New Frontiers 1 - Unit Test

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In class Work: Unit 5,6

Class Name

Listening Exercise
A. Listen to the recording and answer the questions.

1. What is the girl shopping for?

a. a for her mother

b. a present for her father
c. a present for a friend
2. How much is the black wallet?
a. $40.95
b. $49.95
c. $44.95
3. Why doesn't the girl like the brown wallet?
A. She doesn't like the color.
B. It's too big and heavy.
C. There isn't a place to put pictures.

4.About how much does the girl have to spend?

A. $10.00

B. $5.00

C. $5.00

5.What does the girl decide to buy?

A. a tie
B. a brown belt
C. a black wallet

Vocabulary Comprehension
① Write the words from the box next to the correct definition.

aunt uncle grandmother pilot singer

age address funny kind shy
1. ____________________________ information of where a building or house is

2. ____________________________ a person who flies an airplane

3. ____________________________ the brother of your mother or father, or the husband of your aunt

4. ____________________________ a person who does not like meeting or talking to new people

5. ____________________________ a person who does things to help others or show that they care

6. ____________________________ the number of years someone has lived

7. ____________________________ the sister of your mother or father, or the wife of your uncle

8. ____________________________ someone or something that makes you smile or laugh

9. ____________________________ a person who sings

10. ___________________________ the mother of your mother or father

Grammar Practice
② Fill in the blanks with the correct be verb.
1. I __________________ shy.

2. He __________________ smart.

3. Diana __________________ funny.

4. Marcus and Pedro __________________ brothers.

5. We __________________ hungry.
Expressions Practice
③ Fill in the blanks with the correct personal pronoun or possessive pronoun.
1. My dad is a police officer. ____________________ is kind.

2. Mary is a chef. ____________________ food is very good.

3. Paul and Ryan are my cousins. ____________________ hair is brown.

4. This is my house. ____________________ address is 123 Main Street.

5. Maria and Helen are my classmates. ____________________ are very smart.

Reading Comprehension
Hi! My name is Penny. I’m 13 years old. I have a big family. My dad is a farmer. He works every day. My mom is a
doctor. She is very smart. I have two brothers and two sisters. Jon is my older brother. He is 21 years old. He is a pilot.
Eric is also my older brother. He is 18. He is in high school. Marjory is my older sister. She is 16. She wants to be an
artist. Penelope is my younger sister. She wants to be a soccer player. Me? I want to be a singer! Want to listen to my

④ Circle true or false.

1. Penny has a big family. true false

2. Jon is Penny’s brother. true false
3. Penny’s dad is a doctor. true false
4. Penny’s dad is a pilot. true false
5. Penelope wants to be a singer. true false

⑤ Circle the answers.

1. Penny’s mom is a _______________. 2. Penelope wants to be a _______________.

a. farmer a. soccer player

b. doctor b. artist
c. pilot c. singer
d. singer d. pilot

3. Marjory is _______________ years old. 4. Penny has _______________ brothers and

_______________ sisters.
a. 13
b. 16 a. 1; 2
c. 18 b. 2; 1
d. 21 c. 2; 2
d. 3; 3

Listening Comprehension
⑥ Listen and circle the answers. [Track B1U1]

1. Layla’s mom is a ______________. a. is buying food

b. has blonde hair
a. chef c. has blue eyes
b. doctor d. is tall
c. pilot
d. singer

3. Layla does NOT have a ______________.

a. mom
b. dad
c. younger sister
d. younger brother

2. Sam’s dad is a ______________.

a. chef
b. doctor
c. pilot
d. singer

4. Layla’s sister ______________.

Unit Test : Unit 2

Class Name
Vocabulary Comprehension
① Fill in the blanks with the best word.

principal class clock computer art

music history student desk bookcase

1. I like to paint and draw. My favorite class is ___________________________.

2. I keep my books in the ___________________________.

3. There are twenty students in my ___________________________.

4. We play songs in ___________________________ class.

5. I like to study. I am a good ___________________________.

6. I sit at my ___________________________ in my class.

7. Mr. Brown is the ___________________________ of our school. We are his students.

8. This is my ___________________________. I use it to go on the internet.

9. Do you see a(n) ___________________________? I need to know the time.

10. We read books about the past in ___________________________ class.

Grammar Practice
② Circle the correct answer.
1. I don’t need / doesn’t need my notebook.

