EfW 4 Unit 1

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• To ask for and give explanation

• To give confirmation
• To express probability and certainty

Unit 1

WORD VAULT: Business Travel

Practice 1
Match the words/phrases with their synonyms.

a. the time of the year when travel is most active

1. ___ Set out and sales are highest
2. ___ Round trip b. a journey/trip to a place and back again
3. ___ Reimburse c. economy class travelling
4. ___ Allowance d. to pay/compensate the money spent
5. ___ Serviced accommodation e. to start a journey/process/plan
6. ___ Budget airlines/travels f. a place to stay that provides complete benefit
7. ___ Long haul trip/journey/flight g. a long distance and extensive period of time
8. ___ High season h. money given/granted

Practice 2
Complete the following sentences using the words from Practice 1.

1. Since we have fixed schedules for our training, we’d better purchase ______ tickets ahead of time
through the airline official website.
2. After the meticulous counting of the expenses needed, we agreed on the _____ for our business travel.
3. I am tired after that 24-hour _______ to UK.
4. The Montrose group dislikes flying using a/an _______ because they don’t feel comfortable taking such
5. The sister company will provide ______ for 25 people during the training.
6. During _____, it is hard to find a room even in a five-star hotel.
7. Employee expenses will be _____ after returning from a trip.
8. To avoid traffic congestion, we _____ earlier to the training venue.

18 Unit 1 Business Travel

Practice 3
Listen and fill in the blanks. Then, practice the conversation with a partner.

Situation: At the office

Sean: So, Roni, you’re going to have your first visit to Manado branch
next month, aren’t you?
Are you going to take a/an 1. _______? It’s a 3-day visit, isn’t it?
Roni: Yes, I am. And I need to ask you some information. You have
been to that branch before, haven’t you?
Sean: Yes, I have. What do you want to ask?
Roni: I was assigned to join the training on Maintaining Food
Packaging Facilities. What do you know about the facilities in Manado?
Sean: Their facilities are okay. But the location is kind of remote. You have to 2. _______ very early to get there.
Roni: I see. I don’t have to worry about that. The branch provides a car. Anything I need to know about their food
packaging facilities?
Sean: Not that I know of. You’d better go there and see them yourself. You’ll like them. By the way, where
do you stay? I hope you get 3. _______ in Manado. It’s a bit tough to find food there, especially in the
manufacturing area. But you can always go to the city to get more delicious food on your own expense. You
get the 4. _______, don’t you?
Roni: I stay in the company compound. One thing I am worried about, I will fly in economy class and I am not too
happy about it. But the HRD people said that it’s a bit hard to get tickets in such 5. _______ like now.
Sean: No worries. It’s not a/an 6. _______. It will only take one hour and a half. But if you don’t want to fly in
a/an 7. _______, you can change it, but the company will not 8. _______ your expense.
Roni: Yeah, I think I can handle the flight.

Practice 4
Complete the following conversation. Use the words/phrases from Practice 1.

Situation: At the HRD Manager’s office

HRD Manager: Good news, Will. The company is giving you a reward. You have worked for this company for
six years, haven’t you? And we noticed what you have achieved. Therefore, we’d like to give
you a reward.
Will: Thank you. And I really appreciate that, but what do you mean by a reward, sir?
HRD Manager: Since you are a high achiever, we want to assign you to attend a training program abroad. I think
you must 1. _______ as soon as possible. Prepare everything you need for the 2. _______ now.
Will: A training program abroad? That would be great, but could you please be more specific, sir?
HRD Manager: You will go for a/an 3. _______ to Japan for three days. Unfortunately, your trip to Japan is
in 4. _______ so it’s a bit difficult to book an airplane seat and a comfortable hotel. So, this
time, you will have to fly with 5. _______ in an economy class. As for your stay, you will have
a/an 6. _______ for a three-day stay.
Will: Oh, I don’t mind at all.
HRD Manager: All expenses for your training are covered by the company. We will also provide you with a/an
7. _______ during your stay in Japan. But in case you need to spend more, please use your
money first. You can have it 8. _______ when you get back. Just keep the bills with you. I hope
you enjoy your trip and training, Will.
Will: Definitely. I will enjoy this trip. Thank you, sir.

