Writing A Movie and Book Review

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Jitter James H.

Abelarde December 6, 2022

12 - Friendship

Movie Review of Freedom Writers

The Freedom Writers was released on January 5, 2007. It is an American drama

film directed and written by Richard LaGravenese. It is a true story about a white

teacher (Hilary Swank) attempting to cause a change in a classroom full of black,

Latino, and Asian high school freshman who has all the makings of another criticism.

Rather of giving up, she encourages her freshman to be involved in their schooling and

to plan for the future of her students. She gives them reading assignments that are

relevant to their daily lives and exhorts them to all keep journals.

The movie inspires viewers to cultivate and use good principles to improve ourselves.

Doing what is right, being nice, polite, respecting others, finding the truth, and using it in

daily life are among the key virtues encouraged in the film. Its principal subject is the

advancement of morally upright behavior. A lesson in the film is to never surrender on a

student’s success merely because of what the teacher observes. This is a special film, it

is also an effective drama with a large emotional passages that frequently feel more

authentic than staged.

Jitter James H. Abelarde December 6, 2022

12 - Friendship

Book Review of The Great Gatsby

The third novel of F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby, was published in 1925

by Charles Scribner’s Sons. The story takes place in America during the Roaring 20s

and is told by Nick Carraway, a guy from a wealthy family who recently returned from

serving in the military and is now looking to sell bonds. The main theme of The Great

Gatsby is unrealized hopes. Gatsby aggressively pursues what he did not have,

especially material fortune, since his ambition is to win Daisy back to him, but he loses

himself in the process and is unable to realize his ideal.

The novel’s main goal is to offer a scathing critique of the American Dream as it was

understood in the 1900s. “I hope she'll be a fool… that's the best thing a girl can be in

this world, a beautiful little fool”, these are the phrases Daisy uses to express her hopes

for her infant daughter to Nick and Jordan and this statement provides an insightful look

into Daisy’s personality. Passion without restraint isn’t usually a good thing, for a while,

Tom is unaware of Gatsby and Daisy’s brief liaison until he sees Jay at his beloved in

broad daylight.

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