2. We does need / need chairs.

3. They needs / need a map.

4. He don’t need / doesn’t need an eraser.

5. You don’t need / doesn’t need a computer.

Expressions Practice
③ Complete the sentences.

1. What are a. chairs for our desks.

2. What is b. are our computers.
3. We need those c. those?
4. Those d. is my wastebasket.
5. That e. this?
Reading Comprehension
Jane is a student. She is in 3rd grade. Her principal is Mr. Brown. She has four teachers. Mr. Black is her history teacher.
His class has a big bookcase and a pencil sharpener. Jane needs a pencil and a red notebook for this class. Mrs. White is
her physical education teacher. Jane doesn’t need a notebook for this class. Mr. Green is her science teacher. Jane likes
science! This class has a computer and a dictionary. Ms. Violet is the geography teacher. Jane doesn’t like geography.
There is a big map. The teacher writes on the board. Jane sees the clock. It’s 3 p.m. Time to go home!
④ Circle true or false.
1. Mr. Brown is a teacher. true false
2. Jane has a blue notebook. true false
3. Jane has history class. true false
4. There is a wastebasket. true false
5. Jane is in 3rd grade. true false

⑤ Circle the answers.

1. Jane needs a _______________. 2. Mr. Black is a _______________ teacher.

a. computer a. science
b. pencil b. physical education
c. map c. geography
d. dictionary d. history

3. There is a _______________ in geography class. 4. The _______________ says it’s 3 p.m.

a. map a. map
b. notebook b. clock
c. bookcase c. board
d. pencil sharpener d. teacher

Listening Comprehension
⑥ Listen and circle true or false. [Track B1U2]

1. Mrs. White is a teacher. true false

2. Jake needs a backpack. true false
3. Jake likes to study history. true false
4. Jake is a student. true false
5. Jake doesn’t like language arts. true false
Unit Test : Unit 3

Class Name
Vocabulary Comprehension
① Circle the correct answer.
1. I need a shower. I go to the ___________________________.
a. dining room b. bathroom c. refrigerator d. kitchen
2. Please sit at the ___________________________. It’s time to eat dinner.
a. couch b. dresser c. table d. bedroom
3. Put your dishes beside the ___________________________. I need to wash them.
a. sink b. clothes c. mirror d. lamp
4. It’s cold ___________________________ today. Wear your scarf and hat.
a. ice b. inside c. outside d. countryside
5. It’s time for school. You need to go ___________________________ the building.
a. inside b. outside c. countryside d. city
6. Please open the ___________________________. It is a warm day.
a. wall b. television c. roof d. window
7. There is a ___________________________ in the bathroom.
a. armchair b. toilet c. living room d. couch
8. Mom cooks food on the ___________________________.
a. stove b. mirror c. lamp d. armchair
9. How do you look today? Look in the ___________________________.
a. shower b. mirror c. closet d. toilet
10. That is my ___________________________. I like the water!
a. inside b. outside c. boat d. apartment
Grammar Practice
② Write if the sentence is correct and x if the sentence is wrong. Write a correction on the line.
1. The armchair is on the closet. ________ _____________________________________

2. The food is in the refrigerator. ________ _____________________________________

3. My dish is on the table. ________ _____________________________________

4. The dresser is under the bedroom. ________ _____________________________________

5. My notebook is on my desk. ________ _____________________________________

Expressions Practice
③ Match the questions with the answers.