Unit 1 Business Travel 19

Practice 5
Work in pairs and make a conversation using the following pointers.

You are an HRD staff and your partner is the Finance Manager. You are asked to arrange a business trip
for the Finance Manager. Talk to the Manager and give some information for his/her trip. Use the pointers
on the left to help you provide information. Then, answer the Finance Manager’s questions. Use the
vocabulary you have learned.

Transportation ……………………………..……………………………………………………………………………..…………

Accommodation …………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………………..

Place …………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………………..

Length of stay …………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………………..

Other details …………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………………..

Practice 6
Work with a classmate. Share your experience about one of your business trips.

20 Unit 1 Business Travel

Asking for and giving explanation, giving confirmation,
and expressing probability and certainty

Listen and read the conversation.

Situation: In an office
Director: Maliyah, I’m assigning you to the Amretta phone. She said she was looking forward
Project in Bali. You’re to set out right to meeting you. You’ll be leaving by plane
away. tomorrow. I hope you don’t mind coach
Maliyah: The Amretta Project, sir? Any particular class. It’s not a long haul journey.
tasks that I need to do? Maliyah: It’s not a problem, sir. How long will I be
Director: You need to review their finance there?
documents. Something is not right. Director: Two weeks, at least. You’ll get twice the
Maliyah: Oh. Let me see if I understood correctly. standard allowance for this trip, along with
You want me to check their ledgers because the usual serviced accommodation. It’s not
they are not well balanced, don’t you? very likely that you’ll overspend, but just
in case, we’ll reimburse everything when
Director: Yes. There have been some slight you get back. Find John in HR. He has your
differences here and there lately. You will ticket. Please keep the updates coming as
also need to make some observation on soon and, as often as you can.
how they do business there.
Maliyah: You mean you want daily reports, sir?
Maliyah: I see. I’m quite sure the project managers
will not be so cooperative. Director: What I mean is, tell me immediately in case
you find a foul play. Keep everything well
Director: Probably not. When you’re there, work documented.
together with Sitha Langley. She was your
senior in Accounting years ago, wasn’t Maliyah: So what you’re saying is, I should check
she? their documents, observe their activities,
and report back to you of any sign of
Maliyah: Yes, she was. We haven’t seen each other mismanagement. Does that sound about
for years. right, sir?
Director: Well, I’m positive that you two will work Director: That’s exactly what I want. I’ve no doubt
together just fine. I talked to her on the that you’ll find something.

Listen and repeat.

Asking for explanation Giving explanation

• What does that mean? • That means you need to review their documents.
• What do you mean? • I mean you have to check their documents.
• What I mean is tell me immediately in case you find a foul play.

Confirming Expressing probability Expressing certainty

• Let me see if I understood • Chances are that they will not be • I’m quite sure.
correctly. very helpful. • I’m positive.
• So, what you are saying is I • It’s unlikely that you overspend. • I have no doubt
should check their documents? • Probably not. about it.
• Does that sound right? • Perhaps you need to keep all
• You mean I need to make the bills.
daily reports?
• I got it.

Unit 1 Business Travel 21

Practice 1
Listen to the audio file and complete the following conversation. Then, practice the
conversation with a partner. Practice using other expressions from the expression box.

