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"Año del Fortalecimiento de la Soberanía

Universidad Privada San Juan Bautista
Escuela de Psicología

Lectura con practica simple past tense

PC3 - Actividad 1
Docente: Gianella Felicia Mayorga Aguilar
Ciclo : 1
Estudiante :
Allison Giorleny Gutierrez Sihuin
Put the verbs in the brackets into Past Simple ( all verbs are
My mum loved Australia.She adored anything connected to Australia.
Kangaroos, koala bears,Uluru, sun, sea and surfing, she loved all that. She even
supported the Aussie cricket team andwe are British! She also liked to
watchAustralian soaps: ‘Neighbours’, ‘Home and Away’, ‘the YoungDoctors’.
She dreamied to go and visit the countryand my dad agreed. My sister Ginny
and I werealso ready to go: I must admit, I like Australia, too! We saved up for
three yearsfor our trip and finally, last summer, we traveled . Luckily, that was
before thecoronavirus pandemic! We hurried to Sydney and stoped in the town
centrein a nice hotel. We stayied there for five days. We looked at the
OperaHouse of course, but we didn’t go to an opera. We had atrip out to see
Uluru. It was magnificent, a brilliant sight. We wanted to see some of the
wildlife, so we booked a trip to Edith Falls National Park. The scenery was
wonderful and it was great to see koala bears! Finally, we visited Northern
Queensland and enjoyed some time at a fantastic beach. We didn’t surf, but we
jumped into the sea from the rock. It was brilliant.We noticed the people were
very friendly; everyone greeted us with a ‘G’day’ and the food was really
delicious. My mum was so happy! Now, she wants to go and live there, but my
dad says ‘No!’ – well, at least for the time being!
By Lucy from Coventry, UK
Say if the following sentences are TRUE or FALSE:
1. (F) Lucy’s mum hates Australia and things to do with Australia.
2. (V) Lucy and her family are British.
3. (F) Lucy and her sister Ginny didn’t want to go to Australia.
4. (V) They were in Australia before the pandemic.
5. (F) They visited an opera.
6. (V) They were in a national park and saw some koala bears.
7. (F) When they were at the beach, they went surfing.
8. (V) They all think that the Australians were very friendly.

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