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A Research
Presented to the Faculty
Of Senior High School Department
University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue
Mandaue City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in

3I – Work Immersion


Angtud, Fiel John M.

Barcenas, Jeric
Retiza, Ella Marie M.
Romero, Johanna Marie L.
Sugarol, Denaiz Nally O.
Tarona, Hans Christian C.

May 2021
TRANSACTIONS prepared and submitted by Fiel John M. Angtud, Jeric Barcenas, Ella
Marie M. Retiza, Johanna Marie L. Romero, Denaiz Nally O. Sugarol, and Hans Christian
C. Tarona in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the 3I – Work Immersion has been
examined and recommended for acceptance and approval for Oral Examination.





Member Member





Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with a grade of.




Member Member





Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements in 3I – Work Immersion

Date of Oral Examination :



The researchers would like to express their sincere appreciation to all

who contributed to the success of this study. With the generous support and

assistance of many people, their research became a reality. They would like

to extend their heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of them.

The researchers would like to thank God Almighty for the wisdom,

strength, motivation, hope, peace of mind, and good health that he has

bestowed upon them in order to complete this study.

To their research teacher, Mr. Marlon Rico, for teaching them the

fundamentals of research and investigatory writing, for being patient with

them, for emphasizing the importance of research and how to put it to good

use for the benefit of others, and for emphasizing the value of hard work and

teamwork in getting the job done.

Lastly, the researchers would like to thank their parents, family, and

friends for providing them with financial support to purchase the resources

they required for this study. They would want to express their gratitude for

their help, advice, and encouragement in developing this Outdoor Receiver

Holder for Contactless Transactions.


Title : Outdoor Receiver Holder for Contactless


Researchers : Fiel John M. Angtud

Jeric Barcenas
Johanna Marie L. Romero
Ella Marie M. Retiza
Denaiz Nally O. Sugarol
Hans Christian C. Tarona

Strand : Academic Strand, STEM

School : University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue

Adviser : Mr. Marlon Rico

Date Completed : May 2021

One of the reasons of increasing Covid-19 cases in the Philippines is

inevitable interaction between people in stores and on public transport. With
cases of Covid-19 proliferating in the Philippines, training people to become
more responsible and disciplined individuals in order to solidify health and
safety protocols on Covid-19 is of vital importance. This pandemic is the
reason why death toll has been proliferating incessantly, as well as the
reason why people have opted for contactless transactions. The aim of this
study is to produce an outdoor receiver holder. It promotes contactless
paying and receiving process. The study is a great help in maintaining
contactless transactions and solidifying health and safety protocols.
Questions to test the effectiveness and functionality of the product were
created by the researchers. The results of the experiment indicated the
following: the outdoor receiver holder can hold a package weighing up to 7
kilograms and measuring up to 3 feet in height; in terms of security of the
product, outdoor receiver holder is anti-theft, storing cash and parcel bags
inside safely, as it has magnetic alarm sensor and padlock; in terms of
durability, outdoor receiver holder is moisture resistant, as it is impervious
to weather conditions such as drizzle; and in terms of safe transactions,
outdoor receiver holder is effective as it is equipped with alcohol dispenser,
which disinfects anyone who delivers and receives an item. Thus, outdoor
receiver holder may provide a solution to prevent future escalation of the
numbers of infected persons and maintain contactless transactions.

Keywords: outdoor receiver holder, Covid-19, contactless transactions,

health and safety protocols


Title Page i
Approval Sheet ii
Acknowledgement iii
Abstract iv
Table of Contents vi
List of Tables ix
List of Figures x