1. Where are the clothes? a. There is a sink and a stove.

2. What’s in the kitchen? b. Yes. It is in the living room.
3. What’s on the desk? c. It is in the bedroom.
4. Is there a couch? d. They are in the closet.
5. Where is the bed? e. There is a computer.
Reading Comprehension

Jenny lives in a house in the country. It has a red roof and a blue door. It’s big inside, and the walls are white. The living
room has an armchair and a couch. The kitchen is big but it has a small sink. There are brown stairs. The house has three
bedrooms. Jenny likes her bedroom. It has a big bed and dresser. Her computer is on her desk. Her wastebasket is beside
her dresser. Jenny’s room also has big windows. Jenny loves her big windows. The bathroom has a nice bathtub. There is
a pretty garden in the yard. Jenny likes to play outside. There is a farm beside the house. Jenny visits the farm to see the
animals. It’s such fun!

④ Circle true or false.

1. The house is in the city. true false
2. The kitchen is small. true false
3. Jenny likes her room’s windows. true false
4. The garden is inside. true false
5. The farm is beside the house. true false

⑤ Circle the answers.

1. There is a computer on Jenny’s ____________. 2. The bed is ____________bedroom.

a. sink a. in an
b. couch b. beside the
c. desk c. on the
d. dresser d. in the

3. Jenny plays ____________ in the garden. 4. The house has white ____________ and a blue ____________.

a. on the yard a. walls; door

b. outside b. stairs; roof
c. beside the animals c. roof; door
d. inside d. walls; stairs

Listening Comprehension
⑥ Listen and circle the answers. [Track B1U3]
1. The stove is ______________. 2. Jenny’s dad sleeps ______________.

a on the kitchen a. in the armchair

b. in the kitchen b. beside the armchair
c. in the living room c. outside
d. on the living room d. on the couch

3. The bedroom has a ______________. 4. Jenny’s sister studies ______________.

a. bathtub and a sink a. at the table

b. bathtub b. in the table
c. sink c. on the table
d. computer and desk d. beside the table
Unit Test : Unit 4

Class Name
Vocabulary Comprehension
① Write the words from the box next to the correct definition.

subway bus play a game pack my bag afternoon

practice night get dressed wake up bike

1. ____________________________ to do a fun activity

2. ____________________________ a mode of transportation that uses trains under ground

3. ____________________________ a set time and activity you do over and over again

4. ____________________________ put on clothing

5. ____________________________ to stop sleeping

6. ____________________________ put items into something so you can carry them

7. ____________________________ a period of time when it is dark and you go to sleep

8. ____________________________ a mode of transportation that carries many people by road

9. ____________________________ a mode of transportation with two wheels turned by pedals

10. ___________________________ a period of time between morning and evening

Grammar Practice
② Circle the correct word.
1. At / In the winter, we go to hockey games.

2. Can I go to practice after / on school?

3. We go to the park in / at 5 p.m. on Tuesday.

4. Please wash your hands after / in you eat.

5. Morning comes after / before afternoon.

Expressions Practice

③ Number the sentences in the correct order (1-5).

____________________ I brush my teeth at night.

____________________ I go home after soccer practice.

____________________ I watch television in the evening.

____________________ I go to school in the morning.

____________________ I go to soccer practice in the afternoon.

Reading Comprehension
My name is Ben. My family is going on a trip. Mom packs the bags. She cleans the bedrooms. Then we go to sleep. I
wake up in the morning. I brush my teeth and get dressed. Dad drives the car. Then we take a train. We play games on the
train. When it’s night, we go to sleep in small beds. In the morning, we are in the city. We ride in a taxi and on the
subway. We go to a restaurant and then a movie theater. In the evening, we see my aunt and uncle. They don’t have a car.
They ride the bus to work.

④ Circle true or false.

1. Ben brushes his teeth after he wakes up. true false
2. Ben’s aunt and uncle ride the subway to work. true false
3. Ben visits his aunt and uncle in the evening. true false
4. Ben’s mom drives the car. true false
5. Ben rides the subway. true false

⑤ Circle the answers.

