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HortScience 21(5): 1165-1167. 1986.

Parthenocarpic cucumbers (iCucumis sati­

vus L. cv. Deliva) of known age were ob­
Effect of Stage of Development on tained from a commercial greenhouse near
Lodi, Calif. In 1982, fruit were harvested

Postharvest Behavior of Cucumber and divided into 10 developmental stages

based on size, weight, and color. In 1983,
freshly opened flowers were tagged to iden­
Fruit tify fruit of known age. Since fruit previ­
ously set exert an inhibitory effect on the
Angelos K. Kanellis1, L.L. Morris, and M.E. Saltveit, Jr. growth of subsequent fruit (14), those fruit
Department of Vegetable Crops, Mann Laboratory, University of present on the vine at the time of tagging
were removed. Fruit set after tagging were
California, Davis, CA 95616 not removed. Fruit were harvested after 3,
Additional index words. Cucumis sativus, parthenocarpic, storage, maturity, growth, 6, 9, 12, 15, 20, 25, and 30 days from tag­
respiration, ethylene, chlorophyll, shelf-life ging.
Individual fruit were enclosed in glass jars
A bstract. Parthenocarpic cucumber fruit (iC ucum is sativus L. cv. Deliva) were har­ of appropriate size to minimize the void space
vested from 3 to 30 days after anthesis. Fresh weight increase followed a single sigmoid and then placed at 20° ± 1°C, under a con­
curve. Commercial maturity was attained 10 to 11 days after anthesis, and these mature tinuous and metered flow of humidified air.
fruit had a 20- to 30-day shelf life and good color retention at 20°C. Chlorophyll content The flow rates were selected to ensure that
at harvest decreased with fruit age. Fruit harvested before commercial maturity showed C 0 2 accumulation did not exceed 0.3%. Un­
declining rates of C 02 and C2H4 production at 20°, while commercially mature fruit less otherwise stated, 4 replications of one
maintained relatively constant rates throughout their holding period. Fruit harvested fruit each were used for each treatment. Car­
after commercial maturity showed increased respiration during holding; this increase bon dioxide was measured daily using an
was greatest for 30-day-old fruit. Fruit harvested 20, 25, and 30 days after anthesis infrared gas analyzer (Horiba PIR-2000) un­
showed peaks of C2H4 production during holding; this production was most pro­ til fruit showed senescent breakdown or de­
nounced for mature fruit. cay. Ethylene was determined using a Carle
Model ACG-211 series S flame ionization
Most studies of cucumber respiration and formly from anthesis to 12 days for pickling gas chromatograph. Visual quality and color
C2H4 production have considered only fruit types and to 14 days for fresh-market types changes were observed every 3 days and as­
harvested at or near table maturity, but of (17). Differences in final fruit length resulted signed as previously described (7). Visual
unspecified age. However, significant phys­ from differences in the period of growth, not quality was rated on a scale of 9 to 1 (9,
iological changes associated with maturation from the rate of growth. Davis and Kempton excellent; 7, good; 5, fair; 3, poor; 1, very
or ripening may occur before or after com­ (3) studied the compositional changes in poor). Color was rated on a scale of 5 to 1
mercial maturity. Previous workers studied greenhouse-grown parthenocarpic cucum­ (5, dark green; 4, green; 3, yellowish green;
respiration, C2H4 production, quality, and bers during growth and maturation. 2, greenish yellow; 1, yellow). Since both
compositional changes of cucumbers under The influence of stage of development at experiments exhibited similar results, only
either different temperature regimes (5, 11) harvest on subsequent respiration and C2H4 the 1983 results are presented.
or modified atmospheres (4, 11). Ethylene production has not been reported for either Samples of peel, about 2 mm thick, were
biosynthesis in cucumbers has been studied seeded or parthenocarpic varieties grown in taken for chlorophyll analysis from the ends
by Wang and Adams (16). Saltveit and greenhouses. This work was conducted to and middle part of 2 individual fruit at each
McFeeters (12) reported C2H4 production rates study the physiology of greenhouse-grown harvest. The samples were frozen at —10°C
and polygalacturonase (PG) activity during parthenocarpic cucumbers harvested at dif­ and subsequently analyzed by the method
development and maturation of pickling cu­ ferent stages of development. In addition, described by Amon (1). The frozen samples
cumbers. The quality of processing cucum­ the relationship between fruit development were homogenized in 80% acetone, centri­
bers has received considerable attention and and chlorophyll content at harvest, between fuged, and chlorophyll content determined
was reviewed by Ennis and O ’Sullivan (6). fruit development and storage life, and color from absorbance at 645, 652, and 663 nm.
Cucumbers have been classified as non­ changes during storage at 20°C were inves­ Growth, as measured by fresh weight (Fig.
climacteric fruit (2). Reportedly they pro­ tigated. 1), followed a single sigmoid curve as ob-
duce little C2H4 during grow th and
development (10, 12), but show a peak in
production after harvest (12). However, res­
piration continued to decrease during the pe­ 40 _
riod of increased C2H4 production, and no E
correlation was found between fruit weight
and either the timing or the intensity of C2H4 30 5
production (12). ©
Previous work indicates that the pattern of E
cucumber growth is a single sigmoid curve
20 Q
(3, 17). A photographic analysis of fruit
elongation showed that length increased uni- o
10 "o>
Received for publication 16 Aug. 1985. The cost
of publishing this paper was defrayed in part by
the payment of page charges. Under postal regu­
lations, this paper therefore must be hereby marked
advertisement solely to indicate this fact.
Graduate student. Present address: Department of Days After Anthesis
Horticulture, Univ. of Maryland, College Park, Fig. 1. Growth of ‘D eliva’ cucumbers as measured by fresh weight, length, and diameter o f fruit
MD 20742. harvested at indicated days after anthesis.

