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There are no doubts that art is very important, it has been used in the past until today because
is a medium for communicating ideas, where people express their feelings and emotions.
That’s why in this essay I’m going to talk about the benefits that characterize art.

There are numerous advantages to mention but let’s start with the impact on the adolescents.
First, it improves the communication, for example, with painting, which is defined as the
process of applying paint, they can capture any sensations and express anything on a two-
dimensional surface. On the other hand, adolescents who are related to art become more
sensitive because they start to see the life with a different point of view and complexity,
understanding better their around and the people with a critical and mature way. Also, art is a
window to young people who want to develop their thinking, some examples can be the
sculpture and architecture, where they learn to make reflections of their works.

Now, let’s see the benefits that art has given to the humanity with the variety of artistic
expressions. In first place, through the art of dance, which contains a series of unique moves,
imagination, and creativity that conveys a message to its audience, it’s possible to develop
social skills (empathy, active listening, teamwork, among others). Besides, dramatic forms such
as theater and cinema, which are collaborative art forms that combines words, voice,
movement, and visual elements to express meanings, are activities that encourage
concentration. Moreover, the art of music, where everything comes from what is in the soul,
has been important around all the world because is a way to show and identify feelings.

In conclusion, art is a fundamental part of our life and in my point of view, even necessary. It’s a
way to learn different skills that will help us to develop as a person, where it can also act as
therapeutic relief, as a help for self-expression, or simply a way to appreciate life's beauty.
Through art, we can tell history, societal values, and comment on political or social events.

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