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If “+” means “x”; “x” means “+”; “÷” means “–” and “–” means “÷”, then
56 + 4 - 8 ÷ (16 - 4) x 28 ÷ 14 = ?

A. 32
B. 34
C. 36
D. 38

Answer: (D)

Solution: Simplifying the eqn on given condition; we get

56 x 4 ÷ 8 - (16 ÷ 4) + 28 - 14 = 56 x 2 - (4) +14
28 + 10 = 38.

Q2. Directions: In the following question, select the number(s) from the given options for
completing the given series.
1, 3, 7, 13, 21, __

A. 31
B. 33
C. 35
D. 37

Answer: (A)

The given series can be generated by starting with 1 and adding consecutive odd numbers to
the previous term:

7 + 6 = 13
13 + 8 = 21

So the next number in the series should be 21 + 10 = 31.

Directions (Q3): In the following question, there is a relationship between two figures on the left
of the sign (::). The same relationship exists between the figures to the right of the sign (::) of
which one is missing. Find the missing one from the alternatives.

35 : 63 :: 42: ?
A. 86
B. 93
C. 78
D. 105

Answer: (D)

One possible pattern is to multiply the first digit by 2 and subtract 7 from the result to get the
second digit. Using this pattern, we can generate the missing number in the analogy as follows:
42 x 2 - 7 = 77
Therefore, the missing number is 77, and the complete analogy is:
35 : 63 :: 42 : 77

Q4. In an examination, Rohit got 12th rank from the top and he was 48th from the bottom
among those who passed. 4 students could not appear for the exam. 2 students failed. What is
the total number of students?

A. 62
B. 65
C. 66
D. 68

Answer: (B)

Solution :
Rohit’s rank = 12th from top + 48 from bottom - 1 = 59 ( subtract 1 as position of one person
taken twice.)

59 + 4 + 2 = 65.

Q5. Five friends A, B, C, D, and E are sitting in a row in decreasing order of their height from left
to right. A is taller than only C, while B is taller than both E and A. D is taller than B. Who
amongst the following is sitting exactly in the center between them?

A. C
B. A
C. E
D. B

Answer: (C)
Therefore, the possible arrangement of friends can be as follows:
In both cases, the friend who is sitting exactly in the center between them is A.
Therefore, the answer is (B) A.

Q6. J, K, L, M, N, O, P and Q are sitting around the circle and facing the center. J is second to
the right of N who is the neighbor of L and P. M is not the neighbor of J, P is the neighbor of O.
K is not between M and Q. Q is not between O and M. How many numbers of people are sitting
between N and Q?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

Answer: (C)

On the given conditions we have; So in between N and Q there are 3 persons.
Directions(Q7-8): Two statements are given, followed by three conclusions numbered I, II and
III. Assuming the statements to be true, even if they seem to be at variance with commonly
known facts, decide which of the conclusions logically follow(s) from the statements.

Q7. Statements:
1. No cat is a dog.
2. All dogs are animals.
I. Some animals are dogs.
II. Some animals are cats.
III. No animal is a cat.

A) Only conclusion III follows

B) Either conclusions II or III, and I follow
C) Either conclusion II or III follows
D) Only conclusion I follow

Answer: (B)

Solution: On the basis of condition ,we have this

For ; (i) from diagram it is clearly shown a direct relationship between animal and dog.
For; (ii) Cat and dog relationship is of doubtful so there will be a either case for them.

Q8. Statements:
1. Some books are novels.
2. Some novels are fiction.
3. All fiction is literature.
I. Some books are fiction.
II. Some books are literature.

A) If only conclusion I follows

B) If only conclusion II follows
C) If conclusion I and II both follow
D) If neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows

Answer: (D)

From the diagram ;
For (i) ; we have no relation between book and fiction.

For (ii); we have no relation between book and literature.

Q9. John walks 8 km towards the South. From there, he walks 4 km towards the North. Then,
he walks 3km toward the West. How far and in which direction is he with reference to his
starting point?

A) 2 km, West
B) 6 km, West
C) 6 km, East
D) 5 km, South-West

Answer: (D)

Solution: On the given conditions we have;

Q10. Introducing John, David said, “He is the brother of the daughter of the father of my wife.”
How is John related to David?

A) Son
B) Brother
C) Father
D) Brother-in-law

Answer: (D)

John is the brother of the daughter of the father of David's wife. Let's try to simplify this:

● Father of David's wife: David's father-in-law

● Daughter of David's father-in-law: David's wife or David's sister-in-law
● Brother of David's sister-in-law: John
So, John is the brother of David's sister-in-law .

Q11. Three positions of a dice are given. Find out which is found opposite the letter 2 in the given

A. 4
B. 6
C. 1
D. 5

Answer: (D)


In the first two given dice numbers, 6 and 3 are common means 2 and 5 are in opposite faces.

Here, Number 5 is the Opposite of 2.

Directions (Q. Nos. 12) In the following figure, the triangle represents Engineers, the Square
represents Couples and the circle represents Bungalow. Study the diagram carefully and answer the
given question.

Q12. Find the portion that represents the Engineers' couple that lives in Bungalow.
A. F
B. G
C. E
D. C
Answer: (D)

Solution: Clearly ,the triangle represents Engineers, the Square represents Couples and the circle
represents Bungalow.
Only C part represents the Engineers' couple that lives in Bungalow as it is common of all three

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