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Once upon a time there was an elven clan, renowned for their peaceful approaches

and diplomatic skills. They lived in a hidden fortress in the woods, so far unseen
by outside eyes and unharmed by human conflicts. The king, Elmyar liadon (Elmyar
silverfront), was a good and righteous king. He was loved by his people but ruled
with a strong hand. Anything that would endanger the safety of his clan would be
punished heavily.
Here follows the story of Nenya Wildleaf, Nenyada Hydean in full.

Nenya woke up. A group of birds took off into the night sky and left behind a trail
of whirling leaves. She stood up from her bed and stretched a little. Her back
still hurt from that stupid little brother of hers. The little Heibalar Wildleaf
had always been a rascal. A few days earlier he had put a small rock under her
mattress. It was too small to notice, but definitely big enough to feel. She slept
on it the entire night and woke up with pain in her back. She only found out what
happened when her older brother Eldar found out. She took a few steps towards the
window and looked outside. The moon was beautiful and round and shone precisely
into her room. Their house was built on one of the few spots where you could see
the moon even in mid summer, when the leaves from the great tree covered almost all
of the sky.
She grabbed a blanket from her bed and opened the window. She rested her back
against a pillow and sat next to the open window. She put on her one-eyed glasses
and started reading. The book was about war between humans and elves and how a few
warriors were sent on an adventure to find something to end the war with.
She always liked books like this. They always gave her a sense of importance. That
she was able to do great things one day. But she was almost 92 years old now. which
meant she was almost an adult and probably had to get married to some douche who
was never home. And she would probably have to spend the rest of her life doing the
dishes and washing clothes. And she already knew that that was not meant for her.
She didn’t stop reading until her eyes closed and she peacefully fell asleep. The
moon watched over her while she slept.

“Goodmorning Neny”, she heard from next to her. She slowly opened her eyes and
turned her head to the side. “Couldn’t sleep again?”, her brother said. “Not
really, no.” She answered. Her voice still a bit hoarse from the night. “Come
downstairs, i made some breakfast.” Eldar said, while he reached his hand to her.
Nenya grabbed it and carefully stood up. She looked in the wooden mirror and saw
her sleepy face and messed up hair. “I’ll come in a minute.” she said. “Let me
patch myself up a bit first.” Her brother laughed and walked towards the door.
“Don’t take too long please, or your egg will get cold.”
A few minutes later she took place at the wooden table in the middle of the room.
She wore simple, comfortable clothes. No dresses or fancy hairstyles. Just short
pants and a leather jacket. They ate their breakfast in silence and got ready for
the day.
Eldar was a general in the army that protected the fortress from anyone entering
their land. Because their fortress has remained hidden for the past thousand years,
anybody who crosses the border is restricted to either remain within the borders
for the rest of their life or die.
But Nenya didn’t want to spend the rest of her life in the forest. She wanted
adventure. She wanted to feel the energy rushing through her body while running
through the woods. But most of all, she wanted to touch the solid ground. Among
elves, no one from this clan has ever set foot on the ground. Their tree fortress
is built almost two kilometers above the ground. Out of sight from anyone.
Most of Nenya’s days consisted of going to school in the morning, leaving halfway
past the day to secretly train in the restricted areas, and then coming home to her
brother preaching about how she had to focus on school and how she was a girl so
she shouldn't fight. Eldar loved her, but he didn’t understand her. He never will.

Nenya was just done with her daily dose of training when she walked home, already
preparing for her brother's speech. She took a few seconds to calm down before she
entered. But to her surprise she didn’t see her brother waiting for her, instead
she saw two big guys in shiny armor standing before her. when she turned around to
walk away a third one appeared behind her. “We need to talk.” one of them,
assumingly the leader, said. Slowly she walked towards the chair at which the guy
pointed. Her heart began to pump faster as she came closer. She sat down and put on
the most rebellious face she had.

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