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Light weight, high strength ashcrete with bottom ash

Article · July 2016

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2 authors, including:

Bishwajit Bhattacharjee
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi


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TECHNICAL PAPER Special Issue - Sustainability

Light weight, high strength ashcrete with bottom ash

V. Yoganand and B. Bhattacharjee

Development of a high strength cement based matrix (ashcrete) using bottom ash as fine aggregate is presented in this paper.
Both ponded ash and bottom ash were investigated upon for development of high strength ashcrete using OPC, fly ash, silica
fume and super plasticizers. Optimal super plasticizer dosages were determined from flow table test. Strength development
was investigated under two regimes of curing namely submerged moist curing and autoclaved curing. It was observed that
bottom ash is suitable for such ashcrete rather than ponded ash, and; paste content 30% higher than that required to fill in
the voids in the packed bottom ash provides appropriate flow. Ashcrete so prepared demonstrated a lower density compared
to normal aggregate concrete. Further, thermal conductivity calculated using model demonstrated that ashcrete can exhibit
better insulation property. Thus ashcrete is demonstrated to contribute to sustainability by reduction of natural resource
consumption and has potential in enhancing energy efficiency in conditioned building.

Keywords: Bottom ash; high strength; light weight; fly ash; concrete, ashcrete.

1. Introduction also carries with it some fine pozzolanic fly ash. Pond ash
retains most of the remaining fly ash and bottom ash, thus
Sustainability of concrete as a construction material is
exhibit some pozzolanicity. Bottom ash has size similar to
currently a concern for all concrete technologists. Reduction
fine sand and relatively less chemically active. Use of bottom
of contribution to carbon emission by reducing consumption
ash as part replacement of sand has been less explored and
of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) clinker, minimizing
reported [11-12].
utilization of resources such as natural stone and sand as
aggregates and minimization of fresh water consumption
High strength concrete generally uses silica fume as a
are some of the major concerns towards sustainability of
supplementary cementitious material because of its high
concrete. In addition, use of thermal properties of concrete
pozzolanicity, silica content and fineness. Owing to its
to advantage for maximizing energy efficiency of building
fineness and pozzolanicity silica fume is able to reduce both
is another aspect towards sustainability of concrete globally,
porosity and pore sizes in bulk paste and interfacial transition
and India is no exception [1-6].
zone (ITZ) of aggregate and bulk hardened paste in concrete
and other cement based composites. Thus, enable an increase
Ponded ash, generated from coal based thermal power
in strength, when ratio of water to cementitious content
plants have been reported to be good for partial replacement
is maintained low and; high, very high or ultrahigh range
of sand in normal strength concrete [7-10]. By replacing
water reducing agent (HRWRA etc.) is used in the system
natural sand that has become now scarce in the country, this
to ensure desirable rheological properties in plastic state of
material contributes to concrete sustainability. Ponded ash
material. Fly ash on the other hand is coarser and contains less
is a mixture of bottom ash and fly ash generated in the plant
quantity of reactive silica, but due to its spherical shape can
after their disposal in the pond through wet slurry transport
reduce the water content by ensuring better cohesiveness in
process. Water decants out at the remote end of the pond and
the mix. Silica fume alone as a supplementary cementitious
material in the mix increases the HRWRA dosage required
The Indian Concrete Journal, July 2016, Vol. 90, Issue 7, pp. 44-51.

