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Audrey Woelper

ITEC 3300

Student Response and Assessment Tools

Lesson Title Unraveling Genetic Diversity: Crossing Over and Independent Assortment
Content Area High School Biology Class with 9th and 10th graders

Content Standards SB2. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to analyze how
genetic information is expressed in cells.
b. Construct an argument based on evidence to support the claim
that inheritable genetic variation may result from:
 New genetic combination through meiosis (crossing over,
SB3. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to analyze how
biological traits are passed on to successive generations.
a. Use Mendel’s law (segregation and independent assortment) to
ask questions and define problems that explain the role of
meiosis in reproductive variability.
Technology Standards 1.1 Empowered Learner
c. Feedback to Improve Practice: Students use technology to seek
feedback that informs and improves their practice and to demonstrate
their learning in a variety of ways.
d. Technology Operations: Students understand the fundamental
concepts of technology operations; demonstrate the ability to choose, use
and troubleshoot current technologies; and are able to transfer their
knowledge to explore emerging technologies.
1.3 Knowledge Constructor
d. Explore Real-World Issues: Students build knowledge by actively
exploring real-world issues and problems, developing ideas and
theories, and pursuing answers and solutions.

Reference or ChatGPT was used to help construct the lesson and it’s components
Supporting Resources

Integrated Tool EdPuzzle, and Kahoot!

Pacing EdPuzzle will be student led, Kahoot! will be teacher led.
Hardware Used Computer

Bloom’s Taxonomy Remember, Understanding, Apply, Analyzing, Evaluate, Create

Integration Level LoTi 1: Students are using technology for central, content-related activities
that are monitored and assessed by the teacher.
LoTi 2: Students are asked to think at higher levels on Bloom’s Taxonomy
LoTi 3: Learning experience is student-centered and real-world applied
learning. Learning tasks have multiple, even unpredictable results. Students
collaborate and share their projects with other students in the classroom.

Universal Design Principle I: Provide Multiple Means of Representation: Pre-teach vocabulary

Rationale in ways the promote connection to the learners’ experience and prior
knowledge. Clarify underlying structure in diagrams and illustrations. Support
decoding of text. Present key concepts in multiple forms. Use of text
equivalents in the form of captions. Provide visual diagrams. The speed or
timing of video. Activate prior knowledge. Highlight patterns and critical
features, big ideas, and relationships. Emphasize key elements in text,
graphics, diagrams. Chunk information into smaller elements. Explicit
opportunity for spaced review and practice.
Principle 2: Use prompts, reminders, and guides to focus on self-regulatory
goals. Use differential models, scaffolds and feedback for managing
frustration. Design activities in which learners get feedback and have access
to alternative scaffolds that support understanding. Use prompts or
requirements to explicitly formulate or restate goals. Use hand-held or
computer-based scheduling tools with reminders. Provide opportunity for
collaboration, peer tutoring and support. Vary the degree of freedom for
acceptable performance. Differentiate the degree of difficulty or complexity
within which core activities can be completed. Design activities so that
outcomes are authentic, communicate to real audiences, and are purposeful.
Principle 3: Use prompts that embed “stop and think”. Provide alternative in
the requirements for rate, timing, and amplitude. Provide alternatives for
physically responding or indicating selections.

Lesson Idea - Prior Students will enter the classroom and begin working on their opener which
will introduce the topic of the day’s lesson. Afterwards the class will discuss
the topic as a group and read an article that is embedded with vocabulary and
comprehension questions about the meiosis plays in maintaining genetic
continuity and genetic variation in regard to crossing over and independent
SRAT Purpose Assess prior knowledge, illuminate common misconceptions, and provide
formative assessment of content knowledge and comprehension.

Question Types Multiple Choice; True/False; Yes/No; Short open-ended response or fill-in the
blank; Longer open-ended response

Lesson Idea - During Students will independently read an article about meiosis, genetic continuity,
genetic diversity, crossing over, and independent assortment. After each
section students will answer an opened ended question on Kahoot! to gauge
comprehension and encourage class discussion about the section. The
teacher will facilitate discussion and ask additional probing questions based
on the feedback from the Kahoot!. Students will have a paper and digital copy
of the article, and Kahoot! will be accessed through their laptops. This activity
will last about 15-20 minutes.
After students are finished with the reading, they will then go on to watch an
EdPuzzle about meiosis and crossing over, that is embedded with questions.
This will allow for further formative assessment to ensure that students are
progressing with their content knowledge. This will take 7 minutes.
Lesson Idea - After Once the students are finished with their EdPuzzle we will transition to the
closer, which will be accessible on their class website. The closer is 2 multiple
choice questions that will serve as an additional formative assessment to
ensure students have the content knowledge needed to move on to the next
Data Plan The data will be used for formative assessment to help the teacher gauge
what content needs to be elaborated and explained more as well as which
students might need more support. Students will receive a participation grade
for this class but their performance data will be solely used for the teacher to
gauge content comprehension.
Data will be shared anonymously with the class to facilitate student lead
Personal Learning I have not ever used an SRT. I am hoping to use these tools to build out a
Goals lesson that is meaningful and engaging to students. I am hoping that use the
Kahoot! platform to help me differentiate instruction to ensure that all students
are successful.

Design Reflection I believe that the student activities will promote student engagement and
facilitate student led learning.

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