenever I ran into trouble along the way, but, most importantly, they gave me the freedom and respect to perform to my fullest ability. They took my ideas seriously and were willing to put them into production to test if they would be beneficial for the company and it meant a lot to me. What are the most important skills or abilities you developed during this internship? The general overview of the banking system and how PNC operates as a whole company has been the most valuable knowledge Ive gained. I am confident I know more about the banking system from this internship than even my peers who are majoring in Finance. Actually being here has made all the difference. What were your expectations prior to the internship and were they met? I came in only hoping to make some money and get professional experience with a respected company. I got much more than that.

Anthony Lyon
Department: Manager: School: Year: Majors: Consumer Loan Services (Account Services) CCAT Team Cynthia Donahue Penn State Junior Business Management

What is your department specifically responsible for? Provide assistance to branch and call center employees on consumer loans that have already been booked into our systems. What are some daily responsibilities that you worked on? I listened to calls to gain a better understanding of issues serviced and how to go about making those changes. I was also able to operate the FDR and ACLS systems during calls in order to better assist my co-workers. What were some long term projects you worked on? I worked on a project/presentation for management to determine how CCAT could best utilize the PNC CATCH system. I was able to work with another department that was already using the CATCH system to gain an understanding of the information needed to use the system. From my daily experiences learning and working the systems used by the phone team, I was able to provide feedback on what the potential platform for the CATCH system used by the phone team would be. What do you like best about PNC? The best thing I like about PNC is the culture. Everyone is friendly and willing to assist in any way that they can. Did you meet your goals for this internship? Please cite examples. Yes, I was able to learn more about PNC overall, and I just wanted to be an asset to my managers and my group and they valued the work that I did, so I am proud of that. How did your Manager help make the internship successful for you? My managers were very interactive with me, and easily accessible. All of their expectations were clearly stated, and any questions I had they would answer. This was helpful to me because I was able to become comfortable with asking questions and trying to learn more. What are the most important skills or abilities you developed during this internship? I was able to develop my communication skills through interacting with new people at the loan center and the networking events provided through the internship. Organizational and time management skills were also important for me to work on while I was preparing my presentation for my deadline. What were your expectations prior to the internship and were they met? I expected to be doing a lot of busy work, while also being able to learn more about PNC. I was able to learn a lot more than what I thought I would learn, while not having to do a lot of busy work. The work that I was assigned throughout the internship was meaningful and of value to my managers. Is there anything you would change about this internship if you could repeat it? Overall, I think that it was a great internship experience. I wouldnt change anything.

Ben Kendall
Department: Manager: School: Year: Major: Minor: Receivables Client Services Group Cynthia Sacco University of Pittsburgh Senior Finance Economics

What is your department specifically responsible for? Lockbox Implementation What are some daily responsibilities that you worked on? I usually spent 1-2 hours a day supporting other employees doing things like filing, pulling reports, or collecting data. What were some long term projects you worked on? My primary project was to develop recommendations on how to simplify, standardize, and restructure OCR preprocessing procedures. This one project took up the majority of my time for the ten weeks. The project had been started a year ago, but had stalled and it was given to me. I went through the processing training, studied all the OCR accounts across the network, analyzed errors looking for patterns, ranked all the OCR boxes based on which ones would benefit most from revision, wrote a standardization guide for implementers, interviewed processors, supervisors, trainers, and implementers across 4 sites to get their input, and developed training materials to teach processors about the new changes. How did your Manager help make the internship successful for you? Cyndi met with me weekly or more as necessary. She provided me the information I needed and gave me suggestions without micro managing. She supported my decisions and coached me on how to handle myself in unfamiliar situations. What were your expectations prior to the internship and were they met? I did not really know what to expect. I expected to be kept busy and I feel that I was. Overall, I am very satisfied with the internship. Is there anything you would change about this internship if you could repeat it? I hated telling other employees that I could not meet with them to discuss material because there was an intern event I was scheduled to attend. Although many of the events were beneficial and informative, constantly being out of the office to attend them made it harder to shake the outsider/intern label and was disruptive. I would have liked for more of the events to be scheduled after regular work hours or consolidated into a few days.

Blake Davis
Department: Manager: School: Year: Major: Lending Services James Surovec Kent State University Sophomore Business Administration

What is your department specifically responsible for? My department is responsible for determining the amount of employees it take to complete a task What are some daily responsibilities that you worked on? Record time studies to provide data for task analysis, update the employee requirement database. What were some long term projects you worked on? Analyzing the process in Home owners assistance and Short Sale What do you like best about PNC? The welcoming environment and the diversity of people Did you meet your goals for this internship? Please cite examples. Yes, I was able to make many connections, see more about how banking operates and traveled to Pittsburgh How did your manager help make the internship successful for you? He continuously made an effort to make sure that all of my expectations were being met What are the most important skills or abilities you developed during this internship? Learning the importance of being accountable, and developing my analytical skills What were your expectations prior to the internship and were they met? I didn't have too many before the internship, but once the first week began I had some expectations and all of them were met Is there anything you would change about this internship if you could repeat it? I would have tried to reach out to more of my peers

Casey Totten
Department: Central Production Analytics Manager: Michael Stewart School: University of Notre Dame Year: Senior Majors: Economics and Computer Applications