44 The Indian Concrete Journal July 2016

TECHNICAL PAPER Special Issue - Sustainability

and is also costly being an imported item in India. Fly ash

on the other hand may not be conducive for high strength of 100
the concrete. Later of course, is better from the point of view
of sustainability as large quantity of ash produced in India 70
still remains unutilized [13]. A combination of both fly ash 60

% passing
and silica fume together can be used effectively to produce 40
sustainable high strength concrete [14,15]. 30
Higher m.s.a (maximum size of aggregate) is not preferred 10
for higher strength concrete due to likelihood of larger 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
size ITZ pores and higher stress concentration around ITZ Particle size, mm
[16,17]. In this paper result of an investigation carried out
on potential of cement, fly ash and silica fume combination Figure 1. Particle size distribution curve for BA
as binder with bottom and ponded ashes as fine aggregate,
to produce high strength concrete is presented. The bottom
ash as sand performed better and it is demonstrated that
ashcrete with relatively lower density could be produced FA, PA and BA was done by wet sieving according to the
with bottom ash aggregate and OPC, fly ash, silica fume recommendations of IS 1727:1967, and the result in the form
with super plasticizer. of average percentage of particle passing is given in Table 1.
BA exhibited little variation from replicate to replicate for
2. Experimental Programme 6 replicates. While PA exhibited maximum variation, FA
Fly ash (FA) and bottom ash (BA) samples were collected exhibited least variation. It is observed that FA exhibit 96%
from Dadri NTPC thermal power plant near Delhi. Dry passing through 45 µm sieve with maximum size lower
collection system is used in this plant. Thus FA and BA than 150 µm. PA had more fine fraction passing through
sample collection could be done one time from this plant from 45 µm and hence more dispersed, while BA particle size
their storage facility. FA was collected in bags as mixed from distribution was more uniform. Since particles are all very
different electrostatic fields. Badarpur thermal power Plant fine particle, size distribution was determined also by
in Delhi used wet disposal system and Ponded Ash (PA) hydrometer analysis confirming to IS 2720 (part 4):1985. The
sample was collected from there. Commercially available deflocculating agent used with distilled water is prepared
silica fume (SF) and OPC grade 43 as par IS 8112:1989 were by properly mixing 33 g of sodium hexametaphosphate and
purchased from the market. OPC used were certified by test 7 g of sodium carbonate in 1000 ml of distilled water. The
report supplied by manufacturer. Physical and chemical results for BA, PA and FA are given in Figures 1, 2 and 3
characterization of SF, FA, BA and PA were carried out as respectively. Average Blaine’s fineness of fly ash from two
per recommendation of IS 1727:1967. replicates measured as per recommendation of IS 1727:1967
was 410 m²/kg.
2.1 Characterization of SF, FA, BA and PA and
properties of cement and admixture
Specific gravity of bottom ash, pond ash, fly ash and silica
fume samples is determined by the standard Le-Chatelier
flask confirming to IS 1727:1967. The averages of 3 replicates 100 PA
are reported and are 2.25, 2.21, 2.09 and 2.01 respectively
for SF, FA, BA and PA respectively. Sieve analysis of the 70
% passing

Table 1. Sieve analysis results of BA, PA and FA 30
Sample % passing 10
1.18mm 600µm 300µm 150µm 75µm 45µm 0
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
BA 98.9 97.5 82.9 35.3 23.2 12.7 Particle size, mm
PA 99.2 98 93 73.8 61.4 52.7
FA 100 100 100 100 98.1 96 Figure 2. Particle size distribution curve for PA

The Indian Concrete Journal July 2016 45

TECHNICAL PAPER Special Issue - Sustainability

Loss on ignition, lime reactivity and oxide compositions of

100 FA
BA, PA and FA were determined as per the recommendation
of IS 1727:1967 and are given in Table 2. The physical and 80
chemical properties of SF and cement are given in Table 3 70

% passing
and Table 4 respectively. It is apparent that FA is Type F as
par ASTM classification. FA satisfies the requirement of IS 40
3812 specifications for use in concrete. PA and BA contains 30
higher amount of silica and BA is largely non-pozzolanic, as
evident from lime reactivity result perhaps inert also. LOI 0
has influence on water demand, is lower for BA compared 0.001 0.01 0.1 1
to PA, but obviously higher than FA. Particle size, mm