Situation: At the HRD office

John: Ah, Maliyah. Come in. You’re here for account. Remember to keep all the bills
the round trip ticket to Bali, aren’t you? for reimbursement.
You’re setting out early tomorrow. We’ve Maliyah: Right. 3. __________ I can stay within
decided to book you a round ticket. In budget, though.
case you need to extend your stay there,
John: 4. __________. Here is your ticket, and
the date for the return is still open.
here’s Sitha Langley’s phone number.
Maliyah: Thanks. 1. __________ that I will need Give her a call. She said she’ll arrange
to prolong my trip there. everything you need there.
John: So, I’ve heard. It’s going to be tough there. Maliyah: Thanks, but… John, it’s a business class
Maliyah: Really? 2. __________? ticket. I thought we were using budget
John: Well, I once worked there, you know. I airline.
knew the people in the project. John: We do, but it’s high season, so we book
Maliyah: Hm… maybe we should talk again before whatever seat we can get.
I leave. Maliyah: 5. __________ I got business class
John: I’d be glad to help. Now, as you’re given because there’s no coach class left?
serviced accommodation, you’ll stay John: Yes, you’re right. Lucky you.
in the usual hotel. The allowance will
be directly transferred to your bank

Practice 2
Fill in the blanks with the expressions from the box. There are more options than the
blanks. Practice the conversation with a partner.

a. you mean d. what I mean is g. I have no doubt that

b. I am quite sure e. what do you mean h. I just like to confirm that I got
c. I am positive f. so, what you’re saying is that right

Situation: At a company meeting room

Pablo: Ian, the HRD just called me and said that Pablo: 4. _______ the HRD people have allocated
we have to represent our office in the some funds for our trip.
opening ceremony of the new branch on Ian: Yes. By the way, there is a nice guest house
June 15th. I think we’d better make plans not too far from the new branch office
far in advance. building. Mr. Watson recommended this
Ian: 1. _______ both of us will go together? place 5. _______ you know him.
That’s great. Oh, wait a minute. 2. ______ Pablo: Mr. Watson. Yes, I remember him.
far in advance? We have two more weeks to 6. _______ he recommends a good place
go. We still have plenty of time. for us to stay.
Pablo: 3. _______, June is high season. If we don’t Ian: Yes. So, we will go by train in executive
book tickets and make a hotel reservation class, and we will stay in the recommended
earlier, I am afraid we won’t get the guest house. 7. _______.
accommodation we need.
Pablo: Good. See you then.
Ian: I see. All right, how about going by train?
We can take business class.The cabin is
comfortable and the service is good. Do we
have budget for that?

22 Unit 1 Business Travel

Practice 3
Fill in the blanks with the correct expressions. Practice the conversation with a partner.

Situation: On the phone

Manda: Mr. Lee, I’d like to make a final confirmation about your coming to our Jakarta office this coming
month. You are scheduled to give a motivational talk to our employees on the 21st-23rd. How would
you like us to make the arrangement?
Mr. Lee: Let me check my note. Yes, 1. _________. I’ll leave for Jakarta by plane the day before the event.
I’ll have my secretary purchase round tickets.
Manda: 2. _________. You’ll fly to Jakarta on the 20th 3. _________ you’ll have less than 24 hours for
preparations, sir. Is that alright with you?
Mr. Lee: It’s not a problem. 4. _________ that everything will run smoothly.
Manda: Now, about the accommodation. Do you have any specific preference, sir?
Mr. Lee: The usual serviced accommodation is fine, but 5. ________ you can arrange for two single rooms.
Manda: Excuse me? 6. _________ by two rooms?
Mr. Lee: 7. _________, can you set two rooms for me and my colleague instead of a twin room?
Manda: I am not aware that you will have a colleague with you, sir.
Mr. Lee: 8. _________. It’s a last minute decision from the firm that I should have a colleague assisting
me in the event.

Practice 4
Work in pairs. Complete the following table to plan your business trip and create a
conversation using the information you have.

A business trip to _______

• Assignment:

• Transportation mode:

• Types of accommodation:

• Length of stay:

• Itinerary:

• Other details:

• (Add your own.)

• (Add your own.)

Unit 1 Business Travel 23

Practice 5
Work with a partner. Make a conversation using the following guidelines. Act the
conversation out. Then, exchange roles. What do you think about your classmates’
performance? Give feedback using the feedback form below.