What is your department specifically responsible for? Financial and Technical support for Consumer Lending. What are some daily responsibilities that you worked on? I ran financial reports for auto dealer caps; Florida tax and loan underwrite approval rates. I reconciled invoices for AP Billing and I worked on coding in SQL/Visual Basic to build applications for other groups within Consumer lending. What were some long term projects you worked on? I worked on a risk mitigation project analyzing the risk of all of the databases maintained by the CPA team. I also was the lead on a proposal for the manager of my manager. The proposal was based around PNCs mobility initiative to have members of the CPA Team work at home more frequently. What do you like best about PNC? All of the full time employees at PNC really seem to want to help us, even though they did not have to. Did you meet your goals for this internship? Please cite examples. I definitely felt like I did. My goals were to successfully take over the duties my boss gave to me in a timely fashion and to gain the trust of my coworkers so that they could come to me for help. I also wanted to work on meaningful work. How did your Manager help make the internship successful for you? My manager and I met nearly every day to talk about my responsibilities and how my projects were going. He guided me nearly every step of the way and was very helpful throughout the summer. What are the most important skills or abilities you developed during this internship? I learned how to be the lead on several projects. In doing this I had to facilitate meetings between my coworkers and my boss to make sure everyone voiced their beliefs. I learned a lot of technical skills using programming languages like SQL and Visual Basic. I also learned a lot about the consumer lending industry. What were your expectations prior to the internship and were they met? Prior to the start of the internship I did not have too many expectations because I knew I would be in Consumer Lending, but I really had no idea what I would be doing within Consumer Lending. From a general standpoint I had hoped to learn a lot by just being at PNC and I certainly did that throughout the summer. Is there anything you would change about this internship if you could repeat it? There were a lot of days we had to go from the Consumer Loan Center down to FirstSide or to PNC1-3 for different meetings and Lunch and Learns. It would be nice if some of those events could be combined or consolidated or if PNC might be able to provide transportation for some or all of them.

Courtney Briggs
Department: Manager: School: Year: Majors: Minor: Retail Operations- Day One Processing Doug Lippert Saint Vincent College Junior Management and Marketing Operational Excellence

What is your department specifically responsible for? Retail Operations main goal is to understand and meet customer needs while delivering superior results. Specifically, I work for Day One Processing along with The Customer Service Team. Day One Processing is responsible for Proof Encoding, Check Processing, and ATM Deposit Balancing. Throughout Day One Processing there are two initiatives underway that will have an annual cost savings of over $30 million/year. I also worked for The Customer Service Team that provides exceptional support to each of our customers internally and externally. What are some daily responsibilities that you worked on? Throughout my entire internship experience I had to maintain relationships with members of my team and ensure that any changes or updates were done. If there were any new ideas I had to ensure my work reflected them and that it was done on a timely manner while having my current projects progress. What were some long term projects you worked on? My job entailed a variety of different projects. In the beginning, I worked on the Operations Daily Status for Day One Processing. Using the data provided, I had to enter in the volumes for the markets over the past few years and determine the standard deviation (min and maxs), to create future hypotheses. I also completed a lot of projects for The Customer Service Team. I served as a journalist for the website, created easy to use guides for training and presentations, worked on the branch support hotline hot topics, and worked on the Written Communication Channel. I worked on the missing Signature Cards project for CIF determining volumes back to the 1900s, and had created presentations to express my findings. I also attended Lean Six Sigma Training and received my Yellow Belt Certificate. What do you like best about PNC? I absolutely love PNCs corporate culture. After having a Culture in Operational Excellence course last semester, I have really high expectations for what I look for in a company. PNC fulfilled all of them proving to be a exceptional company to work for. Some of my favorite qualities about the company are how they treat the internal and external employees, how everyone is valued, and how employees do meaningful work. Did you meet your goals for this internship? Please cite examples. Yes, I definitely met my goals for this summer. I wanted to be able to say I worked for a company where I learned a lot and had a great time doing it. I met a lot of goals regarding my projects and assignments. I created multiple documents and presentations that were used by others and ended up being successful. I also had a fear for presentations and have progressed throughout my internship. I learned an exceptional amount about the

other departments in the bank. Lastly, on a more personal level I made great relationships with people on my team, other interns, and management. How did your Manager help make the internship successful for you? I am thankful that during my internship I had such a great manager. Doug was always willing to help me with anything. Without him, I would not have had such a great time during my internship experience or have learned as much. He was easily accessible and would explain everything in detail until I thoroughly understood. He helped me along the way with all of my projects and presentations and always gave me feedback. Also, I learned a lot of leadership skills just from watching him. Doug always treated everyone with respect and it was obvious that every employee was valuable to him. He treated me like I was a full time employee and not only an intern. He also gave me independence, which allowed me to work at my own pace and complete my assignments. Overall, I could not have been any happier with my manager and will keep the lessons he taught with me forever. What are the most important skills or abilities you developed during this internship? Throughout the internship I think that I drastically improved my communication skills. I feel that I can communicate with co-workers and executives a lot better now and have also improved my presentation skills. I had a lot of experience this summer with Excel and PowerPoint and can do a lot more with them. I improved my time management skills and learned how to prioritize my different assignments. What were your expectations prior to the internship and were they met? I had expected to work for a large corporation, be able to do meaningful work, and learn about the company. I wanted to be able to network, which, thanks to the networking events, I had many opportunities to do so. I also wanted to determine if PNC would be suitable for me in the future, which I was glad to find that I would be lucky to work for such a great company. Is there anything you would change about this internship if you could repeat it? No, I would not change anything about the internship because I loved every aspect. I enjoyed the professional and personal levels of the internship. I liked all of the tasks I worked on and had a strong willingness to work while in my spare time attended all of the intern events and made friends that will last a lifetime. Additional Comments: I had a great time during the internship and look forward to hopefully being an intern again next summer! I also liked the fact that I got to work for multiple other executives in my department and had assignments throughout the many sections of retail operations.

