Tugas 2 Writing 1

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Tugas 2 Writing 1

Nama : Larashati Karunia Apridhita

NIM : 050453553

Gajahmada street

October 30, 2023

Dear Rin,

How are you? I hope you and your family are doing great. It has been a really long time since we met
each other. I am writing this letter to tell you about my experience during admission at Universitas
Indonesia or UT. Just about 3 month ago I decided to apply to UT.

I always tell you before that I want to continue my study, but I don’t have time for it. Than one of my
aunt tell my about UT. She said her friend use to study there and she said that the whole classes is
online. I kind of intrigued by that so I decided to find some information about UT. After finding some
information about intuition fee and learning methods I decided to apply to UT. In July I was doing an
online registration, it’s actually pretty easy but I have a bit of a problem with my certificate of
graduation because the legalization stamp is blurry so I have to go to my high school to get a new
legalization stamp. Because there’s no entrance exam in UT everyone can apply to the University.
After waiting for 2 months they announce a student orientation. The student orientation is pretty fun.
We were dancing, singing and doing some Q&A. I got a lot of information from the orientation.

Because I choose the non face to face classes, I got an online tutorial. Online tutorial started on
October 2. The online tutorial divided into 8 session. I got quite nervous about the whole online
tutorial because I heard that there is a lot of assignment. After almost a month of doing online tutorial
I can confirm that there is so many assignment. I got 6 discussion every weeks plus 6 assignment at
session 3,5 and 7. But you know what is not that bad, I can still manage my schedule. I usually done
my assignment in the morning before going to work and at night after work. And I have to finish my
discussion and assignment before weekend because I want to relax in the weekend.

That’s all my whole experience during admission at UT. I hope you’re thesis is going well and I hope
you can graduated quickly. Write back to me and let my know if you’re back in town. I wish we can
meet really soon. Take care.

Your dearest friend


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