Handout - Youth Groups

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Give the gift of a future this Christmas.

Alternative Giving

Mechanic School for Rural Youth

The Methodist-run Faith Engine Ministry school in Phnom Penh gives youth ages 16-25 marketable skills in motorcycle and automobile repair, helping them gain a foothold in an economy where one in six of their friends will be unable to find work. For many families in Cambodia, young people are the most important bread-winners, and their income helps their family get by when the rice from their family farm runs out, or to be able to send their younger brothers and sisters to school. Providing these youth with a specialized mechanics skill set helps steer them toward honest employment and away from the drug and prostitution trades, which all too often entrap Cambodias youth. Your donation will send a youth to a 14-week class where they will learn the basics of motorcycle and automobile repair, including skills in computer and electrical systems, and driving. For more information on Faith Engine Ministry School, check out the Methodist Mission in Cambodias YouTube page, at www.youtube. com/mmcambodia.
Full-Ride Scholarship (FEM01) ....... $350 Set of Wrenches (FEM02) ................. $15



through these education projects

University Scholarships

Even for those few teens who manage to successfully complete high school in Cambodia, college is usually not an option, as tuition prices soar far above the profits from an average familys annual rice harvest. Help end the cycle of poverty by supporting one youths pursuit of a higher education. A total of $400 is all it takes to pay for one year of college. Or give a full-ride scholarship for just $1,600.
Full-year Tuition (SCH01) .......... $400 Textbook Assistance (SCH02) ...... $40

To get a brochure with the full listing of Alternative Giving items or to purchase a gift, please contact:
TOP PhOTO bY AMAndA king

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