David Garlock
Department: Manager: School: Year: Major: Minor: Retail Operations: Day 1 Processing/Customer Service Doug Lippert Robert Morris University Senior Organizational Leadership Business Administration

What is your department specifically responsible for? Day 1 Processing is responsible for all work that is generated the first day that a customer makes a transaction at a branch. It includes Proof Encoding, Check Processing and ATM Deposit Balancing. The Customer Service Excellence Team is responsible for improving the procedures currently in place for dealing with customer issues. What are some daily responsibilities that you worked on? As a part of the Customer Service Excellence Team I was a part of an escalation pilot that takes ownership of misdirected calls to solve the issue and track the reasons why calls are misdirected. The information gathered will be used to implement procedures that aim to eliminate misdirected calls and lead to better overall service. My daily responsibility was answering escalated calls from customers and service partners. What were some long term projects you worked on? I worked with both Day 1 processing and Operations Compliance on developing a strategic roadmap to show the current and future state of the business as well as map out the timelines for any initiatives in place. I also documented the current branch network locations and future RBC and Flagstar locations which I used to turn into a color coded map that shows the flow of work from branches to each of the five processing center. The map will be used to plan the most cost effective way to route work with future integrations and initiatives. What do you like best about PNC? I like PNCs outlook for the future with their growth plan as well as their continued focus on junior talent through internships and development programs. The overall work environment seems to be a great conduit for success. Did you meet your goals for this internship? Please cite examples. I did meet my goals this summer. I came in to the summer program hoping to get a well rounded view of Retail Operations. Through the strategic initiatives as well as working with compliance I was able to learn about and understand much more than just what Day 1 Processing does. By understanding the big picture of how the business is run I feel better prepared to contribute on a more granular level. How did your manager help make the internship successful for you? My manager was great at giving me the guidance and exposure that I was looking for. He was able to give me meaningful work that helped him while also providing me opportunities to see and do things outside of our area. Through him I was given the opportunity to present an overall view of Retail Operations to Realty Services

which was a great experience in presenting to a group. His leadership was also a great example of the type of leader that I would like to be. What are the most important skills or abilities you developed during this internship? Through the internship I think that I was able to develop and fine tune my ability to multi task and manage time. By working on multiple projects and tasks simultaneously I was able to assess the importance and need for each one and divide my time between them to complete multiple tasks successfully. I was also able to develop my communication skills by working with teams and service partners. What were your expectations prior to the internship and were they met? Prior to the internship I expected to be able to work on meaningful projects that allowed me to learn as well as add value to the company. This expectation was met over and over again. I feel that the projects and work that I completed were meaningful and added value to the business which gives me a great feeling of accomplishment. Is there anything you would change about this internship if you could repeat it? PNCs internship program is clearly on a great track for developing future leaders. I would not take away anything from the current program. In the future I would ensure the meetings that Matt Ferguson setup for the interns to gather and share their experiences continues for all intern classes. I would also add more opportunities for small groups of interns to have informal lunches with different managers and executives to provide a time for open discussions from multiple points of view. Additional Comments: As a whole the PNC internship program was an invaluable experience that has given me the experience I was looking for to prepare for the start of my career. I am extremely grateful for the opportunity and would like to thank all the managers and team members I have worked with for a great experience and welcome in to the corporate world.

Elvin Marmol
Department: Manager: School: Year: Major: Minor: Automated Clearing House (ACH) Service and Support Joseph Belczyk New York University Senior Information Systems Psychology

What is your department specifically responsible for? My department supports all team members in Pittsburgh and Cleveland ACH processing sites in addition to internal service partners and ACH customers. What are some daily responsibilities that you worked on? Preparation of AAP Exam Material for employees taking certification later this year. Helping with any tasks that may need completion throughout the day. What were some long term projects you worked on? ACH PCS Call Monitoring Review Form- I redesigned the call review form to evaluate and improve employee performance using a new scoring system with the goal of enhancing the clients experience by coaching representatives to deliver a strong consistent level of service. Statistical Inventory-I gathered procedures and reports on key statistics used to measure department performance in PGH and CLE with the goal of determining inconsistencies and aligning reporting practices across sites through various recommendations. What do you like best about PNC? The people and culture. Everyone is very welcoming, helpful, and knowledgeable about their fields. Through all my interactions, I have had an opportunity to learn and grow, and I am happy to be surrounded by individuals who are willing to contribute to my professional development. Did you meet your goals for this internship? Please cite examples. Yes! I wanted to dive into meaningful work. My projects involved work that would help improve department efficiency, as well as improve employee performance beyond my summer internship experience. The managers needed to find time for this, and I was able to help in that regard. I wanted to interact often with managers and coworkers. My projects both required that a lot of questions be answered by my managers, and frequent interactions with coworkers in different areas of ACH. I developed a good relationship with many of my fellow employees that I hope continues beyond this internship experience. I wanted to make a lasting impact on the job. I created living documents that will adapt to future changes in the department as they begin to improve and work with the deliverables I created while here. How did your manager help make the internship successful for you? My managers were always looking for ways to engage me and get me more heavily involved in the business of my department. They met with me, gave me feedback, asked me about my experience to ensure that it was

positive, and made sure I got full exposure to all of the different areas within ACH. What are the most important skills or abilities you developed during this internship? I developed my analytical skills by working with and improving documents that were in use. My interpersonal and communications skills were improved through employee interactions as well as presentations to managers and senior Operations executives. I also developed my technical skills working with Excel spreadsheets. What were your expectations prior to the internship and were they met? I expected a warm and welcoming culture within PNC, as well as to be put to work on tasks that mattered to the organization. I hoped to also learn a lot about the banking industry and different departments within PNC while here, and explore the types of careers people have in other areas. All of these expectations were met, and my experience here far exceeded my expectations. Is there anything you would change about this internship if you could repeat it? I would like to know about the availability of offers depending on the market. As PNC expands, placement in markets may be important to employees in determining their potential to accept an offer with the company if given one.

