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By: Dicunugun, Asnairah P.
Previously, the discussion that Professor Mohammad-Yusoph P. Mapia shared
us such ideas about FPE101 (FUNDAMENTALS OF PEACE EDUCATION) that all
MSU students were required to take this course moving on to the next one that have
been tackled about is the Societies involved in tractable conflicts, goals, conditions and
directions as also been discussed with PPT(Power Point) that has been provided also
by the professor. The nature of Peace Education in societies that were involved that are
still involved in intractable conflicts. Accordingly to Lewis Coser, that most social conflict
is based on the unequal distribution of scarce resources. Stated also that there are
other general source of conflict comes from Marx. Marx’s concern was with a group’s
sense of deprivations caused by class.
There is no better time than now to create a culture of peace. Furthermore there
is no social responsibility lighter or heavier than the responsibility of ensuring peace on
our earth overall as also prepared by many authors that has been mentioned previously
from the last meeting. Lewis Coser also distinguish two kinds of functional
consequences of conflict the internal conflicts more about conflicts that only appear
within the nation exists between indigenous populations or first nations and the national
governments issues or conflicts mostly it is in the same social systems only, secondly is
the External conflict conflicts or wars that are in which nation may involve itself; more
violent conflicts. It also mentioned that Intractable conflicts is an one types of conflicts
that will last at least for 25 years it will maintain and continued these type of conflicts
when the evolvement of a culture of conflict that are dominated by societal beliefs of
collective memories and ethos of conflicts. The younger generation is also exposed to
this culture through family, societal channel and other cultural products.
Many nations have been involved with war, these are the Syria, in the first five
years of the war in Syria. Which began in 2011, estimated that 400,000 syrians were
killed. As of march 2019, roughly 6.7 million Syrians have the fled the country and more
than 6.1 million people are killed internally (CNN,2019). Iraq at least 2 people were
have been killed and several others wounded in a blast from bomb planted on a bus
near the Iraq city of karba, south Baghdad and many more that have been mentioned in
the class previously form the PPT. many nations have been in war but therefore we
need to maintain such peace in our nation for development to be achieved.
Reconciliation consists of mutual recognition and acceptance, investment
interests and goals in developing peaceful relations, mutual trust, positive attitudes and
sensivity and consideration of the other party’s needs and interests. It goes beyond the
agenda of formal conflicts resolution to the changing the motivations, goals, beliefs,
attitudes and emotions by the great majority of society’s members regarding the
conflicts, the nature of the relationships between tha parties, and the other parties
themselves (Bar-Tal, D., Rosen, Y., & Nets-Zehngut, R, 2010). There are also 6
principles of peace education these are the Peace Education should be community
oriented, peace education is an orientation, Peace education should begin during early
childhood, Peace Education should be open-minded, Peace Education should be
relevant and lastly Peace Education requires experimental learning.
Definitions of terms
Peace Education- promotes the knowledge, skills and attitudes that will help
people either to prevent the occurrences of conflicts, resolve conflicts peacefully
Conflicts – a clshing or sharp disagreement ( as between ideas, interests or
purposes), mental struggle resulting from needsn drives, wishes or demands that are in
opposition or are not compatible (Merriam-webster).
Intractable Conflicts- widely perceived as an impossible dilemma: a situation with
which there is no positive outcome, no solution
Reconciliation- consists of mutual recognition and acceptance, investment
interests and goals in developing peaceful relations, mutual trust, positive attitudes and
sensivity and consideration of the other party’s needs and interests Bar-Tal, D., &
Rosen, Y. (2009).
Internal conflicts- exists between indigenous populations or first nations and the
national government; actually between among groups that function within the same
social system.
External conflicts-wars in which a nation may involve itself; more violent conflict
Issues or questions arises in the discussion and insights on their important.
1. Miscommunication. This might be an issues since even already tacklecs
about such causes of conflicts and what conflicts it is having
miscommunication is a big issue since it will lead to misunderstanding than
eventually can cause such issues between two parties.
2. Not listening to the other party’s explanation. Without any explanation that
have been heard conflicts are hereby concluded since there is only one sided
story and been unheard about the other party that can usually cause such
3. Cultural differences. In part of the cultural differences individual have different
perspective therefore it is very hard to have such peace when two parties
have different perspectives that doesn’t connect with
4. The unaccepting. As also mentioned in the class discussion acceptance is the
main source of forgiving also so therefore if both and one party’s have not
even accepted such thing for what happen then Peace couldn’t be attained.
5. Gender inequality. This issue mostly arises in other terms since individuals
couldn’t understand such thing because of not putting their self in their shoes.
Bar-Tal, D.,& Rosen, Y.(2010). Conditions for the development of peace education in
societies involve in intractable conflict. In D. Berliner & H. Kupermintz (Eds.), Fostering
change in institutions, environments and people.
Bar-Tal, D., & Rosen, Y. (2009). Peace Education in Societies Involved in Intractable
Conflicts: Direct and Indirect Models. Review of Educational Research, 79(2), 557–575.

Maxwell, A.M., Enslin P.,& Maxwell, T. (2004). Education for peace in the midst of
violence : A South African experience. Journal of Peace Education, 1,103-121

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