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Psychogerontological Analysis of "Up: An Adventure of a Lifetime"

Objective: Analyze the movie "Up: An Adventure of a Lifetime" from a

psychogerontological perspective to explore the psychological, emotional, and social
aspects of aging portrayed in the film.

Movie Viewing: Watch the movie "Up: An Adventure of a Lifetime" and pay close
attention to the characters, their interactions, and the events that unfold.
Psychogerontological Concepts: Familiarize yourself with the concepts and theories of
psychogerontology, which examines the psychological and social aspects of aging.
Analysis: Write a comprehensive analysis (700-1000 words) that addresses the following
Context: Introduce the movie and provide a brief overview of the main characters
and their relationships.
Psychogerontological Framework: Explain the key concepts of
psychogerontology that will guide your analysis. How does psychogerontology
contribute to understanding aging-related experiences and challenges? Be sure to
review the topics we reviewed in class (types of aging, professional and
occupational cycle, after retirement from work, physical changes, brain aging,
sensory and psychomotor functioning, vision and hearing, sleep, and sexual
Character Analysis: Choose at least one older character from the movie and
analyze he/she psychological, emotional, and social characteristics. How do this
character experience and cope with the aging process? What challenges and
strengths do he/she exhibit?
Impact of Aging: Explore how aging-related factors (such as loss, memory,
relationships, and life transitions) influence the characters' behaviors, decisions, and
emotions. Connect these impacts to relevant psychogerontological concepts.
Reflection: Conclude your analysis by reflecting on the significance of the movie's
portrayal of aging from a psychogerontological perspective. How does the movie
contribute to broader discussions about aging and its complexities? What insights or
lessons can be drawn from the characters' experiences?
Writing Style: Write in clear, concise, and formal English. Use appropriate
terminology from psychogerontology to demonstrate your understanding.
Submission: Submit your analysis as a typed document in PDF format through the
designated submission on Teams.
Grading: Your analysis will be evaluated based on the depth of your psychogerontological
analysis, the clarity of your writing, the accuracy of your connections to the movie, and the
integration of relevant literature according to the rubric below:
Rubric: Psychogerontological Analysis of the Movie "Up: An Adventure of a
Category Excellent (4) Good (3) Adequate (2) Insufficient (1) Not Met (0)

The analysis
demonstrates a deep
The analysis shows a
and accurate
good understanding
understanding of the
of Psychogerontological Psychogerontological
relevant The
psychogerontological aspects are identified aspects are mentioned
psychogerontological psychogerontological
Psychogerontological aspects, though there generally, but the superficially, and
aspects in the movie. A context is not
Context might be some connection to the plot there is insufficient
solid theoretical adequately
inaccuracies or lack and characters is connection to the plot
context is established, addressed.
of depth in limited or unclear. and characters.
and effective
connecting with the
connections are made
plot and characters.
to the plot and

A detailed and
insightful analysis of
The analysis of older
the older characters in A basic analysis of
characters is solid, The analysis of older
the movie is older characters is
addressing their characters is limited
conducted, provided, but there
psychological, and lacks significant
highlighting their might be a lack of An adequate analysis
Analysis of Older emotional, and social details in
psychological, depth or some of older characters is
Characters characteristics in understanding their
emotional, and social significant omissions not performed.
relation to aging, aging from a
characteristics in the in connecting with
though some aspects psychogerontological
context of aging. psychogerontological
may be less perspective.
Strong connections to theory.
theory are established.

The effects of events, The effects of the

The effects on the
relationships, and environment and Some impacts on the
aging process of older
challenges in the experiences on the aging process of older
characters are
movie on the aging aging process of characters are
mentioned The impact on aging
process of the older older characters are mentioned, but the
Impact on Aging superficially, and is not adequately
characters are effectively identified connection to
there is insufficient addressed.
thoroughly examined, and analyzed, psychogerontological
linkage to
supported by although there might theory is limited or
psychogerontological be some gaps in unclear.
theory. relation to the theory.

The conclusion The conclusion The conclusion The conclusion and

The conclusion is
Conclusion and reflects a deep and effectively summarizes the main reflection are
brief and lacks a
Reflection insightful synthesis of summarizes the points of the analysis, insufficient or
significant synthesis
the analysis conducted but reflection on the absent.
of the analysis and
psychogerontological and provides importance of
analysis of the movie, reflection on the Psychogerontology reflection on
summarizing key relevance of might be superficial Psychogerontology.
aspects and offering psychogerontological or limited in
original or new aspects in the movie, originality.
perspectives. A critical though there might
reflection on the be less originality or
importance of the depth in the
analysis in the context presented ideas.
of Psychogerontology
is demonstrated.

The analysis has a

mostly solid and The analysis follows
The analysis is very The organization and
coherent structure, a basic structure, but
well structured and structure of the
with only minor there might be issues
organized logically analysis are deficient,
areas of organization with organization or
and coherently. making Presentation and
Presentation and or writing that could writing that hinder
Writing is clear and comprehension organization are very
Organization be improved. comprehension.
professional, and difficult. Citations and deficient.
Citations and Citations and
citations and references are
references are references are limited
references are inadequate or missing
adequate, though or not entirely
correctly used. entirely.
there might be some accurate.
minor inaccuracies.

The analysis The analysis shows

demonstrates a an adequate level of
Some creativity is
creative and original creativity and Creativity and
displayed in the No creativity or
approach in exploring originality in the originality are limited
Creativity and analysis, but mostly originality is
the psychogerontological in the analysis, and
Originality conventional and less demonstrated in the
psychogerontological approach, though ideas are predictable
innovative ideas are analysis.
aspects of the movie, there might be a few or superficial.
presenting unique and more innovative
insightful ideas. ideas.

Writing is mostly
Writing is excellent, Writing is acceptable,
good, with only
with impeccable but there might be Writing has numerous
minor grammatical Writing is very
grammar and writing several grammatical grammatical or
Grammar and or stylistic deficient and
style. Communication errors or stylistic stylistic errors that
Writing Style imperfections. significantly affects
is clear and effective issues affecting hinder
Communication is comprehension.
throughout the communication comprehension.
mostly clear and
analysis. clarity.

The analysis is
The analysis is
The analysis is submitted with a
submitted slightly
Timely Submission submitted before or on moderate delay past
after the specified
the specified deadline. the specified

Remember to reach out if you have any questions or need further clarification.
Best of luck with your assignment!

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