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Nombre: Gilmar Joue Recalde Lindao

Cambio climático y gestión de riesgos socio ambientales

Ing. Eliana Boada



2023 - Latacunga
Socio-Environmental Risks in Environmental Engineering

Environmental engineering plays a key role in designing solutions to preserve and enhance
our ecosystems and natural resources. However, as society advances, the execution of
engineering projects can also introduce socio-environmental risks. This essay explores the
challenges and possible consequences associated with socio-environmental risks in the field
of environmental engineering.
Socio-environmental systems (SES) function across a range of inter-related scales that
collectively represent a system of systems (SoS). The term SoS has been used since the
1950s and various definitions exist. In this paper, we distinguish between an SoS as a
collection of human and natural systems, and SoS models which are engineered
representations of an SoS. The former is defined as an interconnected collection of
multiple, heterogeneous, distributed systems that collectively may give rise to emergent
behavior, where each system represents a process or set of processes. In the modeling of
SoS, we follow Little et al. (2019) who define SoS models as “a collection of independent
constituent systems, in which each fulfills its own purpose while acting jointly towards a
common goal” (Iwanaga et al., 2021).

Environmental engineering projects often aim to address critical issues such as pollution,
climate change, and resource depletion. However, certain socio-environmental risks may
arise during the planning and implementation of these projects.
Displacement and social inequity:
Large-scale infrastructure projects, such as dam construction or urban development, can
result in the displacement of local communities. Displacement can lead to social disruption,
loss of livelihoods and cultural erosion. It is essential that environmental engineers conduct
thorough social impact assessments and involve affected communities in the decision-
making process (Da-Silva-Rosa et al., 2015).
Habitat destruction and biodiversity loss:
Land development for industrial or urban purposes can result in the destruction of valuable
habitats and loss of biodiversity. Environmental engineers must give priority to projects
that minimize habitat disruption and promote biodiversity conservation through sustainable
design and ecological restoration (Palmer et al., 2016).
Pollution and Health Concerns:
Certain engineering processes, such as industrial waste disposal or the use of harmful
chemicals, can lead to pollution of air, water, and soil. These pollutants can pose significant
health risks to both humans and wildlife. Engineers must adopt cleaner technologies and
strict waste management practices to mitigate such hazards (Reyers et al., 2015).
Climate Change Impact:
Environmental engineers face the challenge of adapting projects to withstand the impacts of
climate change, such as rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and changing
precipitation patterns. Integrating climate resilience into project design and planning is
crucial to ensure long-term sustainability (Leslie et al., 2015).
Resource Depletion:
The extraction and use of natural resources to fuel engineering projects can deplete finite
resources, leading to long-term scarcity and environmental degradation. Sustainable
engineering practices, resource recycling, and renewable energy utilization are vital
strategies to combat resource depletion (Reyers et al., 2015).

Environmental engineering offers immense potential for positive change, but it also comes
with inherent socio-environmental risks. Addressing these risks is crucial to ensure that
engineering projects contribute to sustainable development rather than exacerbating
existing environmental and social challenges. Environmental engineers must prioritize
social equity, biodiversity conservation, pollution prevention, climate resilience, and
responsible resource management in their projects. By doing so, they can foster a
harmonious relationship between human development and the natural world, leading us
towards a more sustainable and prosperous future.

Da-Silva-Rosa, T., Mendonça, M. B., Monteiro, T. G., Souza, R. M. D., & Lucena, R.



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National Academy of Sciences, 112(19), 5979-5984.

Palmer, M. A., Kramer, J. G., Boyd, J., & Hawthorne, D. (2016). Practices for facilitating

interdisciplinary synthetic research: The National Socio-Environmental Synthesis

Center (SESYNC). Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 19, 111-122.

Reyers, B., Nel, J. L., O’Farrell, P. J., Sitas, N., & Nel, D. C. (2015). Navigating

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112(24), 7362-7368.

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