As evident from Table 3, SF satisfies the requirement of Figure 3. Particle size distribution curve for FA
IS 15388:2003. LOI of the SF measured in laboratory was
2.04. From Table 4, it is seen that Cement also satisfies the
requirement of IS 8112:1989. Commercially available super-plasticizers were
investigated through preliminary tests to decide the suitable
superplasticizers. Three superplasticizers from reputed
brands were tested. Two brands were reported to be

Table 2. Physical and chemical characteristics of BA, PA

and FA
Table 4. Physical and chemical characteristics of cement
Physical /chemical Material
characteristics Properties Values As per
Fly ash Pond Bottom IS
ash ash 8112:1989
SiO2 (%) 21.18 -
SiO2 (% content) 55.75 60.57 70.69
Al2O3 (%) 5.36 -
Al2O3 (% content) 35.76 27.88 18.01
Fe2O3 (%) 3.48 -
Fe2O3 (% content) 3.78 3.83 7.78
CaO (%) 59.98 -
CaO (% content) 1.21 0.98 0.69
MgO (%) 2.05 <6%
MgO (% content) 0.56 0.85 0.47
SO3 (%) 2.8 <3%
SO3 (% content) 0.2 0.11 0.11
Na2O (%) 0.36 <0.6%
Soluble salts (% content) 0.68 0.55 0.39
K2O (%) 0.69 -
SiO2 + Al2O3 + Fe2O3 (% content) 95.29 92.28 96.48
LOI (%) 2.67 <5%
LOI (%) 1.5 3.5 2.5
IR (%) 2.32 <2%
Lime reactivity (MPa) 4.8 2.7 0.3
(CaO-0.7SO3)/(2.8 SiO2+1.2 Al2O3+ >0.66,
0.6 Fe2O3) <1.02
Table 3. Physical and chemical characteristics of silica Fe2O3 / Fe2O3 1.54 >0.66
fume Free lime % 1.06 -
Properties Analysis results Requirement as per Water consistency, % 29 -
of sample IS: 15388-2003
Blaine (m /Kg) 335 >225
SiO2 content 88.70% >85% Residue (45 µm), % 19.64 -
Moisture content 0.6% <3% Initial setting time (min) 115 >30
105% (as per Final setting time (min) 165 <600
Pozzolanic activity 137%
ASTM -C-1240)
Le-Chat expansion (mm) 1 <5
Specific surface 22 m2/g >15 m2/g AC expansion (%) 0.052 <0.6
2 550 to 700 (as per 3-day Compressive strength 34 >23MPa
Bulk density 595 kg/m
ASTM -C-1240 )
7-day Compressive strength 42 >33MPa
Retained on 45µm 0.60% <10% 28-day Compressive strength 51.5 >43MPa

46 The Indian Concrete Journal July 2016

TECHNICAL PAPER Special Issue - Sustainability

Poly-carboxylic either type and satisfied ASTM C-494 TYPE packing of aggregates would be disturbed by introduction
F and IS 9103:1999 requirements while the third brand was of paste due to loosening effect and wall effect, i.e., due to
reported to be modified Poly-carboxylates and satisfied particle interference. However, to avoid shrinkage cracks at
AS 1478.1:2000 requirements. These admixtures are interface, higher paste content is required for material with
randomly designated as SP1, SP2 and SP3 for the purpose extra cementitious content. Higher paste volume by about
of this paper. 20% more than the void volume ensures bulk shrinkage
rather than interfacial shrinkage, and; minimizes the
At this stage after characterisations it was observed that PA negative impact of interfacial shrinkage cracks on strength.
being a mixture of FA and BA, its particle size distribution With these considerations, the mix proportions are obtained
and other relevant properties appeared to be that of a as illustrated below with the case of W/Cm = 0.2, SF=5% of
combination of the two as well. Thus it is not worthwhile cementitious material and BA.
mixing FA together with PA again.
 ...
  (1)
2.2 Mix proportion development   
  
  
Keeping the objective of this investigation in mind, Water to 
  
     
Cementitious ratio (W/Cm) ratio was fixed at three levels 
 
     
  
    ... (2)
of 0.2, 0.25 and 0.3 to achieve high strength cement based    
  
 
  
      
matrix. Past work has demonstrated that high strength 
 
    
 
    
concrete with advantages of both SF and FA can be obtained      
  
  
  
  
with 5-10% SF when in combination with 20-25% FA [13,14].      
  