Rationale of the Study 1

Theoretical Background 5

Review of Related Literature 8


Statement of the Problem 11

Statement of Null Hypothesis 12

Significance of the Study 12


Research Design 14

Research Environment 15

Equipment and Materials 16

Product Design (Internal and External) 20

Procedures in Creating the Product 21

Experimental Design 23






Summary 28

Findings 29

Conclusions 29

Recommendations 30



APPENDIX A – Transmittal Letter 37

APPENDIX B – Location Map 39


Chapter 1


Rationale of the Study

COVID-19 is the enormous problem that the world has been facing

this year. The new strain of coronavirus is the root cause of this pandemic

(WHO, 2020). Its transmission is through coming in contact with an infected

person, touching a surface or an object with the virus, and touching the

mouth, nose, or eyes before washing hands. Vast number of people have lost

their jobs, loved ones and have succumbed to Covid-19. Hence, this

pandemic is undeniably the greatest challenge that we have faced this year

and has caused a global health and economic crisis. BBC News (2020)

stated that the number of people worldwide who have died with COVID-19

surpassed one million, with a lot of regions’ new reported infections

increasing. This pandemic is the reason why death toll has been proliferating

incessantly, as well as the reason why people have opted for contactless


In the Philippines, cases of Covid-19 is still growing. One of the

reasons is inevitable interaction between people in stores and on public

transport. According to Vergeire (2020), some people violated the health and

safety protocols by not wearing face masks, not observing physical


distancing and having mass gatherings. In fact, Tomacruz (2020) reported,

“people started venturing outside of their homes after being locked down for

weeks as the government’s coronavirus task force said it needed to restart

the economy and get people back to work” (Increased Contact and Mobility

section). To maintain social distancing, majority of people have opted for

contactless payment. PayMaya president Shailesh Baidwan said, “cashless is

now emerging as the preferred mode of payment for consumers as Filipinos

embrace health and safety protocols under the new normal.” Nevertheless,

some Filipino people have not opted for cashless payment as the preferred

mode of payment as some cannot easily access to cashless options.

Moreover, based on Worldometer’s Philippines population data, as of

November 18, 2020 the current population of Philippines is 110,133,212. As

a matter of fact, Magsambol stated, “the Philippines now has 410,718

confirmed COVID-19 cases after the Department of Health (DOH) reported

1,148 additional cases on Tuesday, November 17”. With Philippines ranked

26th in the number of coronavirus cases globally, based on Worldometer’s

Covid-19 data, as of 18th of November, the situation the people are in is

perilous and should not be downplayed. Hence, it is the researchers’ desire

to alleviate the aforementioned disease through this study by maintaining

social distancing especially the paying and receiving process as the


researchers believe that there is a need to train people to become responsible

and disciplined individuals in order to adapt to change and solidify health

and safety protocols on Covid-19.

Paknaan is a barangay located in Mandaue City with a population as

shown by the 2015 Census of Population (POPCEN 2015) was 26,943.

Based on the official web portal of Mandaue City, Paknaan was derived

from the word “Pana-an”. According to Gitgano (2017), “the barangay was

recently declared as the most outstanding barangay in Mandaue during the

city’s 48th Charter Day celebration.” In spite of having the highest

population in Mandaue City, Paknaan surpassed the other barangays in the

aforementioned city through camaraderie. However, with Covid-19, the

population of Paknaan becomes a threat which puts everyone in a precarious

situation as the researchers believe that the more people that reside in that

place, the more inevitable social distancing becomes to the residents of

Paknaan with the rapid spread of the virus. It is the researchers’ hypothesis

that the dual-purpose outdoor holder would be of help to people residing in a

populous barangay in maintaining contactless transactions. Nowadays,

people living especially in crowded places find it difficult to sell or buy

goods without coming in close contact with others. Numerous people have

opted for cashless deliveries to avoid going outside, but this cannot be

attained by everyone and to receive goods still requires people to go out to

get the items they ordered. Thus, the researchers plan to make The Dual-

Purpose Outdoor Holder which is a product that can hold both cash and

shopping bags especially when a consumer buys and pays something

physically. It is a means of receiving items purchased online, making it

suitable for outdoors as well. It promotes the contactless paying and

receiving process.

In light of the detrimental effects of Covid-19, the researchers’ time

was vested in this study to assess and innovatively make a product which is

both seller and consumer-friendly to maintain contactless transactions and to

solidify health and safety practices. Thus, the risk of Covid-19 infection may

be diminished. Through the study, the people, especially the ones living in

the barangay where we will conduct the study, will be most benefited as it

provides a solution to prevent future escalation of the numbers of infected

persons and maintain contactless activities; hence people’s fear of Covid-19

will be lessened. Comparing this study to the commercialized products, this

offers convenience and durability.


