Funda Report Script

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Funda Report Script alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis

and treatment of human response, and

advocacy in the care of individuals, families,
In nursing, this process is one of the communities, and populations (ANA, 2003, p.
foundations of practice. It offers a framework 6).”
for thinking through problems and provides
some organization to a nurse's critical thinking
skills. It's important to point out that this GOAL ORIENTED
process is flexible and not rigid. It is a tool to
nurse make her objective based on client’s
use in nursing care, but one that should allow
health needs.
for creativity and thinking outside of the box.

Efficient – plan of case is relevant/related to the

In 1955 Lydia Hall first used the word nursing
needs of the client thereby promoting client
process, wherein she introduced 3 STEPs:
satisfaction and progress.
observation, administration of care and

She developed this theory in the late 1950's Effective – in planning care, utilized resources
as she observed nurses in action. She saw wisely (staff, time, money/cost)
"good" nursing and "bad" nursing. From her
observations, she learned that the patient
must be the central character. Nursing care Although the nursing process is presented as an
needs to be directed at improving orderly
outcomes for the patient, and not about progression of steps, in reality, there is great
nursing goals. The nursing process is an interaction
essential part of the nursing care plan.
and overlapping among the five steps.
In 1967, Yura and Walsh published the first
comprehensive book on nursing process, They - No one step in the nursing process is a one-
described four steps in the nursing process: time
assessment, planning, intervention, and phenomenon; each step flows into the next
evaluation - They viewed the element of nursing step. In some
diagnosis as the logical conclusion of the
assessment phase nursing situations, all five stages occur almost

In 1973, the steps of the nursing process were simultaneously

legitimized, when the ANA Congress for Nursing
The nursing process is dynamic in that
there is much interaction and overlapping
“The following definition serves as the of the steps.
foundation for the scope and standards of
nursing practice: Nursing is the protection,
promotion, and optimization of health and - Always at the heart of nursing is the human
abilities, prevention of illness and injury, being. The
nursing process ensures that nurses are patient

rather than task centered

E.g. Rather than simply approaching a patient to

take vital

signs, the nurse might ask, “How are you today,

Mr. Byrd?

Are our nursing actions helping you to achieve

your goals?

What are the most important things you’d like

me to do?”

Universally Applicable in Nursing Situations

- The one constant in healthcare is change.

When nurses

have a working knowledge of the nursing

process, they

find that they can practice nursing with well or

ill people,

in any type of practice setting.

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