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ce. rest cope 01245020 FORM TP 2016034 JANUARY 2016 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE* EXAMINATION SPANISH Paper 02 — General Proficiency FREE RESPONSE 2 hours 15 minutes READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. 1, This paper comprises FOUR sections. Answer ALL questions in Sections I and IV, Answer ONE question in EACH of Sections If and IIL 4. Write your answers in the spaces provided in this booklet. 5. Do NOT write in the margins. 6. If you need to rewrite any answer and there is not enough space to do so on the original page, you must use the extra lined page(s) provided at the back of this booklet. Remember to draw a line through your original answer. Ifyou use the extra page(s) you MUST write the question number clearly in the box provided at the top of the extra page(s) and, where relevant, include the question part beside the answer. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. Copyright © 2014 Caribbean Examinations Council All rights reserved. 01245020/JANUARY’F 2016 (UDO A 0124502003 -4- SECTION I DIRECTED SITUATIONS ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS. 1, Write in SPANISH the information required for EACH of the situations given below. Do NOT write more than ONE sentence for each situation. For some situations a complete sentence may not be necessary. Do NOT translate the situations given. Do NOT use abbreviations. DO NOT WRITE EACH ANSWER ON A DIFFERENT PAGE. YOU WILL BE PEN: LIZED FOR DISREGARDING THESE INSTRUCTIONS. (a) You are concerned about a problem at your school. Write the e-mail you send to your principal suggesting a solution (3 marks) (b) You saw the latest movie of your favourite actor and you were disappointed. Write the e-mail you send to your best friend expressing how you felt about the movie and why. (3 marks) (©) Your neighbour would like your help with a project but you are unable to assist. Write the note of apology you send him, suggesting who he can ask. (3 marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE OI ASOROTANUARY IF 2046 (OU 0 0 0124502004 A DO NOT WRITE IN THIS ARE. DO NOT WRITE IN THIS. DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA (d) There is a poetry competition at your school and you would like to participate. Write the e-mail you send to the organizer expressing your interest in participating, giving a reason, (3 marks) = g £ = zg = S ee: = a (e) Your grandmother is very sick. Write the note that you send her expressing how yon feel about her and wishing her a speedy recovery. (3 marks) (f) You have made plans to go somewhere with your friend this weekend but unfortunately you have to cancel. Write the message you send your friend apologizing and giving a reason, DO NOT WRITE IN THIS ARE, (3 marks) (g) You used your father’s car without his permission. Write the note he leaves you warning you of the consequences of repeating this act. (marks) DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE OIASROTANUARS/E 2046 (OU 0 0 0124502005 6. (h) You are going abroad for the first time. Write the note your mother leaves in your passport reminding you of something important you need to do. (3 marks) (@ You won the first prize for a costume designed by your art teacher. Write the note you send him thanking him and giving details about the prize. ( marks) (i) Yourbest friend’s motherhas died, Write the note you send with flowers expressing condolences and offering help. G marks) Total 30 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01245020/JANUARY/F 2016 INC 0 0 AT 01245020 ‘DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA ‘DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT IWRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA, 01245020/TANUARY/F 2016 NOTHING HAS BEEN OMITTED. TT 01245020 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE SECTION II LETTER/COMPOSITION Use ONE of the following outlines as a guide to write EITHER a letter OR a composition of NO MORE THAN 130-150 words in SPANISH. Use the tenses appropriate to the topic which you have chosen. YOU WILL BE PENALIZED FOR DISREGARDING THESE INSTRUCTIONS. EITHER 2. LETTER ‘Your Spanish class made preparations to go on an educational visit to Margarita but had to change destination due to unforeseen circumstances. Write the letter to your pen pal in which you include (i) details of the preparations you made for the trip (ii) why you could not go to Margarita and how you and your classmates felt (iii) the alternative arrangements that your teacher is making (iv) _ what you and your classmates hope to do during your stay at the new destination (Do NOT write your real name and address, but include the date in SPANISH and use the appropriate beginning and ending.) OR 3. COMPOSITION Last week, the principal entered your classroom to make a very important announcement. Write a composition in which you include (i) what your class was doing when the principal entered (ii) the announcement the principal made (iii) the reaction of the class to the announcement (iv) _ how classes will be affected by this announcement, Total 30 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01245020/JANUARY/F 2016 CINCO 0 0 0 0124502008 A DO NOT WRITE IN THIS ARE. DO NOT WRITE IN THIS. DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT IWRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA, DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA <9. ‘Write your answer to the question you have chosen to answer in Section II here. Remember to write your question number in the box provided below. Question No, [ | GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE OIASROTANUARS/E 2046 (OU 0 01245020 Question No. 01245020/JANUARYF 2016 CINCO 0 0 0 01245020" GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT IWRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA, 01245020/TANUARY/F 2016 “ue