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Gender and Society Asynchronous Task

FP Luferdz M. Ramos

1. Based on the article, is it possible to have intimacy without sex? How?

2. Explain intimacy vs. nonintimacy.

3. Why did the author mentioned that intimacy can be scary? Give examples of situations that might lead to negative
behavior related to intimacy.


1. Yes, it is possible to have intimacy without sex. Because initmacy is a broad term in which it encompasses
emotional, intellectual, and physical aspect between two people. Intimacy can be shown through engaging in
meaningful conversations like talking about the thoughts and feelings. Another one is spending quality time together,
it is about doing activities that you both enjoy. Also, showing affection and being supportive can be another way of
intimacy. Expressing your love and affection for your partner through physical touch or being by there side during
difficult times can mean a lot to them. Intimacy can vary depending on person but the most important is
communication because there are things that might good for others but bad on the perspective of other people.

2. Intimacy refers to the closeness and connection between two people, which can be emotional, intellectual, or
physical. Intimacy is an essential part of intimate relationships, but it also plays an important role in other
relationships with friends, family members, and other acquaintances. On the other hand, non-intimacy refers to a
lack of closeness or connection between two people. It is characterized by a lack of emotional and physical intimacy,
and a sense of detachment or disinterest.

3. The author mentioned that intimacy can be scary because it involves vulnerability and risk-taking. When someone
takes the risk of being vulnerable with another person, they are opening themselves up to the possibility of being
hurt or rejected.

Some examples of situations is fear of abandonment, it is a common fear that can arise when someone has
experienced abandonment in the past in which it can lead to jealousy, or pushing others away. Another one is a lack
of trust, it can arise when someone has been betrayed or hurt in the past in which it can lead to behaviors such as
suspicion and difficulty opening up to others.

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