Plan de Marketing 2

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Marketing or commercial purpose

General purpose: Sorbopa shakes for sale in food trucks, made according to instructions

Some forms of consumption according to the instructions of a professional in the matter

Food at a fair and competitive price.

Specific purposes. Product: Design fruit smoothies with nutritional content adapted to


Consumer need. Price: Balance the quality of the shake and the service you provide with

the price.

attractive and accessible to consumers without affecting the company's profitability. Plaza:

Distribute product with a fast-moving food truck

The predictions are made for the convenience of clients in different locations in the city of


Buy more vehicles soon to optimize sales and meet demand. Offers: Design eye-catching

ads, nutrition tips to invest

on the company's social networks, negotiate with influencers from various cities to publish

Various offers, discounts, etc.

Competitive strategy

The competitive strategy covered in this project is

general differentiation because at the heart of that Porter's competitive strategy

It consists of a company that stands out significantly in its activities,

services and products.

It is also considered as a strategy, a way to market our product,

This is done through the Food Truck, which allows transportation to different parts of the


City of Guayaquil and reach our target customers.

As added value and to differentiate ourselves from other companies, we apply

advice from a nutritionist who supports our clients on a specific day,

about which sheiks you can use according to your needs


The differences that Vitalis soursop offers depend on the ingredients contained in the


The current market is:

 Continued development of natural smoothies: offering consumers options.

 natural smoothies according to lifestyle or needs every two months

 New needs or styles are identified and vibrations develop.

 nurture these new segments or profiles.

 Create a compelling consumer experience through marketing.

 Food Truck product that allows us to cover different points.

 a strategic city.

 Consult clients with a nutritionist at specific times.

 communicates with our customers through social networks that help you choose the

right product by providing important information

 with your lifestyle.

 Other important services include:

 Personalized attention to all clients, enter the client's name

 and call when your order is ready.

 The tank is made of transparent, biodegradable and recyclable plastic.

 beneficial to the health of consumers because they often occur

 Less allergenic natural materials.

 Highly trained and properly uniformed personnel with credentials.

 A company that meets safety and hygiene standards provides a

 quality service and warmth always.

 QR codes are used in the product catalog to speed up order fulfillment.

 and find information about the nutritional value of each product.

 Various payment methods that make the payment process easier and faster.


vitalis soursop will offer natural smoothies rich in nutrients suitable for the general public,

of excellent quality, this is due to the careful selection of ingredients that will be

used in its preparation; as well as having trained personnel to

carry out artisanal preparation processes

Smoothie Name: White Hummingbird

Objective - Responsible for providing vitamins to our body.

Customer segment. -This is a very rich variety with a naturally sweet flavor.

that we offer for children and adults to improve immunity and they are also very good

your growing body and mind provides nutrients and also helps fight

Summer heat

Vitamins include: c, b; minerals such as potassium, magnesium, copper, iron, phosphorus,

calcium and zinc, which help strengthen the immune system.


Monitoring is carried out before, during and after the preparation process.

fruit smoothies to analyze raw materials and their condition and ensure compliance

established quality standards. In a way that trembles

Good quality for the consumer.


Customer service is personal, friendly and warm, we have

Smoothie options for sale brochure with nutritional information

from each of them.

The advice of a nutritionist is very important due to its origin.

according to the needs of many people.


Costs were taken into account when pricing each show.

its ingredients, waste; and the customer's perception of the value from which the

information was obtained

through surveys carried out.

To determine the price, it was determined through a survey carried out in the city.

United stated, where consumers were found willing to pay

A concentration of 200 ml has the following values.



Price features:


Below the competition.

Attractive for the segment it is aimed at.

Promotion and communication

To effectively market healthy smoothies, vitalis soursop's image and slogan are created

with an impact that immediately attracts attention.

to customers

We strive to provide excellent service to our own customers.

Attract more customers through word of mouth advertising.

Communication plan

To popularize smoothies, nowadays everyone has them

through social networks to facilitate access to consumers on platforms such as tik

tok, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter or Instagram. you know everything is fine

is increasing and by offering a high quality product you will soon receive, be used more

Benefits of smoothies and offers in traditional media.

offered by Vitalis soursop.

Social networks

Social networks that we intend to use as a means of communication

Research results where consumers want information.

They stand out through various media channels: 58.57 on cebook, Instagram

With this information, these social networks can be used to promote our products,

In addition to creating a space where clients can give us suggestions for improvement.


It is a green fruit, oval in shape, covered with very particular thorns; It has white, sweet,

aromatic pulp, with smooth black bones; It can measure 50 cm in diameter, despite

weighing up to three kilos; Its origin is uncertain, but it is traditional in countries such as

Mexico, Peru, Venezuela, Brazil and Colombia.

This fruit is rich in B complex vitamins, vitamin C; minerals such as potassium,

magnesium, copper, iron, phosphorus, calcium and zinc that help strengthen the immune

system. Due to all these components, soursop is considered a fruit with important medicinal

and cosmetic properties.

Since it is a product, whose nutritional components are minerals such as phosphorus,

calcium and iron. These three are very important to strengthen bone health and avoid

diseases such as osteoporosis. In addition to promoting the treatment of anemia, diabetic

people are also recommended to consume soursop and its derivatives, as it helps regulate

blood pressure. blood glucose levels, due to these significant properties that this fruit has,

we are inclined to choose it and make our smoothie based on soursop.

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