Gabriel Sawhney
Department: Manager: School: Year: Majors: Global Trade Services Dave Ondo University of Delaware Senior Economics and Finance

What is your department specifically responsible for? Standby Letters of Credit What are some daily responsibilities that you worked on? Issuance of Standby Letters of Credit, Accounting reconciliations and daily tasks for the BSA group. What were some long term projects you worked on? EBI help form project, Finance Line of Business Cost Center Project. What do you like best about PNC? The work atmosphere. It was a pleasure to come to work every day because all of my colleagues were welcoming and hard working. Did you meet your goals for this internship? Please cite examples. Yes, I learned much about myself and my area within PNC. I was also provided with ample opportunities to meet executives and network. This internship will help to shape my future and was an invaluable opportunity to set myself up for my growth post graduation. How did your manager help make the internship successful for you? He was a great resource for me to contact with any question. From day one he provided me with a rigorous structure where he demanded that I perform. Overall, I could not ask for a better manager because I was provided with the opportunity to learn and see how to move within a business. What are the most important skills or abilities you developed during this internship? I learned how to be a contributing member of a team, how to interact in a work environment, and soft skills. What were your expectations prior to the internship and were they met? I expected to work hard but be rewarded by seeing my contributions and their benefits. PNC exceeded my expectations in this regard because they never made me do the clich work like get coffee. I was provided the opportunity to grow my sense of professionalism, was welcomed by everyone in the department, and was given the opportunities to express my opinions and recommendations. PNC made me a part of the team, not just a number or a college student doing busy work. Is there anything you would change about this internship if you could repeat it? Yes, I would work to have larger projects that would allow me to leave my mark with PNC for a longer period of time. My contributions are evident here, but I would strive to be more confident throughout my entire experience. Additional Comments: Thank you for the opportunity I look forward to a bright future with PNC.

James Baric
Department: Manager: School: Year: Majors: Minor: Commercial Loan Services Real Estate Administration Donna Holsing University of Pittsburgh Junior Finance and Marketing Economics

What is your department specifically responsible for? My department has two main functions. We are responsible for independently performing risk management and client service functions for assigned, highly complex, and specialized commercial lending portfolios by collaborating with internal and external clients, investors, attorneys, and lenders. In addition, we ensure that transactions are documented, disbursed, and serviced in accordance with PNC policies and procedures as well as that they are in compliance with regulatory requirements and internal controls. What are some daily responsibilities that you worked on? A few of my general responsibilities were as follows: 1. End of the month Closing Schedule statistics reporting for Work Force Analytics. Developed and piloted the procedure for obtaining these values. 2. Support Executives through data investigation and report generation. 3. Update information within the systems. What were some long term projects you worked on? My largest project was to research past market volume data for loan closings and transactions to provide a better picture of what types of deals are originating from our different markets. I then compiled this data into a presentation which will be used for further projects and analysis. What do you like best about PNC? What I like the most about PNC as a whole are my coworkers, opportunities to explore and expand my professional network, and PNCs active rule in the community. All of my coworkers are very knowledgeable and helpful. They have taught me more during my time here than I could ever learn from a text book. Also, I enjoy working for a company that is diverse and active in the community. We have great programs that let our employees give back to our communities and it is great to see PNC as one of the leaders in philanthropic activities. Did you meet your goals for this internship? Please cite examples. My goals coming to PNC were to make the most out of this opportunity by giving my best effort, to network and gain contacts, and to add value to my department. I feel that I have met these goals and exceeded my own expectations. Overall, interning with PNC has been the most exciting and meaningful professional experience that I have ever had.

How did your manager help make the internship successful for you? The reason I learned so much during my internship was my manager. She was a great mentor and was very knowledgeable. The projects she assigned me were unique and required me to think outside the box to arrive at solutions. I was able to write my own processes and be independent in my work, which allowed me to build my technical skills while gaining experience with communicating ideas and probing for information. Although I had many questions, she and her coworkers were always helpful and willing to take the time to answer any that I had. What are the most important skills or abilities you developed during this internship? I believe that one of the most important skills is the ability to communicate effectively. Working with PNC has helped me to fine tune my own communication skills. By gaining experience in working with others and communicating my ideas and findings to coworkers, I have improved my written and verbal communication skills. Also, my technical skills in excel and within PNCs own systems grew rapidly while working here at PNC. I feel that I am more prepared to take on any daunting excel sheet now that I have been exposed so thoroughly to the program. What were your expectations prior to the internship and were they met? When I arrived at PNC, I expected to have a great learning experience and to have many networking opportunities. PNC provided that and more. HR was very active with us and set up multiple networking events. I was surprised at the exposure to different departments and markets that I received and I am very thankful for those opportunities. Also, within my department I have gained invaluable experience. My manager assigned me meaningful projects that required me to interact with others and to think complexly. It was a great experience unlike any I have ever had. I really feel that I added back value with the work I completed, which is exactly what I was hoping to achieve in my short time here. Is there anything you would change about this internship if you could repeat it? If I could change one thing I would extend the internship. It was an excellent experience and I wish I could stay longer. I am very excited for the possibility of being a part of the PNC team next summer!

Jared Rogers
Department: Manager: School: Year: Majors: Treasury Management Operations Jean-Anne Matter University of Dayton Senior Marketing and Operations Management

