Module 2 Activity Formats

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This is The Way I Do It

Lesson 6 Activity

Name: _____________________________________________________ Section:___________________________________ Date:_______________

Instructions: Complete this form as honestly as possible. Rest assured that all information will be kept confidential.

A: Health Profile
Age: _______________ Medical History: ____________________________________
Height: _______________ Existing Health Conditions:__________________________________
Weight: _______________ Limitations: ____________________________________
BMI: _______________

B. Customize your exercise routine

Frequency (Body) Example: Arm Spread Sideward (16 counts) Intensity ( Low, Time (minutes) Type ( Either cardio, muscular,
moderate, high) strength, warm-up, cool down)

C. Create a video with a group performing the routine. Remember to consider the health profile and decide with your groupmates the everyday routine you can all do. The video should only last for 5
minutes, a minimum of 3 minutes.
Representation Matters
Lesson 7 Activity

Name: _____________________________________________________ Section:___________________________________ Date:_______________

Instruction: Cut out a picture that represents each quadrant below. Write the rationale beside each quadrant explaining how the pictures represents your sexual self.

_____________________________________ _____________________________________
Sexual Identity Preferences
_____________________________________ _____________________________________

_____________________________________ _____________________________________

_____________________________________ _____________________________________

_____________________________________ _____________________________________

_____________________________________ _____________________________________

_____________________________________ _____________________________________

_____________________________________ _____________________________________

_____________________________________ _____________________________________
Dislikes Presentation
_____________________________________ _____________________________________

_____________________________________ _____________________________________

_____________________________________ _____________________________________

_____________________________________ _____________________________________

_____________________________________ _____________________________________

_____________________________________ _____________________________________

_____________________________________ _____________________________________

_____________________________________ _____________________________________

_____________________________________ _____________________________________
Add to Cart
Lesson 8

Name: _____________________________________________________ Section:________________________ Date:_______________

Instruction: Select pictures that represent the following using cutouts from magazines or printed materials. Write your reflection beside the illustration.

Physical Enhancement Clothing Preference Family Needs Places you want to go Based on my cart, what occupies most?


Based on my cart, What occupies the least?


What did I discover after this activity?














Power of Prayer
Lesson 9

Name: _____________________________________________________ Section:________________________ Date:_______________

Instruction: Create your own prayer by completing the following section. Remember to make it personalized as you will recite it. Also, this can be a reflection of your religion or spirituality.

• Things to be thankful

▪ Dreams, aspiration, wish


▪ Regrets, sorrow, apologies


▪ Promise to self, to others, or a specific person/group

Vote Yourself
Lesson 10

Name: _____________________________________________________ Section:________________________ Date:_______________

Instructions: Using the form below, supply the required information. Be sure to write the things that represent you truthfully. You can add creative art to this paper.

Things you like about yourself Things you think others like about you

Things you don’t want others to do unto you Something you want to change for yourself

Based on the activity, what are the biases you discovered about yourself? ______________________________________________________________________________________________
How does it affect your political self? ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Status Update
Lesson 11

Group Members’ Names: _____________________________________________________ Section:________________________

_____________________________________________________ Date: ________________________

Instructions: Form a group with 3 members. Explore your surroundings and take a selfie or groupie. Find three scenes that stand for the following.

Things you need careful deliberation.

Digital World

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