   
 
     ... (3)
 
  
 
In this investigation, a combination of 20% FA with two  
 
   
  

 
   

 
levels of SF at 5% and 10% of the total cementitious materials  
 
 

 

 
  
   

 
 
 
 
are fixed. 
  

 
 
  
 
 
   
 

 ...(4)
    
Two different curing regimes were selected i.e. moist 
  
  
  
    
  
     
    
  
curing and autoclave curing. The specimens cured by moist           
curing are tested on 7, 14, 28 and 56 day respectively. The 
 
 
  
specimens to be cured in autoclave are kept in the mould       ... (5)
    
for 48 hours at room temperature. After that, specimens are
autoclaved at a pressure of 0.2 MPa for 8 hours (120 ºC) and
The above 5 equations can be solved to obtain C, W, SF. FA
tested for compressive strength once they reached the room 3
and BA in kg/m . The proportions for other W/Cm and
SF content were obtained similarly. In case of PA however
FA addition was unlikely to improve the packing. The
Packing density of the BA and PA were determined to
mix proportions calculation with PA in a similar manner
estimate the paste content required. Packing densities were
as illustrated above demonstrated that PA required a
determined by determining the bulk density of BA and
large amount of paste content comprising of cement and
PA samples according to IS 2386:1963. The bulk densities
silica fume to fill its voids and is uneconomical. Therefore,
determined are 1031 kg/m3 and 971kg/m3 for BA and PA
further investigation with PA was discarded. The final
respectively. It may be noted that bulk densities would be
mix proportions for 20% extra paste and 30% extra paste
higher and lower respectively for compactions those are
contents are used instead, with BA as fine aggregate only.
compact or loose when compared to IS standard compaction.
The obtained mix proportions are given in Tables 5 and 6
It is assumed that in plastic state the packing of these fine
respectively for 20% and 30% extra paste.
aggregates would be same as IS standard packing prior to
the disturbances due to wall and loosening affect in presence
The flow table test as per the procedure stated in IS: 1727-
of other particles. The packing density is the ratio of bulk
1967, was performed on the mixes with various dosage
density to specific gravity, and accordingly using the specific
of super plasticizer and the flow results were used in
gravity values mentioned earlier, the packing densities of BA
conjunction with 7 day compressive strength test on 50 mm
and PA are 0.493 and 0.483 respectively. For these materials
cube, to determine the optimal dosage of superplasticizer.
as sole aggregates, the void volume is (1-0.493) 0.507 and
It was also observed that compaction of cube was possible
(1-0.483) 0.517 respectively for BA and PA and minimum
with a flow of 110 mm, but a flow of 160 mm ensured proper
paste content shall be 3-10% more than this volume as
ease of compaction. Although initially chosen, the modified

The Indian Concrete Journal July 2016 47

TECHNICAL PAPER Special Issue - Sustainability

Table 5. Mix proportions for C+SF+FA+BA with 20%

higher paste content
3 3 3 3 3
(kg/m ) (kg/m ) (kg/m ) (kg/m ) (kg/m )

