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CDP Preparation Template Form 5a

CapDev Program Summary Form

Capacity Development Program

Institutional Sector

Process Source of
Desired State of Capacity Development Target of Time Funding Requirements Owner/ Support /
Current State of Capacity Expected Output
Capacity Intervention CapDev Frame Office Technical
Y1 Y2 Y3 Responsible Assistance
Appointed SB
Unfilled position of SB secretary To appoint SB Secretary SB Secretary hired Office of the SB 2020-2022 800,000 800,000 800,000 SB LGU
SB Secretary /
To have appropriate Legislative Building
Absence of Legislative Building Construction of Legislative Building LGU and the 2020-2022 1M 1M 1M SB LGU
Legislative Building constructed
Lack of IT equipment for SB Laptop for each SB IT equipment
Purchase of IT equipment SB Members 2020-2022 125,000.00 125,000.00 SB LGU
members member purchased
Members are
Limited knowledge/ capacity to Allocation of funds for increased
capacitated and skilled Capacity Trainings SBM / LGU /
formulate Local Policies and attendance to seminars and 2020-2022 1.5M 1.5M 1.5M SB LGU
in Local Policies attended Community
Resolutions workshops
Capacity Trainings
Attendance to capacity trainings
Improved Secretarial Attended & audio SB Secretary &
Limited skills on Secretarial tasks and purchase of audio recording 2020-2022 50,000 50,000 50,000 SB LGU
skills recording equipment Office of SB
Increased literacy rate Funds for computer
Limited Computer literacy of Allocate funds for computer literacy
of SB in Computer literacy training SB / LGU 2020-2022 SB LGU
Secretary and SB Members training
Technology allocated
Presence of all
Absence of required Local Codes Passage and Enactment of all All required Code
required Codes for the SB / LGU /
(Market, Environmental, Sanitation, required Local Code (Market, enacted, passed and 2020-2022 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 SB LGU
Local Government Unit Community
Fishery) Environmental, Sanitation, Fishery) compiled
All National and Local
Insufficient funds for full Adopts resolutions requesting
development programs Resolutions enacted
implementation of Local program / funding support from National SB / community 2020-2022 SB LGU
/ services and projects and implemented
services and projects Agencies and etc.
be fully implemented
Limited copy of existing National Establishment of data bank and file Data bank and file
Develop data bank of
Laws / Absence of data bank of system of related and existing system of National SB / LGU /
National Laws and 2020-2022 100,000 50,000 SB LGU
National Laws and Local National Laws and Local related and existing Community
Local Ordinances
Ordinances Ordinances Laws established
Administrative Appointed
Hiring of Administrative Assistant II, Office of the
Lack of permanent personnel Assistant II position Administrative 2020-2022 210,499.14 300,000.00 300,000.00 MBO LGU
SG 8 Municipal Budget
filled up Assistant II
LFC meets every
Local Finance Committee (LFC) has LFC Regular Meetings
Conduct of regular meetings and quarter and
no regular meetings and and Consultations LFC 2020-2022 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 MBO LGU
consultations consultations as need
consultations conducted

Local Planning Illustrative Guide: Preparing and Updating the Comprehensive Development Plan
CDP Preparation Template Form 5a
CapDev Program Summary Form

Process Source of
Desired State of Capacity Development Target of Time Funding Requirements Owner/ Support /
Current State of Capacity Expected Output
Capacity Intervention CapDev Frame Office Technical
Y1 Y2 Y3 Responsible Assistance
Budget Personnel
Lack of knowledge on e-Budgeting Attendance to e-Budgeting training Training attended Budget Personnel 2020-2022 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 MBO LGU
trained on e-Budgeting
Insufficient knowledge on Updated Sufficient knowledge Attendance to trainings and Trainings and
Budget Personnel 2020-2022 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 MBO LGU
Budget Operations Manual on Updated BOM seminars seminars attended
Delayed preparation and
submission of Statement of On-time submission of SAAO prepared and
Hiring of Casual Employee Budget Office 2020-2022 75,000.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 MBO LGU
Appropriation, Allotment and SAAO to COA submitted on time
Obligation (SAAO) to COA
Availability of IT, Office IT, Office and
Lack of IT, Office and Procurement of IT, Office and
and Communications Communication Budget Office 2020-2022 40,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 MBO LGU
Communications Equipment Communications Equipment
Equipment Equipment procured
Delayed deliberation and approval SB Secretary prepared
Encourage the SB Members and SB Members and SB
of Appropriation Ordinance for the the draft Appropriation
the SB Secretary to attend trainings Secretary encouraged
Annual and Supplemental Budget Ordinance for the LGU 2020-2022 MBO LGU
and seminars to Budget to attend trainings and
due to not providing a draft deliberation and
Authorization Phase seminars
ordinance for their easy reference approval of SB
Availability and Procurement of equipment’s and Equipment procured
Absence of e-Budgeting System operational e- installation of e-Budgeting System and database Budget Office 2020-2022 300,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 MBO LGU
Budgeting System Database installed
Absence of a full-pledged Municipal
Accountant (Municipal Accountant Presence of full-
Attendance to training of designated Full-Pledged Accounting and
acts as Municipal Treasurer and pledged Municipal 2020-2022 417,900.00 417,900.00 417,900.00 Mun. Acct LGU
Municipal Accountant Municipal Accountant Treasurer's Office
Senior Bookkeeper as Municipal Accountant
Availability of
Inadequate Personnel Hiring of Bookkeeper/s Bookkeeper/s hired Accounting Office 2020-2022 150,000.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 Mun. Acct LGU
Lack of Knowledge and Skills on E- Accountant and Senior Accountant and
Training on E-NGAS of Accountant
NGAS of Accountant and Senior Bookkeeper trained on Senior Bookkeeper Accounting Office 2020-2022 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 Mun. Acct LGU
and Senior Bookkeeper
Bookkeeper E-NGAS trained
Stock Room
Absence of Stock Room for safe Safe Stock Room Construction of Stock Room and constructed and
Accounting Office 2020-2022 150,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 Mun. Acct LGU
filing constructed provision of furniture and fixtures furniture and fixtures
Absence of Ordinance creating Attendance to CSC/DBM orientation
SB Ordinance enacted Ordinance Enacted Accounting Office 2020-2022 Mun. Acct LGU
Bookkeeper position title on creation of bookkeeper position
Absence of Electronic-New Training for E-NGAS Focal Person
E-NGAS installed and Trained personnel on Budget and
Government Accounting System (E- and procurement of necessary 2020-2022 300,000.00 200,000.00 100,000.00 Mun. Acct LGU
operational E-NGAS Treasurer's
NGAS) equipment
Regular Human
Absence of Regular Human
Resource Management Hiring of Human Resource
Resource Management Officer HRMO hired HRMO 2020-2022 250,000.00 250,000.00 HRMA LGU
Officer (HRMO) hired Management Officer (HRMO)
and appointed
Absence Employees' Union Presence of Organize Employees' Union Functional LGU Employees 2020-2022 5,000.00 x x LGU