What is your department specifically responsible for? As Treasury Management is the overlying department that I have interned for this summer, I actually worked with all of TM Operations as an intern. (Organizational Effectiveness is responsible for a wide variety of responsibilities. Anything from developing a stronger relationship between operations and the business (sales) side of PNC, to duties such as surveying and keeping client concerns at the forefront of the organizations mind.) But to speak to Treasury Management Operations as a department, this is an area within PNC that directly works to support the front-line business, TM (which falls under C&IB). Some of the product operations handled in TM Ops include: Automated Clearing House (ACH), Receivables Management (RMS/Lockbox), Wire Transfer, EDI/E-Commerce (Electronic Data Interchange), and Healthcare. What are some daily responsibilities that you worked on? As an Undercover Intern, my specific role this summer was to improve employee understanding of the various departments within Treasury Management Operations. Most of the employees are so heavily involved with the depth of their own department and work that they are not well-informed as to what other departments within TM have to offer. So, this summer I worked as a liaison between each of the different departments. This included week-long interviews and learning step-by-step procedures of each department in TM. Once I met with the managers and employees of the department, I would then compile all of the information into a comprehensible and informative article for all PNC employees to access on the intra web. What were some long term projects you worked on? The shadowing and interviewing phase was about an 8-10 week process. After spending time and interacting with each of the departments, I would then write the article while continuing to meet with the next department in TM Operations. I was also fortunate enough to spend some time with a Treasury Management Officer (sales/business-side of TM Ops), as well as the Sales Associate team for Healthcare. These exposures enabled me to see Treasury Management on a more holistic level. One other project that was incorporated into my 10-week internship was known as the Written Communication Channel. This was a project brought forth by the marketing team at PNC. Basically, the idea was to bring together all of the information being sent out directly to PNC clients. In doing so, we were able to see how many forms of written communication our clients were receiving, if any of the documents are unnecessary or needing updated, and if any improvements could be made to better service our customers. What do you like best about PNC? This is a very difficult question because there are so many aspects about PNC that I cannot pinpoint only one. However, I would say that what catches my attention most and that I like about PNC is the ability for each and every employee (that I have met and worked with thus far) to live the corporate values on a daily basis. I realize that every organization has a list of standard values for their employees, but PNC is different from many other

organizations because I can actually see how these seven values are respected and met, as opposed to several words the company compiles and claims to represent. Did you meet your goals for this internship? Please cite examples. Yes, on both a personal level and from my manager/departments viewpoint as well. Personally, I had goals coming into this internship that included things such as being open to change, completing projects and tasks in a timely manner, and learning as much as I possibly can about the company and industry. I can honestly say that I have met my personal goals and my managers goals too because the work I have provided demonstrates my success. For example, the articles I presented are on the PNC Intraweb and I have received numerous comments and feedback. Another example is the written communication channel project that I devoted time towards. This project will continue to move forward as I will be headed back to school this fall, but without the initial efforts and research I did, the project would still be stagnate. Also, the mid-performance and final performance reviews further ensure that I met my goals here at PNC this summer. How did your manager help make the internship successful for you? My manager was a great asset to me as I learned about and gained an understanding of PNC this summer. She was very informative and knowledgeable about the banking industry and PNC, in addition to many other facets of life. She had put together a great schedule and list of assignments for me prior to the start of my internship. This kept me busy and constantly learning at all times. I also enjoyed the fact that my manager was very open to any suggestions, changes, or input that I had to offer. A lot of times, it is difficult to have yourself heard, and initially I felt this would hold true for the PNC internship, but I was pleased to find out my manager was different from the stereotypical manager. What are the most important skills or abilities you developed during this internship? I would have to say that the most important skills that I developed here at PNC are more geared towards the mental train of thought, as opposed to physical/hands-on skills. The biggest thing PNC was able to provide me with was the ability to know I can do what it takes to be successful in this type of environment. I have been able to establish a higher level of self-confidence, which I have previously lacked. I have also grown my time management, teamwork, and leadership skills as well. What were your expectations prior to the internship and were they met? Honestly, I did not really know what to expect prior to coming to Pittsburgh for this internship. For some reason though, I did have high expectations as far as what the program would offer me as far as skills, development opportunities, and networking events. But after not knowing exactly what to expect from PNC, I have been more than grateful for the exposure and experience I have received from this internship program. So to answer the question, PNC has greatly exceeded my expectations. Is there anything you would change about this internship if you could repeat it? There is not one thing that I would change about the logistics or process of this internship, other than the length. I enjoyed the experience and opportunity so much that I would think every intern feels the same as me when I say that 10-weeks went by so fast, yet I was able to learn much in such a short period of time. Additional Comments: Great program. Couldnt have been better!

John Matta
Department: Manager: School: Year: Major: Process Improvement (Shared Services/Lending Services) Jennifer Masterson Frostburg State University 2nd yr graduate MBA

What is your department specifically responsible for? Lead and design process improvement projects aimed at decreasing cycle times, decreasing error rates, and increasing customer (internal and external) satisfaction. What are some daily responsibilities that you worked on? My responsibilities include day-to-day project management activities including: holding multi-team meetings, brainstorming sessions, individual problem solving, and communicating project details across various lines of business. What were some long term projects you worked on? Redesign of Process Improvement SharePoint site, design of Total Optimization SharePoint site (along with its related projects in CCAT, Collateral Services, and Specialty Services), current state documentation of the lifespan of the Loan Information Document (LID) What do you like best about PNC? The culture supports continuous learning & supports its employees that wish to maximize their career potential. Did you meet your goals for this internship? Please cite examples. I have met my goals of becoming more comfortable initiating dialogue with those I am unfamiliar, applying Lean tools and techniques native to my own background to support the systems currently utilized by PNC, and to network effectively so that I can have a wide range of contacts throughout the organization. How did your manager help make the internship successful for you? My manager offered me unparalleled freedom to direct my schedule and navigate my duties on my own. Our interaction was largely touchbases where I would update my progress and check to make sure I am on track. As a grad student hoping to start permanent work right away, this method of management best prepared me for my fulltime duties, rather than having her hold my hand for the 10 weeks that I have been here. What are the most important skills or abilities you developed during this internship? Skills related to meeting facilitation and presentation weredefinitely tested during the summer. I have built confidence in myself and my ability to communicate effectively. What were your expectations prior to the internship and were they met? Honestly, I tried not to have many expectations for this summer. My primary hope was to be offered a fulltime position to transition into. As I still have 3 weeks left as of the time this is being written, it is too early to tell, but I am confident that this goal will be met. Putting my best foot forward is the main expectation I had for myself. Is there anything you would change about this internship if you could repeat it? I would like a choice over which market area I am in, but it was still a fun experience. Also, many of the presentations/lunch n learns seemed to have been repetitive in nature. I can only learn about the various functions of Operations so many times.