Theoretical Background of the Study

This study is supported by the different existing theories to better

understand the use of preventive health behavior and protective measures in

times of pandemic, and health crises.

The Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) was developed by Martin

Fishbein and Icek Ajzen in 1975. According to Hackman and Knowlden

(2014), TRA assumes that “behaviors examined in this model are under total

voluntary control” (pp. 101-114). One study conducted by Karnowski,

Leonhard, and Kümpel (2017) utilized TRA in investigating the effects of

intention on news-sharing among German social media users. According to

Karnowski et al. (2017), “a new media behavior in the early phases of its

societal diffusion can mainly be explained by a rational choice logic and is

rooted in the motives of socializing and information seeking” (pp. 91-100).

Another work conducted by Ramkumar and Woo (2018) utilized TRA “as a

prediction tool in understanding consumers’ purchase intention of

fashion/beauty SOS” (Introduction section, para. 3). In TRA, Fishbein and

Ajzen asserted that Reasoned Action is caused and produced by our attitudes

and our subjective norms. Intention depends not only on attitudes, but also

on subjective norms or the perceived social pressure exerted by important

others, such as parents and good friends, to perform or not to perform a


The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) was proposed by Icek Ajzen

in 1985. According to Ajzen (1991, as cited in Asare 2015), behavioral

intention is the first construct of TPB in which it is the motivational factors

which determine behavior. Attitude towards the behavior is the second

construct wherein the level to which an individual has a favorable or

unfavorable appraisal of a given behavior and subjective norm is the third

construct that is a social pressure to do or not to do a given behavior (Asare,

2015). According to Arafat and Ibrahim (2018), in TPB, any action a person

does is guided by behavioral beliefs (beliefs about the practiced behavior’s

probable consequences), normative beliefs (beliefs about other people’s

normative expectations), and control beliefs (beliefs about the presence of

factors which may allow or impede the performance of the behavior). A

work conducted by Ammar et al. (2020) was based on TPB, which “assessed

the psychological impact of Covid-19 on dental academics globally and on

changes in their behaviors” (Objective section).

The Protection Motivation Theory (PMT) was proposed in 1975 by


Ronald Rogers. This theory assumes that the choice of a person to join in

hazard preventive practices is made dependent on the inspiration to

safeguard themselves from dangers like pandemics (Janmaimool, 2017).

Fear, response-efficacy, and self-efficacy are three PMT factors which are

significant indicators of a plan to undertake social distancing (Williams et

al., 2015). A work conducted by Westcott, Ronan, Bambrick, and Taylor

(2017), pointed out that PMT also appears to have the potential to motivate

animal owners to better understand and be careful in bushfire preparedness.

Kaspar (2020) asserted that “PMT is a very powerful and flexible theory that

is adaptable to both health-related and technology-related motivations,

which qualifies it for the present study” (The Protection Motivation Theory

and Social Distancing section, para. 1).

In summary, the aforementioned theories could provide a solid

theoretical foundation for this study.


Review of Related Literature

According to CDC (2020), COVID-19 basically stands for

Coronavirus Disease 2019 which is caused by a novel coronavirus that is

first recognized in Wuhan, China in December 2019. De los Santos and

Labrague (2021) pointed out that “This novel virus’ exponential effect has

caused large-scale closing of economies, loss of employment, uncomfortable

living adjustments, and the untimely death of loved ones” (pp. 52-59). Its

transmission is through coming in contact with an infected person, touching

a contaminated surface or an object, our mouth, nose, or eyes without

disinfecting hands. A work conducted by Tee et al. (2020) found that

“students report moderate-to-severe psychological impact of the Covid-19

pandemic” (pp. 379-391). Hence, making this pandemic the greatest

challenge that we have faced this year. BBC News (2020) stated that the

number of people worldwide who have died with COVID-19 surpassed one

million, with a lot of regions’ new reported infections increasing. This

pandemic is the reason why people have opted for contactless transactions.

One of the reasons of increasing Covid-19 cases in the Philippines is

inevitable interaction between people in stores and on public transport.