1. Ben takes the train _________ he rides in the car. 2. Ben’s mom _______ ________.

a. before a. goes to sleep

b. after b. cleans the bedrooms
c. in c. rides the bus
d. at d. drives the subway

3. Ben goes to the restaurant _________ he goes to the movie. 4. Ben wakes up and ______ _________.

a. before a. goes to school

b. after b. plays a game
c. when c. goes to practice
d. what d. gets dressed

Listening Comprehension
⑥ Listen and circle true or false. [Track B1U4]

1. The man goes to work at 6 a.m. true false

2. The man and woman take a car to soccer practice. true false
3. The woman is tired before practice. true false
4. The woman wakes up at 6 p.m. true false
5. The woman rides her bike to work. true false
Unit Test : Unit 5

Class Name
Vocabulary Comprehension
① Fill in the blanks with the best word.
exercise draws basketball piano videos
listen to music the park snowboard take a photo comics

1. My sister is an artist. She sometimes ___________________________ my picture.

2. I like to play music. I usually go to ___________________________ practice after school.

3. My mom likes to ___________________________ of me on my birthday.

4. Megan always reads ___________________________ in the evening.

5. We play ___________________________ in physical education class.

6. Those ___________________________ are so boring. We want to watch something else.

7. My brother plays soccer every weekend. It’s good ___________________________.

8. Jane likes to ___________________________ and sing.

9. Its sunny today! Can we go to ___________________________? I want to play outside!

10. My dad likes winter because he likes to ___________________________.

Grammar Practice
② Unscramble the sentences.

1. music /on the / We always / listen to / bus.

2. never / wake up / at 3 a.m. / You
3. goes to / sometimes / My dad / the park.
4. afternoon. / usually eat / I / in the / my lunch
5. go / practice / We sometimes / to soccer / after school.

Expressions Practice
③ Fill in the blanks with do or does and the correct form of the verb.
1. What ____________________ you do? I ____________________ tennis. (play)
2. What ____________________ she do? She ____________________videos. (watch)
3. ____________________ you go shopping? No, I don’t ____________________. (shop)
4. ____________________ they go shopping? No, they don’t ____________________. (shop)
5. ____________________ Jon surf? Yes, he ____________________. (surf)

Reading Comprehension
It’s Saturday! It’s a busy day. Remy is going shopping with his family. First, they go to buy toys. Remy collects toy trains.
Next, they go to the music shop. Remy’s dad looks at guitars. His mom looks at the pianos. Remy listens to music. They
don’t buy anything. They go to a different store. It has video games and comics. There is a video playing on a television at
the store. It’s Remy’s favorite cartoon show! Remy wants to watch, but Dad says it’s time to go to the park. Remy’s
family always goes to the park on Saturday. Remy’s dad usually reads the newspaper at the park. Remy and his mom
sometimes exercise. They play basketball today. It’s a good Saturday!

④ Circle true or false.

1. Remy never exercises. true false
2. They play basketball. true false
3. Remy’s dad plays the piano. true false
4. Remy watches cartoons. true false
5. Remy collects toys. true false

⑤ Circle the answers.

1. Remy’s mom _______________. 2. Remy _______________.

a. always reads a. goes shopping

b. never listens to music b. plays tennis
c. sometimes exercises c. rollerblades
d. watches cartoons d. reads

3. Remy’s dad DOESN’T _______________. 4. Remy’s family _______________ goes to a park on

a. look at guitars
b. read the newspaper a. never
c. go shopping b. always
d. play basketball c. sometimes
d. usually

Listening Comprehension
⑥ Listen and circle the answers. [Track B1U5]

1. James ______________ dances. 2. They ______________ in the park.

a. always a. play basketball
b. never b. play tennis
c. sometimes c. go hiking
d. usually d. take photos

3. They go to ______________ today. 4. Jan’s hobby is ______________.

a. the park a. taking photos
b. the ocean b. basketball
c. take photos c. skateboarding
d. read books d. hiking
Unit Test : Unit 6

Class Name
Vocabulary Comprehension
① Circle the correct answer.