HortScience, Vol . 21(5), October 1986 1165

Table 1. Storage life, total life, and chlorophyll content of ‘D eliva’ cucumbers harvested at indicated
days after anthesis.

Fruit age Days after harvest Days after anthesis Chlorophyll

(days) to reach quality 5Z to reach quality 5y (m g -g -1)

3 14 cx 17 0.92
6 31 a 37 0.54
9 31 a 40 0.53
12 22 b 34 0.52
15 13 c 28 0.32
20 11 cd 31 0.21
25 6d 31 0.10
zStorage life is expressed as the number of days after harvest required for the fruit to deteriorate to a
fair condition (score 5).
yStorage was at 20°C. Total life is the number of days from anthesis to a score of 5.
xMean separation by lsd at the 1% level

served by others (3, 17). The rate of weight C 0 2 production declined constantly during
increase was almost linear from 3 to 20 days. this time. In addition, this transitory rise in
Fruit continued to gain weight and increase C2H4 production was of reduced intensity as Days After Anthesis
in length up to 30 days, but at reduced rates. the time of its occurrence after harvest in­ Fig. 2. Respiration rates (C 0 2, mg*kg- 1*hr-1)
In contrast, previous studies found that in­ creased. for cucumbers harvested at indicated days after
crease in length almost ceased after 21 days Climacteric fruit such as melons and to­ anthesis and held at 20°C. The values represent
matoes tend to show an increase in C2H4 and the averages of 4 fruit, except 3 in the case of
(3) or 14 days (17). Fruit diameter increased
30-day-old fruit. lsd0.05 - 4.5 for 30-day-old
up to 20 days and then remained fairly con­ C 0 2 production and final senescence at about
fruit. Increases in respiration rates by 25-day-
stant. During the summer, fruit reached the the same ultimate age after anthesis, regard­ old fruit were not significant at the 5% level.
common commercial harvest weight (0.5 less of the age at harvest (8). In this study,
kg)— about half of the final weight—by the however, mature cucumbers tended to show
11th day. an increase in C 0 2 and C2H4 production rates
After an initial decrease, chlorophyll con­ at the same time after harvest and not at the
tent of the peel remained fairly constant from same time after anthesis (Figs. 2 and 3). A
6 to 12 days after anthesis and then de­ possible explanation is that as the fruit de­
creased uniformly as the fruit developed on velop, they have an increased potential to
the plant (Table 1). Takama et al. (13) found produce C2H4 and C 0 2, and this production
a constant decrease in chlorophyll content, is induced by harvest. This increased poten­
but they only measured changes during the tial may be related to a decrease in inhibitory
first 10 days of development. factors in maturing fruit, which permits the
Respiratory patterns for fruit harvested up expression of C2H4 producing capabilities,
to 25 days from anthesis (Fig. 2) were gen­ or an increase in C2H4 producing capabili­
erally similar to those reported for other non­ ties, or a combination of both.
climacteric fruit and other kinds of cucumbers Loss of green color and firmness were im­
(5, 10). The initial and subsequent respira­ portant symptoms of deterioration and were
tion rates of younger fruit (3 and 6 days old) first noted at the stem end. Pathological
were high compared to older fruit (9 to 20 breakdown also appeared first at the stem
days old), which produced C 0 2 at a rela­ end. All fruit developed raised spots or
tively constant rate throughout the post­ “ blisters” of darker green color. Yellow color
harvest period. Respiration of 30-day-old fruit developed around the blisters before they be­
showed a statistically significant (5% level) came yellow, giving the fruit a mosaic-like Days After Anthesis
1.6-fold increase after the first day before appearance. Blisters also developed on the Fig. 3. Ethylene production rates (nl*kg_ 1*hr-1)
decreasing 3 days later. Only fruit harvested mature fruit while they were still attached to for cucumbers harvested at indicated days after
at this age showed a significant increase in the vine. Robinson et al. (11) indicated that anthesis and held at 20°C. The values represent
the averages of 4 fruit, except 3 in the case of
respiration. In retrospect, it is evident that blistering is one of the storage disorders of
30-day-old fruit. lsd0 05 = 85.0 for 30-day-old