Numerous people have opted for cashless deliveries to avoid going outside.

Patel (2020) pointed out that “a significant majority of consumers turned to

contactless card payments for necessary purchases” (para. 1). The pandemic

has encouraged people to have the items delivered and purchased online and

in light of this, Outdoor Holder is made to provide a solution to prevent

future escalation of the numbers of infected persons and maintain contactless

activities which is anchored on the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) that

was developed by Martin Fishbein and Icek Ajzen in 1975. A work

conducted by Prasetyo, Castillo, Salonga, Sia, and Seneta (2020) utilized

Protection Motivation Theory (PMT) and Extended Theory of Planned

Behavior (ETPB) to evaluate perceived effectiveness of Covid-19

prevention measures. Furthermore, Prasetyo et al. (2020) stated that “the

integrated PMT and extended TPB of this study can be applied and extended

to evaluate the perceived effectiveness of Covid-19 measures in other

countries that are currently dealing with Covid-19 pandemic” (pp. 312-323).

In view of the fact that PMT encompasses threat and coping appraisal

pathways, Al-Rasheed (2020) asserted that PMT is “particularly useful to


explain the reluctance and intention to engage in protective behaviors

together” (pp. 546-556).

With Covid-19, people find themselves in an extremely precarious

situation if they expose themselves outside; thus making online shopping

and deliveries favored. As a matter of fact, Rahman, Islam, Esha, Sultana,

and Chakravorty (2018) stated that “the users or buyers feel very convenient

to online shopping” (Introduction section, para. 1). According to Widjaja

(2016), non-cash payments are more efficient ways to accomplish

transactions in comparison with cash. Chu et al. (2020) stated, “SARS-CoV-

2 spreads person-to-person through close contact and causes COVID-19”

(pp. 1973-1987). In view of this, people feel safer and more secure when

they have their purchased items delivered to their homes and pay online to

avoid getting in close contact with people. The attempts to control the

spread of Covid-19 infection have brought significant changes to people's

lives (Al-Rasheed, 2020).



Statement of the Problem

The study will evaluate the effectiveness of the outdoor receiver

holder in holding cash and shopping bags in Sari-sari store at Zone

Kalabasa, Barangay Paknaan, Mandaue City during the school year 2020-

2021. This study aims to help residents in the aforementioned place in

maintaining contactless transactions.

Specifically, the study will answer the following questions:

1. What is the weight limit of the Outdoor Receiver Holder?

2. What is the maximum size of items that can fit in the Outdoor Receiver


3. Does Outdoor Receiver Holder have anti-theft features?

4. Is Outdoor Receiver Holder water-resistant?

5. Is Outdoor Receiver Holder equipped with an alcohol dispenser to

disinfect users’ hands after paying and receiving items?


Statement of Null Hypothesis

At 0.05 level of significance, the following null hypothesis will be


H0: The use of a dual-purpose outdoor holder does not significantly

affect contactless transactions among customers of Sari-sari store in


Significance of the Study.

This research can be beneficial to the following stakeholders:

Paknaan Residents. In light of the pandemic, it is detrimental for the

sellers and also the buyers of Sari-Sari store to come into close contact to

sell or even buy goods. The residents of Paknaan will be most benefited as it

provides a solution to prevent future escalation of the numbers of infected

persons and maintain contactless transactions so the residents will find

buying and selling goods at Sari-Sari store much more convenient without

compromising their safety and health. It will also teach them to be

responsible and disciplined individuals by incorporating social distancing

into their healthy habits.

Health Officials. One of the possible reasons why cases of Covid-19

is increasing is inevitably getting into contact with people to either buy or

pay for items physically. The study would be a good avenue to contemplate

upon by health officials as it plays a significant role in preventing further

cases of Covid-19, thus, resulting to diminish the aforementioned cases. In

addition, health officials will be pleased with the improvement of our

country, Philippines; having low number of Covid-19 cases.

Parents. The pandemic has caused fear among people, especially the

parents. The study will help them by training themselves and their children

to avoid getting in close contact especially when buying goods at Sari-Sari

store. It will also inculcate in them the importance of contactless

transactions. This way, the parents will not be too apprehensive about their

children going to Sari-Sari stores to buy something.