Joe Pfeifer
Department: Manager: School: Year: Major: Real Estate Service Management/Vendor Management Jeff Strahler Miami University Farmer School of Business Senior Finance/Urban Planning

What is your department specifically responsible for? Appraisal review prior to home equity loan underwriting; vendor product validation What are some daily responsibilities that you worked on? Processed data entry and evaluated productivity reports of the Appraisal Review team; performed status checks on pending home equity loans What were some long term projects you worked on? Reconciliation of vendor accounts to eliminate over/under payment on appraisal invoices; simplified the product validation process of property reports in adherence to OCC guidelines; created a user-friendly and datadescriptive template for property report validation What do you like best about PNC? Caring corporate culture, accessible corporate structure, positive and friendly work environment How did your manager help make the internship successful for you? Jeff made himself visible and very approachable from the get-go. This was very beneficial when it came to seeking clarification and asking questions throughout the summer What are the most important skills or abilities you developed during this internship? Strengthened written and verbal communication skills; continued to develop time management skills; learned to quickly acclimate and flourish in an unfamiliar environment What were your expectations prior to the internship and were they met? I did not set many expectations, as there were so many potential areas I could have been placed within Operations. I wanted to gain corporate exposure, strengthen my knowledge of the banking industry, and perhaps find an area in PNC suitable to my interests and future career goalsall of these were met Additional Comments: Thank you to the various Operations managers and the members of the Campus Recruiting team who made this summer both a valuable learning experience and an enjoyable time

Kevin Rezzetano
Department: Manager: School: Year: Major: Foreign Exchange Services Carol Dunois University of Maryland College Park Junior Accounting and Finance

What is your department specifically responsible for? My department is responsible for processing deposits of foreign currency coming into the branches and sending out orders for customers who place orders at branches. We also act as a customer service center for many questions regarding foreign currency. What are some daily responsibilities that you worked on? I opened and verified the money that came in with the deposit bags. I also sorted each currency into each denomination so that it could be added to our vault. In the afternoons, I double checked and prepared the orders that were to be sent out to our vendor or directly to the customers. What were some long term projects you worked on? Since I was needed in the day-to-day work in my department, I did not have a long term project. What do you like best about PNC? I liked the friendly atmosphere and that everyone seemed to be extremely willing to help me out with whatever I needed. My manager and all of my coworkers were tremendous sources of knowledge throughout this entire internship. Did you meet your goals for this internship? Please cite examples. I would say I met my goals for the internship. I wanted to understand how the back offices of a bank worked, and I definitely have a better understanding of that after this summer. I also wanted to learn more about banking as an industry, and through all of the activities that I have participated in this summer I have done that. I also wanted to network with some executives of the company, and in retail operations I have been able to network with a number of different executives. How did your manager help make the internship successful for you? My manager was helpful in this internship. She took a hands-off approach and let me figure out most of my work on my own, and I used my other coworkers as resources a lot. Since I was in a different room than my manager it was hard to always have face-to-face contact, but when I needed her help she was always willing to help and solved whatever problem I had. What are the most important skills or abilities you developed during this internship? I would say time management, multi-tasking, and team cooperation. The work that I did this summer wasnt exactly the toughest or hardest to understand. However, the tough part about foreign currency, especially during the summer busy season, is that there is a lot to get done and not a lot of time to do it. That being the

case, everyone needs to be working together well and using their time effectively in order to get all of the work done. What were your expectations prior to the internship and were they met? I expected to gain real-life experience in the banking world, to build meaningful relationships with the employees at PNC and the other interns, and to find out if I enjoy working in the banking industry. All of these expectations were met. I have a better understanding of the kind of atmosphere that exists in banking, I developed relationships with many employees and interns that I hope to build on in the future, and I have found that I certainly enjoy banking and would love to keep developing my career here. Is there anything you would change about this internship if you could repeat it? Personally, I would try to go to more social events if I repeated the internship. The interns were given many opportunities to go out together, and I would take more of these opportunities if I had another chance. I still feel like I have built great friendships here; however, I could have taken more opportunities to build upon these friendships.

Matt Ferguson
Department: Manager: School: Year: Major: Minors: Lending Services Governance & Oversight Dan McBride Purdue University Senior Industrial Management Operations Management and Mathematics

What is your department specifically responsible for? My group is responsible for the testing and oversight of the Consumer, Commercial, and Default areas of Lending Services as well as two groups who focus on Compliance and Professional Practices. What are some daily responsibilities that you worked on? I had 10 projects over the course of the summer, so at times I was working on multiple projects at the same time. There were no daily responsibilities, so to speak, but a lot of what I did involved meeting with people to either walkthrough their procedure or gather information from them. My deliverables consisted of mostly either reports or presentations. What were some long term projects you worked on? The project I have learned the most from was reviewing Payment Processing of Inventory Control checks within Default Management. The actual project was well beyond both my ability and knowledge level, but working along with a fellow employee and going to multiple meetings with him helped build a firm understanding of various Lending Services areas. Part of the project included going through the Payment Processing area in Brecksville and it was fascinating to see how they operated as opposed to the Payment Processing area at the Consumer Loan Center. I also enjoyed speaking with Inventory Control Managers about their processes and understanding how they operated. Because I was only with that group for two weeks, I was not able to see the process through to completion. However, the knowledge I gained from this experiencewas very valuable as it gave me a very good introduction to different areas within Default Management. What do you like best about PNC? My favorite thing about PNC so far has been the people. Everyone I have met has been very helpful and eager to answer questions. I feel that this attitude has come from the top down; both Operations executives and Corporate Executives have been very welcoming to the Interns. Did you meet your goals for this internship? My goal was to learn as much as possible about PNC operations and the bank in general. While this goal is not quantitative, I feel that from my work experiences I have been able to learn a lot about Operations, and I have learned a lot from the Friday Intern meetings as well. Hearing what projects other Interns have been working on helped me gain a better understanding of the many different areas of Operations. How did your manager help make the internship successful for you? My manager helped me by allowing me to have various experiences during the summer. I was able to work with all five groups of the GO team and from those different projects was able to visit the CLC, Brecksville, and