1. My brother is tall and ___________________________. He is handsome.

a. glasses b. thin c. earrings d. beard
2. My sister has ___________________________. She is pretty.
a. handsome b. thin c. blonde hair d. fat
3. Don’t get your socks wet! Please wear your ___________________________ outside.
a. T-shirt b. boots c. dress d. pants
4. Do you like my new ___________________________?
a. cold b. hot c. wet d. dress
5. It is raining. Can I use your ___________________________? I need to go to school.
a. gloves b. shirt c. umbrella d. socks
6. My dad has ___________________________.
a. curly hair b. strong c. comfortable d. slim
7. We are going shopping. I need to buy a new ___________________________.
a. sunglasses b. gloves c. shirt d. sandals
8. I need my sunglasses. ___________________________ !
a. It’s wet b. It’s hot c. It’s cold d. It’s bright
9. Do you like my ___________________________?
a. strong b. uncomfortable c. comfortable d. dark hair
10. These are my ___________________________. They are old and blue.
a. hat b. coat c. jeans d. T-shirt

Grammar Practice
② Write if the sentence is correct and x if the sentence has an error. Write the correction on the line.
1. I always wears pants. _______ __________________

2. He is wearing blue boots. _______ __________________

3. Sara are having a red sweater. _______ __________________

4. She has earrings. _______ __________________

5. He reads every day. _______ __________________

Expressions Practice
③ Match the questions with the best answers.
1. What does he look like? a. I have dark hair.

2. What is she wearing? b. She is. She looks pretty!

3. Is he wearing pants? c. She is wearing a suit.

4. Who is wearing a dress? d. He is slim. He has a beard.

5. What do I look like? e. Yes. He is wearing jeans.

Reading Comprehension
Becky wants to be a dancer, so she goes to dance practice every week. Becky is thin and strong. Her hair is curly and
blonde. She doesn’t have a beard, but her dad does. She usually wears jeans and a T-shirt. It’s hot today, so Becky wears a
pink dress. She doesn’t wear her favorite boots. She doesn’t wear her favorite sweater. It’s also bright today, so Becky is
wearing her sunglasses and sandals. It’s not wet outside, so Becky doesn’t need an umbrella. Becky is wearing her purple
dance shoes for dance practice today. Her mom brings her shoes to practice. They are uncomfortable, though! They make
Becky’s feet hurt. She doesn’t like her purple dance shoes.

④ Circle true or false.

1. Becky is fat and blonde. true false

2. Becky needs an umbrella. true false
3. It’s hot today. true false
4. Becky’s wears purple dance shoes. true false
5. Becky goes to dance practice every day. true false

⑤ Circle the answers.

1. Becky is wearing a(n) _______________. 2. Becky has _______________.

a. sweater a. a beard
b. dress b. dark hair
c. suit c. light hair
d. hat d. gloves

3. It’s ___________ and ____________ outside. 4. She _______________ wears a T-shirt.

a. bright; hot a. never

b. hot; wet b. sometimes
c. bright; wet c. always
d. hot; wet d. usually

Listening Comprehension
⑥ Listen and circle the answers. [Track B1U6]

1. Mike is working in ______________. d. jacket

a. the library
b. the office 2. Sue has a(n) ______________.
c. the cafeteria a. coat
d. the department store b. jacket
c. sweater
3. Mike does NOT have a warm ______________. d. hat
a. beard
b. glasses 4. Sue looks ______________ today.
c. hat a. hot
b. pretty d. cold
c. wet
Unit Test : Unit 7

Class Name
Vocabulary Comprehension
① Write the words from the box next to the correct definition.
tomato sandwich bowl cup cake
milk oil sugar egg salad
1. ____________________________ an object with a handle used for drinking

2. ____________________________ a sweet treat you cut into slices

3. ____________________________ you use it to fry foods

4. ____________________________ a meal made of vegetables in a bowl

5. ____________________________ a food that is made with two slices of bread, meat, and cheese

6. ____________________________ a round fruit that is red

7. ____________________________ a drink that comes from a cow

8. ____________________________ a kind of food that comes from a chicken

9. ____________________________ you eat soup from it

10. ___________________________ something used to make things sweeter

Grammar Practice
② Circle the correct word.
1. Can I have a few / some more chicken?

