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Giới từ Cấu trúc Nghĩa

1. ABOUT - sorry about + lấy làm tiếc, hối tiếc về cái gì
- careful about + cẩn thận về cái gì
- careless about + bất cẩn về cái gì
- confused about + nhầm lẫn về cái gì
- excited about + hứng thú về cái gì
- sad about + buồn về cái gì
- serious about + nghiêm túc về
- worried about + lo lắng về cái gì
2. AT - amazed at + kinh ngạc, sửng sốt vì cái gì
- amused at + thích thú với cái gì
- angry at + tức giận với ai
- annoyed at + bực mình với ai
- bad at + yếu kém về cái gì
- good/clever at + giỏi/sắc sảo về cái gì
- skillful at + khéo léo cái gì
- surprised at + ngạc nhiên với
- quick at + nhạy bén về cái gì/nhanh chóng làm gì
3.FOR - available for + có sẵn (cái gì)
- bad for + xấu cho
- good for + tốt cho
- convenient for + thuận lợi cho...
- dangerous for + nguy hiểm...
- late for + trễ...
- famous/well-known for + nổi tiếng
- helpful/useful for + có ích/có lợi
- necessary for + cần thiết
- ready for + sẵn sàng cho việc gì
- responsible for + có trách nhiệm về việc gì
- suitable for + thích hợp
- sorry for + xin lỗi/lấy làm tiếc cho
- useful for + có ích, hữu dụng
4. FROM - different from + khác về cái gì
- absent from + vắng mặt
- absorbed in + say mê, say sưa
- experienced in + có kinh nghiệm về cái gì
5. IN - interested in + quan tâm cái gì/việcgì
- rich in + dồi dào, phong phú
- successful in + thành công
6. OF - afraid of + sợ, e ngại…
+ aware of + nhận thức
+ capable of + có khả năng
+ confident of + tự tin
+ certain of + chắc chắn về
+ fond of + thích
+ full of + đầy
+ independent of + độc lập
+ proud of + tự hào
+ short of + thiếu
+ tired of + mệt mỏi
+ terrified of + khiếp sợ về
Trang 1
7. ON + dependent on + lệ thuộc vào cái gì/ vào ai
+ keen on + mê cái gì
+ based on + dựa trên, dựa vào
- important to + quan trọng
- indifferent to + bàng quan, thờ ơ
8. TO - identical to + giống hệt
- kind to + tốt với ai
- similar to + giống, tương tự
- harmful to + có hại
- useful to + có ích cho ai
- angry with + tức giận với ai
9. WITH - busy with + bận với cái gì/làm việc gì
- bored with = fed up with + chán ngán, chán ngấy
- crowded with + đầy, đông đúc
- covered with + bao phủ với
- disappointed with + thất vọng với
- impressed with/by + có ấn tượng/xúc động với
- popular with + phổ biến, quen thuộc với
pleased/ satisfied with: + hài lòng với
- familiar with + quen thuộc với

Exercise 2: Chọn phương án đúng để hoàn thành câu

1. This organizationis quick sending relief goods to the floodedareas.
A. with B. at c. for D.about
A. for / on B. after/with C. up / forward D. at /into
12. He is very worried his new job because he is notquite prepared working.

Trang 2
A. on / over B. to / off C. about /for D. in /at
17. I'm terrified breaking down on a motorway at night.
A. from B.with C. for D.of
18. As an adult, I am independent my parents financially.
A. of B.with C. out D.on
21. As I was of the change in the program, I arrived half an hour late for therehearsal.
A. unaware B. unconscious C. unable D.unreasonable
24. Many students aren't keen their study atschool.
A. about B. for C.with D.on
30. On Christmas Eve children go to bed full excitement.
A. of B.with C. up
Exercise 3: Gạch chân đáp án đúng
1. She was confused (with/on/about/in) thedates.
2. His book is different (about/from/for/between)mine.
3. The boy is afraid (of/on/in/about)snakes.
4. He was successful (in/with/of/to) hisjob.
5. Iraq is rich (on/at/to/in)oil.
6. Smoking is harmful (for/with/to/about) ourhealth.
7. Are you capable (with/of/for/to) doing thatjob?
8. We are proud (at /in/on/of) our people's heroictradition.
9. The streets are crowded (at/ in/ with/ of) vehicles at the rushhour.
10. The air at the seaside is good (at/for/on/of) health.
11. He is sad (about/in/on/of) his son’slaziness.
12. I'm interested (at/in/on/of) currentevents.
13. Your profession is similar (to/in/on/of)mine.
14. I was absent (at/in/to/from) class beforeyesterday.
15. Teachers are responsible (at/for/to/of) theirteaching.
16. The beach is full (at/in/to/of) tourists insummer.
17. That singer has become very popular (at/with/to/of) the youth.
18. Your father is very kind (with/for/to/in) David.
19. Hurry or you will be late (for/at/on/from) school.
20. His book is different (about/from/for/between) mine.
21. Your plan is similar (with/to/of/for) his.
22. The boy is afraid (of/on/in/about) snakes.
23. He was successful (in/with/of/to) his job.
24. That student is very quick (with/at/for/about) mathematics.
25. Iraq is rich (on/for/to/in) oil.
26. Are you aware (with/to/of/for) the time?
27. He has been absent (from/of/to/with) school lately.
28. They are interested (in/on/about/with) buying a new house.
29. Don’t give up your hope. Be confident (of/about/in/with) yourself.
30. Are you capable (with/of/for/to) that job?

