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RPK files

Decoding and converting rpk files

Converting and Decoding RPKs

~NOTE: To use these you'll first need to make a folder on your desktop and call that
RPK, put resdecode.exe and resconvert.exe in that folder.

1: goto start then click run, this will open a pathfinder type in cmd and press enter. This
will open your windowscommand prompt wich is a shell version of DOS. You'll have to
browse to your RPKfolder on your desktop. Wich is done in this way.
1: type and enter cd desktop
2: type and enter cd RPK
Now your inside the RPKfolder but in a kind of DOSmode.

2: Decoding the chosen RPKfile after browsing to your RPK folder in this
commandprompt type and enter:
resdecode "name of rpkfile".
Like if you want to convert the file Baiern.rpk then type and enter:
resdecode baiern.
now your RPKfile is decoded to an RDBfile wich you open in notepad and now can
change and save. After desired changes are made save your original rpk to an
backupfolder somewhere you like best (taking it out of RPKfolder).

1: Always make sure that there is no RPKfile present in the RPKfolder with the same
name as the RDBfile your gonna convert to RPK. This to forcome trouble!

2: Open up your commandprompt and browse with it to your RPKfolder like explained
up in this tutorials in decoding.

3: when at C:documents and settings"owners name"desktopRPK>

type and enter: resconvert "name of file"
so if the RDBfile is named Baiern.rdb type and enter:
resconvert baiern.
If all went okay you'll see some codes coming up on the screen and when they stop your
rpk is made.

If it stops early giving a errorcode or wont begin with converting, you can contact me at
my msn.

All I further can say is only expirimenting is the best way to learn!! Have fun!!!

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