Learning & Development 2

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Instruction to Candidates

There are 50 multiple questions in this examination of four possible answers. Choose the most correct answer by
clicking on the bottom beside it. Answer all questions. When you are completely done click submit.
Time Allowed: 1 hour

1. Change-related problems while implementing new training programmes are phenomenal.

Which of the following is not the problem to be encountered in this context.

A. Resistance to change
B. Loss of control
C. Power balancing
D. Task redefinition

2. The future of training and development practice in Nigeria should align with
globalisation standards for higher productivity. Which of the following statements is a
strategy to guarantee training prospects?

A. Provide solutions to some organizations’ problems

B. Link gown with town to produce dependent individuals
C. Increase demand for virtual work arrangement
D. Government to fix the economy and attract foreign investors

3. Creation of corporate learning academies is fast becoming a new normal to promote

business key success factors with company-specific competent faculty. Identify the
model to support corporate academies’ net worth to a successful organisation.

A. Presenting learning objectives

B. Learning culture
C. Business justification
D. Role-based learning

4. From the options below, identify the stumbling block to the concept of a learning

A. Undefined needs placed on individual learning needs.

B. Haphazard Implementation of programmes.
C. Learning is perceived as a continuous process.
D. Creating a single best-practice learning framework

5. Intellectual capital is all about right attitude, knowledge acquisition and application.
Which item that does not form part of the intellectual capital framework.

A. Cognitive Knowledge (Know what)

B. System Understanding and Creativity (Know why)
C. Advanced Thinking (Know which)
D. Self – Motivated Creativity (Care Why)

6. Which of the following statements is NOT a basis for the 4th National policy on

a) Conditional land of full opportunities for all.

b) A just and egalitarian society.
c) A free and democratic society.
d) A united, strong and self-reliant nation.

7. Learning takes different styles. Identify the best approach to learning. Learning by ….

a) thinking.
b) doing.
c) watching and listening.
d) feeling.

8. Training enabling objectives aptly describe what Learners will be able to do after the
training events as a testimony to goals attainment. Point out the correct pairs of objectives
as identified by Rae.
a) Terminal objectives and Enabling objectives.
b) Preparatory objectives and Enabling Objectives.
c) Design objectives and preferred objectives.
d) Terminal objectives and Result-oriented objectives.

9. “To serve as the centre for policy, advocacy, advice and training for the Nigeria, West African
region in the context of a dynamic and changing world”. Which of the under listed Training
Agencies has this compelling mission.
a) Centre for Management Development (CMD)
b) Administrative Staff College of Nigeria (ASCON)
c) Nigerian Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies (NIPSS)
d) Industrial Training Fund (ITF)

10. Which of the options below is not a vital issue in learning, training and development
in improving a nation’s gross domestic products (GDP)

A. Serenity of training event’s climate and environment

B. Organization training and development philosophy
C. Strategic focus in training
D. Identifying training needs and training needs analysis

11. Which of the following items is not a component of training cycle.

A. Identify Needs
B. Validation of training
C. Design Training
D. Implement Training

12. Of all duties of a Training Consultant, identify the particular element that does not
belong in a training proposal content for an onsite programme.

A. Cost elements
B. Logistic requirements.
C. Processing training participant’s feedback
D. Declare the open and also close the course with or without the CEO’s presence.

13. Who is noted as the famous authority on Training evaluation

A. Michael Armstrong
B. Leslie Rae
C. Kirkpatrick
D. Sola Fajana

14. Recall which of the following is not part of audio-visual:

A. Role play
B. Stimulation
C. Case study script
D. Experimentation

15. Training-hall setting arrangement depends on the availability of space and other factors.
Which of the following does not belong?

A. Tables arranged in a hollow U-shape

B. Conference arrangement of Chairs and table
C. Number of participants
D. Reliability of solar dispatch rider

16. Which of the following is not a common type of training in HR sector?

A. Mastery training
B. Sensitivity training
C. Practical training
D. Orientation training

17. Identify which of the following Training Agency is empowered to regulate Student
Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) in Nigeria?

A. Industrial Training Fund

B. Nigerian Social Trust Fund
C. Centre for Management Development
D. Public Service Staff Development Centre
18. Of the following training interventions, which one may not adequately impact trainees?

A. Skills
B. Competency
C. Knowledge.
D. Attitude.

19. In which year was Decree No.37 that established the Administrative Staff College of Nigeria
A. 1988
B. 1973
C. 1968
D. 1965

20. Which of the Professional bodies stated below is not owned or managed by the Federal
Government of Nigeria?

A. The Industrial Training Fund (ITF)

B. Nigerian Institute of Training and Development
C. Nigerian Institute of Policy and Strategic Studies
D. Public Service Staff Development Centre

21. Which of these is not a major learning theory?

A. Reinforcement
B. Experiential learning
C. Cognitive learning
D. Scenario building learning

22. Which of the following statements describes the Kolb’s style inventory match?

A. Active experimentation – testing the concepts or ideas in new situations.

B. Concrete experience – Need not be planned at all.
C. Reflective observation – Involves actively gut feelings.
D. Abstract conceptualization – generalizing from concepts
23. Which of the statements below is not an advantage of an informal learning?

