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There was a girl named Kristel. Kristel is a kind and hardworking woman; she has a funny
personality, very friendly, and at the same time an academic achiever. She’s the third among
her five siblings. Ever since Kristel was young, she’s not been with her parents and siblings; she's been
with her grandparents. Her grandparents adopted her when she was in 2nd grade. Kristel has a
lot of challenges at her grandparents' place. Her grandparents are so strict when it comes to her
that she barely goes out of their house. She can only enjoy her life when she is in school; that’s
why she loves going to school, but despite having strict grandparents, she has this funny and
friendly personality.

Kristel is a person who has a lot of dreams in life. That's why she is studying hard to achieve
those dreams. She promised herself that she wouldn't have a boyfriend until she had already
graduated from college, and her family wanted this idea too, until one day her promise was
broken. She had a boyfriend, but she hid it from her family, especially her grandparents,
knowing that they were strict. She’s afraid that her grandparents will know about it. But after
three months of dating, they broke up with her boyfriend due to a lack of time because Kristel is
too focused on her studies. Right after they broke up, Kristel realized that she wasn't ready for a
relationship, and she was only 15 years old at the time.

After three years,

Kristel is already a college student. She is more busy than before and faces a lot of stress
because being a college student is not easy for her. But despite being busy, Kristel thinks that
she’s ready again to enter a new relationship, but this time she falls in love with a woman.

She met Diana. They are both college students, and they are from the same school, but they
are not classmates. Diana is kind, tall, and has lots of admirers because she has a beautiful and
angelic face. She is the third of her four siblings. Kristel and Diana are not really that close, but
because Diana’s friend is also a friend of Kristel, they became friends. They always see each
other and are always together.
Until one day, they had a chance to talk to each other privately. Diana asked Kristel if she had a
past relationship before and Kristel said that she had, but they broke up because they had no
time for each other. And then, Kristel asked the same question to Diana, and Diana replied that
she has, and it’s a girl, but they broke up because the girl was not serious to her; she only
played Diana. Kristel knew that Diana was not straight. That's why she was not surprised that
Diana had a past relationship with a girl. After that, Diana asked Kristel again if she has a crush
at this time or if she’s into someone, and she replied that she had and it’s a woman. Diana was
so surprised because she thought Kristel was straight and ended up finding out she was
actually bisexual.

Kristel opened up to Diana and said that she’s not out; she’s afraid that her family will know that
she likes girls. Diana told Kristel that one day her family would accepts her. Kristel asked Diana
if her family knew that she was also into girls, and Diana said that only her younger brother but
her parents and her two older siblings did not know it.

Diana, returned to Kristel’s answer of who was her crush, but Kristel doesn’t want to say who it
was. Suddenly, Kristel asks Diana if she also had a crush at that time, and Diana says that she
does; it's a girl, and she doesn't want to tell the name of her crush. Suddenly she seeks help for
Kristel, she asks what she will do because she wants to confess to her crush and she is afraid
that she might be rejected. Kristel gives advice to Diana, but right after, Diana confesses that
her crush was no one but Kristel. Kristel was speechless; she didn't expect that Diana had a
crush on her, and Kristel also told her that her crush was Diana. They both were shocked.

After the confession, it looked like nothing happened; they were not dating; they had no label
but acted like they were lovers. Kristel and Diana were both shy with each other; they didn't
know what to do because they didn't want to move first. However, Diana did the first move since
she wanted to have a label and she wanted to have the right to be jealous. Right after, Kristel
accepts Diana as her lover since she also wanted to have a label. Kristel and Diana were so
happy. That day was their first hug and kiss.
They decided not to tell everyone about their relationship since they were both afraid that their
families would know about them and they were afraid that everyone would judge their
relationships since they were both girls. Only their close friends knew about their relationship.
But their classmates suspect that they were in a relationship because they always see Diana
and Kristel together and being a little bit sweet to each other. They had nothing to do, so they
told the truth that they were dating, but after they announced it , their classmates were against
their relationship and even their teachers because for them it's not right to be in a relationship of
the same gender. Those who had a crush on Diana became jealous of Kristel because Diana
chose Kristel over them. But Kristel and Diana decided not to care about what other people say
about their relationship because other people had nothing to do because they love each other
and no one can separate them and no one can destroy their relationship.

Kristel was a very jealous and an overthinking person in their relationship, and Diana was so
understanding and really loves Kristel so much that she avoids those things that Diana will get
mad at her for. After four months of dating, they had a lot of fights and misunderstandings,
Kristel even attempted 3 times to end their relationship because they always fight and she
always suspected Diana that she has another lover. At first, Kristel was a green flag person but
since they became a lover of Diana, she became the reflag. But despite those fights and
misunderstandings they had, at the end they chose to fix them rather than separate.

after one year of dating.