0.20 0.05 0.20 828.4 55.2 220.9 818.4 220.9

0.20 0.10 0.20 764.4 109.2 218.4 818.4 218.39

0.25 0.05 0.20 759.5 50.6 202.5 818.4 253.16

0.25 0.10 0.20 701.4 100.2 200.4 818.4 250.51

0.30 0.05 0.20 701.1 46.7 187.0 818.4 280.45

0.30 0.10 0.20 648.1 92.6 185.2 818.4 277.74

Poly-carboxylate based super-plasticizer had to be discarded

after trials as its flow performance with the system was
unsatisfactory. Among two other super-plasticizers SP1 and
SP2, one would exhibit higher strength but lower flow at a
given dose, while other was performing better in terms of
test were prepared according to the recommendation of
flow rather than strength, thus both were used in rest of the
IS 1727:1967, with the chosen mix proportions. The cast
investigations. This is illustrated in Figures 4 and 5, for flow
specimens were demoulded after 48 hours. The demoulded
and 7 days strength of 5 cm cube respectively for the case of
specimens were kept in water tank for moist curing at room
W/Cm = 0.25, SF/Cm = 0.1, FA/Cm = 0.2 and 30% extra paste temperature until tested. Specimens meant for autoclave
content. It is observed that initially flow increases rapidly, curing, were placed in autoclave at a pressure of 0.2 MPa,
followed by slower rate of increase in flow, with increase o
temperature of 120 C for 8 hrs. Moist cured specimens were
of SP dosages. Strength on the other hand continuously tested at 7, 14, 28 and 56 days for compressive strength,
decreases with increase in SP dosage. whereas autoclave cured specimens are tested as soon as
they attained the room temperature after the removal from
Thus, optimal SP dose would be that dose where slope of
the autoclave. Cube compressive strength test was carried
flow versus SP dose changes from a higher value to a lower
out and reported as per recommendation of IS 1727:1967.
value, e.g., 1.5 % in Figure 4 for SP1. The cases where,
optimal dosage was high but 7 days strength was low, were Some of the above cubes were also used for water absorption
not considered further. In this way finally 9 combinations test as per ASTM C642-2006. Additionally, concrete cubes
given in Table 7 were considered. were cast with 6 mm m.s.a locally available quartzite coarse

2.3 Casting and sample preparation

The standard mixing procedure using standard Hobart mixer
specified in IS 1727:1967 was used for all mortar preparation.
The cubes of 50 mm side length as used in lime reactivity

Table 6. Mix proportions for C+SF+FA+BA with 30%

higher paste content
(kg/m3) (kg/m3) (kg/m3) (kg/m3) (kg/m3)

0.20 0.05 0.20 897.4 59.8 239.3 712.5 239.3

0.20 0.10 0.20 828.1 118.3 236.6 712.5 236.6

0.25 0.05 0.20 822.8 54.9 219.4 712.5 274.3

0.25 0.10 0.20 759.9 108.6 217.1 712.5 271.4

0.30 0.05 0.20 759.5 50.6 202.5 712.5 303.8

0.30 0.10 0.20 702.1 100.3 200.6 712.5 300.9

48 The Indian Concrete Journal July 2016

TECHNICAL PAPER Special Issue - Sustainability

aggregate using 2 mixes from the ashcrete combinations,

selected on the basis of their higher strengths. The ratio of BA
ashcrete to coarse aggregate was 80% and 20% by volume,
respectively. The coarse aggregate content was calculated
from the knowledge of specific gravity of the aggregate
determined in the laboratory.

