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Carrera: DERECHO
Facultad: DERECHO
Modalidad: Sistema Abierto
Nombre: Carlos Miguel Méndez Hernández

Unit 2 Reading

Lee el texto y responde correctamente.
Reading – INSTRUCTIONS: Read the following text. From numbers 1 to 5, choose the correct answer
(A, B or C).

Tony Smith is a university student from Alberta Canada, but he studies at the University of Washington
in the United States. He loves science and language, but he hates maths and history, chemistry and physics
are ok. He really likes his school because is very big and modern. Classrooms are flexible spaces where
teachers can work using technology and students can do their homework most of the time around the
campus fields and library. The science classroom has an electronic board and a projector on the right side
of the room, some language dictionaries and language books on the left side and 10 CD players at the
back. Each classroom has wifi connection so students can connect their laptops or cell pones to it to look
for extra information about their courses.

1.Tony is a Canadian student.

A. American B. Mexican C. Canadian

2. Tony’s favorite subjects are science and language.

A. maths and history B. science and language C. chemistry and physics

3. Students can do their homework mainly at the campus fields and library.
A. at the campus B. at home C. at the campus fields and library

4. Bibliographic material is on the left side of the classroom.

A. at the back B. on the right side C. on the left side

5. Students study more using laptops or cell phones.

A. laptops or cell phones B. extra information C. their courses

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