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B Write a blue word from A next to its definition. 1, encourage _: to persuade or get someone to do something 2. di 4 : to damage completely 3. protect | to keep something safe 4. Spead_: to move gradually outward 5. Waske : to use something in a bad or careless way 6. ort : to try to help a person or idea succeed TE Provide —,; to offer or give something 8. _forCe. __:to make someone do ets difficult 9. -clevelop ur ‘he building of houses, stores, and other structures 10. Rely Op to need or depend on something 11. improve. ; to make better Scanned with CamScanner B Ef] Listen for details; infer i : 3 Infer information. You will hear three now? Where do they want to live in th j information is not mentioned, ¢i ei ae ae Uffor urban and $ for suburban. Write NIM if the Bella: now: Slave looyn Anne: now: Urloes Mercedes: now: suburban future: Solas docin future: Uren future: Livlocen Then listen ¢ £f]J Listen for redsons. Where does each person want to live? Circle the answers below. and take notes on their reasons. CD 2 Track 20 1. Bella wants to live in the city / suburbs. Reason(s): in the city / suburbs. Reason(s): Reason(s): 2. Anne wants to 3. Mercedes wants to live in the city / suburbs. GO wey Woes FO pes 4 eel move here Gor colleye. expressions mean? Which person from B do you think would Explain your answers to a partner. What do you think the under ined say each sentence? Write the names. 1. Thope | can move—| have to wait and see, | guess. 2. Now that I've put down roots, | probably won't move. 3, [needed achange of scenery, and | got it! Ei] where do you want to live in the future? Why? Tell a partner. LESSON B® Modern challenges 131 Scanned with CamScanner G ‘ is READIN! we ns «nol round ter aN” 29 A FB] Use backs! rare ae ne 3 article is about & th ae retirement ba apne How are they simi partner. ent ions B Make prections most Look at the photo: A with a partner |. How do you think the one i each other’ es know om ere 2, Look at the word interge” it in the caption, What do you think means? Then © Infer meaning. Read the article. rrect match the words (1-4) with the co! definitions (a-d). 1. at risk (line 4) © 2. launched (line 11) Ch 3. be exposed to (line 31-32) 4, tolerant (ine 34) ~{@ started -{B. in danger of something bad happening [By be given the chance to experience something new {dl able to accept different ideas and situations Read for details; Draw conclusions. The article talks about an intergenerational program. What are the benefits of the program? Underline them in the passage. Can you think of any challenges? Explain your ideas to a partner. Why do you think many older and younger people are in retirement homes Scanned with CamScanner ed with CamScanner Scann Woks he Ba te id huaad.o of fu! Or! tele me geri FS Scanned with CamScanner io” the verb in the if clause uses the simple i nt, Don’t the verb in the result clause uses a fut potas: ire veman-Wit Werke ture form. Yc a spaces; future generations aren’t going to eve Berea ae for example: /f we don’t protect our open fo relax. ou aren't certain abs ify A outane result, you can use might (not) or ma) it irawoman works, 2 farniiy iby / ein Réwee hot fanc 2y (no?) in a result clause: atthe start of the result clause, you can , 2 use or omit the we i if The result clause can come first in a sentence with no Seema i Se een pore . ning. g, when the if clause comes first, put a comma before the result ates Use the simple present or future of the verbs in the box to complete the sentences. -be- get ‘make. -notpass- notsay —_-not study educate have leave- -miss eave eel 1. You 1s money if you get a roommate. 2. Ifl don'l_chdy all weekend, | Won't psaSS_ the test on Monday. 3. 1 wont ser hello if] 2e ——— him on the street. 4, Ifyou Leave early, you ‘fl miss — all the fun. 5. It wall bbe! \ev_ better for the Earth if couples Mew? — smaller fam 6. If we cl c cule people, they will neal better decisions. stake in each sentence. Find and correct the mi e less traffic on the roads. pool, there will be 1. If more people will car ig to cancel the picnic if it raining tomorrow. GRAMMAR NOTES 211 2. The school is goin Scanned with CamScanner ogee. 5. If we destroy the forests, then many animals‘die. 6. | might visit Italy this summer if rfl have enough money. © Foreach sentence in B, think of one more result and write a conditional sentence. The conditional should be one that follows the sentence in B. I there is less traffic on the roads, people will be happier. If the school cancels the picnic, enn cad Qa ‘un 10 money Scanned with CamScanner

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