2. I eat many / much vegetables.

3. They have a little / a few rice.

4. Don’t put too much / many salt on your meat!

5. Jack has a lot of / a many of milk.

Expressions Practice
③ Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the box.
cup bowl glass sandwich slice

1. They are getting a ____________________ of coffee.

2. Mary has a ____________________ of pizza.

3. Can I have a ____________________ of milk?

4. I would like a cheese ____________________.

5. John is having a ____________________ of rice.

Reading Comprehension
Jacob goes to a restaurant with his family. His mom would like some salad. She also gets a glass of water. Jacob’s brother
would like a mushroom pizza. He also gets a lot of apple juice. His father has two chicken sandwiches. He also gets a cup
of coffee. Jacob wants ice cream and cake! His mom says that’s too much sugar! It’s too sweet! Jacob gets rice and butter.
He also has a few vegetables. He doesn’t eat meat. But he does drink milk. Jacob has many glasses of milk with his
dinner. Jacob also has chocolate cake after dinner. His brother gets lemon ice cream. His mom gets some fruit! Her
favorites are apples, bananas, and kiwis! Jacob’s mom is lucky. They have all three!

④ Circle true or false.

1. Jacob has cake before dinner. true false
2. Jacob has a little fruit. true false
3. Jacob’s mom has some apples. true false
4. Jacob’s dad has cake. true false
5. Jacob’s brother has mushrooms. true false

⑤ Circle the answers.

1. Jacob has _______________ milk. 2. Jacob’s brother gets some _______________.

a. some a. lemons and cake

b. a lot of b. rice and butter
c. no c. mushroom pizza
d. much d. a lot of apple juice

3. Jacob’s dad has _______________ cup of coffee. 4. Jacob’s mom has _______________ and
a. one
b. two a. pizza; water
c. three b. meat; vegetables
d. four c. salad; juice
d. fruit; vegetables

Listening Comprehension
⑥ Listen and circle the true sentences. [Track B1U7]

1. a. Wanda is cooking some vegetables. 2. a. They doesn’t eat any eggs.

b. Wanda is making some salad. b. They only eat a few eggs.
c. Wanda is cooking many vegetables. c. They don’t eat any eggs.
d. Wanda is making much salad. d. They don’t eat many eggs.

3. a. Wanda needs a lot of vegetables. 4. a. Shawn would like a slice of salad.

b. Wanda needs a few vegetables. b. Shawn would like a cup of salad.
c. Wanda needs a little vegetables. c. Shawn would like a glass of salad.
d. Wanda needs a vegetables. d. Shawn would like a bowl of salad.
Unit Test : Unit 8

Class Name
Vocabulary Comprehension
① Fill in the blanks with the best word.

feed sweep trash plant job

leaves different sky pick up extra

1. We like to ___________________________ flowers in our garden!

2. You can have this pencil. I have a(n) ___________________________ one.
3. I don’t like this seat. Can I have a ___________________________ one?
4. Take out the ___________________________ every day. Don’t leave it in the kitchen.
5. Please ___________________________ my baby brother. He is hungry!
6. She rakes the ___________________________ in the yard.
7. The night ___________________________ has many stars in it. They are so pretty!
8. I have to go! I need to ___________________________ my brother and take him to soccer practice.
9. The floor is not clean! Can you ___________________________ it?
10. His ___________________________ is to cut the grass in our yard. He’s a landscaper!

Grammar Practice
② Circle the correct answer.
1. What are you do / doing?
2. I am / are racing.
3. She cut / cutting / cuts the grass.
4. He is taking / takes / take out the trash.
5. They rides /ride / riding horses.

Expressions Practice
③ Fill in the blanks using the present continuous tense.

1. Q: What is he doing?
A: He ________________________________________________________ (rake, leaves)

2. Q: What are you doing?

A: I ________________________________________________________ (pull, weed)

3. Q: What are they doing?

A: They ______________________________________________________ (plant, grass)

4. Q: What _________________________________________________________?
A: She is listening to music.

5. Q: What _________________________________________________________?
A: I am reading a book.
Reading Comprehension
Hi! I’m Greg! Our class is going outside. It’s time to do chores! James has a rake. He rakes the leaves. Peter is cutting the
grass. Jill sweeps the path. Mrs. Green takes out the trash. Micah and I are pulling the weeds in the garden. My favorite
chore is pulling the weeds! It’s nice to be in the garden!