fruit of more-advanced development should cucumbers. Papadakis (9) reported that these
fruit and 49.7 for 25-day-old fruit. Increases in
have been included in the study. raised spots appeared on all fruit held at 12.5° C 2H4 production rates by 20-day-old fruit were
Rates of C2H4 production followed 3 in­ and 15°C but not on fruit at 5°. Examination not significant at the 5% level.
teresting patterns (Fig. 3). First, there was a of the spots under a light microscope did not
marked decline with time in C2H4 produc­ reveal bacteria or fungi. A similar physio­
tion by fruit harvested 3 days after anthesis. logical disorder (called tumor or waxy blis­ shelf life. However, for maximum shelf life,
Second, 6- to 15-day-old fruit showed fairly ter) appears on m ature-green tomatoes. it appears desirable to harvest somewhat ear­
constant rates until senescence occurred. Treshow (15) studied the tomato tumors and lier within the acceptable size range.
Third, 20- to 30-day-old fruit showed a tran­ concluded that rubbing encountered during Total life from anthesis to quality 5 was
sient 3- to 5-fold increase in C2H4 produc­ picking and handling of green fruit was the reasonably constant for all fruit that were
tion after harvest, which was greater for the main cause of this disorder. harvested 12 or more days after anthesis (Ta­
more-mature fruit. Although the variation Storage life was expressed as the days re­ ble 1). Thus, shelf life after harvest is re­
among individual fruit within each harvest quired to deteriorate to a quality score of 5. duced for the advanced stages of development.
was great, the trend was similar. The in­ Fruit harvested 6 and 9 days after anthesis Patterns of quality deterioration and color
crease was significant at the 5% level only had a shelf life of 31 days, significantly longer change were similar for the 3 harvests made
for 25- and 30-day-old fruit. than that for all other ages (Table 1). The within the range of usual commercial prac­
Saltveit and McFeeters (12) found that cu­ 12-day-old fruit had a shelf life of 22 days. tice (i.e., 9-, 12-, and 15-day harvests).
cumbers of various stages of development Since the usual harvest size of 0.5 kg was Changes were relatively slow during the early
produced a transitory rise in C2H4 produc­ attained at 11 days, it is concluded that fruit part of the holding period and then acceler­
tion from 6 to 25 days after harvest, although of commercial maturity have a relatively long ated.

1166 HortScience, V ol . 21(5), October 1986

Based on the results reported here and by ronment to shape of fruit in Cucumis stivus ing-induced ethylene production in cucum­
others, it is concluded that cucumbers of L. and its bearing on the genetic potential bers {Cucumis sativus L.). Plant Physiol.
commercial table maturity (9 to 15 days) be­ of the plants. J. Agr. Res. 36:795-809. 69:424-442.
15. Treshow, M ., Jr. 1954. The etiology, de­ 17. Wehner, T.C. and M .E. Saltveit, Jr. 1983.
have like nonclimacteric fruit. However, since
velopment and control of tomato fruit tumor. Photographic analysis o f cucum ber fruit
most mature fruit do produce C2H4 and show
PhD Diss. Univ. of California, Riverside. elongation. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 108:465-
an increasing rate of C 0 2 production, more 16. Wang, C.Y. and D.O. Adams. 1982. Chill- 468.
research is needed to establish whether or not
ripening cucumbers show a climacteric re­
sponse. Such work should include fruit that
have developed for 30 days and more on the
plant. Carbon dioxide and C2H4 production
should be determined for both attached and
harvested fruit. Furthermore, their responses
to different levels of propylene would help
establish their classification as climacteric or
nonclimacteric fruit.
HortScience 21(5): 1167-1169. 1986.

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13. Takama, R ., S. Fukuda, Y. Toyomaki, K. Ann M. Curwin and Sharon E. Stevenson for tech­
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Jpn. Soc. Food & Nutr. 26:329. be hereby marked advertisement solely to indicate trol. Two plants were used for each fungus,
14. Tiedjens, V .A . 1928. The relation of envi­ this fact. and the plants were separated with plastic

HortScience, Vol . 21(5), October 1986 1167

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