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Creative Output
To get people to understand, it is words that they hear,
for them to listen, these are what you need.
Context, mood, audience, purpose and tone so they hold dear,
with language, style, form and structure, their brain you shall knead.
In everyday life, we must learn to use CAPMT, form, structure,
language and style to represent better our words in how we express
ourselves. With CAPMT we better understand what we speak or
write is reflected in the audience. With form and structure, we learn
the effects of how we write psychologically, as it in a way lets us
pick and choose where we want the readers to slow down, what to
emphasize and what not, so it is useful for advertisements and
creating suspense through pacing. Lastly, with language and style, it
acts as the herbs and spices of our writing. They allow us to vary
how we word our sentences. They also allow us to express how we
feel through things such as figurative speech and Lexis, words and
phrases that when together, have a different meaning.

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