3. Compressive strength, water

absorption, density and porosity Figure 6. Fractured cube surface of the specimen after
compression test at 56 days
3.1 Compressive strength and absorption
test results
boiling water test on samples from mix C1 and mix E2 and
The compressive strength results for the selected mixes are absorption test on bottom ash alone.
given in Table 7. From Table 7, it is evident that there is an
increase in compressive strength for all mixes with increase It must be mentioned here that strength exhibited by 50 mm
in age of curing. Autoclave cured specimens nearly achieved cube shown in Table 7, would be 10-15% less than standard
the strength of 28 days moist cured specimens although may 150 mm cube [18]. Thus strength of 60 MPa for standard cube
be more expensive and energy intensive procedure. Higher would correspond to about 69 MPa in the Table 7. Ashcrete
silica fume content in the mixes of same water to cementitious with W/Cm up to 0.25 thus can satisfy the requirement of
ratio resulted in higher compressive strength. In addition, high strength concrete but W/Cm = 0.3, may not satisfy
compressive strength of specimens increased with reduction the same requirement. M60 would mean still higher mean
in W/Cm ratio. strength requirement due to inclusion of product of standard
deviation and a Z value of 1.65 corresponding to requirement
With W/Cm as low as 0.2, without coarse aggregate and of 95% characteristic strength. Autoclaving did not result in
the size of the cube being 50 mm only, the strength of the strength enhancement as normally expected for ultra-high
ashcrete prepared was expected to be higher, but close strength concrete with W/Cm similar to ones used in this
look of failed cube as shown in the photograph in Figure 6 investigation [16-17]. This is understandable; strength is
revealed presence of significant volume of visually observed governed by weakest link. With graded quartz particle as
spherical pores in the specimens. The 48 hours saturated fine aggregate weakest link is the hydration product and
density determined from weight measurements as per heat curing generally improve the structure of product of
ASTM C: 642-2006 ranged from 1904 kg/m3 for mix C1 to hydration. In this case, porous BA itself is weakest link,
2024kg/m3 for mix E2 as given later, and; values are lower hence autoclaving enabled rapid strength gain only and the
than normal mortar or concrete. The source of these pores observed strength after autoclaving is nearly same as 28 day
was further investigated by performing ASTM C: 642-2006 strength.

Table 7. The selected mixes, flow and compressive strength (30% excess paste)
Mix Proportions Compressive strength (MPa)
W/B SF/B FA/B SP Flow 7 days 14 days 28 days 56 days Autoclave
designate - dosage (mm) curing

A1 0.30 0.10 0.2 SP1-1.25 135 54.8 55.0 59.0 64.0 63.0
B2 0.30 0.05 0.2 SP2-1.75 195 49.9 52.2 58.0 60.0 64.0
C1 0.25 0.10 0.2 SP1-1.50 120 56.0 60.4 71.0 72.6 74.0
C2 0.25 0.10 0.2 SP2-2.0 160 55.6 56.0 70.0 70.4 65.0
D1 0.25 0.05 0.2 SP1-2.0 130 49.0 54.0 64.0 72.8 61.0
E1 0.20 0.10 0.2 SP2-5.0 150 47.0 50.4 69.0 69.1 70.0
E2 0.20 0.10 0.2 SP1-3.5 110 48.0 65.6 74.8 78.9 68.8
F1 0.20 0.05 0.2 SP2-4.5 115 54.0 62.4 70.1 71.0 68.0
F2 0.20 0.05 0.2 SP1-4.0 110 54.0 62.3 68.8 72.9 62.0