A. Learning are relevant and focused.

B. Understanding can be achieved in incremental
C. It is more packaged and coordinated
D. Learning can readily be put into practice

24. Which of the options below is not concerned with learning programmes?

A. Identifying learning and development needs

B. Defining the objectives of learning
C. Learning objectives is multi-focused.
D. Evaluating the effectiveness of training processes

25. How will you describe a learning contract?

A. An agreement between the manager and the individual on specific learning

B. Mutual agreement on general training programmes
C. Readiness to cooperate with others on many learning intervention.
D. Agreement between partners for personal planning

26. Which of the following part is not an element of the acronym GROW in the coaching

A. Reality Check
B. Option generation
C. Winding up
D. Goal of coaching

27. Which of the following is the third stage in preparing a personal development plan?

A. Assess current position

B. Set goals
C. Implement
D. Plan action

28. Choose the option that is not a justification for training intervention.

A. Work requires specific skills to perform

B. Tasks involved are specialized or complex
C. Critical information may be shared
D. Learning is a function of closing a gap
29. Select the option which is not a training technique from the list below.

A. Lecture
B. Group review
C. Case study
D. Role playing

30. What is the full meaning of LCMS in technology of e-learning? Learning …

A. content management system.

B. continuity management system
C. connection material syndicate
D. career management system

31. Not every training programme requires all levels of evaluation, as not all data needs to be
analyzed and reported the same way. Review the option that should not be part of training
analysis and report?

A. Measuring reaction
B. Measuring learning
C. Measuring business impact and return on investment
D. Measuring interdependence of learners
E. Accumulates limited knowledge

32. Who can coach among these coaching key stakeholders?

A. Newly appointed leaders

B. Associates with partial exposure
C. Client with high proficiency level
D. Peers with limitations on tasks at hand

33. Which of the itemized steps is not a factor in choosing a mentor?

A. Select top successful personalities and research their background.

B. Prepare meeting agenda and approach the chosen mentor.
C. Open the relationship – send thank you note or card
D. Define or set a specific goal for only mentee.
34. The virtual learning environment must be conducive to teaching and learning. Which of the
following may hinder effective online learning? When …

A. the face of facilitator is above the camera

B. the facilitator speaks intensely
C. you keep to time
D. you avoid multi-tasking

35. Global professional ethical standards demand the following except …

A. providing a high standard of service

B. treating others with dignity and respect
C. acting in a way that promotes trust in the profession
D. reflecting with experimentation.

36. Which of these is not expected of a Trainee during training session?

A. Actively participate in exercises of interest
B. Collaborate with other trainees to learn together
C. Plan for relapse action
D. Ask questions, and clarify all issues

37. The importance of training transfer cannot be overemphasized. Describe which of the following is
not an impediment to training transfer?
A. Lack of motivation for learning or transfer
B. Interferences from the work environment
C. Non-supportive organizational culture/climate
D. Curriculum development that is relevant in content

38. Explain which statement that does not appropriately describe an overly
contributing/disruptive participants in a training session?
A. Constantly volunteer ideas and answers, many of which lack substance
B. Receptive to Trainers’ leadership role during the class sessions
C. May display distracting behavior
D. May just be naturally garrulous.

39. Which of the under listed statements is not a method or tool for identifying training needs?
A. Observations on the job
B. Questionnaires
C. Survey
D. Evaluation
40. Identify the statement that most accurately describes step one in a training design.
A. What is the participants’ present level of competence
B. What is the reason for the training?
C. Will the participants be able to apply the key learning points to their jobs
D. Streamline training management workflow.

41. Which of the following is a core objective of Nigerian Institute of Management

(Chartered)? To …
A. encourage and develop the art and science of good management
B. determining the standard of knowledge and skill to would-be practitioners and practitioners.
C. establish and maintain standards of competence and conduct for the profession.
D. promote the science and practice of training in Nigeria

42. Identify the professional Institute that regulates the practice of Human Resource
Management practice in the United Kingdom (UK)

A. Chartered Institute of Human Capital Development (CIHCD)

B. Chartered Institute Personnel and Development (CIPD)
C. The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)
D. Association for Talent Development (ATD)

43. The reason why organizations fail on training best practices are the following except …
A. the benefits of training are not clear to top management
B. the top management hardly rewards supervisors for carrying out effective training.
C. the top management rarely plans and budgets systematically for training.
D. incentives may encourage training intervention’s success in organizations

44. Which of the following approaches can be used to solve problems on training needs?
A. Monitoring Approach
B. Reactions Approach
C. Intervention approach
D. Proactive approach

45. KSA is an acronym which represents a common concept in training and development
practice. What is the full meaning of KSA?

a) Knight of Saint Anglican

b) Knowledge Skills and Attitude
c) Know-how Strategy and Attainment
d) Key Skills and Attainment.
46. Which of the Kirkpatrick’s four level framework of evaluation will you apply for
acquisition of knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours.

A. Reactions
B. Results
C. Learning
D. Behaviour

47. Which of the following is the key business justification for organization to provide training
and development?

A. Removal of performance deficiencies

B. Match employees’ abilities with the job requirements
C. Coping with new technologies
D. Make employees feel fulfilled

48. Which of the Chartered Institute of Personnel Management’s core value will you apply to
promote Service in practice form the following enumeration?
A. Find new ways to resolve old problems
B. Stay true to the truth
C. Uphold the best practice in our field
D. Provide best customer service to stakeholders

49. “If you don’t train them don’t blame them”, says a quote. Which of the statements below
illustrates how training can contribute the nation’s development?
A. Influencing government, education and training authorities to correct inappropriate
B. Promoting closer links between employers and educational and training institutions.
C. Employers' organizations in Nigeria could form executive training committees within the
D. Initiating or promoting teacher education programmes to impart knowledge about the role of
business in society and the need for business development in the environment.

50. Which of these components is an not an integral part of a lesson/session plan?

A. The title, duration, and location
B. List of participants
C. Training methods and equipment
D. Linkage to previous lessons

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