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Candy-Hello, how are you?

Sofi-Hi Candy, good and you?

Candy-I'm glad, good too sofi
Sofi-Hey, it is true that you are going on a trip with your family to see Paris France and Grand
Cayon in the United States
Candy-Yes I would love to invite you and your parents
Sofi-Wow really? What a thrill, I'll tell them
Candy- Yes, they were very good to me, they gave me fruits when I was in the hospital
Sofi-If I remember myself, it was a pleasure to help you
Candy-Yes, thanks for that, I want to reward you with a trip to France and the United States
Sofi-Seriously, hey if my parents accepted
Candy-Okay, then I'll buy the flights and see you at the airport
Sofi-Okay, can you confirm the time?
Candy-Yes, I'll confirm tomorrow
Sofi-Thank you for the invitation, we will have a great time with our families
Candy-With pleasure, if we will enjoy these vacations to the fullest
Sofi-Yes, nice night, confirm tomorrow

Candy- Anyway, we'll stay in touch.

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