The Indian Concrete Journal July 2016 49

TECHNICAL PAPER Special Issue - Sustainability

Water absorption of bottom ash is determined as per IS 2386 a big advantage in terms of reduction of dead load in some
(Part III) 1963 was found to be 0.41%, nearly equal to that structural system and lead to material saving.
of sand. This reveals that though bottom ash is porous in
nature, its porosity cannot be intruded externally. ASTM Porous materials exhibit better insulating property i.e., their
C-642 boiling test was conducted on cubes made from C1 thermal conductivity is lower than that of denser materials.
and E2 mixes to determine the finer portion of permeable Thermal conductivity of construction materials is a function
porosity. Further the specific gravity of pore free solid for of conductivity of pore free solid, permeable porosity,
these materials were determined by crushing tested cubes fraction of enclosed pores and moisture content [19-21].
and sieving the oven dried crushed mass through 75 µm Closed pores with size smaller than 0.3 mm act as insulation
sieve. The specific gravity of the crushed fines finer than as they do not contribute to internal convection within pores
75 µm was determined by Le Châtelier’s flask. From oven and conductivity of air or moisture is much lower than
dry weight, saturated weight after 48 hours of cold water that of solid. Besides, pores when present on the surface
saturation followed by 5 hours boiling, immersed weight can provide better sound absorption properties. A model
in distilled water, the permeable and total porosities of C1 proposed earlier for thermal conductivity of construction
estimated are 4.8% and 22.0% respectively, while those for material such as brick concrete etc. [19] considers two types
E2 are 6.4% and 17.6% respectively. The specific gravity of pores namely enclosed pores and enclosing pores. In
of ashcrete powder determined from both the samples is case of ashcrete, the fraction of enclosed pores for C2 and
2.388. Thus 17.2% and 11.2% are closed pores in C1 and E2 E2 are 17.2/22.0 = 0.74 and 11.2/17.6 = 0.64 respectively.
respectively. Conductivity of pore free solids ks for construction material
largely depends on mineralogical characteristics of the solid.
The strength of the concrete prepared with 20 % coarse The values for crystalline quartzite mineral are much higher
aggregate with 6 mm m.s.a aggregate with C2 and E2 but are much less for amorphous material such as fly ash or
ashcrete exhibited slight reduction in compressive strength bottom ash. The value of bricks including fly ash bricks and
and little increment in the density of the mix also resulted fire bricks vary between 2.2 W/mºK, to 2.72 W/mºK. Assume
in lower consumption of cementitious material as given in the higher value of 2.72 W/mºK, porosity and fraction of
Table 8. enclosed pore as above; the dry thermal conductivities of C2
and E2 ashcrete from the model mentioned earlier [19] are
3.2 Implication of strength and closed pore 1.02 W/mºK and 1.27 W/mºK respectively. Thus thermal
system on property conductivity of ashcrete is lower than normal concrete
From the results of the investigation it is evident that ashcrete reported in literature [19]. However, the aspect of thermal
can be high strength material and exhibits good durability performance, performance during fire exposure, acoustic
property as permeable porosity is very low. The strength and other functional performance needs more investigation.
to weight ratio of ashcrete and ashcrete concrete is higher Aspects of autogenous shrinkage, creep elastic modulus
than conventional high strength concrete as demonstrated were not studied in this work, and can be taken up later.
through following comparison given in Table 9. Strength to
weight ratio in kPa-m3/kg is calculated for normal concrete Table 9. Strength to weight ratio comparison
assuming unit weight of 2400 kg/m3. This ratio ranges from Mix Saturated 28 day- Strength / Strength/
27-39 in case of ashcrete and ashcrete concrete, while the density Compressive Weight ratio Weight
(kg/m3) strength (kPa-m3/kg) ratio for
same for normal concrete ranges from 24-31. This may be
(MPa) normal

A1 1992 59.0 30 25
Table 8. Strength & density of concrete containing 6mm B2 1984 58.0 29 24
aggregate C1 1904 71.0 37 30
Mix Constituent Compressive strength (MPa) Density C2 1920 70.0 36 29
ashcrete (kg/m3)
7 days 14 days 28 days D1 1956 64.0 33 27
C2 - 55.6 56.0 70.0 1920.0 E2 2024 69.0 34 29
E2 - 48.0 65.6 74.8 2024.0 F1 1933 74.8 39 31
G C2 57.0 57.2 63.2 2138.6 G 2139 63.2 30 26
H E2 46.0 49.7 57.5 2165.4 H 2165 57.5 27 24

50 The Indian Concrete Journal July 2016

TECHNICAL PAPER Special Issue - Sustainability

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V. Yoganand holds a B.E. degree in Civil Engineering from Andhra University; M.Tech. in Construction
Technology and Management from IIT Delhi. He is Manager – Projects, Power IC, at Larsen & Toubro Limited,
Vadodara. He has over 11 years of experience in the areas of power plant construction and project management.
His areas of interest are concrete technology, financial management and costing.

Professor Bishwajit Bhattacharjee is working with the Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of
Technology Delhi, New Delhi (India). His research interests pertain to the domains of cement and concrete
technology, building science, sustainable construction, and health monitoring of structures. His publications
in these areas are well cited. He is also a recipient of the Indian Concrete Institute’s Life Time Achievement

The Indian Concrete Journal July 2016 51

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