Tentative Programme

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“The Best of Me”

TENTATIVE PROGRAMME: (updated 02/08/23)

Time: Event:

8.00 Arrival of Guests, teachers and students

8.30 Singing of national, Kelantan and school song

8.40 Speeches by Chairman and Principal

8.50 K1 & PG:

“We know the way”

9.00 K2:

The Fight Song

9.15 Upper Primary dance:

“Joget Kelate” and “Wau Bulan”

9.30 Secondary (Mandarin song):

Rose in my palm

9.40 Lower Primary pantomime:

The Fox and the Crow

10.00 Secondary Thai Dance:

Thai traditional dance

10.15 Secondary Choir:

“At My Worst”

10.30 Finale

“Sleeping Child”

10.40 End of show - refreshments

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