Now, the yard is clean. Mrs. Green says it’s time to go shopping. We race to the store. I get there first! The clerk shows us
different plants. Mrs. Green buys some blue flowers. She wants to plant them in the garden. James and I race back to the
garden. James wins this time, so he gets to plant the first flower. Our garden is so pretty now!

④ Circle true or false.

1. James is raking the leaves. true false
2. Micah is planting flowers. true false
3. Mrs. Green sweeps the path. true false
4. They race to the store. true false
5. Greg plants the first flower. true false

⑤ Circle the answers.

1. Greg _______________ the race to the store. 2. Greg DOESN’T _______________.

a. wins a. race to the store

b. loses b. pull weeds
c. pulls c. finish cleaning the yard
d. cuts d. sweep the path

3. They see _______________ plants in the store. 4. They _______________ the yard before planning
a. much
b. extra a. clean
c. different b. dust
d. show c. take out
d. cut

Listening Comprehension
⑥ Listen and circle true or false. [Track B1U8]
1. The horse always wins. true false
2. The horse is a pet. true false
3. Fran likes to go riding. true false
4. Fran likes raking the stall. true false
5. Fran and Pete feed the horse. true false
Unit Test : Unit 9

Class Name
Vocabulary Comprehension
① Circle the correct answer.

1. My uncle wears a suit. He works at the ___________________________. He counts the money.

a. game b. bank c. concert d. zoo
2. We go shopping at the ___________________________. We buy fruits and vegetables.
a. supermarket b. museum c. café d. library
3. We ___________________________ to the shoe store. It was not fun!
a. take b. had c. goes d. went
4. I ___________________________ my dog to the park.
a. gave b. took c. come d. make
5. Can I use your phone? I need to ___________________________ my mom.
a. call b. visit c. start d. look
6. I lost my dog. I am ___________________________. I hope we find him soon.
a. surprised b. glad c. unhappy d. shy
7. Please ___________________________ singing. I have a test tomorrow. I need to study!
a. wait b. stop c. enjoy d. text
8. My brother is slow in the morning. I ___________________________ for him every day!
a. enjoy b. visit c. start d. wait
9. It’s bright and sunny! I ___________________________ hot!
a. felt b. feel c. come d. came
10. We cut the grass. My dad was ___________________________. We did a good job!
a. glad b. afraid c. unhappy d. angry

Grammar Practice
② Rewrite the sentences in the simple past tense.

1. He is raking the leaves. →________________________________

2. They are riding white horses. → ___________________________
3. Dad is cooking meat for dinner. → _________________________
4. I am sweeping the floor. → _______________________________
5. We are watching T.V. →__________________________________

Expressions Practice
③ Circle the correct word and fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb.
1. The other day I see / saw a movie. It was ____________________. (excite)
2. Jane have / had a test. She was ____________________ (worry)
3. Shane go / went to the zoo yesterday. He ____________________ happy. (feel)
4. My teacher says / said we don’t listen. She is____________________! (angry)
5. My dog come / came home. I felt ____________________. (glad)
Reading Comprehension
Hello! My name is Tammy. On Monday, my mom and I went to the bank. We have a lot of money. My mom is happy!
On Tuesday, we went to the zoo. We looked at the animals. On Wednesday, we called my aunt. She works at a museum.
On Thursday, we went to the library. My mom said, “Stop talking!” I felt unhappy that day because she was mad at me.
We took two books home. On Friday, I made a cake. We gave it to my grandmother. She was surprised! We enjoyed a
nice visit with Grandma that day. On Saturday, my dad came home. I was excited! We made a toy train together. I’m glad
I had a good week!

④ Circle true or false.

1. They went to a museum. true false
2. Tammy gave a cake to her grandmother. true false
3. Tammy was afraid of the librarian. true false
4. Tammy made a toy train with her dad. true false
5. They were at the library on Thursday. true false

⑤ Circle the answers.