You are the Head of Human Resource Department You are an employee working in the HQ. The
in the Headquarters. One employee in the HRD assign you to fill in for an employee in a
company’s branch is having maternity leave and company’s branch for three months. Find out
the branch needs someone from the HQ to fill in everything you need to know.
for 3 months. Talk to a candidate.
• Greet B. • Respond to A.
• Talk about the assignment. • Ask for more information about the assignment.
• Clarify the points of task. • Confirm with A about the tasks.
• Reconfirm. Explain what to prepare for the trip. • Confirm with A about the trip.
• Reconfirm. Thank the candidate. • Respond to A. End the conversation.

Practice 6
Work with a partner. Make a conversation using the following situation. Act the
conversation out. Then, exchange roles. What do you think about your classmates’
performance? Give feedback using the feedback form below.

A group of Australian business people are going to spend a few days visiting your company and your boss has
asked you and your partner(s) to spend half a day showing them around your city. With your partner(s), discuss
where you would like to take them and draw up an itinerary.

Did he/she use Did he/she speak clearly
Name the expressions correctly? and loudly? Notes
Practice 5 Practice 6 Practice 5 Practice 6

24 Unit 1 Business Travel

LANGUAGE FOCUS: The Present Perfect Tense,
Tag Questions with The Present Prefect Tense, and
Reported Speech
The present perfect tense describes an action or condition that either occurred at an indefinite time in the past
(e.g., the company has renovated the old warehouse) or began in the past and is still going on to the present time
(e.g., he has waited for the client for over an hour). This tense is formed by have/has + the past participle.
Look at some more examples:
Affirmative and Negative Questions Short answers

I have booked a room for you to stay. I

We have booked a room for you to stay. we Yes, I have.
heard about The Briks
They have not booked a room for you to stay. they Restaurant? No, we haven’t.

You haven’t booked a room for you to stay. you

She has booked a room for you to stay. she Yes, she has.
Has heard about The Briks
He hasn’t booked a room for you to stay. he Restaurant? No, he has not.

Tag Questions with the Positive statement Negative tag

Present Perfect Tense
I have informed you, haven’t I?
Tag questions (or question tags) are mini/ You have been there, haven’t you?
short questions at the end of statements.
He has been assigned, hasn’t he?
Tag questions take the following
constructions. Negative statement Positive tag

They haven’t prepared the documents, have they?

We haven’t been invited, have we?
She hasn’t met the new manager, has she?

Reported Speech
Reported speech reports what a speaker said without using the exact words. Reported speech usually uses
introductory words such as that for statements and whether, if and question words for questions. Let’s look at
the examples below.

Tense Direct Speech Reported Speech

Present perfect “I haven’t seen Julie” She said (that) she hadn’t seen Julie.
“She hasn’t made the report” Will said (that) Fifi had not made the report.
“We have gone to the meeting” They said (that) they had gone to the meeting.
“Have you visited Manado branch?” She asked if I had visited Manado branch.
“Which facilities have you monitored?” Ryan asked which facilities I had monitored.

Practice 1
Use the following words/phrases to construct the present perfect sentences.

1. (you / talk / to manager / already)? 5. (they / use a credit card / before)?

2. (he / read / the report / of the project)? 6. (I / miss the plane)?
3. (they / not / visit / the French factory / for a year) 7. (we / not / hear / that news / yet)
4. (we / be / in London for six months) 8. (she / leave / her luggage / in a taxi)

Unit 1 Business Travel 25

Practice 2
Complete the following conversation using the correct grammar. Use the words in
parentheses as the clues.

Situation: On the phone

Jude: Jude, is there anything I can do to help you prepare for your trip to Incheon?
Kaylin: Thank you, but I think I can manage. I 1. ______ (be) to Korea, so I know what I need to bring.
Jude: What is your assignment?
Kaylin: I am assigned to give a short talk on Acculturation. Korean culture 2. _______ (affect) the life of
our youngsters, 3. _______ it?
Jude: I believe so. 4. _______ (organize) your trip? Or perhaps, the office 5. _______ (do) it for you.
Kaylin: The HRD manager said that his staff 6. _______ (already, make) some arrangements for me.
Jude: So, everything’s ready?
Kaylin: Well, I still need to take some Indonesian food with me. I don’t like Korean food.
Jude: 7. ________ (anyone, tell) you that Incheon has NesiaFood? It is an Indonesian restaurant.
Kaylin: No one 8._______ (inform) me about it.
Jude: Yes.
Kaylin: Lucky me you shared this info.
Jude: Well, you have everything set up, 9. _______? I’ll see you when you get back.

