Vietnam India Friendship Essay Contest 2023: Tlangnuam, Aizawl St'Pauls Higher Secondary School

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Vietnam India Friendship Essay Contest 2023

St’Pauls Higher Secondary School

School Name: ……………………..………………………………………………………………………………………...……
Tlangnuam, Aizawl
School Address: ……………………..…………………………………………………………………………….……...….….
Student Name (for Certificate): …………….…………………………………………………………………………………..
Father’s Name:Suakngura
………………………………………………………….… Class: XI …………… Section: …………….……..
Email Id:………………………………………..…….. Contact No. (Teacher/ Parent): ……………..………………………
• Essay must be Handwritten or typed in English only (you can write on back of this page also) • Submit Essay to
your class teacher (Class 6 - 12):

Write Essay Here Topic:”The Heritage of Vietnam” Continue writing on back page (if required)...

The Heritage of Vietnam

Vietnam, a nation rich in history and culture, boasts a heritage that spans thousands of years.
This Southeast Asian gem has left an indelible mark on the world through its diverse heritage,
encompassing architecture, art, traditions, and more. The heritage of Vietnam is a testament to its
resilience, fusion of influences, and deep-rooted traditions.

One of the most prominent aspects of Vietnam's heritage is its architecture. The country is home
to a myriad of ancient temples, pagodas, and imperial citadels that showcase the exquisite
craftsmanship of bygone eras. The UNESCO World Heritage Site of Hoi An, with its well-
preserved ancient town, stands as a testament to the architectural fusion of Vietnamese, Chinese,
and Japanese influences. The Imperial City of Hue, with its majestic citadel and historic buildings,
offers a glimpse into Vietnam's royal past.

Vietnamese art is another integral part of its heritage. Traditional art forms like lacquer painting,
silk weaving, and woodblock printing have been passed down through generations, preserving the
country's artistic legacy. The famous water puppetry, a unique form of entertainment that
originated in the flooded rice fields of the Red River Delta, captivates audiences with its colorful
performances depicting rural life.

Cultural heritage is deeply woven into everyday life in Vietnam. The reverence for ancestors and
familial ties is reflected in customs like Tet, the Lunar New Year festival. The practice of ancestor
worship, seen through altars in homes and communal shrines, exemplifies the spiritual connection
between the living and the departed.

Cuisine is a delicious aspect of Vietnam's heritage. The country's flavorful dishes, such as pho,
banh mi, and spring rolls, have gained international recognition. Vietnamese cuisine is not only a
testament to the nation's culinary innovation but also a reflection of its historical exchanges with
neighboring cultures.

The struggle for independence and unity has also become a crucial part of Vietnam's heritage.
The Vietnam War, known as the "American War" in Vietnam, left a profound impact on the nation's
history and collective memory. The Cu Chi Tunnels, a network of underground passages used
during the war, serve as a stark reminder of the country's resilience and determination.

In conclusion, Vietnam's heritage is a tapestry woven with threads of history, culture, art, and
tradition. From its architectural marvels to its culinary delights, every aspect of Vietnam's heritage
contributes to its unique identity on the global stage. As the nation continues to modernize,
preserving and celebrating this heritage becomes essential in ensuring that the stories of the past
continue to resonate with future generations.

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