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Department of MCA

Subject Name: Python Programming

Sub Code: 22MCA201
Question Bank

Sl. No. UNIT-I Marks CO; BL

1. Discuss the different types of break and continue statements in 10 CO1; L2
Python with proper syntax and examples.
2. Illustrate the concept of identifier with examples also list the set of rules to 05 CO1; L2
create an identifier.
3. Discuss about the arithmetic, assignment, comparison and bitwise 10 CO1; L2
operators with examples.
4. Interpret identity and membership operators in python with proper 05 CO1; L1, L2
code snippet.
5. List and explain the basic types of arguments used in functions 10 CO1; L2
6. Discuss the working of if statements with examples. 06 CO1; L2
8. Discuss the importance indentation of python with example 05 CO1; L2
9. Define Function and give general form for defining and calling Functions 10 CO1; L1, L2
in Python with examples.
10. Discuss the working of Anonymous functions in python. 05 CO1; L2
11 Interpret the following in python functions with suitable code 10 CO1; L2
i)Positional arguments ii) Keyword arguments iii) Variable length
12 Write a python program to add n numbers accepted from the user input. 05 CO1; L3
13 Discuss Mutable and Immutable Data Types in python 05 CO1; L2
14 Implement a python program to search an element using linear search 05 CO1; L3
15 Implement a python program to search an element using Binary search 05 CO1; L3
16 Write Python code to check if a given year is a leap year or not. 6 CO1; L3
1. Discuss the List basic operations in detail. Explain different 10 CO2;L2
operation on List like extend, insertion, deletion etc.
2. Implement a python program to simulate stack operations using list. 8 CO2; L2
3. Discuss the slicing and indexing methods of strings with examples 8 CO2; L2
4. Discuss the basic string methods with examples 10 CO2; L2
5. Discuss the working of dictionary in python 05 CO2; L2
6. With an example explain the file handling methods of python with 10 CO2; L2
7. Implement the python code to depict the different insertion operations to 6 CO2; L3
perform on List.
8 Discuss the set basic operations in detail. Explain different 10 CO2;L2
operation on set like extend, insertion, deletion etc.
9. Discuss the tuples basic operations in detail. Explain different 10 CO2;L2
operation on tuples like extend, insertion, deletion etc.
10 Illustrate exception handling in Python with suitable examples. 10 CO2; L2
11 Implement the python code to depict the different deletion operations to 6 CO2; L3
perform on dictionary.
12 Implement the python code to depict the different insertion operations to 6 CO2; L3
perform on sets.
13 Discuss the following dictionary methods with an example. CO2; L2
a) get() b) keys() c) pop() d) update() e) values() f) items()
1. With an example explain the concept of Inheritance with example 8 CO2; L3
2. Discuss the creation of constructors in python 5 CO2; L2
3. Illustrate the creation of class and object with proper syntax and 5 CO2; L2
4. Create a Bus object that will inherit all of the variables and methods of the 6 CO2; L3
parent Vehicle class and display it.
5. Write a python program using object oriented programming to 10 CO2; L3
demonstrate encapsulation, overloading and inheritance
6. Explain operator overloading with the help of an example 5 CO2; L2
7. Write a brief note on PIP. Explain installing packages via PIP 6 CO2; L2
8. What are the two ways of importing a module? Which one is more 5 CO2; L2
beneficial? Explain
9. List out the types of Modules and Explain any two types in detail 10 CO2; L2
10. What is JSON? Discuss with example. Compare it with dictionary 8 CO2; L2
11. What are Regular expressions? What are the different steps to be 5 CO2; L2
followed to use a regular expression in Python.
12. Describe with suitable python code snippet the working of find all(), 8 CO2; L3
search(),split(),sub() with examples.
13. What is a package? How to download a package, import a package, 8 CO2; L2
remove a package in python.
1. Discuss the process of web scrapping in python. 10 CO4; L2
2. Elaborate the creation and working of ndarrays in python with 10 CO4; L2
suitable examples.
3. Briefly explain the NumPy array slicing with example 05 CO4; L2
4. Interpret the python universal function ufunc in brief. 10 CO4; L2
5. Discuss the NumPy data types in brief 05 CO4; L2
6. Interpret the following in python functions with suitable code 10 CO4; L2
1. Sum 2. Min 3. max
7. Discuss the basic numerical operations on NumPy arrays 10 CO4; L2
8. Discuss the rules of array broadcasting (Computation on arrays) in 5 CO4; L2
1. Discuss the concept of data visualization in python 05 CO5; L2
2. Discuss the different Python Libraries used for data visualization 05 CO5; L2
3. Discuss Matplotlib visualization library in depth 10 CO5; L2
4. Describe the methods used to identify and handle missing and Handling 10 CO5; L2
Duplicates values in a Data Frame
5. Discuss univariate (box plot) nature of visualization with a snippet 10 CO5; L2
of code
6. Discuss bivariate (scatter plot) nature of visualization with a snippet 10 CO5; L2
of code
7. Discuss the countplot and histogram features of visualization 10 CO5; L2
8. With example explain head (), tail (), iloc () method 10 CO5; L2
9. Illustrate the working of data frame. aggregate function in pandas 05 CO5; L2
10. Briefly discuss how a CSV file can be loaded in python 05 CO5; L2
11. Discuss the working of strip function in python 05 CO5; L2
12. Discuss the aspects of data preprocessing in python 10 CO5; L2
13. Discuss the working of panda’s series object with example 10 CO5; L2
14. Discuss the working of pandas Data Frame with examples 10 CO5; L2
15. Discuss the steps involved in Data wrangling process in python 10 CO5; L2

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