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ĐỀ THI GIỮA HỌC KỲ: Mechanics of Materials Mã HP: ME2101

Time: …80 mins Test code: Date: 31/05/2022

Name:…………….………………… Student ID: ………… Course number: Signature: ……….
Attention: Do not need to redraw the figures
Problem 1 A loading crane consisting of a steel girder ABC supported by a cable BD is subjected to a load P
(see the figure). The cable has an effective crosssectional area A 0.471 in2. The dimensions of the crane are
H =9 ft, L1 =12 ft, and L2 =4 ft. (a) If the load P =9000 lb, what is the average tensile stress in the cable?
(b) If the cable stretches by 0.382 in., what is the average strain?

Problem2 A tensile test is performed on a brass specimen 10 mm in diameter using a gage length of 50 mm
(see figure). When the tensile load P reaches a value of 20 kN, the distance between the gage marks has
increased by 0.122 mm.
(a) What is the modulus of elasticity E of the brass?
(b) If the diameter decreases by 0.00830 mm, what is Poisson’s ratio?

Problem 3 A steel bar AD (see figure) has a cross-sectional area of 0.40 in.2 and is loaded by forces P1
=2700 lb, P2=1800 lb, and P3 =1300 lb. The lengths of the segments of the bar are a =60 in., b =24 in., and c
=36 in.
(a) Assuming that the modulus of elasticity E =30×106 psi, calculate the change in length d of the bar. Does
the bar elongate or shorten?
(b) By what amount P should the load P3 be increased so that the bar does not change in length when the
three loads are applied?
Problem 4 A bar ABC of length L consists of two parts of equal lengths but different diameters (see figure).
Segment AB has diameter d1 =100 mm and segment BC has diameter d2 =60 mm. Both segments have length
L/2 = 0.6 m. A longitudinal hole of diameter d is drilled through segment AB for one-half of its length
(distance L/4 =0.3 m). The bar is made of plastic having modulus of elasticity E =4.0 GPa. Compressive
loads P =110 kN act at the ends of the bar. If the shortening of the bar is limited to 8.0 mm, what is the
maximum allowable diameter dmax of the hole?

Problem 5 The axially loaded bar ABCD shown in the figure is held between rigid supports. The bar has
cross-sectional area A1 from A to C and 1.5A1 from C to D.
(a) Derive formulas for the reactions RA and RD at the ends of the bar.

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