Kristel's family, especially her grandparents, already knew about their relationship with Diana,
and they were really mad at her because she hid it from them and they don't support the same
gender relationship. They decided to send Kristel to Canada because her auntie was there, and
they want to separate Kristel from Diana, and Kristel will continue her studies in Canada. Kristel
doesn't want to go to Canada; she doesn't want to leave Diana because she really loves her,
but she has nothing to do. Her grandparents gave her time to say a proper goodbye to Diana.
Kristel tells Diana the truth. She promised to Diana that even though they are separate, her love
for her is the same; she won't change Diana; she loves Diana so much, and she tells Diana that
she will wait for her until she goes back, and Diana also promised that she will wait for Kristel;
she won't love any other person but only Kristel; and they had a promise to each other that they
would marry each other soon, and they have so many dreams to achieve.
It's time for Kristel to go, and she's crying, and Diana was really sad and also crying.

Ten years later

Kristel has already returned to the Philippines and will be getting married. Diana had no idea
that Kristel was already in the Philippines and would be getting married, but her friend told her
about it. Diana goes to the wedding even though her brother will also be getting married and
because it is in the same place.

Diana was so surprised by what he witnessed. The man whom Kristel is marrying is Diana's

Kristel saw Diana leave the place, but she didn't know that Kristel followed her. They had the
chance to talk to each other. Diana really felt so much pain. She asks Kristel why she didn't
keep her promises and she waited so long for her.

Kristel explains that when she moved to Canada, her aunt became strict with her. She tells
Kristel that she will stop communicating with Diana or else she will not support her in her studies
since she really wants to graduate from college. Diana had nothing to do so she followed it.
Kristel was really sad; she couldn't focus on her studies, and her health was affected. But many
years passed, and she finally moved on to Diana and even forgot about her. She focused again
on her studies until she graduated from college and her dream to be a doctor came true. She is
now a three-year professional doctor.

The moment that Diana heard about it, she was in so much pain that she didn't expect that
Kristel would break her promise and forget her. And one of the most painful things is that the
man Kristel is marrying was her brother. Kristel also said that she didn't know that the man she
was marrying was Diana's brother. They've met in Canada because Diana's brother is also a
doctor and they are in the same company, and since Kristel and Diana's relationship before was
low-key and they didn't have the time to know each other's family members, Diana also explains
that while Kristel was in Canada, she was waiting for Kristel's calls, and she always calls Kristel,
but her number has already changed. Diana was hoping that one day Kristel will call her, but
many years have passed and she hasn't received any calls from Kristel. She was still hoping
and waiting that Kristel would be back. She stayed loyal to Kristel, and while she was waiting for
her, she focused on her studies. Diana is now a licensed civil engineer. But she did not expect
that Kristel would break her promise to her. On that day, Diana really felt so sad and

After that incident, Diana moved to Singapore to continue her profession without saying
goodbye to Kristel.

After five years…

Diana has already gone back to the Philippines; nothing changed. She was still single, but she

had already moved on to Kristel. She already accepts the fact that Diana and she are not

destined to be with each other. She was focused on her job; she helped a lot of people, and she

was sponsoring many non-government organizations. That was actually one of her dreams—to

help those in need. Diana realized that even though she is single, she can still be happy, even

though the woman she really loves and promised to marry has become her sister-in-law. She

was happy for his brother and for Kristel. She was also happy and content with her life.

two years later.

Kristel's husband died. He died in a plane accident with his friends. That day before he died, he
would go to Thailand to go on a trip with her work friends, but they were not lucky. The plane
they were riding was in bad condition, which is why it crashed on the water, and all of the
passengers died, including Kristel's husband and his friends.
After that incident, Diana and Kristel became close again. Kristel tells the truth about Diana:
she's not happy with her husband when they were together because they always fought, and
her husband was a very jealous person. He even told Diana to quit her job because he is the
one who will work and Diana has nothing to do, so she resigned from her job as a doctor. Diana
told Kristel that she was sorry for her brother's behavior. After that, they both went back to their
memories of being lovers and the promises they'd made.

After one year since Kristel's husband died, Kristel and Diana became lovers again, they both
realized and felt that they were still in love with each other. Kristel was back again to her Job as
a Doctor. Their both families already accepted them as lovers. After that, they decided to get
married; their promise once broken but this time, they will really get married. They go to the U.S
to be the venue of their wedding. Kristel and Diana really felt so emotional at the same time very
happy and emotional because their promise came true. At that moment, they felt like they were
the happiest person and that was the best day of their lives.

After being a married couple, they decided to adopt a child because that was one of their goals.
Ever since they were lovers, they really wanted to create their own family. They even had lots of
dogs and cats because they were both animal lovers.

Kristel and Diana were really the kindest couple, they are sponsoring so many non government
organizations, and they even use their profession to help other people. Kristel as a doctor,
helped other people by giving free check ups and free vitamins and Diana as an engineer
helped other people by giving her service for free. They are not afraid anymore to be judged by
other people for being a couple even though they are the same woman.

Diana and Kristel promised to each other that they will love each other until death, they will not
separate and they promised that they will not leave each other through ups and down. This time
they wanted their promise to work.
Kristel and Diana have lived happily ever after.

The end.

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