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2018~2019 年雅思口语 Part 2 真题(新加坡考区)
2018. 3
1. Describe a period of history that you are interested in.
2. Describe one day when you can buy things at a lower price.
3. Describe an occasion that requires you to be polite.
4. Describe an important meal.
5. Describe your favorite season.
6. Describe a planned trip.
7. Describe a kind of wild animal that you like.
8. Describe a successful athlete.
9. Describe your favorite subject.
10. Describe an electronic device that you often use.

1. Describe a Chinese traditional festival
2. Describe a place or a city that you would like to live or work
3. Describe a story that other people told you
4. Describe an occasion that requires you to be polite.
5. Describe an improvement of a public place
6. Describe a good service in a shop or a company
7. Describe something important that you learnt not at school
8. Describe a job that you wanted to do the most when you were a child
9. Describe a person who is popular
10. Describe a toy from your childhood
11. Describe a lake
12. Describe a restaurant that you like
13. Describe a TV program which is educational

1. Describe a children’s talk
2. Describe a street market
3. Describe a memory that made you happy
4. Describe a competition
5. Describe a change
6. Describe a sport
7. Describe what you like to wear on special occasions
8. Describe a comic actor who is popular in your country
9. Describe a website
10. Describe a job you like to do
11. Describe a thing you want to throw
12. Describe an important thing you lost and then found
1. Describe a supermarket
2. Describe something that makes you happy
3. Describe a competition
4. Describe a kind of sport that you watched before and you want to have a try by yourself
5. Describe a clothing
6. Describe a building
7. Describe a website
8. Describe something your friend did and you also want to do
9. Describe something which is important to concentrate on your study/ work

1. Describe a traditional festival
2. Describe a place that you want to visit for your next trip
3. Describe a story you like
4. Describe a best friend your remember in your childhood
5. Describe a website you visit regularly
6. Describe a service you had at a shop or a company
7. Describe a photo that someone showed you before
8. Describe a job that you think might be interesting
9. Describe a popular person you know
10. Describe a first cell phone you got
11. Describe something you do with the old people in your family
12. Describe a time when you helped your friend
1. Describe a person you know who talks a lot
2. Describe a small street
3. Describe something that makes you happy
4. Describe a place that you plan to travel to
5. Describe something that changed you plan
6. Describe a kind of clothes that you wear when you attend a special occasion
7. Describe your favorite actor and movie
8. Describe one of your friend’s hobby
9. Describe a website that you usually use
10. Describe a quiet place where you like to spend time
11. Describe your dream job

1. Describe your favorite person
2. Describe a street market
3. Describe your biggest happiness
4. Describe a future plan
5. Describe a comic actor
6. Describe something that helps you concentrate on study
7. Describe a traditional Chinese architecture
8. Describe something that your friend did before
9. Describe a website
10 Describe something that you want to replace
11. Describe a quiet place you like

1. Describe a person who talks a lot
2. Describe a sport that you have only watched but never tried before
3. Describe a special clothing you will dress at important occasions
4. Describe a comic actor
5. Describe a building
6. Describe something your friend has done but didn’t
7. Describe a website that you visit the most
8. Describe a thing you own but you want to replace
9. Describe the first cellphone you got

1. Introduce a youngster that you know of
2. Describe a place that you would like to travel to
3. Talk about the place you are living now
4. Describe a book that you read recently
5. Describe a song that is meaningful
6. Describe a law that you know
7. Describe a complaint
8. Describe an interesting person that you would like to meet
9. Describe an interesting job
10. Describe a person who you haven’t met before and would like to meet in the future
11. Describe something that you wanted to have before

1. Describe a party
2. Describe an ideal house
3. A person you met and you think he/she is beautiful or handsome
4. Describe your favorite food
5. Describe a situation when others didn’t tell you the whole truth
6. Describe a time when you found something that someone had lost
7. Describe a person you enjoyed working or studying with
8. Describe a good news you have heard
9. Describe your free time activity

1. Describe a party
2. Describe an intelligent person you know
3. Describe a job which your grandparents had done
4. Describe an academic success
5. Describe a special food
6. Describe something that someone lost and you found

1. Describe a historical building that you learnt from other cultures
2. Describe a place with animals
3. Describe an interesting old person that you know
4. Describe a person who you met recently and would like to meet again
5. Describe a piece of art you know
6. Describe a time you needed to repair a broken item
7. Describe an electronic device that you bought but regretted
8. Describe an occasion that you woke up early
9. Describe a lifestyle which is good for body health.
10. Describe something that you would like to do but you didn’t mange to
11. Describe an unexpected event
12. Describe a bad service that you had
13. Describe a special date in your country’s history
14. Describe a useful website
15. Describe a movie/TV show that made you laugh
16. Describe a course that you didn’t like before but now you like it
17. Describe a stuff you bought that do not use a lot
18. Describe a free day off work/study

1. Describe a foreign language
2. Describe a time when you solved a problem through the Internet
3. Describe a time when you gave advice
4. Describe a person who helped to protect the environment
5. Describe an occasion when you got up extremely early in the morning
6. Describe a time when you borrowed something from your family or friend
7. Describe a book you want to write
8. Describe a historical building that you want to visit

1. Describe a piece of advice that you gave to a friend.
2. Describe a person who has encouraged you.
3. Describe a place where you spent time with your friends
4. Describe a garden you visited before.
5. Describe a person who likes to help others in free time.
6. Describe an advertisement that you remembered well
7. Describe a piece of clothes
8. Describe an occasion that you woke up early
9. Describe someone who speaks a foreign language well
10. Describe a time you solved a problem through the Internet
11. Describe a movie/TV show that made you laugh

1. Describe a party you enjoyed.
2. Describe a time that the Internet help you to solve a problem.
3. Describe an experience that the vehicle you took broke down in your trip. (e.g. car, bus,
4. Describe one time you helped your friend get success that made you proud of.
5. Describe a job that your grandparents did.
6. Describe a place you want to live.
7. Describe someone you met that you think is handsome/ beautiful.
8. Describe your favorite food and how you made it.
9. Describe a historical building you have seen and would like to learn.
10. Describe one eating place in your hometown.

1. Describe a gift you used to give.
2. Describe an occasion when you felt bored.
3. Describe a place full of colors.

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