Local Planning Illustrative Guide: Preparing and Updating the Comprehensive Development Plan
CDP Preparation Template Form 5a
CapDev Program Summary Form

Process Source of
Desired State of Capacity Development Target of Time Funding Requirements Owner/ Support /
Current State of Capacity Expected Output
Capacity Intervention CapDev Frame Office Technical
Y1 Y2 Y3 Responsible Assistance
Employees' Union Employees' Union
Non-functional Program on
Reactivation and conduct of regular Office of the
Rewards, Awards and Incentives for Functional PRAISE Functional PRAISE LGU-Personnel 2020-2022 2M 2M 2M LGU
meetings Mayor
Service Excellence (PRAISE)
Lack of knowledge and skills on Knowledgeable and
Attendance to seminars and Attended seminars Office of the
Human Recourse Management skilled HRMO HRMO Personnel 2020-2022 90,000.00 90,000.00 90,000.00 LGU
trainings and trainings Mayor
programs Personnel
Sufficient trainings of
Conducted trainings
Insufficient trainings of LGU LGU Personnel on
Conduct of trainings on Values on Values Formation,
Personnel on Values Formation, Values Formation,
Formation, Team Building and Team Building and Office of the
Team Building and Employees' Team Building and LGU Personnel 2020-2022 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 LGU
Employees' Learning and Employees' Learning Mayor
Learning and Development Employees' Learning
Development Programs and Development
Programs and Development
Conduct Pilot Testing and Office of the
SPMS not fully functional Fully functional SPMS Functional SPMS LGU 2020-2022 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 LGU
application of OPCR/IPCR Mayor
Office of the
Insufficient Office Space Sufficient Office Space Provision of sufficient Office Space Sufficient office space HRMO 2020-2022 150,000.00 100,000.00 LGU
Conducted Regular
Conducted Health
Absence of Health Support and Conduct regular Health Support and Health Support and Office of the
Support and Physical LGU Personnel 2020-2022 200,000.00 LGU
Physical Fitness Programs Physical Fitness Program Physical Fitness Mayor
Fitness Programs
Availability of
opportunities for
Absence of Pre-Retirement advancement to Pre-Retirement Retiring Officials Office of the
Implement Pre-Retirement Program 2020-2022 2,000.00 LGU
Program officials and employees Program implemented and Employees Mayor
who opt to retire from
the government
Absence of Ordinance on the
Enacted Ordinance on
creation of Human Resource Office of the
the creation of HRMO Enactment of ordinance Ordinance enacted HRMO 2020-2022 LGU
Management Officer (HRMO) Mayor
Availability of a
Absence of secured database for Acquisition of equipment for the Office of the
secured database for 201 files database HRMO 2020-2022 75,000.00 LGU
201 files secured 201 files database Mayor
201 files
CSC Policies and
CSC policies and Strict implementation and
Weak implementation of Civil Programs strictly Office of the
programs implemented enforcement of CSC policies and LGU-Personnel 2020-2022 5,000.00 LGU
Service policies and program implemented and Mayor
and strictly enforced programs
Human Resource Human Resource
Absencve of Human Resource Installation of Human Resource Office of the
Information System Information System HRMO 2020-2022 350,000.00 350,000.00 350,000.00 LGU
Information System Information System* Mayor
installed installed

Local Planning Illustrative Guide: Preparing and Updating the Comprehensive Development Plan
CDP Preparation Template Form 5a
CapDev Program Summary Form

Process Source of
Desired State of Capacity Development Target of Time Funding Requirements Owner/ Support /
Current State of Capacity Expected Output
Capacity Intervention CapDev Frame Office Technical
Y1 Y2 Y3 Responsible Assistance
MTO pesonnel Reorientation of MTO Employees MTO pesonnel
Lack of training of MTO personnel MTO personnel 2020-2022 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 Treasurer LGU
attended training regarding LTOM* attended training
Public Employment Program of Office of the
LGU 2020-2022 250,000.00 250,000.00 250,000.00 LGU
LGU* Mayor

Local Planning Illustrative Guide: Preparing and Updating the Comprehensive Development Plan

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