Researchers. The study will help the researchers to better the current

situation as it has a role to play in addressing the need to maintain social

distancing even when purchasing goods at sari-sari stores. It will give the

researchers an opportunity to apply better transactions, strategy and enhance

their knowledge in approaching the problem.

Future Researchers. The result of this study can serve as basis for

further study on tools for contactless transactions.



Research Design

The study will use the quasi-experimental design that will assess the

effectiveness of the Outdoor Receiver Holder for contactless transactions

and on its success in reducing the spread of CoVid-19. This concept

influenced the design of this study, focusing on contactless transactions to

eliminate this deadly virus. Quantitative methods of data collection will be

collected, aggregated, and analyzed to evaluate the efficiency of the product

and achieve research goals. The data will be collected through an output,

which records the effectivity of the product to obtain the information needed

for the research.

Figure 1. Shows the research flow of the study.



Effectiveness of the Data gathering Maintained

Outdoor Receiver Contactless
Holder Data processing Transactions

Data Analysis and


Flow of Research

Research Environment

The study will be conducted at Paknaan, a barangay located in

Mandaue City with a population as shown by the 2015 Census of Population

(POPCEN 2015) was 26,943. In spite of having the highest population in

Mandaue City, Paknaan surpassed the other barangays in the aforementioned

city through camaraderie. However, with Covid-19, the population of

Paknaan becomes a threat which puts everyone in a precarious situation as

the researchers believe that the more people that reside in that place, the

more inevitable social distancing becomes to the residents of Paknaan with

the rapid spread of the virus. Nowadays, people living especially in crowded

places find it difficult to sell or buy goods without coming in close contact

with others. Numerous people have opted for cashless deliveries to avoid

going outside, but this cannot be attained by everyone and to receive goods

still requires people to go out to get the items they ordered. Thus, the

researchers plan to make The Dual-Purpose Outdoor Holder which is a

product that can hold both cash and shopping bags especially when a

consumer buys and pays something physically. It is a means of receiving

items purchased online, making it suitable for outdoors as well. It promotes

the contactless paying and receiving process.


Equipment and Materials

Table 1.1. Table showing the equipment in product making.

Equipment Usage

Staple Gun A staple gun or powered stapler is a hand-held

machine used to drive heavy metal staples into

wood, plastic, or masonry.

Circular Saw A circular saw is a tool for cutting many

materials such as wood, masonry, plastic, or

metal and may be hand-held or mounted to a


Screwdriver Screwdriver, tool, usually hand-operated, used

for screwing (installing) and unscrewing

(removing) screws with slotted heads.

Paint Brush A paintbrush is a brush used to apply paint or

sometimes ink

Hand Drill A hand drill is a simple tool used to ignite a pile

of dried tinder.

Table 1.2. Table showing the materials in product making.

Materials Quantity Unit Price Price

¾” Marine Plywood

1 sheet ₱ 1,298.00 ₱ 1,298.00

1 ½ Galvanized Screws

22 pcs. Provided Provided

Wood Glue

1 sachet Provided Provided

Staple Nails

1 pack Provided Provided

Standard Full Overlay Hinges

2 pcs. ₱ 75.00 ₱ 150.00


Cabinet Pulls

3 pcs. Provided Provided

Refillable Alcohol Bottle

1 pc. ₱ 249.00 ₱ 249.00


1L ₱ 169.50 ₱ 169.50


1 pc. ₱ 120.00 ₱ 120.00

Furniture Feet

4 pcs. Provided Provided

TOTAL ₱ 1986.50

Product Design (Internal and External)



Procedures in Creating the Product

Chronological Sequence

1. Design and determine the needed measurements of the plywood.

2. Cut the following measurements on the circular saw machine.

3. Clamp the boards together with wood glue and fasten every corner

with the use of staple gun.

4. Secure the corners of the board by screwing them with galvanized


5. Use the remaining board and attach it together to make the cabinet

drawer. Install the drawer slides and screw it on the bottom of the

drawer box along each side.

