Kalsi S-8

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Material Safety Data Sheet

Section 1: Company and product identification

Product details: Calcined Kaolin

Trade name: SNOWHITE® 75/KALSI S-8/86/90/95/R/SNOWPAQUE ®&
Application of the substance:
Raw material Additive for Filler and Extender

Section 2: Hazards identification

This product does not meet the criteria for classification as hazardous as defined in
the Regulation EC 1272/2008 and in Directive 67/548/EC"
Hazard designation: The products do not meet the criteria for classification as
hazardous as defined and as such are labelled in accordance with EC Regulation
EC 1272/2008 and Directives 67/548/EEC.

This product is an inorganic substance and does not meet the criteria for PBT or
vPvB in accordance with Annex XIII of REACH (REACH registration exempted legally)

This product contains respirable crystalline silica less than 1%

Risk Phrases: may cause sensitisation by inhalation and/or skin contact.

Safety Phrases: Do not breathe dust.
Wear suitable protective clothing.
In case on insufficient ventilation use suitable breathing

Section 3 Composition/Data on components:

Ingredient: Dehydroxylated Kaolin
Formula : Al203SI2O7 Concentration:
>99% Kaolin Calcined
< 1% Water
CAS No / Einecs No 92704-­­41-­­1 (Europe)296-­­473-­­8 66402-­­68-­­4 (Non Europe)

Safety data Sheet Revision date Jan 18, 2017 - edition 4 CMP
Section 4 First aid measures

If inhaled: Supply fresh air.

If on skin: Wash any residue away with water
If in eyes: Wash out immediately with water.
If swallowed: Rinse out mouth and then drink plenty of water.
In case of persistent symptoms seek medical attention.

Section 5 Fire fighting measures

flammable. No fire or explosion hazard exists. Speci
al hazards: Not applicable
Protective equipment: No special measures required.

Section 6 Accidental release measures

Use breathing protection against the effects of dust

Avoid causing dust.
Particular danger of slipping on leaked/spilled product.
Measures for environmental protection: No special measures required.
Measures for cleaning/collecting: Collect mechanically.
Dispose of contaminated material as waste according to section 13
Additional information: No dangerous materials are released.

Section 7 Handling and storage

Wear breathing protection when decanting without extractor facilities.
The product is not flammable no special measures required.
Store only in the original container in a cool well ventilated position.

Section 8 Exposure controls and personal protection

Do not inhale dust/powder
ES-­­TWA: 10 mg/m³ (Kaolin)
WES: 10 mg/m³ (Inspirable) 3 mg/m³. (Respirable)
Personal protective equipment
General protective and hygienic measures
The usual precautionary measures should be adhered to in handling the
minerals. Wash hands during breaks and at the end of the work.
Breathing equipment: Use breathing protection with high concentrations.
Protection of hands: Wear gloves
Eye protection: Safety glasses with side shields
Body protection: Protective work clothing.

Section 9 Physical and chemical properties:

General Information
Form: Powder

Safety data Sheet Revision date Jan 18, 2017 -­ edition 4 CMP Snowhite
Colour: White Sm
ell: Odourless
pH-­­value (-­­ g/l) at 20ºC: 5.5-­­6.5
Melting point/Melting range: 1700ºC
Density for KALSI S-8 products @ 2.65 -­­ 2.75 gm cm2
Density for Snowpaque products @ 2.05 -­­
2.08 gm cm2 Settled apparent density for K A L S I S -
8 300 to 500 kg/m Settled apparent density for Snowpaque 2
50 to 350 kg/m Section 10 Stability and reactivity

No decomposition if used according to specifications.

No dangerous reactions known
No dangerous decomposition products known

Section 11 Toxicological information

Acute toxicity: Virtually non toxic after single contact

Skin may cause mechanical irritation
Eye: may cause mechanical irritation
Injestion: may cause mechanical irritation
No sensitizing effect known.
No significant acute toxicological data identified in literature search.

Section 12 Ecological information:

Ecotoxical effects: Not determined

General notes: Water hazard class 1 (Self-­­
assessment): slightly hazardous for water. Do not allow undiluted product or la
rge quantities of it to reach ground water, water bodies or sewage system.

Section 13 Disposal considerations

Product: Can be reused without processing.

Disposal according to official regulations which vary by location and type of
disposal selected.

Section 14 Transport information

Land transport classified as safety goods under transport regulations

Sea transport classified as safety
goods under transport regulations Air transport classified as safety
goods under transport regulations

Section 15 Regulatory information

Observe the normal safety regulations when handling chemicals

The product is not subject to identification regulations under EC Directives and
the Ordinance on Hazardous Materials. The MSDS also conforms to 91/155/EC
. FDA:

Safety data Sheet Revision date Jan 18, 2017 -­ edition 4 CMP
The Raw Material for Calcined Kaolin is “Kaolin”, CAS No. 1332-­­58-­­7.Kaolin is as
generally recognized as safe (GRAS) under the FDA in accordance with 21 CFR
Reach According to Article 2, paragraph 7b and Annex V.7 of the REACH
Regulation (EC) 1907/2006 as amended by Commission Regulation (EC)
987/2008, minerals which occur in nature, if not chemically modified, are exemp
ted from registration of substances (Title II), Downstream uses (Title V) and E
valuation (Title VI). As Calcined kaolin is not chemically modified it is
exempt as is the case with all suppliers of this material.

Section 16 Other information:

These data are based on our present knowledge. However, they shall not
constitute a guarantee for any specific product features and shall not establish a
legally valid contractual relationship.

Department issuing data specification sheet.


Safety data Sheet Revision date Jan 18, 2017 -­ edition 4 CMP

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