Practice 3
Work with a partner. Read the following statements in turn. Ask them to respond to
them using the hints given.

X: Tell your colleague that you have a project. X: Make arrangements for accommodation.
Y: Ask what the assignment is. Y: Give suggestions.
X: Ask your colleague to do the project together. X: Make arrangements for transportation.
Y: Refuse. Y: Give suggestions.
X: Tell your colleague you need his expertise. X: Confirm all details about the project.
Y: Agree. Ask for the detail of the project. Y: Confirm back.
X: Give an explanation. X: Appreciate your colleagues for all the help.
Y: Make a confirmation. Y: Respond.

Practice 4
Work in pairs and ask each other about your own business travel experience. Then, share
your discussion to the class.

26 Unit 1 Business Travel

PRONUNCIATION: Intonation of Tag Questions

Practice 1
Listen to the recording, identify the falling & rising intonation. What does each intonation mean?

Intonation Meaning
Falling Rising Fairly sure Less sure








Practice 2
Listen again and repeat.


Unit 1 Business Travel 27

CASE STUDY: Managing “Bleisure” Trips

Read the text and do the tasks that follow.

Nowadays, more and more organizations are becoming comfortable with the idea of blending business and
leisure, called “bleisure”. Research conducted by Bridge Street Global Hospitality in 2014 reported that six
out of ten travelers were more likely to take a bleisure trip today than they were five years ago. Further to
this, a study held by the Collinson Group revealed that 72% of corporate business travelers include leisure
days to business trips and that 89% of organizations allowed this style of travel—figures that are not small
due to leaping technological advances and employers’ increasingly progressive attitudes towards flexible
As it gets more popular, the idea of what constitutes a ‘bleisure trip’ is
broadening; no longer does the term just refer to taking a few hours out of
a business trip to relax and leave the hotel, but it can now involve tagging a
couple of days of annual leave onto the end of the trip.
The question is, what are the benefits of bleisure? First, financially, a bleisure
trip will not cost an organization any more as the employee will pay for
the extra stay and leisure. Second, it will allow an employee to enjoy some
recreation time, away from their day-to-day tasks and targets, a condition
which will increase employee satisfaction, as well as reduce the likelihood of
‘burnout’ and other stress-related health problems.
However, what is the drawback? Traditionally-minded organizations may find
the concept of bleisure troublesome and are worried if employees will not
focus on work but leisure. However, as more and more companies focus on output and productivity rather
than number of work hours, the reservation can be reduced. Maybe, a safer way regarding bleisure is to
explicitly address the matter of bleisure trips within your corporate travel policy.

• What is “bleisure”?
• How does bleisure benefit the employers and employees?
• Would you have the same reservation toward a bleisure trip if you were an employer?
Why? Why not?

Imagine you work for an organization that is still conservative in perceiving the idea of bleisure
trips. Work in pairs and act out a conversation to promote bleisure trips. Set some rules for the
corporate travel policy to avoid risks in carrying out bleisure trips. Here are some points you can
negotiate regarding bleisure in a travel policy:
√ Should the length of bleisure trips be limited for efficiency purposes?
√ Should personal expenses be defined so that they do not burden the company?
√ Should business itinerary be specified, excluding pleasure trips?
√ Should destinations with high risks be defined?
√ If there be companions, who should be responsible?

Now I can
Check (√) talk about business travel using the vocabulary learned.
your ask for and give explanation, confirm, express probability and certainty using the
progress! expressions learned appropriately.

use the present perfect tense, tag questions and indirect speech correctly when talking about
business travel.

28 Unit 1 Business Travel


Unit 1 Business Travel 29

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