6. Add middle section from the inside of the box to divide the parcels.

7. Take measurements on the edge of the cabinet door to align the

hinges. Drill the mark positions using hand drill and screw the

hinges into the door.

8. Slowly drill a hole on the mark point in front of the cabinet doors

and drawer.

9. Grab the cabinet pulls and screws, then insert them on the holes and

simply hold the cabinet pulls to the front of the door, and tighten the

screws at the back using a screwdriver.


10.To mount the top piece in place, screw the top into the box frame

and make sure to leave enough overhang in the back to cover the

parcel box.

11.Mark the areas of the board base to add the furniture feet. Screw the

furniture feet on every corners of the board base.



The researchers tested the efficacy of the Outdoor Receiver Holder for

contactless transactions. The following experimental design guided the

researchers to test the hypothesis of the study.

1. The Outdoor Receiver Holder was placed outside where couriers

can easily deposit parcels.

2. The subject purchased any goods and products that stimulates their

interest through online shopping.

3. The subject was to be informed about receiving the parcels through

a message that was sent by the assigned courier, then the subject

would inform the driver on the codes of the money holder.

4. The courier was to put the parcels inside the Outdoor Receiver

Holder then activates the locking mechanism to secure the contents

inside safely. After, the delivery person would input the code that

was given to picked up the money inside the money holder.

5. Once deposited inside, the parcel is then dry and safe until you

unlock the box.

6. The parcel was then picked up and checked for possible missing

items and performed some safety measures to disinfect after

receiving the items.



accustom - to make accept something as normal or usual.

aforementioned- denoting a thing or person previously mentioned.

alleviate - to make something, such as pain or suffering more bearable.

appraisal - an act of assessing something or someone.

detrimental - tending to cause harm.

diminish - make or become less.

disrupt - interrupt (an event, activity, or process) by causing a disturbance

or problem.

escalation - a rapid increase; a rise.

evade - to take refuge in escape or avoidance.

incessant - continuing or following without interruption.

inevitable - incapable of being avoided or evaded.

innovative - refers to something new, such as an invention, or the practice of

developing and introducing new things.

impede - delay or prevent (someone or something) by obstructing them;


norm - something that is usual, typical, or standard.

opted - to decide in favor of something.

perilous - refers to imminent risk of disaster or ruin.

precarious - refers to a dangerous state because of not being safe or not

being held in place firmly.

proliferate - to increase rapidly in numbers.

succumb - fail to resist pressure, temptation, or some other negative force.

unprecedented - never done or known before.


Chapter 2


This chapter presents, analyzes, and interprets the data from the

conducted experiment on our product, which the researchers intended to

gather data and test the effectiveness of the product, which is relevant to the

problem imposed by the researchers. The researcher will show you the

possible data table that will be used in analyzing the consistency and

effectiveness of the product.

Table 2.1.



1. Does the Outdoor Receiver Holder have

anti-theft features? R
2. Is the Outdoor Receiver Holder water-

resistant? R
3. Is Outdoor Receiver Holder equipped

with an alcohol dispenser to disinfect

user’s hands after paying and receiving


Table 2.2.


1. What is the weight limit of the

7 kg
Outdoor Receiver Holder?

2. What is the maximum size of

items that can fit in the 3 ft.

Outdoor Receiver Holder?

Table 2.1 and Table 2.2 shows the questions which test and prove the

functionality and effectiveness of the product. The tables above show results

of the experiment that was being questioned. It shows that the product is

outstanding and has the capability to hold 7 kg as a weight limit and 3 feet as

a height limit. The product is also effective in terms of security which has

anti-theft features, like magnetic alarm sensor, and padlock which provides

security. The effectiveness comes in durability because it is water resistant.

Lastly, our product is effective in terms of safe transactions because our

product has alcohol dispenser which disinfects user’s hand after paying and

receiving the items.

Chapter 3



This chapter covers the summary, findings, conclusion, and

recommendation on the use of Outdoor Receiver Holder for contactless

transactions at Barangay Paknaan, Mandaue City.


