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1 Meeting 6 – Development Economics

Mathematical English

Learning Objectives:
 Remember cardinal, ordinal number and fraction in English.
 Understand how to read numeral in English.

A. Cardinal Number
Cardinal numbers adalah angka yang digunakan untuk menerangkan jumlah dalam
bilangan bulat.
Numeral Pronounced Numeral Pronounced
1 One 50 Fifty
2 Two 51 Fifty one
3 Three 60 Sixty
4 Four 61 Sixty one
5 Five 70 Seventy
6 Six 71 Seventy one
7 Seven 80 Eighty
8 Eight 81 Eighty one
9 Nine 90 Ninety
10 Ten 91 Ninety one
11 Eleven 100 A/One hundred
12 Twelve 101 A/One hundred one
13 Thirteen 111 A/One hundred eleven
14 Fourteen 121 A/One hundred twenty one
15 Fifteen 200 Two hundreds
16 Sixteen 300 Three hundreds
17 Seventeen 400 Four hundreds
18 Eighteen 500 Five hundreds
19 Nineteen 600 Six hundreds
20 Twenty 700 Seven hundreds
30 Thirty 800 Eight hundreds
2 Meeting 6 – Development Economics

31 Thirty one 900 Nine hundreds

40 Forty 1,000 A/One thousand
41 Forty one

1.000.000 One million One billion One trillion One quadrillion One quintillion

Numeral Pronounced
110: Seratus sepuluh
Hundred and ten
1.250: Seribu dua ratus lima puluh
One thousand, two hundred and fifty
2.001: Dua ribu satu
Two thousand and one
22.731: Dua puluh dua ribu tujuh ratus tiga puluh satu
Twenty two thousand, seven hundred and thirty three

B. Ordinal Number
Ordinal number adalah angka yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu tingkatan,
urutan atau tahapan.
Numerical Pronounced Indonesian

1st First Pertama

2nd Second Kedua

3rd Fourth Keempat

4th Third Ketiga

5th Fifth Kelima

3 Meeting 6 – Development Economics

6th Sixth Keenam

7th Seventh Ketujuh

8th Eighth Kedelapan

9th Ninth Kesembilan

10th Tenth Kesepuluh

11th Eleventh Kesebelas

12th Twelfth Kedua belas

13th Thirteenth Ketiga belas

14th Fifteenth Keempat belas

15th Fourteenth Kelima belas

16th Sixteenth Keenam belas

17th Seventeenth Ketujuh belas

18th Eighteenth Kedelapan belas

19th Nineteenth Kesembilan belas

20th Twentieth Kedua puluh

21st Twenty first Kedua puluh satu

22nd Twenty second Kedua puluh dua

23rd Twenty third Kedua puluh tiga

24th Twenty fourth Kedua puluh empat

25th Twenty fifth Kedua puluh lima

30th Thirtieth Ketiga puluh

40th Fortieth Keempat puluh

50th Fiftieth Kelima puluh

60th Sixtieth Keenam puluh

70th Seventieth Ketujuh belas

80th Eightieth Kedelapan puluh

90th Ninetieth Kesembilan puluh

4 Meeting 6 – Development Economics

100th One hundredth Keseratus

1000th One thousandth Keseribu

10000th Ten thousandth Kesepuluh ribu

100000th One hundred thousandth Keseratus ribu

1000000th Millionth Kesejuta

1000000000th Billionth Kesemilyar

C. Fraction
Fractions (bilangan pecahan) adalah bilangan yang digunakan untuk menyatakan
bentuk desimal atau pecahan.
Numerical Pronounced Indonesian
½ A half Setengah
1/3 A third Sepertiga
¼ A fourth or A quarter Seperempat
1/5 A fifth Seperlima
2/3 Two third Dua per tiga
4/5 Four fifth Empat per lima
5/6 Five sixth Lima per enam
7/8 Seven eighth Tujuh per delapan
8/9 Eight ninth Delapan per sembilan
9/12 Nine twelfth Sembilan per dua belas
2½ Two and a half Dua setengah
Three and a fourth
3¼ Tiga seperempat
atau three and a quarter
5 Meeting 6 – Development Economics

D. Basic Math Symbol

Symbol Pronounced How to pronounced

= equals X equals three
X is three
+ plus One plus two equals three.
One plus two is three.

− minus Nine minus eight equals one.
Nine minus eight is one.

7 x 3 = 21
× Seven times three equals twenty-one.
multiplied by
Seven times three is twenty-one.

÷ divided by
Six divided by two is three.

x/y over
Six over three

< less than
Four is less than seven

> greater than
Eight is greater than three

≤ less than or equal to
Seven is less than or equal to eight

≥ greater than or equal to
Eight is greater than or equal to seven

-x negative
Negative five

x² squared 5²
Five squared

x³ cubed 3³
Three cubed

x4 fourth 24
Two to the fourth
6 Meeting 6 – Development Economics

√x square root
The square root of nine
3 √27
√x cube root
The cube root of twenty seven
4 √16
√x fourth root
The fourth root of sixteen

(2 + 3)²
(x + y)² all squared
Two plus three all squared

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