downtown Cleveland offices. What have you learned during your time with us? Before joining PNC, my knowledge of banking consisted of little more than my account number and branch location. This summer I have learned a great deal about loan processes, repossession, banking compliance, and general knowledge of the banking industry. If you would have asked me about the OCC seven weeks ago, I would have asked what Orange County Choppers had to do with banking. This knowledge has given me a new appreciation of banking and has opened up career opportunities I would not have even imagined. What were your expectations prior to the internship and were they met? Coming into PNC, my expectations were that I was going to be given meaningful work and that I would be given the opportunity to learn about the bank. Both of these expectations have been far exceeded. I have had many projects that have saved other employees time and created documents that will continue to be used in the future. PNC has also done an excellent job of teaching us about the attitude and outlook of the bank. Is there anything you would change about this internship if you could repeat it? I wouldnt change anything. I have really enjoyed myself, and as my expectations have been met or exceeded there is nothing more to suggest.

Mitchell Robinson
Department: Manager: School: Year: Major: Lending Services Diana Gerlica Miami University Senior Finance & Economics

What is your department specifically responsible for? Dedicated to consumer based services including underwriting, closing and fulfillment, document imaging, records management, account servicing and more. What are some daily responsibilities that you worked on? I completed various projects that arose in regards to the Lending Process Automation Project that included organizing LAD branch affiliate numbers and territory codes for current and newly acquired branches, data validation for (SIT1) and updating various things on the LPA Sharepoint site. What were some long term projects you worked on? I worked on printing, prep, and scanning of documents required for testing, writing test scripts for SIT2 Testing and worked with 3 other interns to create a guide for new hires in the Cleveland Market. What do you like best about PNC? Every employee is extremely friendly and helpful and I never felt nervous approaching any employee. Did you meet your goals for this internship? Please cite examples. I gained experience working in an office with diverse individuals. I broadened my knowledge of the Financial Services Industry as whole and expanded my leadership skills. How did your manager help make the internship successful for you? She was always available for questions and guidance and she came by my desk almost daily to see how things were going. What are the most important skills or abilities you developed during this internship? Communication and technical skills What were your expectations prior to the internship and were they met? My expectation was to learn about PNC as a whole as well as the back office processes that are vital to a banks success. Both of these were met as I had plenty of opportunities to hear from other departments at the Summer Summit, Lunch and Learns, other presentations, etc Is there anything you would change about this internship if you could repeat it? The lunch and learns werent as engaging for interns that had to dial in Additional Comments: Great summer!!

Nicholas McDaniel
Department: Manager: School: Year: Major: Lending Services- Project Management Amy Adams/Jody Katzner North Carolina Central University Senior Management

What is your department specifically responsible for? My department assigns project managers to projects when they are approved throughout lending services. What are some daily responsibilities that you worked on? Service council-hanging up fliers to promote events such as school supply drive, celebrate your heritage, and blood drive. What were some long term projects you worked on? Database Inventory- Taking inventory of databases that are used throughout lending services which are not yet supported by MIS. What do you like best about PNC? The culture and ability to learn and grow as a young professional. Did you meet your goals for this internship? Please cite examples. Yes, I was able to better my public speaking skills and learn more about the professional setting by speaking in meetings and attending high caliber meetings. How did your manager help make the internship successful for you? By including me in as many things as possible in terms of meetings and always being available. What are the most important skills or abilities you developed during this internship? Speaking in front of people and learning what not to do. What were your expectations prior to the internship and were they met? I was uncertain how the transition would be and it turned out to be very smooth. Is there anything you would change about this internship if you could repeat it? How housing was handled. Location should be taken into consideration when suggesting housing.

RaLonda Brown
Department: Manager: School: Year: Major: Minors: Settlement Sandra Butler/Faith Ammer-Miller Clark Atlanta University Junior Business Administration Dual concentration in International Business and Finance

What is your department specifically responsible for? Settlement is a branch of the account servicing area. There are three groups comprised within the settlement department. There is the research and adjustments team which deals with fee waivers, adjustments to the general ledger, wires, ach payments, terminations, payments received and the electronic payment sources: mastercard, checkfree, cleartran telephone payments. There is also the clients research and adjustments team which deals with service loans for clients. Some of the clients include E*Trade, Wachovia, Nationwide, and Goldman Sachs to name a few. Some of this teams responsibilities include waiving or applying late charges and annual fees, freezing accounts, close and payoff accounts or refinancing. The reconcilement team is responsible for any activity impacting general ledger accounts and client DDA accounts. It works with reconciling general ledger and DDA accounts. Reconcilers use a system called C.A.R. S. to assist with account reconciliations. Reasons for out of balance include incorrect doc #, rejected payments. Some other responsibilities include monitoring draw activity on lines of credit and signature verifications. What are some daily responsibilities that you worked on? I didnt have specific daily tasks because every day I kind of worked on something different and helped with a different aspect. What were some long term projects you worked on? I worked on a project on Checkfree, which is a vendor that collects payments electronically whether it is through online payments, over the phone, or ACH. When customers do not enter the correct information, such as the full 16 digit account number, the payment will drop to paper and have to be manually handled. My project was to come up with recommendations to reduce the number of payments that drop to paper and do not complete electronically. What do you like best about PNC? I like the home-life work balance. The employees are very friendly. Specifically to my department, everyone was very helpful and willing to answer my questions. They also give you some laughs during the day which is really good. Did you meet your goals for this internship? Please cite examples. Yes, I did meaningful work, such as the RMS balancing. I also worked on a project concerning an issue that the department has been working on and will continue working on until they get to where they need it to be. How did your manager help make the internship successful for you?

