Actividad de Ingles

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1. How long have Dan and Bailey been in Guatape?

Dan and Bailey have spent a couple of days in Guatape.

2. What places have they visited on their trip? Describe three of them.
The places they have visited on their trip are:
1. Take a photo with the Guatape to sing
2. Visit La Casuela Waterfall, San Rafael
3. Guatape Boat tour
4. Visit Calle del Recuerdo
5. Visit the Zocalos
6. Ride in a colorful tuk-tuk
7. Walk the Malecon
8. Visit the main plaza

They recommend visiting and taking a souvenir photo on behalf of Guatape is a place worth
visiting; They also recommend visiting San Rafael, which is a very magical place where you can get
there by renting a motorcycle with your passport and driver's license, there you have found a
beautiful view, beautiful landscapes, as well as a lake where you can swim, share and learn more
about the nature that graces this place; The street of the resort in a very colorful place which has
works of art is a very beautiful place that is worth visiting and taking several memories is one of
the places that have been most recommended to visit.

3. Which are the best activities they have recommended to do there? Why?

The main activities that they recommend doing if you visit Guatape, are to visit: Visit La Casuela
Waterfall, San Rafael; Visit Calle del Recuerdo; Visit the Zocalos; Visit the main Plaza: Because they
are very beautiful places that show the beauty of this place, as well as new activities for visitors
that help them get to know the culture better, exotic places with activities that raise adrenaline

4. What are your region's most visited places or tourist attractions?

The most visited places or tourist attractions in my region are the municipalities of Capitanejo due
to its excellent climate, in addition to its typical food, it has several swimming pools that you can
enjoy as well as events there that have been held every month for the enjoy the people of the
nearby towns.

5. What was the most incredible activity you have done on a trip? What did you do?

Without a doubt, one of the activities that I have enjoyed doing the most on a trip is when I have
walked on the roof of the terracotta house in Villa de Leyva; It is a beautiful place, very large where
you can enter, it has a very rustic style, eye-catching, unlike other places I have visited outside my
region of origin.

6. Have you ever been a backpacker? What is your opinion about this traveling style?
I have not been presented with the opportunity to know and have this very interesting lifestyle,
But I feel identified with it since I have had to travel outside my place of origin to work and I felt
the adrenaline of knowing and surviving in a different place than the one I have always inhabited,
leaving my comfort zone

7. What is the most unknown food you have tried on a trip?

The most unknown food I have tried on a trip is the rice and beef head cheese wraps since they
have been typical products of where I now reside because I work in the Boyaca area.

8. What are the best things that have happened to you on a trip? Mention two

The best things that have happened to me or I have experienced on a trip are: that I traveled for
the first time by plane to Medellin and would like to return since it is a magical place to visit and
continue learning and above all to learn; Knowing Guatape is a unique and unforgettable
experience, climbing the rock, in addition to having also visited the Hacienda Napoles, knowing
and admiring the great variety of animals that are there is a fascinating experience that I will never


It is better to live in a small town than in a big city because:

The town is smaller than the city, although the city has better opportunities to get a good job.

The town is much cleaner and less noisy than a city; since the city is more crowded by cars and
other means of transport that pollute the air and make it a dirtier place to live, unlike a town that
is more in contact with nature and the tranquility that these small places give us.

Although living in a city is more interesting than in a town due to its great industrial development
and modernism, things that are not observed in a town.

Living in a city is more expensive than settling in a town since you have to pay for transportation
from one place to another due to its great extension, on the other hand, in a town you can walk
without any danger as in the big cities.

Many think living in a town is much more outdated or old than living in a city due to the comforts
offered there, having more social life, and meeting many more people than a town far from
civilization offers.

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