This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of the Outdoor

Receiver Holder in maintaining contactless transactions. Specifically, the

following questions have been answered:

1. What is the weight limit of the Outdoor Receiver Holder?

2. What is the maximum size of items that can fit in the Outdoor Receiver


3. Does Outdoor Receiver Holder have anti-theft features?

4. Is Outdoor Receiver Holder water-resistant?

5. Is Outdoor Receiver Holder equipped with an alcohol dispenser to

disinfect users’ hands after paying and receiving items?


After a thorough intervention and analysis of the data acquired. The

researchers made the following findings:

1. Based on the data acquired, the Outdoor Receiver Holder can handle a

package weighing up to 7 kilograms and measuring up to 3 feet in


2. The data indicates that the parcel box is anti-theft and moisture

resistant, as it is impervious to weather conditions such as drizzle.

3. Lastly, it is equipped with an alcohol dispenser to disinfect the hands

of anyone who delivers and receives packages in the parcel box.


It is undeniable that this pandemic is the biggest challenge we faced

this year, and it has resulted in a global health and economic crisis, as well

as why people have begun to prefer contactless transactions. Today,

especially those who live in congested areas, find it difficult to buy and sell

without interacting with others. Many individuals want cashless delivery to

avoid having to go out, but this is not something that everyone can do; in

order to receive products, they must still go out. Thus, this Outdoor Receiver

Holder which is a parcel box that can hold both cash and shopping bags

especially when a consumer buys and pays something physically. It is a

means of receiving items purchased online, making it suitable for outdoors


as well. It promotes the contactless paying and receiving process. Therefore,

based on the findings, the Outdoor Receiver Holder is a very effective and

functional parcel box for maintaining contactless transactions. It helps

minimize the risk of being infected with the COVID-19 virus.


Based on the findings of the research study, the researchers highly


1. For future researchers, conduct similar studies with these suggested

additional features:

1.2 Install a DIY home security camera inside the parcel box

using an old phone to recognize the person who sends and

receives parcels in the parcel box.

1.3 Cover the outer walls and roof of the parcel box with water-

proof sheet material to safeguard the packages inside. It is

also an ideal option as it is very suitable to withstand various

weather conditions, such as heavy storms.

1.4 Place an automatic alcohol dispenser in the opening of the

Outdoor Receiver Holder to sterilize the packages that will

go in and out of the parcel box.


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(Transmittal Letter)

May. 25, 2021


The Principal

Senior High School Department

A. C. Cortes, Ave., Looc Mandaue City

Dear Dr. Chin:

We are the students of ST12A6 conducting a research to fulfill our study

“Outdoor Receiver Holder for Contactless Transactions.” This study would

like to produce an outdoor receiver holder to provide a solution to prevent

future escalation of the numbers of infected persons and maintain contactless


With this, we would like to ask for your permission for us to conduct a study

at Paknaan, Mandaue City, Cebu.

We hope for your response and may support us to our research. Thereupon,

we will share the result of this study.


Respectfully yours,

Angtud, Fiel John M.

Barcenas, Jeric

Retiza, Ella Marie M.

Romero, Johanna Marie L.

Sugarol, Denaiz Nally O.

Tarona, Hans Christian C.


Checked by:

Research Instructor


(Location Map)


Name: Fiel John M. Angtud

Birthday: October 19, 2001
Address: Juby, Liloan, Cebu
Contact #: 0949-740-7884

Name: Jeric Barcenas

Birthday: December 07, 2001
Address: Estaca, Compostela, Cebu
Contact #: 0947-863-4351

Name: Ella Marie M. Retiza

Birthday: November 03, 2002
Address: Tawagan, Tayud,
Contact #: 0931-001-3862

Name: Johanna Marie L. Romero

Birthday: December 25, 2002
Address: Palm Heights Subdivision,
Tabok, Mandaue City
Contact #: 0998-311-8816

Name: Denaiz Nally O. Sugarol

Birthday: October 19, 2002
Address: West Binabag, Tayud,
Consolaction, Cebu
Contact #: 0906-322-6157

Name: Hans Christian C. Tarona

Birthday: September 04, 2002
Address: A.C. Cortes Avenue, Looc,
Mandaue City
Contact #: 0932-446-2450

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