Both of my managers made sure I was getting what I needed from the experience and opened their doors (and cube area) for me to speak with them freely, honestly, and ask questions when I needed. They also made sure to ask me what else I wanted to do or learn while here; they did great! What are the most important skills or abilities you developed during this internship? I learned more about banking operations. Because I am a finance major, I did not know much about it before, so this internship exposed me to new things. I learned some different programs that PNC uses and had work on Excel and PowerPoint as well. I have also enhanced my communication skills while here. What were your expectations prior to the internship and were they met? My expectations were to do meaningful work and get a sense of working for the corporate world to help me shape my future, while helping me decide where I may want to end up in life. Yes, all expectations were met. Is there anything you would change about this internship if you could repeat it? Within this specific department, I wouldnt. It was good and provided me with experience that will be valuable to me. Additional Comments: Campus Recruiting should notify those students who will not be in the downtown area, for example those of us assigned to the loan center, so we can be better prepared when we arrive as far as funds go for transportation since we come in on a pay period and have to wait until the next.

Ryan Hays
Department: Manager: School: Year: Major: Minor: Customer Information File Nancy Depaulo and Chris Stephany University of Pittsburgh Senior Industrial Engineering Engineering Management Concentration

What is your department specifically responsible for? The Customer Information File supports retail banking by filing new customers, updating customer information, and processing deceased customers. CIF is also responsible for tax reporting and other kinds of reporting related to retail customers. What are some daily responsibilities that you worked on? I was responsible for driving progress on an improvement project in CIF. I took ownership of the project and was responsible for process mapping, designing a new process, implementing changes, coordinating meetings, communicating with project shareholders, and all other aspects of the project. What were some long term projects you worked on? I worked on an improvement project with the decedent processing team. We eliminated the need for paper death certificates and implemented other process changes. The result was a 25% reduction in cycle time, 50% reduction in non-value added processing, and almost eliminated cases rejected due to insufficient information. Also, service level reporting was improved to more accurately reflect the time it takes to complete cases and improve CRISS data integrity. What do you like best about PNC? I liked that I was able to work very independently, but was still able to get support from my managers Did you meet your goals for this internship? Please cite examples. Yes. I was able to learn a lot about the operations of the bank and how I can apply industrial engineering in a services setting. I was also able to complete my project successfully. How did your manager help make the internship successful for you? My managers did not attempt to micromanage and allowed me to work independently. They also provided me with contacts in different departments which were critical to the success of my project. What are the most important skills or abilities you developed during this internship? Besides reinforcing my technical skills, I was able to learn a lot about communicating with many different types of people and gaining buy in from project stakeholders. What were your expectations prior to the internship and were they met? I did not expect to be able to get up to speed so quickly. Also, I didnt expect to be given total ownership of a project. They were both pleasant surprises. Is there anything you would change about this internship if you could repeat it? I cannot think of anything I would change about the experience. I thought it was the right balance between working and activities to learn about PNC.

Zachary Witmer
Department: Manager: School: Year: Major: Minors: Cash Management Annette Miller Penn State Senior Business Management Management Info Systems & Legal Environment of Business

What is your department specifically responsible for? Department of 15 analysts currently manages the entire cash supply chain of PNC Bank. Because Cash is a nonperforming asset for every additional dollar we place in our branches, vaults and ATMs, thats one dollar not generating revenue. Federal Reserve mandates all member banks to keep a certain level of cash on hand at all times (reserve requirement). Cash Managements goal is to minimize or eliminate any cash amounts above that level. Precise forecasting is most important goal for the department. What are some daily responsibilities that you worked on? My primary daily goal was to make correctional adjustments to CashMaster Daily Activity Error Report This was ATMs needed to have terminal numbers and/or cassettes altered. Also, I completed new ATM Installation which included everything from ID to forecasting. Finally ATM closing (permanent or temporary), this was making alterations to Cash Master involving either software upgrades or location change. What were some long term projects you worked on? For my project I used What if scenarios were examined using the test version of CashMaster (Cash Managements forecasting software), where each of the selected locations eliminated a shipment day. The Goal and Objective of this project was to assess cash management related cost-reduction opportunities within the PNC branch network. Branches with multiple shipment days and less than $100,000 in total daily cash activity (deposits and withdrawals) were evaluated from January 1, 2011 through May 31, 2011. What do you like best about PNC? The best thing about the internship that needs to be continued is the networking opportunities. This not only gives intern the chance to meet new faces but also to learn about different area in both the bank and their own line of business. Did you meet your goals for this internship? Please cite examples. Absolutely. I had many goals for this internship which were met. My fist and most important expectation were to meet expectations of my manager. I wanted to completely align the expectations for maximum productivity. Also, Understanding how different managers supervise and evaluate their employees. I understand how some stress overall performance while others are more quantitative based. Finally, how engagement translates into productivity. Engage your employees and you will have a more productive work environment. How did your Manager help make the internship successful for you? My manager became a very key contributor to the success of my internship. She helped me not only understand how to efficiently complete my day to day work but also her management styles.

What are the most important skills or abilities you developed during this internship? Personally I enhanced my analytical, organizational, communication and professional interface. Professionally I gained a better insight of internal interaction. From my supervisors I saw how some determine success by overall completion while others use more quantitative results for assessments (creating a well structure evaluation system). Through the analysts, I observed how they work very well independently and collaboratively (if needed). What were your expectations prior to the internship and were they met? My first and most important expectation was to meet expectations (aligned with manager). Understanding how different managers supervise and evaluate their employees. Basic Six Sigma and Lean methodologies (Yellow Belt). This was more challenging being in a nonproduction department. Lean could potentially be used. I wanted to better understand employee interaction, which exceeded my expectations. How engagement translates into productivity. Is there anything you would change about this internship if you could repeat it? In my opinion there could be more than one to alter the internship. When recruiting and interviewing for the internship, explain the exact positions available and have students placed accordingly. Also, if possible, create an internship that mocks the rotational program. If not possible, allow interns to rotate to through a few different sectors within operations. Additional Comments: GREAT EXPERIENCE!!!

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