1. Tammy’s mom is _______________ at the bank. 2. They _______________ Tammy’s aunt.

a. excited a. visited
b. happy b. texted
c. unhappy c. looked at
d. surprised d. called

3. On Friday, Tammy and her mom _______________ a 4. Tammy _______________ two books home.
visit with Grandma. a. took
a. enjoyed b. made
b. called c. had
c. started d. saw
d. looked

Listening Comprehension
⑥ Listen and circle the true statements. [Track B1U9]

1. a. Hugh’s mom makes games. 2. a. They are going to visit Mary’s mom.
b. Hugh’s mom works at a bank. b. They are going to bring money to the bank.
c. Hugh will watch the dog. c. They are going to make games.
d. Hugh goes inside. d. They are going to visit Hugh’s mom.

3. a. Mary gives her mom games. 4. a. Mary’s mom loves her job.
b. Mary makes games. b. Hugh’s mom makes games.
c. Mary watches her dog. c. Mary’s mom loves going to the bank.
d. Mary gives her mom money. d. Hugh’s mom loves their dog.
Unit Test : Unit 10

Class Name
Vocabulary Comprehension
① Write the words from the box next to the correct definition.

chilly rainy spring fall weather forecaster

degree fire invite weather forecast tree

1. ____________________________ a tall plant with a trunk and leaves

2. ____________________________ a period of time after winter

3. ____________________________ to ask someone to come to an event

4. ____________________________ when the weather is wet outside

5. ____________________________ information about the weather

6. ____________________________ a period of time between summer and winter

7. ____________________________ it’s hot and it burns

8. ____________________________ someone who tells you information about the weather

9. ____________________________ cool outside

10. ___________________________ the temperature, shown by a number

Grammar Practice
② Match the statements to make the best sentences.

1. Before it was foggy, a. the storm.

2. After the b. when the temperature goes down.
3. When it’s winter, c. I played outside.
4. We put on our jackets d. party, I went home.
5. We go outside after e. it is snowy.

Expressions Practice
③ Fill in the blanks with best words in the box.

temperature chilly spring foggy winter

1. How’s the weather in ____________________? It is rainy!

2. My favorite season is ____________________. We go ice skating.

3. How’s the weather today? It is ____________________. I can’t see!

4. I don’t like summer. The ____________________ goes up too much. It is hot.

5. Before winter, the weather is ____________________. I usually wear my jacket.

Reading Comprehension
My name is Eric. I live in Canada. We have four seasons: spring, summer, fall, and winter. It’s always rainy in spring. It’s
sometimes windy. We watch the temperature go up. Next comes summer. It’s sunny. We go to the park to play
badminton. We also go to the beach to play volleyball. We usually invite our family over and barbecue outside. In fall,
many people come to my family’s parties. In winter, the temperature goes down. It sometimes goes down to minus forty
degrees! We also have a lot of snow storms. It’s fun playing games in the snow. We build snowmen and drink hot
chocolate. It’s not all snow, though. We still have a few sunny days in winter. I like Canada!

④ Circle true or false.

1. They have parties in summer. true false
2. It’s wet in spring. true false
3. They barbecue in winter. true false
4. They play volleyball in fall. true false
5. After fall, it is cold. true false

⑤ Circle the answers.

1. Winter is a _______________ season. 2. Eric plays volleyball at the _______________.

a. cold a. park
b. hot b. beach
c. windy c. barbecue
d. rainy d. pilot

3. It’s _______________ in spring. 4. The temperature in winter is sometimes

a. sunny
b. rainy a. sunny
c. dry b. a lot of snow
d. snowy c. minus forty degrees
d. forty degrees

Listening Comprehension
⑥ Listen and circle true or false. [Track B1U10]

1. Tina is a weather forecaster. true false

2. The weather is cold today. true false
3. Winter is Tim’s favorite season. true false
4. When it is spring, Tim wants to plant trees. true false
5. The temperature will go up before winter. true false

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