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N Researched Title Metode Conclusion Link

1. Sri Utami, An This Based on the results of data https://jo

Jumaidi Nur Analysis of descriptive analysis and discussion of urnal.uinj
Students’ study research results, the
Reading employed a following conclusions can ndex.php
Interest qualitative be drawn: First, about /ijee/artic
during approach with feelings toward reading, it le/view/1
Learning a survey seemed that the students 7157
From design that still had enthusiasm in
Home involved 79 reading, more than half of
amidst the students from the students liked to read
Covid-19 the second, and liked to read anything
Pandemic fourth, and at home during learning
sixth from home. Unfortunately,
semesters as 73.4% of the students did
participants. not like reading academic
books or lecture materials
that were mostly written in
English given by their
lecturers while learning
from home because it was
boring. Second, regarding
reading preferences, the
students preferred to read
fiction read from online
sources, their most favorite
reading was
romance/novel; they
preferred reading others
than reading lecture
materials. Third, related to
time for reading and
number of books, during
learning from home they
read 15-30 minutes a day,
1- 2 days a week, they
could spend more than
1-hour reading for
pleasure, but only could
spend 15-30 minutes
reading for a college
assignment. They read
1-10 pages of reading
materials in a day and only
could read 1-3 books
during learning from home
from March until July
2020. Fourth, their reading
sources were from both
online and offline. Trough
online, they got the reading
materials mostly from a
website, while through
offline print books became
their first source.
According to their interest,
they put reading from a
smartphone on the top of
the rank. Fifth, types of
reading materials that the
students read during
learning from home were
varied. Novel/romance was
the most read by the
students. Many reasons
why those phenomena
happened, but broadly it
can be concluded that those
were due to the presence of
information technology
which can have a positive
or negative impact on
students' reading interest,
then due to the lack of
awareness of students to
read for reasons of not
having the time and
supporting facilities for
reading activities.

2. rentauli Assessing survey The students' levels of https://jo

mariah Students’ questionnaire understanding towards urnal.uinj
silalahi Understand critical reading was very
ing poor because they were not ndex.php
Towards aware of the importance of /ijee/artic
Critical criticizing and interpreting le/view/9
Reading when they practiced 532/pdf
and Its critical reading. It was still
Impacts very likely that students
Towards would take for granted
Their whatever they read. The
Lives other weaknesses of the
students were their very
limited understanding
towards. possible problems
that might happen. while
doing critical reading
activities and their
unawareness that by doing
critical reading could help
improve their academic
achievements. Looking at
the levels of students'
understanding. towards
critical reading, it was
quite possible that they
were still unable to be
responsible learners and
have self-encouragement to
be autonomous learners
(Ur, 2001) which should
have given precious
impacts academic
achievement. on their
There could be many
causes contributed to the
students' lack of
understanding about
critical reading and the
benefits of practicing
critical reading to their
lives; academically or
Therefore it would. be a
good idea to do a further
research to find out what
exactly happened in the
course delivery such as
whether students were
clearly taught and trained
to do critical reading,
whether they were
encouraged to read as often
as possible, whether the
students might refuse to do
critical reading for various
reasons like having no
intrinsic and
communication among
peer students and make
them more knowledgeable
while sixty to sixty seven
percent of the students
agreed that critical reading
could help them make
reading as a habit, make
meaning from text,
improve critical reading
skill, and improve ability
to cope with life
intelligently. On the other
hand, it was also an
interesting finding to know
that half of the students did
not understand that critical
reading could help them
achieve higher on
academic performances.

3. Jennet The by employing From the discussions https://jo

Senawati, Ni Benefits of George’s above, it can be concluded urnal.uinj
Komang Arie Reading (2008) model that reading aloud has been
Suwastini, I Aloud for of literature deemed an excellent ndex.php
Gusti Agung Children: review. strategy for teaching /ijee/artic
Sri Rwa A Review English to young learners. le/view/1
Jayantini, Ni in EFL The strategy requires the 9880
Luh Putu Sri Context teacher to choose
Adnyani, Ni appropriate texts for the
Nyoman students' level and interest,
Artini read the text aloud with
proper pronunciation and
intonation, and pause to
make comments, ask
questions, and make the
connection. Experts and
previous research have
argued that this activity
positively impacts the
students' vocabulary,
pronunciation, language
skills, communicative
skills, literacy, motivation,
and critical thinking skills.
Furthermore, reading aloud
can create an enjoyable
learning experience that
motivates the students to
read. It can train their
creative thinking and
cultivate their imagination.
Reading aloud also
improves the students'
interpersonal skills: when
they are trained to listen
and pay attention to the
speaker, they learn to
appreciate others. Reading
aloud also cultivates the
students' compassion
toward the text's emotions.
These benefits have been
argued to affect the
students' future progress in
their English learning.
Another important
conclusion from this study
is the centrality of the
teacher's role in reading
aloud activity. The teacher
acts as the bridge between
the text and the children's
comprehension, as well as
the model for
pronunciation, awareness
proper about cultural
differences, train students'
empathy, provide moments
for sharing, and foster an
appetite for reading and
learning in general.

4. Shella The effectiveness The products developed https://jo

Monica, Quality of and are effectively used in ELT. urnal.ipm
Rambat Nur Newly criterion-relat It is indicated by student 2kpe.or.i
Sasongko, Local ed validity achievement in reading d/index.p
Muhammad Content comprehension tests hp/LEEA
Kristiawan Based because most students /article/vi
Instruction meet the intended learning ew/2133
al Reading standards and the
Materials minimum completeness
for Senior criteria. Besides, the
High product developed is also
School considered to have validity
Students related to good criteria, as
shown in the correlation
coefficient of the two sets
of student scores on both
the reading level test and
the reading comprehension

5. Yentri EFL quasi-experim It can be concluded that https://ej

Anggeraini, LEARNER ental design the partner reading
Nurhasanah, S` strategy significantly
Tania READING enhanced the students in ej/article/
Madenta HABIT comprehending the view/985
ANDTHEI narrative text and their
R reading habit. It can be
READING seen from the analysis of
COMPRE the data gathered during
HENSION the experiment and after
ENHANC the experiment. The
EMENT students who are taught
THROUG by using a reading
H partner could improve
PARTNER their reading
READING comprehension
achievement of narrative
text and their reading
habit significantly. Most
of the students in the
experimental group could
share the information of
the next to their
classmates. So, in the
post-test, they got better
reading achievement of
narrative text. The
researchers believed that
the achievement reached
by the students was purely
caused by the partner
reading strategy applied by
the researchers.

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