NOTHING HAS BEEN OMITTED CINCO 0A A 01245020" GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE -12- SECTION IIT CONTEXTUAL ANNOUNCEMENT/CONTEXTUAL DIALOGUE Use the cues provided to complete EITHER an announcement OR « dialogue in SPANISH. YOU WILL BE PENALIZED FOR DISREGARDING THESE INSTRUCTIONS. EITHER 4. CONTEXTUAL ANNOUNCEMENT Use the following information to write an announcement of about 80-100 words in SPANISH. A famous singer is visiting your community and will perform at a concert. Write the announcement that is placed on the community notice board. Responses to ALL of the cues listed below MUST be included in the announcement. (i) Details of the singer (name and nationality) (ii) Information about the concert (when, where, duration) (iii) Information on tickets (cost, availability) (iv) Special prizes/giveaways/discounts (v) _ Refreshments on sale Total 20 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 245020/JANUARY'F 2 01245020 TANUARYF 2016 NUON EN AE 0 0124502012 A DO NOT WRITE IN THIS ARE. DO NOT WRITE IN THIS. DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT IWRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA, DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA -B- Ifyou choose to answer Question 4, write your answer on the lines below. Question No. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE OIASROTANUARS/E 2046 (OU 0 0 0 0 01245020" OR -14- CONTEXTUAL DIALOGUE Use the blank spaces provided to complete the dialogue between Damian and his mother, by giving Damian’s responses in Spanish. Damian’s mother is particularly concerned about his possible involvement in smoking and his change in behaviour and has a discussion with him. Responses to ALL of the cues listed below MUST be included in the completed dialogue. @ (ii) (ii) (iv) ) Complete the Damian’s denial Reasons for Damidn’s change in behaviour Identification of Damin’s problem Discussion of possible solutions to his problem Damian’s promises logue below. Mamé: Damian, estoy muy preocupada por ti, Sé que en tu escuela algunos estudiantes fuman. Ti lo sabes ;Verdad? Damian: oeesecesscossssseseeeeosssneesscensssinseesssssnseecesssinesecsessnaesessnsssnsaseesinnmnie Mama: Hijo, perdéname. Pues sino fumas ,por qué encontré un cigarzillo en tu mochila? Damian: Mama (Por qué me hablas asi? Has cambiado mucho. Ya no charlas con tus hermanos en casa, ni echas bromas. ;Por qué? Damian: GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01245020/JANUARY/F 2016 CINCO 0. 0 0 0124502014 A DO NOT WRITE IN THIS ARE. DO NOT WRITE IN THIS. DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA, DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT IWRITE IN THIS AREA -15- Mama: iAy hijo! No sabia que tenias tanto estrés, ,Cémo puedo ayudarte? Damian: Mama: Es una buena idea. Ahora, dime, ,En qué asignaturas necesitas ayuda? Damian: Mami: Le peguntaré al profesor Martinez si puede darte clases los sabados. Damian: Mama: Olvids que tienes fiitbol los sibados. Entonces, ;los viernes después de la escuela? Damian: Mami: Excelente, veremos cémo son tus notas el proximo trimestre. Damian: Total 20 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01245020:TANUARY/F 2016 SINC 0, 0 01245020 -16- SECTION IV READING COMPREHENSION AD NSWER ALL QUESTIONS. Read the following selection carefully. DO NOT translate, but answer the questions in ENGLISH. YOU WILL BE PENALIZED FOR DISREGARDING THESE INSTRUCTIONS. The Missing Boy Durante nuestra visita educativa a la isla de Puerto Rico, la profesora Francisca nos lev de compras a Plaza Carolinas, un centro comercial grande. Al llegar alli, ella nos seiial6 una salida llamada “Parque El Agua” donde debiamos reunimnos a las tres. Nos aconsejé quedarnos en grupos de dos o tres para no perdernos. Miguel, ua chico revoltoso, no queria quedarse con sus compaiieros y se escapé de su grupo. A las tres todos estaban en la entrada “Parque El Agua” y la profesora empez6 a contar los estudiantes para asegurarse de que no faltaba nadie. Pronto se dio cuenta de que faltaba alguien: Miguel. Los estudiantes regresaron con otra profesora al hotel y la Sra, Francisca se qued6 para buscar al chico perdido. Ella pasé mas de dos horas recorriendo todas las tiendas y los, restaurantes sin éxito. Finalmente, frustrada, temerosa y cansada regresé al hotel esperando ansiosamente que Miguel estuviera alli. Al llegar al hotel, vio a Miguel jugando tranquilamente en la piscina Al parecer habia ido a la salida equivocada y pensando que el grupo lo habia dejado, tomé un taxi al hotel. La profesora estaba a la vez aliviada pero enojada, Answer in ENGLISH, the following questions based on the selection you have just read. Use a complete sentence for EACH response. (a) Where in Puerto Rico did the teacher take her students? mark) (b) State the arrangements the teacher made with her students. “@ marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE OI ASOROTANUARY IF 2046 (OU 0 0 0124502016 ‘DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA -17- (©) What advice did the teacher give to them? 3 s = (mark) & g (4) What did Miguel do and why? z = S a (2 marks) (ce) When the group was ready to leave what did the teacher realize? = (mark) S () How did the teacher spend the next two hours? & 5 g = = (2 marks) 2 (g) Describe the teacher's feelings wien she returned to the hotel. S$ &: G marks) (h) What sight greeted the teacher at the hotel? (2 marks) DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA, GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE OIASROTANUARS/E 2046 (OU 0 0 A 01245020 -18- (i) How did Miguel explain his presence at the hotel? marks) () Explain the teacher's reaction towards Miguel marks) Total 20 marks END OF TEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. 01245020/JANUARY/F 2016 CINCO 0. 0 0 01245020" ‘DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA

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