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The company shall submit documentation showing that the company:

a) complies with the obligation to provide an authorised occupational health service pursuant to section
3-3 of the Working Environment Act,

b) complies with the requirement regarding internal safety service pursuant to chapters 6 and 7 of the
Working Environment Act,

c) has written contracts of employment pursuant to sections 14-5 and 14-6 of the Working Environment
Act for all groups of employees in the company,

d) fulfils the conditions of the current Regulations on General Application of the Collective Agreement
for cleaning companies and,

e) has an arrangement ensuring the employees financial compensation in the event of occupational

In the case of companies with foreign employees from non-EEA countries, it shall be documented that the
employee holds a residence permit to the extent required for the employment concerned. This shall apply
correspondingly for owners of sole proprietorships from non-EEA countries.

About the form

Here you can submit an electronic application for authorisation of a cleaning company. Your application will be processed by
the Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority, and you will be notified in writing when you can apply for HMS cards.

All cleaning companies may apply for authorisation via Altinn.

In order to be authorised, the company must document that it

 provides an authorised occupational health service

 has a safety representative and working environment committee, when so required
 has taken out occupational injury insurance for its employees
 has written contracts of employment for all groups of employees in the company
 fulfils the conditions regarding general application of the collective agreement (minimum wage)

In some cases, documentation of a residence permit is required.

It is useful to have documentation available before filling in the application form.

Useful links

Fact sheet on the authorisation scheme for cleaning companies

Fact sheet on ID cards for cleaning services

Who needs to complete the form

All cleaning companies must apply to the Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority for authorisation. By cleaning company is
meant a company that wholly or partly provides cleaning services or hires out cleaning workers. The obligation to apply for
authorisation also applies to sole proprietorships that have no employees or are operated jointly by married couples.

Role requirements in order to complete and submit the form

To complete this form you need the Altinn role Reporter/sender (Norwegian name: Utfyller/innsender).
You can see what roles you have on behalf of a party on the page Access management. If you don't have the role necessary,
you need someone who has the role to delegate it to you.

The form apply to all cleaning companies that wholly or partly provides cleaning services or hires out cleaning workers.

All reporting groups are required to report as soon as possible.

If necessary the application can be resubmitted. Create a copy of the application, amend the errors, and resubmit. You can
also contact the Helpline.

Legal authority
Regulations on official authorisation of cleaning companies and on procurement of cleaning services

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