Trang 3
31. Finally, Jack is successful (on/in/at/to) his trade.
32. This theatre is often crowded (with/to/on/about) viewers.
33. Your bag is similar (with/to/about/for) mine.
34. She was sad (about/for/with/to) my refusal.
35. Quang Linh is popular (with/for/to/in) folk songs.
36. The student is quick (with/at/on/to) understanding what the teacher explains.
37. I’m capable (of/with/for/to) speaking two languages.
38. She is never late (to/for/with/from) work.
39. Her children are very quick (with/about/at/for) computer games.
40. This kind of music is popular (for/to/with/about) the young.
41. Boys are fond (in/of/on/at) playing football.
42. Last week the beach was overcrowded (of/over/with/for) people.
43. She’s very worried (for/with/at/about) her mother’s health.
44. Why are these two schools different (to/from/with/at) each other?
45. Attending all the lectures is important (to/with/at/in) us.
46. My brother is very interested (in/at/on/about) chess but he is not good at it.
47. She has become very famous (for/at/on/with) her novels.
48. Lisa is very good (at/with/in/about) chemistry.
49. Smoking is not good (for/at/about/of) our health.
50. That farmer succeeded (on/in/at/with) raising fish.
51. She is always fed up (at/with/for/about) washing dishes after dinner.
52. The roofs are covered (with/about/by/for) red tiles.

2. Adjective + preposition:
annoyed (with sb) about: bực tức excited about: hào hứng
anxious/ worried about: lo lắng furious about: điên tiết về
careful about: cẩn thận về happy about: hạnh phúc
careless about: bất cẩn về s ad/ upset about: buồn/ thất vọng
concerned about: quan tâm serious about: nghiêm túc về
confused about: nhầm lẩn về sorry about/ for: xin lỗi về
Trang 4
amazed at: kinh ngạc về good at: dở về (good for: tốt cho)
bad at: dở về (bad for: xấu cho) quick at: nhanh nhẹn về
clever at: khéo léo về skillful at: khéo léo về
excellent at: xuất sắc về surprised at: ngạc nhiên về
available for: có sẵn late for: trễ
eager for: nóng lòng chờ necessary for: cần thiết cho
eligible for: xứng đáng cho responsible for: chịu trách nhiệm
famous for: nổi tiếng useful for: có ích cho
known for: nổi tiếng
absent from: vắng mặt ở free from/ of: thóat khỏi
different from: khác với safe from: an tòan
disappointed in/ with: thất vọng involved in: có liên quan
interested in: quan tâm rich in: giàu có, phong phú
successful in: thành công
afraid of: sợ full of: đầy
ahead of: đi trước guilty of: có tội
ashamed of: hổ thẹn independent of: độc lập
aware/ conscious of: ý thức jealous of: ghen tị
capable of: có khả năng proud of: tự hào
certain of/ about: chắc về scared of: hoảng sợ
confident of: tự tin short of: cạn kiệt
envious of: ghen tị sure of: chắc
fond of: thích tired of: chán
frightened of: sợ typical of: tiêu biểu
accustomed to: quen grateful to sb for sth: biết ơn
addicted to: nghiện opposed to: phản đối
committed to: tận tụy harmful to: có hại cho
contrary to: trái với important to: quan trọng với
dedicated to: tận tụy married to: thành hơn với
devoted to: tận tâm open to: mở ra cho
equal to: bằng với similar to: tương tự với
essential to/ for: cần thiết cho
acquainted with: quen với friendly with: thân thiện
angry with/ at sb about sth: giận happy with/ about: hạnh phúc về
angry with/ at sb for doing sth: giận honest with: thành thật với
bored with/ fed up with: chán với identical with: giống hệt với
busy with: bận rộn với impatient with: mất kiên nhẫn với
crowded with: đông đúc patient with: kiên nhẫn với
disappointed with: thất vọng pleased/ satisfied with: hài lòng với
familiar with: quen thuộc với popular with: phổ biến với
generous/ good/ kind/ nice/ polite/ rude/ stupid… to sb generous/ good/ kind/ nice/ polite/ rude/ stupid… of sb to do st

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