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Escuela La Ronda de San Miguel

Idioma Extranjero: Inglés

Javiera Guzmán V.
Segundo ciclo

English test

Unit 5: Virtual Reality

Name: _________________________________________________________ Grade: ___________

Date: ___________________________________ Points: ___ / 38 prs


 Apply vocabulary of the unit

 Apply and organize sentences according to their grammatical parts
 Express frequency


o Lee atentamente cada pregunta.

o Lee atentamente cada alternativa.
o Para responder debes usar lápiz grafito. Si te equivocas, puedes borrar y volver a
o Las preguntas se responden ennegreciendo o encerrando en un círculo la
alternativa correcta.
o Abre la prueba y comienza a responder cuando te lo indiquen.
o Si tienes alguna duda, levanta la mano en silencio hasta que puedas preguntar.


Escuela La Ronda de San Miguel
Idioma Extranjero: Inglés
Javiera Guzmán V.
Segundo ciclo

I. Look at the picture and write the correct word according to Virtual Reality. (9

II. Read the following text.

Kim, Mark, Ben, and Anita play a virtual game every weekend. It's called Escape from
Castle Doom. In this game, they visit a big, scary castle. A horrible troll and some scary
goblins live in this castle. The children
need to escape. The children can choose
avatars for the game. Kim's avatar is a
strong and fast warrior princess. Mark's
is an elf. He's good at climbing and
archery. Ben is a wizard. He wears a hat,
and a big, black cape. Anita is a witch.
She's good at magic and she likes cats.
Escuela La Ronda de San Miguel
Idioma Extranjero: Inglés
Javiera Guzmán V.
Segundo ciclo

Match the children with the description of their character. (4pts)

III. Choose the correct alternative using there is or there are. (6 pts)

1. There is ____ magic wand

a) an
b) one
c) some
d) a

2. There are ______ goblins.

a) some
b) a
c) none
d) one

3. There _______ a beautiful princess.

a) is
b) are
c) aren’t
d) an

4. There _______ _______ cat.

a) is a
b) is an
c) are
d) is any
Escuela La Ronda de San Miguel
Idioma Extranjero: Inglés
Javiera Guzmán V.
Segundo ciclo

5. _______ there a wizard?

a) are
b) is
c) aren´t
d) any

6. there aren’t ________ trolls.

a) any
b) some
c) a lot
d) much

IV. find the 10 hidden words and make a list with them. (5 pts)

1. ____________________________ 6. ____________________________
2. ____________________________ 7. ____________________________
3. ____________________________ 8. ____________________________
4. ____________________________ 9. ____________________________
Escuela La Ronda de San Miguel
Idioma Extranjero: Inglés
Javiera Guzmán V.
Segundo ciclo

5. ____________________________ 10.
V. Change the following sentences into INTERROGATIVE and NEGATIVE form. (14
1. There is a blue castle.
a) _____________________________________________________________________
b) _____________________________________________________________________

2. There is a big and green troll.

a) _____________________________________________________________________
b) _____________________________________________________________________

3. There are some children playing video games.

a) _____________________________________________________________________
b) _____________________________________________________________________

4. There is a wizard using a book of spells.

a) _____________________________________________________________________
b) _____________________________________________________________________

5. There are a lot of swords.

a) _____________________________________________________________________
b) _____________________________________________________________________

6. There is a goblin and a troll.

a) _____________________________________________________________________
b) _____________________________________________________________________
Escuela La Ronda de San Miguel
Idioma Extranjero: Inglés
Javiera Guzmán V.
Segundo ciclo

7. There are some mirrors on the wall.

a) _____________________________________________________________________
b) _____________________________________________________________________

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