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HUMAN FLOURISHING Trade- emerged as a means for communities to

obtain goods to e exchange of products, ranging

Eudaimonia- the “good spirited” term coined by
from essential items like crops to luxury goods.
renowned Greek philosopher Aristotle to
describe the pinnacle of happiness. Technology- played a pivotal role in improving
human life and achieving the good life.
4 components of Aristotle human flourishing
discussed by Nicomachean Ethics: Medicine- traced back to the concoction of
remedies and potions to ward off illnesses.
phronesis, friendship, wealth, and power.
Gross Domestic Product- used to gauge a
Western Civilization- tends to be more focused
country ' s economic performance and
on the individual, while those from the east are
more community-centric
Heidegger- proposed that technology is what
scientific method- is introduced in the earlier
humans do.
part of discussions.
verification theory- The earliest criterion that
distinguishes philosophy and science. ARISTOTLE- the first thinker who dabbled into
the complex problematization of the end goal of
Vienna Circle- a group of scholars who believed
life: happiness.
that only those which can be observed should
be regarded as meaningful and reject. PLATO- claims that despite the reality of change,
things remain and they retain their ultimate.
falsification theory-asserts that as long as an
ideology is not proven to be false and can best Also he can only sense the two realities of
explain a phenomenon over alternative theories change: the world of forms and the world of
eudaimonic- a person is required to be
knowledgeable about science, among other Forms- the entities are only copies of the ideal
things of equal importance. and the models, and the forms are the only real
Matter- things are changing and impermanent.
man-made extinction- the first case that
occurred over 12,000 years due to hunting and JOHN STAURT MILL- The Greatest Happiness
etc. Principle.

Holocene extinction- known as the sixth Materialism- the first materialists are atomists
extinction or Anthropocene extinction, has been and the beliefs of Democritus and Leucippus is
ongoing for as long as 100,000 to 200,000 years that the world is made up of and is controlled
by the tiny indivisible units in the world called
Agriculture- emerged around 9000 years ago
atomos or seeds
and its cultivated the land led to terrains.

Civilizations- characterized by the need for

resource exchange, the development of
governance etc.
Hedonism- the hedonists parts was to see the - He designed the Analytical Engine that
end goal of life in acquiring pleasure and the become the foundational concept for
mantra this school of thought is the famous, comp.
"Eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die.
Osborne 1 – the beginning of laptop
Stoicism- the stoics espoused the idea that to
development leading to diverse models
generate happiness, one must learn to distance
in April 1981.
oneself and be apathetic.

Theism- e ultimate basis of happiness for theists Television- plays a central role as a
is the communion with God. platform for advertising and information
Humanism- another school of thought espouses
the freedom of man to carve his own destiny, Personal computers or laptops-
free from the shackles of a God that monitors preferred choices for comfortable and
and controls. convenient.
ETHICAL DILEMMAS faced by these
Technology- Greek words techne and logos technological advancement
which mean art and word. And technology
concept started from machine and tools. Dilemma 1: Health and Productivity
Advantages: best communication, makes life Dilemma 2: Moral dilemma faced by
easier, give pleasure and happiness and offer children
different jobs. Iimplification

Disadvantages- most technology rely on The international Federation of Robotics

electricity, most are expensive. and United Nations Economic
Comission for Europe- made their task
Urban- 92 % that has tv sets
to formulate a working definition for
Rural- 70 % “ “ service robots.

Paul Nipkow- who invented electric telescope in

the late 1800’s

Alan Campbell Swinton and Boris Rosing- who’s

created a new system using cathode ray tubes.

Martin Cooper of Motorola- the one who

created the first mobile phone in April 3, 1973.
It has 1.1 kilograms and 30 mins talk time.

Motorola DynaTAC 8000x- first commercial

mobile phone in 1983 by Motorola.

Charles Babbage- A 19th Century English

Mathematics Professor.

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